Avatar of Eneui
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 88 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Eneui 7 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current The world is weird right now, all I'm doing though is poking around these threads and trying to keep up with a select few groups I have time for, honestly wish I had more time to spend here lol.
6 yrs ago
Sitting here with people complaining about the state of the Guild's servers, and I'm here having been using the site for a little over a year and have never once had a single issue.
7 yrs ago
TFW you keep typing blyat instead of blue.


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Charlotte Louise Taylor



Charlotte is a tough girl to be sure, born among 5 older brothers and the only one among the 2 still living who has all their limbs, she can safely say she is a step above them. Her hair is a pale pink, though of her own design or a mutation she refuses to say. Her eyes are a light green and despite her location in a sunbaked wasteland, her skin is relatively pale.

Though she is female, it would be a mistake by anyone to consider her weak. Now the main mechanic of her father's shop, and the main source of income, Charlotte has grown used to working on large machinery alone, and often with little mechanical help as well. Years of working with heavy machinery has given Charlotte a very toned body that pairs well with her height at 6ft even. As for more hidden visuals, Charlotte once knew a tattooist who she had a brief fling with, and now has a simple black inked heart on her inner left thigh.

She is always down to business, especially when it comes to her work. She is never one to allow herself to be spoken over, and her temper often means that people who interrupt her often are rewarded with a broken nose or a wrench flying in their direction. Despite this, she knows when to bite her tongue, especially on things she knows nothing about.

She always looks at people when speaking, directly in the eyes if possible. She has a bad habit of chewing on things, though this is normally a bone or something durable that she knows where it came from. She can quite easily hold her liquor, but once she reaches her tipping point she becomes a very affectionate, truthful drunk. Despite growing up with so many brothers and being the general opposite of feminine, she enjoys softer things as well, namely music wherever she can find it.

Charlotte grew up in Scrap, a small town more than a few miles outside the protection of cities like Tolmhaven, where her entire family found business dealing with pirates and other such undesirables. Charlotte's family was lucky to have their father, as he was called the best independent mechanic a pirate could ask for, and it was that reason only that Scrap was not wiped from the map.

The youngest, Charlotte never knew many of her siblings, all but one lost to the pirates who frequented her hometown. The one she did know, Joseph, lost his legs in an accident when repairing a pirate vessel, and lost his right arm as punishment for it. She was 9 then, and it was at 9 that she began helping her old man with the work that was slowly wearing him down over the years.

Charlotte took to the work well, learning quickly and eventually forcing her old man into semi-retirement so he could take care of his crippled son. Meanwhile, Charlotte grew an edge while dealing with the pirates, quickly showing herself as one not to be messed with when she put down one pirate with a blow from her wrench when he thought to grope her, and his two friends when they took offense.

The only person outside her family that Charlotte grew close too was Vie, a tattoo artist who lived in town and grew up with Charlotte. It never grew into anymore than friendship, though not as if they both did not want more. They both realized that in a life like this, in a town like where they lived in constant fear, it was easier not to get involved, easier to simply take care of your own.

Charlotte is a mechanic, she works on grounded airships owned by pirates who trust her and her father to quietly and efficiently fix their ships while their crew makes a mess of Scrap. When alone or with free time, she obsesses over her music collection or works on spare projects for pirates or the town that are not currently threatening the life of her family and town.

Charlotte herself has worked on airships ranging from ranks E - C and she one day hopes to get her hands on anything ranked A. She is a nut when it comes to airships, but has never flown herself due to a terror of heights she developed at a young age. To keep a long story short, she was kidnapped when she was 5 and dangled over the edge of an airship as ransom and never got over it.

Vie, the tattoo artist where she got her heart tattoo from, is still obsessed about her despite their mutual agreement to stay out of eachother's lives under the guise of safety, though Charlotte would be lying if she said she did not think about Vie either.

Near photographic memory

Makes a decent Potato soup

Heavy Drinker

Quick learner

Heavy Drinker

Anger issues

Dislikes talking about romance


Terror, pure terror was what awaited her. Aoi Chiba was not exactly one for people touching her, but the scientists around her though seemed to not care, if anything they seemed to enjoy touching her. She shuddered and pushed people away from her as they tried to force her into a skintight jumpsuit, pure white to match the surrounding walls and made of a soft, warm material that hugged her skin frighteningly well.

After she found herself in the jumpsuit, the scientists had to get three others to hold her down so they could provide the shots needed for safe cryo storage. One of the bigger problems was that when the human body reaches a certain point below zero, liquids tend to freeze, including blood, and frozen blood has a tenancy to crystallize and shred soft tissue.

After leading a shuddering Aoi away from the needles, they quickly sent her through a room filled with oblong tubes the perfect shape to hold a person in. Before placing her in a pod, a kindly old man shuffled up to her with a tray covered in cups that were filled to the brim with a bluish gelatin that tasted horrible, like the cough syrup that was promised to taste like cherries but only tasted like broken dreams. Aoi did not have much time to think about it though, as soon enough she was rushed into a pod and the last thing she thought was that the next time she saw her father, he was getting an earful.


Warning, Severe structural damage to lung, Heart running on Emergency commands.

This message had flared in the back of the unconscious Aoi's mind for several years now, it seems that synthetic organs did not enjoy being frozen, despite the shots she had been given. There was also the fact that it had been quite a long time since she had last plugged into her neural interface, at least they had noticed THAT, or else Aoi would not have been alive to complain about it.

Complain she did, in fact it was her first word out of her mouth when the hissing of the pod woke her and she found her legs buckling underneath the weight of her body, as if they had just forgotten how to work. Aoi collapsed forwards in a heap, vomiting a vaguely bluish liquid as her brain and neural interface tried to make sense of why her limbs refused to function.

She coughed and sputtered, the one lung still working frantically trying to intake oxygen to make up for the synthetic organ that was beside it, refusing to work. Her heart meanwhile worked up a fuss, the synthetic portions of it complaining to each-other and the brain at a speed the Neural Interface did it's best to keep up with.

" God Damn it. "

At least I can speak, Aoi thought to herself as she vaguely noted the long wire inserted into her neural interface that lead off into the darkness of the pod. She struggled to stand as she only now opened her eyes, finding that the left was just as lazy as her nonworking lung. At least I can see, she thought to herself as she waited for the synthetics to realize she was awake and reactivate themselves.

Still struggling after such a long time spent in a sub-zero enviroment, her right eye gave her a vauge picture of the room around her, just enough for her to see that the room was in utter shambles.

" Do the eggheads not have a janitor? " Aoi mumbled to herself as she suddenly found that standing was an Olympian feat just by itself. She shakily held onto the pod she fell out of with her left arm, leaning heavily against it as she tried and failed to get her legs or right arm to properly move.

" What does a girl need to do to get some help around here. "

Aoi Chiba

22 Pre Cryo

Heir to the Chiba Company / Videogame Streamer ( V!r.G3N )

Aoi Chiba is visually, in very good condition. Her naturally high metabolism and the augments her parent's paid for allowing her to keep a rather visually appealing body rather easily. Her hair is long and jet black, the ends a faint wine red where she had previously dyed it but never re-applied the dye. Her skin is soft, and in most sections unmarked, most.

She has scars along the thighs just above her knees where the synthetic skin was grafted on top of her robotic limbs and what's left of her original legs. Her right arm has yet another scar just above the elbow where yet again, synthetic skin was grafted on top of a mechanical limb. Her eyes sparkle, the iris an unnaturally complete hazel color, in reality these too, on top of her heart and one of her lungs are synthetic.

She has a scar on her chest a few inches long running between her breasts where they cut her open during the organ replacement. And lastly, running along her spine is a large scar that ends at the space where her neck and skull meet a small rectangular metal plate, her neural interface.

Aoi is a reserved young woman, used to a lot of time alone and unused to human contact, she has developed severe Haphephobia, a fear of being touched. This on top of her wish to be able to live without the assistance of others has made her life all that much more difficult when one of her augments goes awry.

She enjoys games, mostly older titles now near 100+ years old. She has made it a mission of hers to collect as many old video-games as possible. Though she owes her life to the technology, Aoi hates her mechanical body-parts, and the crippled life she leads, constantly wondering when her heart will stutter next or if her legs will carry her up a flight of stairs properly.

All in all, Aoi is a young woman in a changing world that moves too fast for her to keep up, and she is angry at it, and everything around her including herself. The whole cryopod thing though only adds to her constant confusion and mood swings.

Born in Tokyo, Japan Aoi's family moved soon after her birth, moving the company headquarters to it's current residence. Aoi was born a happy child full of life and curiosity for the world, and an only child. Aoi's parents were protective sure, but nowhere near as protective since the accident. Many people disliked the Chiba family, they were the picture of rich life led in the fast lane. Though, taking everything into account, most of this dislike never went further than mild distaste for their loud way of living until her father found himself on the wrong side of a shady business deal.

When unstable people don't get what they want, innocents get hurt, Aoi Chiba was one of those innocents. Not even stolen away, the still unnamed group took her entire school hostage, demanding recompense for the deal gone wrong, blaming Aoi's father for it all. Aoi's father had a lot of pride, and too much faith in his money. He refused to make a deal with the now terrorists, and watched in horror as his daughter's school detonated on live television.

Aoi barely survived, the rescue team finding her last due to the fact that she was at ground zero. What was left of the poor teenaged Aoi was a mutilated, shrapnel filled mess. Aoi's father sunk much of his fortuned repairing his daughter, giving her the best he could so that she could survive, though current technology regarding synthetic organs and limbs were still iffy at best.

Years went by, and Aoi took up her gaming hobby, eventually streaming her sessions online and gaining a fair amount of popularity. Gaming was not enough though, and the money from her father and stream donations was used to fuel a different, slightly more illegal hobby. Aoi enjoyed learning things she should not, she felt she was owed information after years of being kept in the dark and almost dying because of it. Her money was spent researching her family business and eventually, giving her the skills to infiltrate and steal information without ever being seen, she became a hacker, for lack of a better term.

Though, like her father, she got in with a bad crowd and found herself questioning her father, to no avail as he rushed her across the city to a small facility, where the last she saw of him was through a security gate before she was stripped down, forced into a skintight jumpsuit, given several shots and forced to take in a gel-like substance before she was chucked into a cryogenic tube.


Can't handle her liqueur ( Quiet / Emotional drunk )

Had a pet Chinchilla she named Enkei ( Round )

Hides important files in a chip she keeps in her neural interface.

Aoi Chiba

22 Pre Cryo

Heir to the Chiba Company / Videogame Streamer ( V!r.G3N )

Aoi Chiba is visually, in very good condition. Her naturally high metabolism and the augments her parent's paid for allowing her to keep a rather visually appealing body rather easily. Her hair is long and jet black, the ends a faint wine red where she had previously dyed it but never re-applied the dye. Her skin is soft, and in most sections unmarked, most.

She has scars along the thighs just above her knees where the synthetic skin was grafted on top of her robotic limbs and what's left of her original legs. Her right arm has yet another scar just above the elbow where yet again, synthetic skin was grafted on top of a mechanical limb. Her eyes sparkle, the iris an unnaturally complete hazel color, in reality these too, on top of her heart and one of her lungs are synthetic.

She has a scar on her chest a few inches long running between her breasts where they cut her open during the organ replacement. And lastly, running along her spine is a large scar that ends at the space where her neck and skull meet a small rectangular metal plate, her neural interface.

Aoi is a reserved young woman, used to a lot of time alone and unused to human contact, she has developed severe Haphephobia, a fear of being touched. This on top of her wish to be able to live without the assistance of others has made her life all that much more difficult when one of her augments goes awry.

She enjoys games, mostly older titles now near 100+ years old. She has made it a mission of hers to collect as many old video-games as possible. Though she owes her life to the technology, Aoi hates her mechanical body-parts, and the crippled life she leads, constantly wondering when her heart will stutter next or if her legs will carry her up a flight of stairs properly.

All in all, Aoi is a young woman in a changing world that moves too fast for her to keep up, and she is angry at it, and everything around her including herself. The whole cryopod thing though only adds to her constant confusion and mood swings.

Born in Tokyo, Japan Aoi's family moved soon after her birth, moving the company headquarters to it's current residence. Aoi was born a happy child full of life and curiosity for the world, and an only child. Aoi's parents were protective sure, but nowhere near as protective since the accident. Many people disliked the Chiba family, they were the picture of rich life led in the fast lane. Though, taking everything into account, most of this dislike never went further than mild distaste for their loud way of living until her father found himself on the wrong side of a shady business deal.

When unstable people don't get what they want, innocents get hurt, Aoi Chiba was one of those innocents. Not even stolen away, the still unnamed group took her entire school hostage, demanding recompense for the deal gone wrong, blaming Aoi's father for it all. Aoi's father had a lot of pride, and too much faith in his money. He refused to make a deal with the now terrorists, and watched in horror as his daughter's school detonated on live television.

Aoi barely survived, the rescue team finding her last due to the fact that she was at ground zero. What was left of the poor teenaged Aoi was a mutilated, shrapnel filled mess. Aoi's father sunk much of his fortuned repairing his daughter, giving her the best he could so that she could survive, though current technology regarding synthetic organs and limbs were still iffy at best.

Years went by, and Aoi took up her gaming hobby, eventually streaming her sessions online and gaining a fair amount of popularity. Gaming was not enough though, and the money from her father and stream donations was used to fuel a different, slightly more illegal hobby. Aoi enjoyed learning things she should not, she felt she was owed information after years of being kept in the dark and almost dying because of it. Her money was spent researching her family business and eventually, giving her the skills to infiltrate and steal information without ever being seen, she became a hacker, for lack of a better term.

Though, like her father, she got in with a bad crowd and found herself questioning her father, to no avail as he rushed her across the city to a small facility, where the last she saw of him was through a security gate before she was stripped down, forced into a skintight jumpsuit, given several shots and forced to take in a gel-like substance before she was chucked into a cryogenic tube.


Can't handle her liqueur ( Quiet / Emotional drunk )

Had a pet Chinchilla she named Enkei ( Round )

Hides important files in a chip she keeps in her neural interface.


Charlotte Louise Taylor



Charlotte is a tough girl to be sure, born among 5 older brothers and the only one among the 2 still living who has all their limbs, she can safely say she is a step above them. Her hair is a pale pink, though of her own design or a mutation she refuses to say. Her eyes are a light green and despite her location in a sunbaked wasteland, her skin is relatively pale.

Though she is female, it would be a mistake by anyone to consider her weak. Now the main mechanic of her father's shop, and the main source of income, Charlotte has grown used to working on large machinery alone, and often with little mechanical help as well. Years of working with heavy machinery has given Charlotte a very toned body that pairs well with her height at 6ft even. As for more hidden visuals, Charlotte once knew a tattooist who she had a brief fling with, and now has a simple black inked heart on her inner left thigh.

She is always down to business, especially when it comes to her work. She is never one to allow herself to be spoken over, and her temper often means that people who interrupt her often are rewarded with a broken nose or a wrench flying in their direction. Despite this, she knows when to bite her tongue, especially on things she knows nothing about.

She always looks at people when speaking, directly in the eyes if possible. She has a bad habit of chewing on things, though this is normally a bone or something durable that she knows where it came from. She can quite easily hold her liquor, but once she reaches her tipping point she becomes a very affectionate, truthful drunk. Despite growing up with so many brothers and being the general opposite of feminine, she enjoys softer things as well, namely music wherever she can find it.

Charlotte grew up in Scrap, a small town more than a few miles outside the protection of cities like Tolmhaven, where her entire family found business dealing with pirates and other such undesirables. Charlotte's family was lucky to have their father, as he was called the best independent mechanic a pirate could ask for, and it was that reason only that Scrap was not wiped from the map.

The youngest, Charlotte never knew many of her siblings, all but one lost to the pirates who frequented her hometown. The one she did know, Joseph, lost his legs in an accident when repairing a pirate vessel, and lost his right arm as punishment for it. She was 9 then, and it was at 9 that she began helping her old man with the work that was slowly wearing him down over the years.

Charlotte took to the work well, learning quickly and eventually forcing her old man into semi-retirement so he could take care of his crippled son. Meanwhile, Charlotte grew an edge while dealing with the pirates, quickly showing herself as one not to be messed with when she put down one pirate with a blow from her wrench when he thought to grope her, and his two friends when they took offense.

The only person outside her family that Charlotte grew close too was Vie, a tattoo artist who lived in town and grew up with Charlotte. It never grew into anymore than friendship, though not as if they both did not want more. They both realized that in a life like this, in a town like where they lived in constant fear, it was easier not to get involved, easier to simply take care of your own.

Charlotte is a mechanic, she works on grounded airships owned by pirates who trust her and her father to quietly and efficiently fix their ships while their crew makes a mess of Scrap. When alone or with free time, she obsesses over her music collection or works on spare projects for pirates or the town that are not currently threatening the life of her family and town.

Charlotte herself has worked on airships ranging from ranks E - C and she one day hopes to get her hands on anything ranked A. She is a nut when it comes to airships, but has never flown herself due to a terror of heights she developed at a young age. To keep a long story short, she was kidnapped when she was 5 and dangled over the edge of an airship as ransom and never got over it.

Vie, the tattoo artist where she got her heart tattoo from, is still obsessed about her despite their mutual agreement to stay out of eachother's lives under the guise of safety, though Charlotte would be lying if she said she did not think about Vie either.

Near photographic memory

Makes a decent Potato soup

Heavy Drinker

Quick learner

Heavy Drinker

Anger issues

Dislikes talking about romance


@Omega Man Always had an idea for my own little hero, very interested.

I will be trying out OC btw, perhaps a solo hero, but I already have the basics of the powers all lined up.
Really interested, give me a moment to work out the discord bit as it seems to be giving me trouble. I have a character idea already in the works.
I want to try and get into this, due to the post a little while ago about searching for a few more players or so, but the sheer size of the rp is a bit scary to be honest, but I really really like the Elder Scrolls setting and have more than one standalone character NOT built off the frame of one of the game heroes.
@Aamaya Have a character idea as well as a group idea going, more like several character ideas tbh
@Eneui Technology by the point where the characters would have been frozen had a decent synthetic technology available to all. As in a replacement would be sufficient for a few years without maintenance and robotic limbs were at a level where they had become viable and were able to function at a level equal to that of human limbs. The process was expensive, however, and most people would only be able to afford limited amounts.

Saying that the world in which the characters have awoken has progressed significantly since then and it's entirely possible to find far more advanced tech, operating at a far higher level of that of a human.

I have a character idea in mind, but it may take some discussing with you regarding things similar to my original question, though obviously a bit more specific.

I really am interested and cannot wait for an OP to be made.
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