Avatar of Elle Santiago
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 169 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Elle Santiago 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Obsessed with Disney, Hamilton, Heathers, and Wicked. Earworm cannot ridden off permanently. I'd probably play "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story" in my funeral. For Good is Too Good! Elphaba!
7 yrs ago
Obsessed with Disney and Hamilton.
8 yrs ago
Kindred Spirits on the Roof too good.



Nothing to see here.

Move along.

Most Recent Posts

Well... this has been an interesting day. They let me go from the hospital early, but it turns out I have cancer. It’s thyroid cancer mind you, meaning it’s highly treatable/curable and the five year survival rate for most people is over 98%, but it’s still not quite what I would’ve liked to hear if you feel me. Sometimes though, life just kicks you in the balls.

tl;dr I’m (probably) fine but I got even more appointments and surgeries at the bad doctor place coming up. Wheeeeeeeee.

I fucking hate that there's no 'hug' rating. So, the only thing I can offer right now is this pathetic: *virtual hug*.

Hope everything turns out good.
Cuz bows and arrows are so useful in a world of shotgun gauntlets, sniper rifle scythes and saber revolvers! *shot*

Hey, don't be like that! The bow could turn into some kind of badass sword and the arrows have explosive grenade tips.

Also, I find it really hilarious that Ginto has the most ordinary weapon. It's literally an extendable baton and she has 3 extra, which meant it's disposable to her. I'd really like for her to have this one awesome baton that can do stuff, and that's probably gonna be an IC and OOC dilemma.
Wow lol. Seems like I need to catch up to my RWBY backlog. Maybe rewatch earlier seasons as well...
@tobiax i removed getting shot in the knee. I made several edits to that and the rest of the sheet.

Without proper context, that reminds me of Skyrim and, thus, hilarious.
I'd name Pyrrha too but remembering her hurts my heart. Really wish they didn't kill her though. First it was Penny, then it was Pyrhha, then Yang's arm got fucking cut off, and even Torchwick got offed. Wonder what happened to Neo, though. Smug ice-cream hair was pretty interesting.

Ah, V4's segment where Jaune was training with the help of Pyrrha's video hit me right in the feels. I cried.
Penny is best girl and I refuse to believe anyone who says otherwise. (It's not fair that her screentime is so few.)

@tobiax got it, I'll start editing. I have an emblem, but it's saved on my computer, and I can't figure out how to get it on here. As for the last point, I was hoping to leave it in "a retired hunstman's past" and give more detail as the story progresses, but I can tell you now if you want.

Put it on imgur. The image, I mean.
@tobiaxyep, i've removed it. I'll post it in the CS section later. Currently stressing about in-class assessments lol.
@tobiax Is my character accepted? Just want clarification, lol.
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