Avatar of Eklispe
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Current Try checking the Articles and Guides section
5 yrs ago
I'm not victim blaming but all generalizations are false, even this one.
6 yrs ago
It does.
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6 yrs ago
PC and Tablet ded, send help
6 yrs ago
I lived the land of no internet

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Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin's mood fell a little at Joshua's next questions. What was wrong with him? Why did he want to stop them? Here he thought he'd found someone that respected him, at least a little. But it was just another person that looked through him. Joshua's tone may be heated, but Dawkin's response was full of cold scorn. "Don't treat me like a child. I never said the planet would cater to my whims so don't get all pretentious acting like I did. If some freak sandstorm crept up on me I could tunnel into a sand dune with my Pokémon or create a mud ball to keep myself safe. As for finding my way home, the sands may be constantly changing but I think you'll find the stars provide a suitably constant frame of reference for getting where I need to go." Had Dawkin been planning on memorizing the stars that led to town? Well he hadn't, but Joshua didn't know that. Besides, the sun was probably a pretty easy point of reference anyway, if worst came to worst he wasn't above remembering a few stars.

"So I'd be fine, without your help. Just like I've been before meeting you, just like I'll be after. Besides, what are you going to do, stop me? Tch. I'm leaving to explore the dessert tomorrow at sunrise. You can meet me at the edge of town or whatever Amelia." Dawkin said angrily. He carefully put down enough Poke dollars on the table to pay for what he had eaten and began walking out. He would have thrown it, but then the waiter would've had to collect it, and Dawkin's grievance lay only with Joshua. Leaving money for a meal Joshua was supposed to paying for was a pointed insult at best, but Dawkin wasn't feeling very charitable. He liked Joshua and he'd been very informative, but Dawkin couldn't stand being looked down on like that. Hadn't Joshua just said that Dawkin's decision should be respected? Dawkin helped out Martin at the start of his adventure from a swarm of Pokémon. Dawkin had escaped from two members of Team Amethyst who had tried to hunt him down and murder him. Dawkin had caught Pichu, a rare pokemon, out from beneath the vengeful eye of a Sawsbuck. All within just a few days of travelling. Given he was left to his own devices Dawkin would take a careful look at the stars above the town before finding a place to sleep.

Col Ward

Though Col had slept through the night with nary a chance of waking, he still felt somewhat drained by his dreams, if one were generous enough to call them that. A mostly silent meal and they moved along, taking a moment of respite at a stream they found. Just as they were ready to leave Marque spoke up. What he said was rather disturbing. Col take a moment to mull it over. "Well it seems we could find the origin of... Whatever this is. However, I'm not sure we want to. We might end up running into more trouble like whatever happened last night. What do the rest of you think?"

I presume we're waiting for Marque before any of us can post?
Yeah, I was trying to move along to that a little bit.

Hu- huh? Titania spent a moment of confusion trying to figure out what happened. Someone had managed to sneak into the middle of all of them, disable Reina, and start running away before any of them could react, while carrying her! It only took Titania a few reflexive steps of chasing after to realize he was far too fast for her to catch. Isolde however might have more luck, and she, predictably enough, immediately chased after. Titania looked back at Marwood for a moment, "Come on let's go!" she said and hurried after Isolde. It was very likely that this could be a trap and Isolde would have to deal with it by herself if she got too far ahead of them.
Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin felt a little pained to hear that if Amelia home she might not be able to leave. He could imagine that being a harsh thing to deal with. Still, she seemed to be doing well enough despite that. "Isn't it true that no route is completly safe? It wouldn't be much a journey without a little bit of difficulty. We managed to cross the last route together as well, plus I've made it through a few rough scrapes of my own. I understand your concern but I'm sure we can handle, individually or together." Dawkin said confidently. "Anyway, Amelia, do you want help at the temple? I was planning on spending the night in town and setting off in the morning to look for a Cacena, but my course of action is pretty malleable at this point."

That was sneaky
Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin felt relived that Joshua accepted his stance readily enough. However, it was a bit of a sour note to hear that Amelia wasn't able to go solo so readily. "Amelia, before I went with you simply because I felt a sense of obligation but uh. If we're both planning on heading into the dessert anyway, well if you can't find anyone I could go with you." Dawkin said, with a little bit less eloquent speech then he usually favored. "That is if Joshua finds me a suitable substitute." He added on hurriedly, not wanting the veteran trainer to think Dawkin was usurping him in any way.

Dawkin wouldn't mind traveling with Amelia, now that he knew more about her he somewhat admired her, it was so unfortunate she wasn't more physically healthy. Perhaps the price to pay for her other talents. Regardless, Dawkin felt it would be a shame if she couldn't do what she wanted just because her body was a little on the weak side. Besides, they were both going into the dessert and as they'd seen on the plains earlier, having a friend could be nice. "What's this about a temple though? Is there some ruined temple in the desert you plan to go treasure hunting in?" He'd talked with some miners about the Pokemon in the area and the local routes but hadn't heard, or thought to ask, about any sort of temple.

Sofia Stien - The Cruise Room


Sofia was really doing her best to pay attention, but realistically, none of this really concerned her. All she was here for was to look pretty. Anything that was important would be told to her when they got their next mission. Vials were going around and people were getting paid. Sofia leaned back in her seat and looked up at the ceiling, wishing she had been able to bring her ipod to listen to music. But since it was a 'mission' they had to keep their ears free for communications in case something happened.
Col's gonna sleep so don't expect a post from me until the morning.
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