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"It is not that." Meesei replied to Janius, lightly shaking her head. "It is not a solution, exactly, just...precautions that I can take to help me tomorrow. I do not want to present the problem as being solved when it is not, and I cannot give guarantees. But, I do want you to be confident that you do not have to worry about me tomorrow. We will be able to just focus on what is in front of us."

Meesei looked around, her eyes lingering on each and every member of her pack for a few seconds each. "Right now, I cannot help but to focus on all of you. There is no team in our world better than us, no family closer than us. Our pack...is the greatest that has ever lived, or will ever live. No matter how strong I have become personally, I feel like I am only barely worthy to lead a pack like you. I would not be what I have become without all of you."
Thaz - Nar Shaddaa

After the Weequay had left, Thaz started to look around at the rest of the bar and its patrons. She did afford another few moments to examine the droid, but it was clear that was not the aspect of their reward that she was most interested in.

“This place does seem interesting. Kind of place I’d want to explore.” Thaz commented, though she quickly vocalized something like a high-pitched growl or grunt. “But my Commander wants me back as quick as I can. She doesn’t want me…lingering. Maybe once we get back, you two can talk with my Shipmaster. Get a deal going for the tech you want.”

Vael ‘Virisusai - Alderaan

Vael had obviously not felt what some of the others had, but he certainly did not feel normal. Perhaps it was just the change in pressure, but there was a certain unease that washed over him. In only his recent past, Vael would not have put much faith into the claims of his allies, but even his own Shipmaster believed the claims about Anubis. He was a being that claimed to be a god, and had the power to make his lies convincing.

Looking up to the growing storm in the sky, Vael clenched his hand into a fist. The destruction of a planet, the frantic evacuation of far more people than could ever realistically be saved…this was all treading on old, painfully familiar ground for him. He let out a low growl. “Every second is vital. I must report to my shipmaster, and if we intend to have any impact on their survival, then we will need to coordinate with their leadership.” Vael replied, wasting no time in rushing back to their ship to access their slipspace communication node.

Falul ‘Taham - The Immaculate Aegis

It seemed that the fleet was just trading one crisis for another. They did not even have time to assess any damage to the fleet before they received Anubis’ broadcast. The galaxy’s Emperor had been executed, and now Anubis intended to destroy a planet to institute himself as a god. The message he received from Vael confirmed that great storms had suddenly manifested on the planet. This was a planet they had identified as having potential allies for their cause, so its potential destruction was of immediate concern to the goals of the fleet.

Without much hesitation, Falul opened a channel to the Separatist fleet’s commander, in addition to the rest of the ships in his own fleet. “I presume you were sent the broadcast from Coruscant as well? What ships can your planet lend to an evacuation?”
Eri ‘Moram - Dxun

The Sangheili did not particularly acknowledge Jerius’ gratitude, though he also did not seem to be bothered by it. In any case, Eri directed them all to get moving quickly as soon as the Tarentatek’s head was separated from its body. Although it was not too heavy, by their standards, on its own, the head’s general bulk meant that it was most convenient for two of them to carry it by its horns. Jarraj’s leg had stopped bleeding, but he still could not walk at any reasonable speed on his own, so Sel ended up carrying him as well.

Eri remembered the way back to the camp, so the only stop they made was to pick up the crate of extra supplies they had brought with them outside the tomb. Otherwise, they made their way straight back to the Mandalorians. Zlas kept an eye on Jerius, but their trophy was slowing them down enough that Jerius would not need to strain too much to keep up.

When they arrived at Clan Ordo’s camp, Eri was at the lead of the group, just ahead of the pair of Sangheili prominently carrying their trophy for all to see. Eri did not bother searching for the chief, as she was sure that word of their return would quickly find its way to where it needed to be. Now, it was time to see if this Mandalorian chief was good to her word.
Kaleeth was not entirely comforted, but Fendros' honest answer did help console here, in that she knew she was not alone. IWith the change of topic, there were a few eyes on Meesei. Given recent events, the danger of the upcoming battle meant even more for her than it did for the rest of them. Meesei knew that the others had probably been thinking about it, even before Kaleeth brought up the topic, and she had not expected to get through the night without addressing it. Or what she intended to do about it. With their work on the problem these past few days, there were certain actions that Meesei had figured out that could potentially help her for the coming day, but she had not been entirely sure if she wanted to go through with it. Now, however, she had made her decision, though she still felt it best not to go into too much detail about it.

"I do not think anyone could avoid being afraid, or at least worried, about tomorrow. Still, I know you all have particular reason to be worried about me, specifically. I just...want you to all know that you do not need to worry. Sabine, Ariel, even Neesa, have all been of great help, and...I know what I will do. No matter what happens, just be confident that you do not have to worry about me." Meesei explained.
Falul 'Taham - The Immaculate Aegis

Evidently, the rapid destruction of two ships in the most powerful class that the Imperial navy possessed was enough to force the Imperial commander to rethink the battle. Falul would have preferred the chance to deal even greater damage to the Imperial fleet, but he supposed he could accept this as a victory. Had the battle gone on to its end, Falul would not have been able to guarantee victory, and it would have led to even greater losses for the Separatists. Falul preserved as many of their ships as he could, but they still had losses just as the Empire did.

In any case, this battle still carried with it a statement. Two Assimilator-class Star Destroyers had been reduced to debris. One was breaking apart in flames from a combination of plasma damage and turbolaser fire, while the other had been blasted apart far more violently by a nuclear detonation. If these ships were symbols of the Empire’s “invincible” might, then the image on his view screen was exactly what the galaxy needed to see. Even if Falul did not spread it himself, those among the Separatist fleet had just experienced what was, to them, practically a miracle. They had, at the very last minute before the battle, received aid from an unknown source that had been able to ward off an attack from an Imperial fleet which had been, thusfar, unstoppable. Not only that, but their own droids had started to perform much more effectively under the direct control of Isaac.

“Remain on alert, the enemy may yet return.” Falul broadcast to the whole fleet. The shields of the Aegis had not been breached, but there were Separatist ships with visible damage. “Damage report. Do any ships require imminent repairs or evacuation?” He asked.
Kaleeth was mercifully quick to release Sabine, though there was a noticeable silence from her after Sabine's seemingly innocuous question. She glanced away from making eye contact, and soon began to sink lower into the water almost without noticing it. "I, um, well I don't know really. I just...thought I, well...I felt I really wanted to enjoy this time with you all because..."

Kaleeth already felt guilty ahead of time. The thoughts going through her mind were, in all likelihood, the same thoughts that were in the back of everyone else's mind. It seemed that no one else really wanted to bring it up into the open, but Kaleeth felt that she was not strong enough to keep it buried. The water hid her tears, but even in this form, her voice sounded like she was struggling to speak. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. I don't want to ruin the moment for anyone, I'm just...so afraid. Of tomorrow. Of something happening to anyone here. What are the chances that all of us...no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just ruining our time together by saying these things."
"Well, if I were to give some suggestions off of the top of my head..." Meesei began, wading out deeper into the water of the slow-moving river. "The Summerset Isles are wonderfully beautiful, especially in the spring or summer. A wedding on the shoreline, with Alinor as a backdrop, would be as elegant as you could imagine. I think only Artaeum would be better, but I have no way back there. There are also some islands in the seas south of Elsweyr that I have spent some time on recently. Going there is like entering a painting of an idyllic tropical paradise. The swamps of Black Marsh, have their own beauty, though I realize Karl might not be comfortable there. Still...you could also consider the city of Thorn, and that would make it easier for your sister to attend. Or you could have it in the Hunting Grounds after the battle, if you would like to be able to say that you had your wedding in Oblivion."

Meesei had little hesitation in her suggestions. Despite her claim that she was not experienced with weddings, it did feel like she had thought about this before.

Kaleeth had finally released Janius, but was still remaining in a transformed state. Sabine had known her for long enough to see through her crocodilian visage enough to tell that she was happy for her, but she was likely not as accustomed to how overwhelming a werecrocodile's hug could be as Janius. Nevertheless, that is exactly what Sabine received. "For a wedding or anything else...I'm just glad to see you happy. I feel like I want to celebrate right now."
I'm around, and haven't been able to do much with my character. It really all depends on if Grizz is still around.
Eri ‘Moram - Dxun

Eri paused where she was, giving a quick look up and down the weakened Human. His armor was unbroken, but his movements betrayed his injuries. She turned her head towards one of the Sangheili of her team and motioned to Jerius. “Zlas, treat him.” She ordered before moving to the corpse of the Tarentatek.

As instructed, one of the Sangheili approached Jerius, presumably Zlas. They all wore full helms with black armor of the same design, so they were all quite difficult to distinguish from one another, apart from Eri. Reaching to a small module on his back, Zlas produced a small, grey disk with a few glowing lights. Even at a first glance, the object looked quite different from any Covenant technology he might have seen thusfar. Zlas activated it and dropped it on the ground, causing it to project a glowing blue, spherical shield all around them. It seemed to have ‘panels’ of energy in hexagon shapes, and was mostly transparent. “Remain still. The energy of this shield has healing properties for those within. Even the Humans who reverse-engineered it do not understand why, but it is significant enough to help.” Zlas explained.

Once the Sangheili had placed down the shield, Jarraj limped in as well, letting out a long, relieved sigh as he sat himself down on the floor next to Jerius. Eri, meanwhile, got to work on cleaving the Tarentatek’s head from its body with her energy sword. Its hide did resist energy, but it still could be cut.

Vael ‘Virisusai - Alderaan

Vael did not know of many of the names that were spoken around him. The fact that Erthos was immediately familiar with not only those that Lord Organa mentioned, but others that he brought up in addition, implied that they were individuals of importance within this universe. In any case, the fact that they were at least indirectly expected was as strange as it was useful. Their fleet should still be unknown to the galaxy as a whole. There was just one conclusion he could draw, based on the information he had been given about this universe, and its more strange facets.

“These people you speak of, they are Jedi, yes? I do not yet know much of this universe or its people, but I have been told of them multiple times. I have gathered that they are an important part of this galaxy. I can see their power is likely genuine, if they have predicted our arrival, but…what do you know of Palpatine’s ally, Lord Organa?” Vael asked.

Thaz - Nar Shaddaa

Thaz was always excited to receive extra payment. Indeed, that aspect of the news was quite welcome, but she was not as outwardly enthusiastic to get her claws on the droid as she had been for Samus’ schematics. It took her a few moments to look over the droid, with a particular eye towards any damage that might reduce its value.

Thaz gave a short, somewhat high-pitched vocalization before glancing over at Jerus. “Probably best this thing stays on your ship. Sangheili don’t always like thinking machines. Some don’t trust them.”
Falul 'Taham - The Immaculate Aegis

Falul did not reply to McKay directly, but he did spare just a moment to think on his suggestion. The Aegis did have ample communications infrastructure for the task, as it was designed to be able to coordinate entire planetary invasions, though he was still naturally distrustful of these machines. However, their enemy was numerous and powerful, and this was not a battle they were guaranteed to win by any means. They would need to exploit any advantages they could gain.

Falul opened the communications interface to his ship’s AI, which, in this case, would also be contacting Isaac. Though, he had little doubt that the AI was keeping up with what was happening. “If you believe you can controls these machines, AI, then do it.” He agreed. The machines of this local fleet had performed poorly in the battle thusfar, and they seemed to have little tactical ability. In all of his experiences fighting with, and against, Human forces of his own universe, he could admit that they were well-coordinated.

Meanwhile, in the battle itself, the lead Assimilator’s shields fell even more quickly than Falul had expected, directly because of the Blathriin-Va’s contributions. Falul had been aware of the basics of the ship’s design, based on the information they had shared to one another. He was aware that it was built with advanced technology, and that it had weapons intended to be effective against energy shielding. However, that knowledge had not communicated exactly how effective it would be. It was able to breach the chield of the Assimilator, even before the Aegis’ energy projector was finished charging. Acting quickly, Falul ordered the primary weapon be re-targeted to the central structure of the now-unshielded ship. The Assimilator was built with far better armor than the Venators surrounding it, but the energy projector was a weapon that could glass planets. Without its shields protecting it, the beam carved straight through the ship. Its structure held together better than the Venators and was not completely torn apart by secondary explosions, but it was crippled and vulnerable. Already, turbolasers from the Separatist fleet were barraging the hull, and the Aegis had launched a volley of plasma torpedoes to finish it off.

“Withhold your nuclear device, Colonel.” Falul said quickly, switching his active communications channel to both the Daedalus and Blathriin-Va. “We can destroy this one quickly enough ourselves. If the Blathriin-Va can pierce their shields so quickly, then my new orders are for your two ships to work in tandem. Target the other Assimilators. The Blathriin-Va shall pierce their shields, and the Daedalus shall quickly transport a nuclear device aboard to destroy them. The rest of our fleet shall support you, defend your ships, and focus fire when possible to attempt to overwhelm the shields of any Assimilator you are not currently targeting. If we can destroy their greatest threats quickly enough, then we may turn the battle to our advantage.”

Falul moved to the holographic display of the ongoing battle and began using the holograms to begin plotting out ship positions and maneuvers, not only of his own vessel, but of the Separatist fleet as well. The Aegis was deep within their formation, so the Imperials had, thusfar, had difficulty focusing on specific portions of his ship’s shields from a distance. His lack of communication with the droid fleet had prevented him from applying any complex strategies or maneuvers with them, but now that Isaac was in control of the droids, Falul could have those maneuvers executed precisely. He could move his own ship more aggressively, which would be needed if he wanted to preserve as many allied ships as possible. The Imperial fleet had already destroyed several Separatist ships, and if they could not turn the tide quickly enough, then there would be no allies left for them to save.

Soon enough, Falul presented his battle plan to Isaac. “Bring the ships under your command into this formation. Prioritize the ships with the strongest remaining shields in front.” He ordered. For this situation, Falul was using his best defensive tactics. The remainder of the fleet would move into a tighter formation, surrounding the Aegis on all sides. Vessels with the strongest remaining shields would start in the front, then, as they took damage, would start to maneuver around and behind the Aegis for cover to lift pressure from them and allow them to recover their own shields. The Aegis would take its turn absorbing the damage, before another set of ships took their places at the front. The precisely coordinated formation, constantly maneuvering and re-positioning in and among themselves, was intended to get the most out of every bit of shield strength they had. Covenant shields were fast-charging, and with a fleet entirely of Covenant ships, these maneuvers could make it quite difficult for the enemy to place enough focus on any individual section of shielding to break through to the hull. Falul recognized that the shields of the Separatist ships would not charge as quickly, and so the strategy would not remain effective for as long, but it would still buy the most time and preserve the most allied ships.

“Captain Yiithren, the Imperials will identify your ship as a priority target.” Falul warned. “Use my vessel for protection. Expose yourself only when needed to deplete the enemy shields. Do not concern yourself with applying any follow-up damage to the hull. Just keep your ship intact.”
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