Avatar of Ejected
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 996 (0.28 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Ejected 10 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current Oh Guild, how I've missed you.
4 yrs ago
@Filthy Mudblood; If you need help keying his car just say the word and I’m on the way sis.
4 yrs ago
RIP Kobe Bryant, a legend, and his daughter Gianna, who was a legend in the making. πŸ’”
5 yrs ago
I turned 24 on Saturday. Adulthood is still a big ass scam though.
5 yrs ago
On October 3rd, he asked me what day it was... It’s October 3rd.


My name is Jordan, but everyone usually just calls me Jo. I'm 26 years old, and I'm from Brooklyn, NYC.
I've got a little over 14 years of RP experience under my belt.
You'll usually see me in SOL RPs.
My discord is Ejected#5448

βˆ™ Character Vault βˆ™

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Truth be told, calling her father to catch him up on what was going on was the very last thing that was on Ramona's mind, but after walking past numerous devastated students who practically screamed through their phones at their parents, the young woman decided that she might as well keep him updated. After all, it was most of his money that secured her a position there, so why not? It didn't come as much of a surprise to Mona when her father picked up on the first ring, as if he'd been waiting for her to contact him. Andre Martin rarely missed one of his daughter's calls; It was pretty safe to say that he'd begun to miss Mona a whole lot more than she missed being back home. "Well, if it isn't my beautiful Mona!" her father said, his voice booming from the other end of the call. "Finally starting to miss your old man?"

"Of course I miss you, Dad," Mona said, a half-grin appearing on her lips as she shook her head. "I miss you and Mom every single day. You know that I'd call more often if I weren't so... busy."

"Busy, huh?" Andre Martin said, a hint of skepticism evident in his tone. "Busy with all of your schoolwork, or busy going to something you kids call the 'Great Bash' and landing yourself on Academic Probation?"

As soon as her father spoke those words, Mona couldn't help but curse under her breath and roll her eyes. Of course he already knew. "But... how...?"

"You should already know how fast word travels around in this family," Andre responded, letting out a brief laugh. "Pretty sure Chanel heard about it from one of her friends first. Then she may have mentioned it earlier this morning when she stopped by..." Of course it was Aunt Chanel. As much as Mona loved the woman, she knew that once she got word of something as serious as the situation Mona was currently in, it was only a matter of time before her father found out about it too. It took a few moments for Ramona to figure out what to say next, but she was cut off before she could utter the first two words. "I thought we agreed that you'd start taking your life more seriously now that you're in college, Ramona. You can't just keep this 'I don't give a fuck about anything' attitude and think that you're gonna go far... Your mom and I aren't gonna support you financially forever."

"But I am taking my life seriously," Ramona said as she aimlessly walked around the courtyard, her eyes lingering for a second on Jasper and Ty as they stormed in Nate's direction. "So I'm not allowed to have fun anymore? Hell, even if I'd stayed in my room that night, I still would've ended up on probation just like the rest of the Junior class! It's not like I'm the one who decided to get into a fist fight in the middle of what was supposed to be a good time." As she and her father exchanged a few more words, Mona couldn't help but grow angry. This was ruining everything.

"Just make sure you keep me updated, Ramona. And stay focused, please." Her father said at the end of their conversation, before ending their call without even hearing Mona say her goodbyes.

It was after then that Mona realized that she'd lost her appetite. And instead of continuing on towards the cafeteria as usual, the young woman took a moment to re-tie her shoelaces before starting on another jog around campus. Maybe then, after pushing her limits, would she be able to clear her head.

1. Mr. Brightside β€” The Killers
2. Find a Topic β€” Isaiah Rashad
3. Courtesy β€” PRhyme
4. Hope You Do β€” Chris Brown
5. Love Drought β€” Beyonce
6. A BOY IS A GUN β€” Tyler, The Creator
7. The Story of O.J. β€” Jay-Z
8. Once You Say Hello. β€” Phony Ppl
9. Hood Politics β€” Kendrick Lamar
0. Shower Me with Your Love β€” Surface

Ariel and Kavan spent the first few moments of the dance swaying to the beat of the music and idly scanning the room for familiar faces. While Ariel found herself staring in the direction of Kavi and Chrissie, Kavan's head was turned in the opposite direction, his eyes searching for his boyfriend and his pregnant date. It wasn't until after Ariel mentioned that she was going to go get a drink and talk to Shawna that he returned his attention to her. "Oh, okay... cool," Kavan said with a slight nod of his head as she began to walk away. "I guess I'll go see if I can find Archer or Mari." It was as soon as he'd finished speaking, however, that his eyes finally landed upon someone he knew. Unfortunately for him, however, she seemed a little... occupied at the moment.

Kavan watched in sheer shock as Marisol and Ryland moved on the dance floor, their bodies in sync and pressed closely together... perhaps a little too close. But it didn't take long for Kavan to spot Sonny Drake and Julie MacMillan also dancing together not too far away from where the peculiar scene was taking place. To say that Kavan was confused would be an understatement. But he decided against getting involved, instead opting to aimlessly stroll around the area, avoiding the dance floor at all costs. It wasn't until Kavan spotted a familiar face near the front entrance that he wiped the lingering expression from his face and approached her with a warm smile.

"Dani," Kavan spoke to the young woman as he came to a stop beside her. "It's really good to see you again... you didn't come alone, did you? You could've tagged along with me and Ariel."

For the first time since she's been a student at King's Academy, Chanel Martin could actually say that she was pleasantly surprised with how well whatever committee was usually in charge of decorating had done this time around. When Chanel entered the room with Sunshine by her side, she couldn't help but smile a bit as she took in her immediate surroundings; a rather large crowd had already began to form on the dance floor, and Chanel had already made plans in her head to join them... as soon as she found whichever punch bowl had been spiked. It wasn't that she needed any alcohol in her system to have a good time; In fact, Chanel thrived in social settings such as this one. But one... or maybe four cups certainly wouldn't hurt. If anything, it would help her get into the partying mood even faster.

As soon as Sunshine had left Chanel alone by the refreshments table, the young woman grabbed a plastic cup from the stack and began her search for the spiked fountain. She found it sooner than she would've thought, and her nose flared in disgust as she finally took a sip of the crimson colored liquid. Vodka. "Ugh..." the young woman muttered before taking a deep breath and finishing the rest of it in two gulps. She repeated this process once more before tossing her cup into the nearby trash and beginning her search for any familiar faces.

The first person who caught Chanel's eye was, of course, her red-headed best friend; The young woman watched in amusement as her friend moved around on the dance floor with none other than Sonny Drake. Chanel had to admit that she wasn't completely horrified by Sonny's dancing; Sure, he wasn't on some next level Michael Jackson type of shit, but it wasn't nearly as bad as she would've thought. The next person that Chanel found herself eyeing was Chrissie McCoy; Although she did think that the girl looked stunning in her pink dress, she couldn't help but scrunch her nose at the sight of her dancing around with the school man-whore himself. Chanel may have been over whatever little drama had happened before then, but she still didn't trust Kavi as far as she could throw him. "Out of all people..." Chanel murmured as she rolled her eyes and turned to fill up another cup. It was only after finishing it off and making a mental note to give Sunshine her keys that she deemed herself ready to get the party started.

As Chanel made her way to the dance floor, she grabbed the nearest decent-looking guy and hauled him along with her, ignoring the protests of his company. He didn't seem to mind too much, though, especially after she began dancing, matching the sensuality of Zayn Malik's velvety voice. She was determined to have the time of her life that night... though part of her still made sure to keep a watchful eye on her friends (and enemies) while doing so.


"Oh, brother."

Ivy had remained silent as the current events began to unfold in front of her. She had already rolled her suitcase to the side of the bus and took a seat on top of it when Val came bursting through the RV door; Ivy folded her arms across her chest as she watched the girl stormed away, her eyes following her every step from behind her sunglasses. Seconds later, AJ came tumbling out of the RV himself... literally. As the young man hit the ground, Ivy couldn't help but flinch and mutter a quick "ouch" under her breath. Ivy knew better than to get in Val's way when she was angry, so she left that job to Sami, who swooped in just in time to stop her before she got away. Good ol' Sami. What would they do without him?

"Y'know, I actually kinda agree with Chris here," Ivy said after a while as she stood from her seat and grabbed hold of her suitcase once more. She spoke loud enough so that all of her friends could hear her, and directed most of her message towards those who'd only added fuel to the fire. "I mean, come on guys. This is supposed to be a fun trip with a group of friends. I mean shit, this is our last Summer together before college or whatever the hell we got planned, so we gotta make the most of it, right? Can't we just push all the drama to the side for a little while?" Ivy couldn't help but feel a tad hypocritical as she spoke, knowing that it was she who'd invited nearly everyone's "mortal enemy" on the trip, but she brushed that feeling off almost as quick as it had initially came.

As she began rolling her luggage towards the RV door, Ivy shot Ava a quick glance; she looked gorgeous, as usual, but part of her was slightly annoyed at the comments she and Reyna had made. "I love you guys. And I was really looking forward to spending time with all of you... but If I gotta spend these next few weeks breaking up fights and trying to mediate arguments then y'all can just drop my ass off at home." And then she climbed into the RV.

A few seconds later, however, the young woman's head popped right back out. "Not really though, cause I think everybody here knows that I'd much rather be here than at home for the next three months... so let's get it together. Deadass."

And then she was gone again.

A @Bee & @Ejected collab.
Starring Nicole Milano and Carter Newton

The journey to the dance was rather enjoyable. Knowing that Nicole and Carter were around to slay and turn some heads. Nicole took the time to abide by Carter’s wishes, playing some sick tunes as she usually did, but avoiding country as much as she could. She understood where Carter was coming from, who wanted to listen to songs about tractors and fucking their sister on their way to an event more grandeur than every country song put together?

They eventually arrived at the parking lot of the venue, where Nicole took a quick glance at Carter. ”You ready to kick some ass?” Nicole smiled, a little pep in her step already.

As Carter cut the engine once more and removed his keys from the ignition, he turned his head towards Nicole and offered her a smirk. "Well, you seem excited to go party," the young man said with a light chuckle, removing his jacket and tossing it into the backseat; while it did keep him warm during the ride over, it didn't really do much of complementing he and his friend's chosen outfits. The last thing he wanted was for them to look off in their pictures. It was as Carter looked out of the passenger side window and watched a few of his fellow classmates begin to make their way inside that he realized this was his very first time attending a function hosted by his school; not only had he skipped out on Homecoming just a few months prior, but he'd done the exact same every other year.

It wasn't that he didn't enjoy parties, especially not if he had smoked some of his finest product beforehand. It was that Carter had no idea what to expect from this event. Would they actually be able to have any real fun with the faculty and staff practically breathing down their necks the entire time? Would somebody spike the punch bowl like they did in every high school film? Or maybe there'd be some big dramatic fight scene in the middle of the dance in classic King's fashion, which would probably cause them to land in even more trouble before graduation? It wasn't until after Carter noticed Chrissie McCoy running through the front doors with Kavi in tow (and practically forced himself to refrain from rolling his eyes in a mixture of disgust and annoyance) that he finally gave Nicole her answer. "Hell yeah, why not? Let's do this."

”Hell yeah!” Nicole beamed. She was always particular to a party, especially with a man like Carter. Nicole noticed that Carter’s attention focused out of the window, probably toward those people walking up the stairs. Nicole didn’t understand what was so interesting about those people. If anything, Carter could probably get a better understanding once they were out of the car. But, they were in the car for a little longer than they would’ve liked. That was, until Carter spoke up.

”That’s the spirit!” Nicole beamed, opening the door of her car. ”I hope there’s some good tunes in there. I wanna dance.”

The two got out of the car at the same time, and Carter took a moment to straighten himself out before offering the young woman his arm. "Yeah, you and me both," Carter said, laughing as he and Nicole made their way towards the entrance. "More than one Country song and I just might have to leave." He was mostly joking.

Soon the pair had walked in, and Carter's eyebrow raised in surprise at how well the room had been decorated; granted, they had gone just a little overboard, but it was nice nonetheless. As he scanned the room, mainly searching for Stella, Carter saw more than a few familiar faces, most of whom were already on the dance floor; Carter had to admit that is was a bit amusing seeing Kavi Salvador try to keep up with Chrissie's dance moves. "So..." Carter said, looking down at Nicole. "What do you say we go and show those guys over there how it's really done?"

The room’s decoration had definitely caught Nicole’s eyes. It was very well decorated and rightfully so given the type of venue they were in. Guess King’s Academy had more in their back pocket for these sorts of things than Nicole had thought. Not like she minded, because she loved a well decorated environment.

Glancing over to Carter, before looking over to the dance floor to observe one Kavi and one Chrissie trying to dance each other away, she chuckled. ”Yes!” Nicole smiled, before putting her hand on Carter’s arm. ”Come on!” Nicole gestured with her head, egging Carter along.

And so, Carter made a beeline for the dance floor with Nicole right beside him, ready to make the most of the night.

Location | Dorm β†’ Cafeteria

Waking up early was a piece of cake for Zakya Washington. In fact, it was part of her daily routine. Every morning, Zakya got out of bed at exactly six o'clock thanks to one of the six alarms she'd pre-set on Sunday evening. She'd then go through the process of making herself presentable enough to step out into the public: she'd take a roughly ten to fifteen minute shower before standing over her sink in order to wash her face, exfoliate, moisturize, and brush her teeth. She'd then spend another forty minutes or so carefully applying a layer of makeup to her freshly cleansed skin, and picking out the perfect outfit for the day. That day in particular, Zakya opted for a yellow two-piece set that complemented her manicure. Although it was October, she figured that she'd much rather be chilly and stylish than warm and... plain.

From her freshly braided hair and flawlessly winged liner, all the way down to her assortment of expensive-looking jewelry, it was clear to see that Zakya was everything but plain. And it was only after checking the weather on her cell phone that she'd made the split second decision to at least put on a light denim jacket. She absolutely couldn't risk coming down with a cold or something worse.

It's only after Zakya's extensive morning routine that she then gathers her materials for the day, packs everything into a fairly large purse, and heads down to the cafeteria for breakfast; It is the most important meal of the day, after all. The young woman arrived in just enough time to see the cafe open for business, and after scanning her ID card and brightly greeting the lunch ladies (and men), she graciously accepted her tray of food. It was the same as it always was: a bowl of oatmeal topped with blueberries, almonds, and bananas, all paired with three thin slices of turkey bacon and a tall glass of apple juice. And as usual, Zakya made a beeline for the table closest to the exit; On the way there, she gave Bradley Barron a quick smile and wave, only to wrinkle her nose a bit as she turned after spotting the bowl of crickets on his breakfast tray. "How... strange." The young woman muttered to herself as she took her rightful seat and placed all of her things on the table in front of her.

It's while she eats her breakfast that Zakya typically puts in her earbuds and begins to write out her "to-do" list for the rest of the day. As usual, her first few bullet points were the same; "flirt with Leo and/or Samuel during math class" and "beg the administration again to put on a production of Grease" were at the top of that list. Further down on the list were things such as giving herself a facial and fresh manicure, as well as taking a quick trip to the fitness center before the end of the day. "Daily goals produce maximum success..." Zakya said under her breath as she chewed on a piece of bacon and jotted down a few more words on her notepad. "Maybe I'll get some time in the dance studio, too..."

Given the amount of alcohol she'd consumed the night before, it would probably come as a great surprise to many to see how energetic and alive Mona seemed to be that morning as she made her way across campus to attend the eight o'clock assembly. As usual, Mona had gotten up at around six-thirty to prepare for her morning exercises; she'd decided that it would be best to simply head to the assembly following her jog around campus. Mona did feel slightly off as drew closer to the auditorium, her feet pounding the pavement and her lips mouthing the lyrics to the song that blasted through her earbuds. Although she didn't have a killer headache, there was a slight churn in her stomach as she pushed on. There weren't enough painkillers or Martin family remedies in the world that could change that.

But as she finally stepped foot into the crowded space and began her search for an empty seat, it was pretty obvious that she felt a lot better than how some of her classmates looked. Mona's eyes instantly landed upon Nate as she walked down the aisle; he sat with a girl she barely recognized, and Mona could tell by the look on his face, as well as his current outfit, that he was in a hell of a lot of pain. Part of her felt slightly guilty for pushing the young man to drink as much as he did. Maybe then he wouldn't be in the state he was now.

Ramona took the first empty seat she could find, which happened to be closer to the front of the room; she sat in between a guy who still reeked of alcohol, and a girl who could barely keep her eyes open long enough to see the Headmistress signal for their silence, let alone sit upright in her chair. With one of her earbuds still pumping neo-soul into her ear, Mona passively listened as the Headmistress began to speak. She clapped along when instructed to, and nearly fell out of her seat when it was announced that they'd all been placed on Academic Probation. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me," Mona said, mostly to herself as the room erupted in a cacophony of conversation. "She can't just do that to the entire Junior class... right? That's bullshit." When Mona realized that her two seating neighbors weren't paying her any mind, she quickly stood from her chair and followed the rest of the crowd out of the auditorium.

Mona's first instinct was to pull out her cell phone and send a quick message to Junie, but as she furiously typed and made a beeline for the cafeteria, a sudden text message from Nate made her stop in her tracks. "Groping me at the bash... huh?" Mona said, trying to comprehend the message that was displayed on her phone. "Nate, are you still drunk or something, dude?" Mona was prepared to type out a response, but it was in that moment that Mona also noticed that she wasn't the only one in the courtyard who'd received a notification. Her eyes widened as she realized that the message was sent to all of Nate's contacts.


"I reaaaally hope you don't have Ty's number saved in your phone, Nate..."
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