Avatar of Elitestpotato
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 392 (0.12 / day)
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    1. Elitestpotato 9 yrs ago


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So, I'm torn between a Rogue Doppelganger, a Bullywug Monk, or a Sivak Cleric or Fighter.
You have my interest although I would like to know more about what roles their are to play

Well, basically, there are negotiators, guards of the negotiators and holy men that May or may not hold a bias to their god. These roles can be played by pretty much anyone considering there was basically a worldwide talent search for this party.
So like, did Koehler help with the stuck business or is he freaking out too much to do much of Anything?
For centuries, the Gods have been at War with each other. Bloody, gruesome, immortal War. But now... With a greater evil looming can they unite to save themselves and their plain of existence?
Here's an interest check for a fantasy RP. It is inspired by DnD but by no means is it in the DnD universe. Basically, you guys start out as an envoy gathered from all over the world to negotiate terms of peace between the Gods and unite them to face a greater evil. More details will be worked out if any interest is shown.

Any interest?
@Elitestpotato Do u mind if i attack edict upon exiting the john? Jade can sense demon presence, and what he just did, would cause a great misunderstanding between them. Thus a Jade style interrogation would insue, for the questions he asked and then the sudden exit to speak to a demon in the nether realm, would cause her to believe that he is trying to sabotage the group or is a demon possesing a human body. (she cant sense possession demons when they are within a human shell)

It's your decision. No need to run it by me if it's justified and not just randomly attacking Edict.
@Ariamis So did the attack go through or no? Also, can we still attack while stuck or not?
Anime- Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z will always have a special place in my heart. I enjoyed Sword Art Online but never went deeper than about half the first season. Naruto and One Piece are pretty awesome too. Soul Eater is cool but I never got deeper than a few episodes.

Music- Pretty much listen to everything. Rap and pop less than the others but I still listen to rappers like J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Tyler, the Creator and a little Big Sean. As for pop I admit to liking a couple Taylor Swift songs and Maroon 5 is a pretty good band. Country also isn't my favorite but Johnny Cash is amazing and there's a few other songs I like. As for my favorite genres, however, they tend to be Pop-Punk and 90s alternative. Post-hardcore, grunge, all kinds of metal, and alternative sneak in there too. Acoustic also has a special place in my heart. My favorite bands would have to be The Wonder Years, Sublime, Beartooth, Nirvana, and Blink-182 in no specific order (other than TWY being number 1).
Taking the gnomes advice, while applying some salve, Edict grabs his drink and walks outside. He then turns to the rest of the group. "Did that little fireball seem like the leader type to you all? He attacks in broad daylight when all of the guard is out patrolling. He also wasn't really giving orders to these little joys," Edict crushes a small detached skeleton head under his boot, "just letting them reek havoc... Aezophyl didn't do this alone. A higher demon probably commanded him to." There was a certain one he was connected to... Or Jeltheor summonded him. "Oh hey, look at that! I need to use the restroom! Battle always causes my bowels to vacate." Edict quickly walks to a half burned down outhouse and pulls out four dark red candle. The hunter places the four candles in a small diamond shape and whispers the words, "Damnatione. Notitia. Exorior." Suddenly, a small portal showing a small but large winged demon on the other side appears.

"Edict! I-I wasn't expecting you! W-what would you like!?"

"Ahsan, you're the fucking information center of hell what the fuck do you think I want?"

"Ah! Of course, of course! Uh, what information would you like?"

"Aezophyl. Who is his master?"

The demon leans in a bit and whispers, "Zargon..."

Zargon!? What did that powerful of a demon want with this shit hole??

"Any information on him?"

"Ahhh... No not really... Honestly he's a very secretive person... "

"Find out more."

"Edict i don't think that's a very good-", Edict reaches for something in a side pouch, "No, no, no!! I can find out more!! I can! "


Edict blows out the candles and the portal fades away and the witch hunter proceeds to put the candles back. Ahsan will be finding out more about Zargon. (OOC: @ArenaSnow you can do whatever you'd like with Ahsan) Zargon. How did Jeltheor pull a demon that powerful? Edict then walks out of the outhouse, giving a steely glare to anyone who questions what he was doing.

A man listens to another younger man give what is apparently a report. The older man then grimaces and says, "Jeltheor will not be happy." The older, scarred man marches to Jeltheor's chamber and gives the news that the attack did not succeed. He dons a grim look as he knows the mage is a bit of a hot head.

I'll allow it this time since you didn't interact with anyone else or move to another zone.

Ok then. If it's too uncomfortable for you to write differently I won't force you.

Also, just like with DarkRecon, Macabre and Caliburn can only free themselves from the trap by the end of your turn, meaning you can't move during it.

I thought Macabre and Caliburn were in the outskirts, not in the actual mine field.
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