Avatar of Dutchess Sarah
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    1. Dutchess Sarah 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Back in business... game on! :)


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Name Dylan Fischer

Gender Male

District 4

Age 16

Appearance Dylan looks like he belongs at sea. His wavy brown hair and shocking blue eyes make him a favourite with the ladies. Dylan is fairly tall, 190cm, and his outdoor lifestyle has left him looking fit and tan.

Biography Dylan comes from a long line of fishermen. He's skilled with a spear and knows his way around a raft or boat. He's a strong swimmer. Dylan was drafted and really doesn't want to do this.

Personality Kind, open-hearted, reliable and trusting, Dylan is true to his name. He makes friends easily and dreads the idea of the Hunger Games.


Name Meredith

Gender Female

District 4

Age 17

Appearance Meredith is a small, frail looking blonde girl with green eyes. She's much stronger and tougher than she looks.

Biography Being the only girl in a male dominated fishing family, Meredith has learned to make her appearance work in her favour. Her tiny frame and cute appearance causes people to underestimate her. She's skilled with nets and can tie a mean knot.
Meredith volunteerd to protect her friend Marina and her family. Marina's mom died last year in an accident that left her father badly wounded. Without Marina to support the family, her 3 younger siblings will surely become a burden to the village. Marina is equal parts frustrated and thankful, Meredith is strenghtened by the thought that she is doing right by her best friend.

Personality Always underestimated due to her appearance, Meredith knows how to use the frail little girl routine to get what she wants. Make no mistake, she's stronger than most, both physically and mentally, and will not hesitate to do what needs to be done to survive.

Lavender had considered shimmering out of sight again during the presentation, when this girl had sat down next to her.
It seemed rude to disappear, the girl had obviously noticed her, so Lavender took a deep breath and tried to concentrate on the professor's introduction. Listening to the briefing, Lavender smiled to herself. No matter where you went, magical or non, school was obviously school. The same shitty rules everywhere. The coconut thing was different, though. The presentation of the list suddenly made it real, somehow, but Lavender supressed the urge to disappear once more. Time to face this.

As the girl got up to check her room number and get her key Lavender had again considered disappearing. It wasn't that she didn't want to meet all these people, but the whole thing was totally overwhelming. Within the space of an hour, Lavender had gone from being an only child with little to no friends to being surrounded by new faces, boisterous sounds and even a small fight. And she would probably have to share a room with at least one of them. Lavender suddenly felt shy and oddly out in the open, which is why she let everyone else move towards the table and the room chart first.

Before she could even seriously consider her next move, her former neighbour returned. She only seemed to notice Lavender properly at this point, and Lavender couldn't help but smile back at the girl who had sat down beside her. Open, cheerful, and late, Mina appeared her opposite in almost every way. Aware she'd be rude if she didn't at least say something, Lavender said: "Hi Mina, I'm Lavender." Lavender almost panicked, searching for something else to say, when suddenly, something popped up. "What room are you in?"

Check and check! will get on it today... shopping first!
(adulting sucks!)
sounds interesting
did this ever get out of it's interest check phase?

Character sheet?
@Oooie Thanks!
@EchoicChamber She's in!

@VitoftheVoid how's your Norwegian? We could have some fun here...
Lavender had been sitting at one of the tables in the back. Worried about being late, her parents had actually managed to arrive an hour before the first bus. Lavender had been glad for the opportunity to share this experience with her parents, without the presence of other students. Her parents were not magical after all, and none of them had known exactly what to expect.

At first glance, the building had appeared like something out of a Jane Austen novel. It had nothing on Pemberley of course, but even though Lavender knew the school had only been built a few years ago, it looked like it belonged in that other, simpler time. She had turned to her parents, who looked both surprised and somehow comforted. Of course magic had been involved in the creation of the school, but the fact that it reminded them of something made it somehow easier to accept.
In the silence of the empty school, Lavender had sensed the calm before a storm. She took full advantage of the chance to say goodbye to her parents in private, before walking up to the table and signing in. She received a set of papers and the instruction to go to the common room and wait for the others.

After admiring the entrance hall, she took her time making her way to the common room. This was a beautiful building, and soon it would be filled with strangers. Best to enjoy the views while she could. Once she got to the common room, Lavender had chosen some food. She'd made sure all the piles looked undisturbed when she was done with them, and had settled down in the back. When the first students had begun to arrive, Lavender had shimmered out. She was still visible, sitting at her table in the back, but somehow people failed to notice her, or failed to fully register her when they did notice.

In her quiet little corner, she had observed everything and everyone. The fight had scared her. Not because she was afraid of violence, but because everyone else seemed to expect it. It made her feel ignorant, it made her feel like an outsider. So far, nothing had prompted her to come out of her shadowy shell.

“Good morning, everyone!” Lavender's head jerked up as the teacher's words broke her concentration. She was now fully visible, and people would suddenly know she was there. For a moment, she considered disappearing again, but she resisted the urge. She shrugged to herself and figured was bound to happen at some point. might as well be now.
Lavender took a deep breath and turned her attention back to the teacher. Suddenly shivering with anticipation, she waited for the school year to begin.
yeah, I've tried like 3 email addresses... sucks!!

as soon as I know how to write Lavender into the story... I'll get started.
can't decide whether she's been there the whole time (wallflower anyone) or is a late arrival
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