Avatar of Ellri
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Ellri
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3731 (0.98 / day)
  • VMs: 5
  • Username history
    1. Ellri 10 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Peace is a Lie, there is only Passion. Through Passion, I gain Strength. Through Strength, I gain Power. Through Power, I gain Victory. Through Victory, My Chains are Broken. The Force Shall Free Me.
6 yrs ago
"Never was, never will be."
6 yrs ago
We find that our favorite damage type is collateral.
6 yrs ago
We do not corrupt mortals. We teach them enlightened self-interest.
6 yrs ago
Peace is a lie. There is only passion (for cookies).


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what's the difference in what one gets for one vs. two?
Lauk didn’t know much about what waited below. He didn’t care much either. When it came to his turn to go down through the Yawning Portal, he easily grabbed the chain with a single, large hand, holding on to his wizard’s staff with the other as the pulley system lowered him down into the depths.

The trip down was utterly dark. When he landed, it was utterly dark. Nobody had seen fit to light a torch yet. He let go of the chain, moving his fingers across the various leather straps attached to his staff until he found the right one. Stroking a hand across it, he felt the shapes of the magical runes, recalling exactly how to cast the spell. Pulling an arm into his shell, he found his various spell components and pulled out some ruby dust, carefully casting the appropriate spell upon the crystal at the peak of his staff.

At first, when he spoke the words and made the appropriate gestures, nothing happened. Then there was a very faint light from within the crystal, which quickly flared up into a flame surrounding the crystal. He put his finger inside it, just to see what happened. He could feel the energies, but there was no heat. He smiled at the horse. It looked stupidly back at him, letting out a faint whinny that echoed through the hollow chamber.

Looking at his surroundings, he tried to see if there was anything of note in the chamber

Mechanics: Cast Continual flame (2nd level slot). Used 50GP worth of ruby dust. Will fix inventory later.

Perception check to look at surroundings by the light of a continual flame.

sounds good and welcome.

What sort of fighter? (race, subclass, background)
so... finally got past all those shiny, shiny objects distracting us...

we'll look at getting a post up soonish.
you had a reason for choosing the size and such. Good. Goood...

We could probably always find more points to nitpick at, but the character is pretty decent, so...
ok, @Dusty... a few questions and a couple of smaller bits and some thoughts...

  • Out of curiosity... Is there a reason you chose such great height? Anything you intend to play on/explore ICly with that?
  • Your Force technique tree feels somewhat "flat" with everything he knows being intermediate or higher.
    • Perhaps add in some differentiation for it?
    • Something he's not as good at?
    • We would think he has not trained equally well in all the ten techniques on Intermediate level.
    • Additionally, he appears to have zero natural talents, is that intentional?
  • The description you have for his use of the Force is practically textbook Force Rage. Thus we would ask that you add that to his list. Probably around advanced level.
  • We would also like you to consider altering the level of his Force Drain down a bit, but make it a natural talent, to balance out the addition of Force Rage.
  • Why does he have a faulty cybernetic arm? has Darth Embrus refused him to acquire anything more reliable?
  • Could you add something about that arm to his flaws?
  • We like the fact that he is a Sith that is satisfied where he is in the hierarchy. So many people forget that while Sith generally desire to improve always, not all seek to rise through the ranks.

What is the status of your edits?
@Almalthia Finally got around to rereading sheet. (so many shiny objects... so little time...)

Force throw isn’t a thing. It is merely a part of telekinesis.

You’ve described her force use in combat, but how do you imagine she tends to use it outside combat?

Fix those two thingsthat one thing, and the sheet should be good to go.
Can't deny that the Sith guide is a bit vague on the numbers. Probably something we should grab Echo for sometime to fix up.

The best way to estimate is to look at the sort of skills a neophyte is expected to know before earning the rank of Apprentice, then extrapolate from that how long it'd probably take to learn it, while taking into account your character's aptitudes and age/maturation.

as for becoming a titled apprentice? That's (almost) entirely at the whim of a Sith's master. It can happen quickly or it might never happen.

We've not read through the sheet itself again yet, but we will look at doing that later on.
This review will not cover the elements that Sini has covered. Instead, it will delve into two aspects that Sini asked us to check up on: her knowledge of the Force and her knowledge of lightsaber techniques.

When we look at a sheet, we don’t look at how long or short it is. We look at what it contains. It doesn’t matter to us if it is two hundred words or five thousand. What matters to us is what the player achieves with those words and how easily understood it is. Quality, not quantity.

We like details on sheets, but not if it comes at a cost to comprehensibility or is used to hide elements that would make the character overpowered. Same goes for layout. Both as a player and as a GM we’re not particularly happy if we have to go searching through the entire sheet if we need to look something up while composing a post. Hence, ease of use being given high value.

Anyways. The Force.

Your table for Force skills is confusing.

In the Guide to the Force, we have two rows for skill: trained and talent.

It is intended that only a single option be picked for each Force power. The Trained column implies there was no innate talent, and the power was gained only through hard work. The Talented column implies the character had an innate understanding of the power that may since have also had training / practice to bring it whatever standard it currently is. We apologise if this was not clear on the Guide.

Additionally, your Sith is extremely and unnaturally knowledgeable about the Force for her age.

Going by the first skill level column:
You have three techniques with advanced training, five with intermediate training and nine with basic/novice training. Normal training for reaching advanced skill in a technique is at least a decade of training. At twenty-three years old, having three techniques at that level in addition to everything else is beyond all plausibility.

Going by the second skill level column:
The second skill level column is even less plausible. There you have five well-trained talents and one mastered talent. The estimated time for learning one technique to well-trained levels is at least a decade, maybe two with a master combined with considerable self-study. A mastered technique requires several decades of study provided the Force user is doing anything other than studying that single technique. At twenty-three years old, you have the skill of someone close to a hundred years old. It goes without saying that doesn’t even remotely make sense.

If you look in the Guide to uses for the Force, you will see at the top of each “advanced uses” section there is a note that adding one of them to a sheet requires GM approval. This is primarily due to how powerful they can be, and because of how game-breaking they might be. We’ve not seen any such requests.

It is noteworthy that you have not listed Telekinesis as a known technique, but that can be assumed to be an oversight. Without a good grasp of that, learning more advanced forms such as telekinetic whirlwind, force choke and the like would obviously be impossible.

Force Stealth is a technique that is taught at need only, as it is something both Jedi and Sith don’t want just anyone playing around with.
Your description of battle meditation doesn’t match how the technique works.

As such, we will ask that you remove all four advanced techniques from the sheet.

You seem to also have secondary tables with force techniques, several of them too rare. All that does is make things even more confusing. We would greatly appreciate it if you could rephrase the whole force section into something basically along this basic format:
List of known techniques and level of training or talent.
Description of her skill with the various known techniques.

Right now, the layout of this section is far too muddled to be something we can approve.

In that process, you should also cut down on the number of techniques known and have no more than a third of the known techniques be innate talents. Think about the character as a whole when choosing what to keep and what to discard. What would benefit her style? Don’t just look at the technique list as a pool to pick as much as you might want from.
Should you discover in the IC that she really benefits from a certain technique not on the sheet, she will have the ability to learn it from someone that knows it.

You may apply for at most one technique from the advanced lists, but it will have to be explained well and fit in with the character as a whole to be approved of.


We will assume that the lack of basic telekinesis training on the Force power list was an oversight… However even with this being the case, Telekinetic Lightsaber Combat is well and truly outside the reach of such a young character. It requires incredible telekinetic finesse, incredible long term telekinetic focus and a good deal of raw telekinetic strength to execute correctly. The combination of these things is not something anyone below Lord could feasibly have mastered to a usable degree. Even a Sith Lord would have to be a Telekinetic prodigy for this to work.

A Tràkata strike is the act of turning a lightsaber off and on again mid-strike to bypass the opponent’s weapon. It is an inherently dangerous technique, for while it lets the user bypass the opponent’s weapon, it also leaves the user completely open to attacks. Because it requires the blade momentarily disappearing, it is not something that is possible with any other bladed weapon.

Used right and it can instantly maim, critically injure or kill an opponent. Used wrong and the user gets that treatment instead. As such, it is a strike that most Jedi and Sith alike do not attempt to learn.
Guide: Lightsaber combat

The types of users who learn this are either masters of the lightsaber, who know just when to use it, or particularly devious combatants who take the risk it involves. Your character comes across as neither of these. It is not a technique that in any way can be considered reliable for victory in combat, due to the high chance of backfiring. Its potentially immediately lethal nature is also something we will pay close attention to - no one likes their character being instantly killed by an unblockable strike, and so in most cases it will be up to the one on the receiving end how much damage they take from such a hit.

Additionally, we would like you to add a section for flaws. The reason that is in the sheet templates is so that players and GMs alike can easily reference it while writing posts without having to read the entire sheet.
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