Avatar of Elgappa
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@Ashen One
Depends on which faction you join, but that is pretty much a reasonable size! How about you hop on the discord for further questions?
That are a lot of a´s

Now with a discord link! FREE-PORN AND BEER BEHIND THIS LINK!!!

Ten long, bloody years have passed, since the emperor was murdered. The fine spark, that ignited the powderkeg that was Zengrav. We were humiliated by the nations of the world, nations that once payed us tribute, back when we were the grandiose heavenly empire. But things have changed, and the days when the heavenly blue banner was flying proudly ahead of the Minga riders, are long past.

Too long, we have been the spice-rack of the world, a country to be exploited and robbed! They looted us and forced us to write the unjust treaties, opening up our cities and ports for their decadent ways. And the emperor, grand son of heaven, just watched! His ancestors must tear out their braids in anger, his soul shall ever rot in the afterlife! Yet, his death caused the empire to collapse, as petty warlords and opportunists carved the once mighty empire into minor fiefs and territories. But wolves learn quickly that there is strength in a pack! Four packs there are, all claiming to have the sole plan for the future!

The Monarchists want to install a new heavenly emperor, to cast out the foreigners....yet happily buy their guns and ammunition!

The Nationalists want to turn Zengrav into a modern nation, under a single leader...while the empire of Lavania holds their strings!

The Republicans want a multi-state solution, after an outlandish concept of democracy...while filling their own pockets!

The Communists want to create the Peoples Republic of Zengrav...while holding daggers against each others throat!

The world just watches, as their final battle draws near...the age of warlords is far from over!


We are currently OPEN! You may join us if you want to! Feel free to join the discord and give us a shout!

  • - You are playing a member of a faction! You dont need to be the same ideology as the leader, in contrary, you are more then welcome to stride away from it!
  • - Ambition brings risk, and your Warlord is not immortal! Dumb decisions kill!
  • - You can gain and lose territory for your Clique and even take over your faction over the run of this rp
  • - Should you drop out, i would ask you to write a "death post" for your Warlord! Him or her being assassinated is one of the most easy ways to have him/her removed from the story.


  • - What I say is final. I am the GM. If I say something, that is what happens. I wish to be a harsh, yet benevolent dictator, don't worry.
  • - Follow Guild rules. Be Fonzie cool, no harassment or any of that. If you must have drama, keep it to PMs, or bring in mods.
  • - Don't Godmod. Nothing sucks more than someone pulling out a superweapon in the middle of a battle and wiping half an army out without letting the other person respond. If they've agreed to that, that's different, but then that ain't godmodding.
  • - This RP is heavily lending from the "Fumes of War" rp, which sadly died. A lot of creativity has been taken from there and belongs to the fantastic writers who build up much of the lore for the other nations. Credit where credit is due!

Time to make this a thing then!
Great! Two so far, gonna wait for 2-3 more, before making this a thing!

[You must be a Spam VIP Gold subscriber to view this post.]

"A single stab with a knife, ended a dynasty that has ruled since the dawn of time. A murder, that will set Zengrav aflame.."

Ten years have passed, since the last Heavenly Emperor was murdered on the steps of his palace. Ten years, that have seen the most deadly war, this world has ever seen. The Heavenly Empire has fractured into hundred of small realms of petty warlords. Even the crownation of a new emperor, could not end the unleashed madness of war, brought about by the end of the heavenly dynasty.
Ten years of bitter fighting later, four factions have emerged from the ashes, all with a new vision for Zengrav, determinate to shape the nation into their ideal state...

So whats the base idea?

Great that you ask, Jimmy! Base idea is an nation rp, in which you are not playing a nation! You are playing a clique, a warlord serving a greater cause. There will be an NPC leader above you, a bigger fish, able to cut you off from your supply, should you decide to go fully against your factions will!

-Does that mean i am just a grunt with no free will?

Not at all! You still play a sub-faction, with substantial power inside your faction. Dont get the wrong impression, even the Blues are far from unified and the chaos that Zengrav is in, is a breeding ground for ambition. Over the length of the rp, your clique will gain more and more influence inside your faction, have to deal with rivals and may get to a point, at which it may even take over.

-What will the Setting be? Fantasy?

The setting will be a 1920-40s world, quite similar to ours in a few aspects, with a few exceptions! There are no elves, dragons or the like. Fauna and Flora can be different from our world, but please, keep it in the realm of reasonable! (Yes, Mammoth and other mega-fauna cavalry can potentially be a thing...)

- Radio, newspapers and cinema already have conquered the cities of the "civilized" world, and as such, recordings of the Zengravi Civil War are common around the world.

-Will i have no amount of liberty to make my faction unique?

Oh Jimmy, you are in for a treat! Zengrav has twelve distinguished people for eight i will provide lore and background, with the rest are left open for grabs by the players. You are more then welcome to create a sub-people among them, unique to your faction!

Who is your warlord? Where does he come from? Who follows him and why? How is his army armed, how are they payed? Where is his base of operation? All that, i leave up to you, the player!

Anyone interested?

The smell of fresh bread was in Constantins nose, as he made his way down the stairs. The house was old, yet still in good shape, yet most importantly, all his! His homestead and place to hang his head, to settle down from a life of blood and death. Roxane had already been awake it seemes, preparing a breakfast for a loving husband.
He kept her in this believe, and while not in love, he had to admit that he held some affection for the widow, who fully seemed to have fallen for the rugged charm of an traveler who had seen the world and came home with full pockets. The locals could glare all they want, he was now a landowner himself, and rather happy with the life of a simple farmer. He would try his luck with fruits, already having a contact with a local can producer. "LeBlancs Canned Peaches" had a nice ring to it, even through that greedy rat still wanted to press his own name onto the can as well. Futher negotiations would have to follow in that regard...
Stepping into the kitchen, Constantin layed his eyes on the back of his wife, standing near the stove, the fresh bread already on the table. Maybe it was this that had him made leave China, where future riches and exotic pleasures were still to be discovered, the lack of a feeling of home..

Chisholm Trail or Thereabouts

His two companions would feel a sudden shiver running through the frenchman, as she suddently opened his eyes, sitting in the cramped inside of the carriage, grunting in displeasure over the sudden realization, that he was not home in france, with a loving wife preparing him breakfast, but countless miles away, in a continent he hated the moment he had left the ship...America!
Cursing under his breath, the Mercenary would rub his hand over his face, trying to get the sleep out of his eyes, as his whole body felt stiff from the ride, and his legs ached to leave this cramped carriage. [b]"Kaufman, pass me the water..." Three strangers they were, but at least with Kaufman he had a bound of trust and an old debt to pay back. The Englishmen on the other hand, was just another white face for him, whom he had mistrusted even when he had met him in Sedan, and his sentiment had changed little in the mean time.
With an sigh, he would guide the skin of water to his lips, before taking a hearty sip from it. The humid heat was more bearable inside the carriage, yet still in no way pleasant.
Returing the skin back to Kaufman, he would sink back into his eat, before looking at the englishman, his eyes narrow and with an cold look in them. "So Rosbif, remind me again, why are we marry band of comrades on the way to this Selina? Could we not have performed what every business you had in mind in Doge City?"
There is nothing broken with it! People just need to post, thats all...
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