Avatar of Eklispe
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    1. Eklispe 10 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current Try checking the Articles and Guides section
5 yrs ago
I'm not victim blaming but all generalizations are false, even this one.
6 yrs ago
It does.
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6 yrs ago
PC and Tablet ded, send help
6 yrs ago
I lived the land of no internet

Most Recent Posts

Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin furrowed his brow at the sound of voices. They were definitely there and seemed like they were coming from the left where they were more Goldeens. He turned and observed Martin's approach. "I see." He gestured to the left, "I heard some voices down there somewhere if you're interested, hypothetically they could be from one of the teams, that or we can go to the right, where I first went, though anything further than that and your attempts to navigate will be as good as mine." Martin seemed to be rather invested in the thought of finding them so Dawkin figured he'd let him decide where they would go next, afterall it wasn't like he knew his way around this place much better than Martin did anyway. The boy from earlier had caught up and thanked them for their help, as well stating his intended path. Dawkin waved away his thanks and waited for Martin to determine which direction they would head.

So that was how it was. The rat immediately took up a fighting stance and Rindheart got a good grip, metaphorically speaking on the ground around himself, ready to react to whatever the rat did. As soon as the rat leapt into the air Rindheart took a step back and swept upwards with both hands, with the combined diameter of about two large plates, section of rock about a hand tall rocketed out of the ground, with a hollow in the center. The makeshift cup of rock would attempt to swallow up the small rat, giving him just under two seconds to think of something, and once it did so Rindheart would close off the top of it and move forward to clasp it between his hands.


All good for going ahead cap'n
Rindheart stepped into the portal and came out into what could most easily be described as a hellish landscape. Raging fire, cracked and jagged rocks, reaching out with his earth magic he felt the ground beneath wasn't much better in terms of consistency. At least he could avoid stepping onto anything liable to collapse and send him crashing downwards. More importantly however... Rindheart peered forward upon hearing a fearsome yell for him, at first unable to see anything. However upon closer inspection as he made his way forward he could determine that there was a small rat in front of him. Given that rats were likely not native to this region and there was nothing one could only assume this was the creature that had called for him and was his competition.

Rindheart raised a skeptical eyebrow and approached until he was about 10 of his own footsteps away from the creature. "Are you named Pumpkin?" He asked cautiously and somewhat incredously. He was to fight a rat? Well he might not be the most impressive combatant but this was surely was an insult of some sort. Though the mouse being here alone spoke of a hidden nature, obviously there was something that deemed it worthy to participate in this tournament. Likely a shape shifter, certainly it must have access to some sort of formidable magic to make up for its size.
I clicked on the link in the OP and got guild chat back but this thread's channel is still not there.
Rindheart turned to face one of the noise emitting objects as it announced the matches. He was facing... Pumpkin. Was that the gypsy? Eh for all he knew it could be the old man, no point worrying about it. The only point that was odd was that 6 names had been spoken but he only saw 5 combatants including himself. Unless perhaps one those he had deemed non-combatants were in fact participants? Whatever, it made no real difference, his strategy would unfold as soon as he hit the battlefield. Rindheart ran his fingers lightly over his equipment, making sure everything was in its proper place. Time to see about winning this thing, one step at a time. Pumpkin. Rindheart snorted disdainfully at the name and waited for further instructions as he waited in his chair.
Dorisma growled a little. Well make up your minds already. Leaving the zombies behind the group began heading towards the stronghold, the princess making noise over something that Dorisma couldn't be bothered to pay attention to. Well they should get back to the strongold relatively quickly and then they could see about the whole dragon dilemia. Perhaps find out some more about what ever this gray dust was. It seemed to be a powerful enough weapon if she could figure out how to use it to her advantage. It even created more of itself so there was no need to worry about running out.
Rocker Warehouse

"Not the most unreasonable request I've heard." Shatterpoint said flatly. At least the man seemed distractible, if he could just keep him busy for a bit longer, and Wisp kept to her part, then this should be over quickly and relatively painlessly. Shatterpoint take a step forward and knelt down. "And what is your lead?" Shatterpoint didn't mind playing the fool for a bit, as long as it helped further his goals. His minions seemed to be following his lead, practically throwing themselves on the ground to show their surrender.

The PRT Building

Jackson got a silly grin, "Boxing films coming right up." He said cheerily, managing to pull out a tv from one of the boxes and plugging it into the wall. It was an ooold tv, with a screen smaller than most computer monitors these days. As he plugged in a tape into the vcr of all things you got the feeling that this was more about him wanting to watch boxing then finding out about Ruben's parahuman traits. Oh well. The tape in question appeared to be a collection of the '100 greatest boxing matches' and as it played Jackson eagerly fed Ruben information about the fights in question, practically narrating as the film played.
Bleh I'm kinda of working on Exhale post but I'll get warehouse and ruben post out today. Sopia won't loose hold until someone says she can so I think it's best if I wait on that.
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