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"That is reasonable, particularly for showing his experience with Daedra. And I am sure our audience shall enjoy the show." Meesei replied, giving a glance towards a few of the lycans standing on the sidelines as she found a seat for herself. There were several stone benches around that, while not particularly comfortable, were at least conveniently placed.

Just as Meesei was getting settled in, however, a murmuring from some of the crowd across the courtyard caught Meesei's attention. Witnessing teleportation was common for the city's people by this point, but unfortunately, it was not Sabine that was appearing suddenly in front of them. Meesei knew immediately, as Hal-Neesa's magic was entirely different from Meesei's portals, even if the end result was the same. The vampire appeared, and Meesei's brief hope that Neesa was not interested in interacting with them at the moment was quickly dashed once she noticed and started to approach them. Just the look in Neesa's eyes was enough for Meesei to recognize that she had something specific to say.

"Hmph, well at least you were quick to find." Neesa remarked as she pulled what appeared to be a parchment from a pouch. "I have written out the descriptions of the items I require, and I expect them to be delivered right away."

Meesei tried to avoid showing too much of her frustration. If there was anyone that Meesei would not have wanted Rossarm to meet, it was Hal-Neesa. It was already bad enough to have the vampire around the Thalmor; Rossarm and Neesa felt like a disaster waiting to happen. "I am sorry, Neesa, but I honestly have no idea what you are referring to."

Neesa crossed her arms. "I suppose then that your worthless apprentice has not even bothered to inform you, then? No matter. Your apprentice already promised these items would be given to me, and I demand that request be fulfilled as soon as possible."

Meesei did take the list from Neesa's hand, though the descriptions were long and detailed enough that she could not glean much from it in the few seconds she had available. "If Sabine promised you something, then I will trust her judgement. But, it will have to wait until I am done here. We are currently in the middle of some drills to demonstrate the ability of our new ally."

Even without having been informed beforehand, Neesa needed only take in the context of her surroundings to realize that Meesei was referring to the Dunmer at the center of their training area. And unfortunately, Neesa's reaction was every bit what Meesei had come to expect from her. "My demands are far more important than him, 'Champion'."

Julan, while he had to stay still while Thorantilth was working, was in his proper state of mind to respond. The intake of Hist sap had only been required on the first day of receiving his marks. "I guess she didn't know. I won't be able to go on a walk with her; that's so...terrible." He commented without the slightest hint of actual regret.

Zharanthixil largely ignored the comment, instead keeping his eyes locked on Janius. "I will not deny the pain I feel from having to give up my daughter for a second time. Part of the blame for it does indeed lie with you for taking her from me, but I do promise you this: when it is time for you to return to us, I will permit you to be among us as I would my own son. Just be sure that you do return my Kaleeth-Rei to us."
"I see. Well, if you do not think you would be able to learn anything from it, then I may not bother to make the challenge myself if Teroiah has any other plans." Meesei answered, though as they started out into the hall, she started to grin. "Although, speaking entirely selfishly, I would rather like to see those tricks. Even if he does not end up being as strong as Teroiah or myself, that does not mean I could not learn from him. Honestly, I am wondering if Teroiah is curious for the same reason. I wounded her pride when I defeated her, but I have to wonder if I have awakened that same sort of...spirit of competition in her. The same kind that drives me, and so many of us. She would naturally want to make herself strong enough to be confident in besting me, should we ever fight again. Hmm, but I suppose I am just guessing at this point."

Just as she said before they left, Meesei made sure to procure several potions before re-joining the others outside. The training area in question was near one of the outer walls of the city, and Ri'vashi had already cleared out those who had been using it before so that Teroiah could carry out her drills unhindered. Though, that also meant they would have more of an audience than they had for Teroiah's simple warding test.

"As promised, I brought a few healing potions in case of an emergency." Meesei announced as she placed the bottles down on a table up against the outer wall. As it was a usual training area, there were already healing potions kept in a cupboard nearby, but Meesei had made sure to grab a few stronger potions. Depending on Teroiah's plans, the risks could be greater than normal training. "So, what is it exactly that you intend to do, Teroiah?" Meesei asked.

"Yes, and I will be awaiting the day that you find it again." Zharanthixil replied. Walking past Janius, he stood over Julan, watching the Treeminder magically guide the ink beneath his scales. "Once the Treeminder is finished, we will pack away his belongings, and the village will be leaving while there is still enough daylight for us to use. My grandson's marks were the last thing keeping us here, and we will be delaying no longer. If there is anything more you wish to say or do while you are here, then you should do it soon."
Saras showed no change in his concern, looking inquisitively to Fendros. "Do you believe Vile has managed some sort of influence over your family?" He questioned.

For Meesei, it did not surprise her that Saras went immediately went to the worst-case scenario. But, she supposed it at least meant that he would be prepared. "That does not seem terribly likely to me. Even if the enemy somehow learned about Rossarm, they could not know we would attempt to recruit him. I did not know we would be trying it before today. It may simply be his professionalism as a battlemage, and with his past as he described it, I could understand why he would not want to share it with his children. But...all the same, take every precaution as if it were the worst case. In fact, I want heightened security for everyone. Especially regarding anyone who knows of the invasion plans. That is the one piece of information that cannot get into Vile's hands."

"It will be done. The enchantments we have in place already will stop, and detect, any attempts at long-range magical communication from the city. Hal-Neesa has already personally complained to me about their presence, but even she was not able to bypass them." Saras explained, though he soon showed a hint of frustration as he crossed his arms. "And on the subject of the vampire, Champion, she is likely the greatest security risk we have here. She moves around unhindered, openly admits to spying on us, and can leave the clan entirely on a moment's notice, with no way of stopping her. Quite simply, I cannot protect our secrets against her."

Meesei sighed. "You have told me before how you feel about Neesa, and I agree. But, there is nothing we can do about her. We simply have to hope that she is being honest with us about her allegiance. If nothing else, we can be confident that she is strong enough for no one to be able to force her to betray our secrets. It will have to do."

Finally, Meesei stepped over to the door to the hallway. "We should not keep the others waiting much longer. Fendros...how do you think your father would respond to testing his strength against me? Do you think you could learn anything from his reaction?"

On the part of Thorantilth and his work on Julan's tattoos, there was nothing much different from any of the previous days that Janius had observed him. However, Janius would easily have noticed substantially more activity around the rest of the village. The people were packing what belongings had not already been stored away, and saddling their beasts of burden. It seemed like they were preparing to move rather soon.

The final details that remained on Julan's marks would take little under an hour to complete when Zharanthixil. entered the hut. From the fatigue he showed in his movement, as well as the dirt and mud on his scales, his limp did not stop him entirely from working. "Is everything going well, Treeminder?"

Thorantilth nodded. "Indeed. I will be finished just about when I estimated."

Zharanthixil looked directly to Janius. "Then your son will soon be one of us."

As the pair approached the ruins, Kresst was almost as entranced as Mevenn, though perhaps for somewhat varying reasons. One thing he was certain of, however, was that he could feel what Mevenn was feeling. The force felt almost like a beacon to him as well, drawing them in towards its center. It was not strictly light nor darkness, but rather something more...natural, in a way. Though, the source was anything but.

Kresst climbed down off of the speeder the moment Mevenn stopped. The ruins were far from in good condition, so he could not be completely certain what he was looking at just off of first impressions, but he had a rather strong inkling of it. The scholar in him wished it was something he could have found long before their current crisis. It was something he wished they could simply stop and study, especially with the presence it carried with it in the Force. It was a place of life and death, a place with a story he wished he could take the time to read in every crumbling brick. "I...did not know there would be a place like this here. What do you think draws you here, Mevenn?"
"Very well." Meesei nodded. "There is a space in the courtyard near the base this tower that we use for training. Ri'vashi, could you show them all to it?" She asked, gesturing to Teroiah, gro-Tagnud, and Rossarm. "I will go gather some potions regardless. For safety."

On Meesei's order, Ri'vashi lead the three of them out of the room and down towards the courtyard. Meanwhile, Meesei held back with Saras and Fendros so that she could speak with them in private. She waited until she was sure they were not being overhead before she began. "So, for right now, what are your impressions? Saras, were you able to learn anything about him before we started?"

Saras shook his head. "No. Unfortunately, I do not remember Rossarm from Mournhold. But, I left the city shortly after I recovered from my injuries, so that is to be expected. I was somewhat surprised that Teroiah had heard of him, but it does make sense that Dominion intelligence would want to keep aware of notable individuals outside their borders. I did not have much time to look into him before you went to retrieve him, but now that I know he is from Mournhold, it should not be difficult to learn more about him. If there is anymore to learn. But if it is all the same, and do not take offense to this Fendros, but I am going to have your father watched while he is here. Discretely, of course. Now that he has been informed of the invasion, he does represent a security risk. The last thing we need now is Vile learning of our plans."

"I understand your concern, Saras, but please take care not to offend him. He is a retired mage who has simply been running a vineyard for decades. I doubt he is much of a risk." Meesei replied.

Saras gave a single nod. "Perhaps, but it is my responsibility to keep track of even the slightest risk. Do not be concerned; I have experience dealing with powerful mages. The vampire hasn't noticed me yet."

Meesei simply grinned briefly, then turned her attention to Fendros. "Well, what is your impression of your father?"

Wide-eyed, Julan nodded emphatically. "Yes! She's not nearly as interesting as she thinks she is. She's just...not. I don't want to make her sad or angry or anything, so I tried to make myself seem less interesting too, but it didn't stop her. I don't even know why she would want to spend that many hours alone with me." He shrugged.

Julan turned around and took a few steps away from the stream, looking back towards the village. "I guess I should go see the Treeminder now. After this, they'll be...done. He said it would be just one or two more hours."
Meesei supposed it was good that Teroiah seemed satisfied with the results of her brief test, but Meesei herself did not feel she had learned anything particularly interesting about him or his abilities. At least, nothing that she had not already been told. Regardless, she supposed any questions she had in that regard would be answered in time.

"I think I would like to leave it to you, Rossarm, on if you would like to take on Teroiah's drills soon, or if you would prefer to take some time to rest and settle in. We do have no shortage of potions, if you feel you need to reconstitute yourself. But, for right now, there is one more matter of importance. We have told you who we are fighting, but we have not yet informed you of how exactly we intend to fight him. We have learned that Vile has a long-term plan to weaken the very foundations of Mundus, and eventually absorb it entirely into his own realm. To stop this, we intend to drastically weaken his power...through a direct invasion of his realm. If you do receive a command, that will be the battle you will be leading your mages through."

While not quite sobbing, there were a few more tears to escape Julan's eyes. "Yeah, I...guess I can. Just...please come back, okay?" He began before quickly returning his gaze back towards his reflection. He took another few seconds of silence to examine the details of his tattoos that he could make out in the murky water. "I guess all this with the tattoos doesn't really mean much compared to...you know, the invasion. It's just some ink on, or...in my scales? Under them? Anyways, I guess we'll be heading back to Thorn after I get the marks finished, right? So we can go back home when Sabine comes to check on us? We're going to leave soon after the marks are done, right? Because Leeus was saying she wanted us to go on a long walk before I left, so it would be just me and her together, with only her for me to talk to for hours." Julan explained, actually looking worried by the prospect. "Can we please leave before that?"
Kresst kept his eyes, and all of his other senses, tuned to the world around him even moreso than before, especially now that he knew there was something out there calling to Mevenn. Indeed, he could feel that the Force was stronger than usual on this particular world, and without the sinister undertones they had felt on the last world from the Sith temple. This was something more, something other than just the life on the grasslands. In any other situation, his academic curiosity alone would be enough for him to want to investigate.

Normally, there was not enough space on a BARC speeder for two adults, but Kresst was able to climb up and fit comfortably in Mevenn's lap. At least, reasonably comfortably. If she had to brake suddenly, he might end up pressed between her and the handles. "Agreed, I would rather avoid violence right now. But, let us try to avoid approaching in fear and just...trust in the Force. And I will trust you to not suddenly launch me over the handlebars. For a bird, I am surprisingly poor at flying." He chuckled.
Given the nature of Teroiah's test, everyone else had moved clear of them and were observing from the other side of the table, in case of any errant spells. Meesei understood the point of what Teroiah was doing, but did not take much special interest in it herself. She supposed that testing the strength of his wards could give a general impression of his magical ability, but Meesei herself did not see a great deal of value in it. Though perhaps not common, one without powerful wards could still be a powerful mage. Ahnasha was an example that came to mind for her. Even so, Rossarm hardly looked like he was failing the test.

"I suppose this is an adequate test of his defenses, at least." Meesei commented. "But even if he were to fail, that would not be enough to declare him insufficient as a battlemage. If you recall from our bout, it is well within my ability to defend myself with evasion alone, without even bothering with heavy wards. We can move somewhere with more space, if you wish to try anything more comprehensive."

"I...don't know. You want me to just grow up all of the sudden, and I don't know if I can." Julan answered finally looking back up at his father. He rubbed his arm across his face to wipe the tears from his eyes, and at least made an attempt at appearing to stand strong. "I guess we'd have to. Take care of each other, that is. I guess we'd stay in the clan...keep training like we've been doing...and let all of our pack's friends help us? Like Ri'vashi, or Vera, or Gallus? Does...that all sound right?"

"I see. Well, if you do have the notoriety that Teroiah indicated, then he may still remember you. It may at least be worthwhile to speak to him and his mages." Saras recommended.

Regardless of what role Rossarm was going to end up serving, Meesei agreed that he would probably need to demonstrate the skills he was bringing into their war effort. No matter how much of a reputation he might have, it would not be wise for any of them to give him an important role without knowing the limits of his capabilities for certain. "In the meantime, Legate General, Commander, in what ways would you two prefer to determine the extent of Rossarm's skills and ability?"

The worry for his parent's safety had been in Julan's mind for quite some time. Especially once he had started his own training in the clan, the reality of the risks his parents, and the rest of their pack, took as a part of their duties had started to dawn on him. But, to hear his father openly acknowledge the reality that neither of his parents may return to him struck him at his heart. "So...it really could happen. Even with how powerful you are and...how much the pack has done...you really could die." He looked down at the ground, his mouth slightly agape. "Xhuth..." He muttered.
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