Avatar of Ermine
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: kitakaze/Puss/Catherine
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1451 (0.38 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Ermine 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Oh. Right. Should update this from time to time.
7 yrs ago
FINALLY have a date for the move. Can FINALLY move back to Whitestone to be with my sister.
1 like
7 yrs ago
I'M A DE ROLO, APPARENTLY. O_O As in, I found out I have another sister who's like 10 now. Named Cassandra. Now I'm Alice von Ermineskaya Kowalski de Rolo III.
7 yrs ago
1. It has been at least 3 years since guildfall. It does not feel that long. 2. Just need to confirm stuff and I can move. 3. My sister is officially a model. Plus, she has an interview today.
7 yrs ago
Five Open Legend games, soon to be six. Three D&D games, soon to be two. A Numenera game that's been going since before Numenera went public. Probably enough for now. -nodnod-


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Most Recent Posts

Hurryhurryhurry your corgi butt~
More competition for the spots~ (I'm cool with this. ^~^)
Daisy regarded the new companions with some...pity, almost. Having been forced to stay in those tanks. It must have been uncomfortable. No one could hear you sing. No one would hear her sing right now, either, of course, because she'd already done enough to annoy these people, and she wanted to make the impression that she was a smart adventurer to these new people. One who had seen things. And to be fair, she'd seen - and chronicled! - these fish people before. But she hadn't done much in the way of real dungeon-delving hijinks like these others probably had.

But nothing probably prepared them for a prestidigitation-based cleanup, followed by an unusually comforting hug (and one for the crazy old man, too). "Normally, I'd give you a song. Not the time for that," She whispered into the gnome's ear, "and you'd get a nice one. I'll just come up with one later. I'll have more material to work with then anyway."

>Soothing Presence (hug was for fun), 2 psi (so 6 temp HP) to Solglia (@LovelyAnastasia), Eilina (@JBRam2002), and Ulor (@Oraculum...because she's been annoying him since before the first time they were assaulted by fish).
Caoimhe followed closely behind the others, though at some point one of her new compatriots had wandered off. Oh well, she thought, I'm sure he'll come back. He seemed eager enough to meet new people before. She was about to greet the crowd like they did back home "in the old country", as they say, but there was a relatively clear hello from the new friend whose relationship with the dragon-man was definitely something her own husband would enjoy. How she missed him, but this new land...he knew he would never tame her wanderlust.

So, naturally, the charismatic and exceptionally adorable (why else would she have so many kids?) halfling awaited a more socially acceptable moment to speak, since the newcomers - were they really the newcomers here? - were already addressed.

The wait for a response wasn't long. The one who seemed to be the leader, an old man with a pair of spectacles and not much else other than his "higher quality" wooden plank armor (which thankfully covered his bits) was the first to speak.

"What are you doing here? Are you looters, too? Someone's been stealing crops, livestock, and even some of our...other belongings since this hole opened up. You them? We oughtta take you in. Or bring you down." As he speaks, you can see he's missing three fingers on his left hand, so his frantic gestures are a little awkward, since it leaves him pointing at you with his ring finger and his thumb. "How did you make this cave? You coming here saves us the trip until we want to go back. Don't make us kill you bandits!"
...I am unhappy with this decision. It completely invalidates an archetype feature. So definitely not playing the fighter this time.
Oracle ♡
But yeah, kitsune fighter who will slowly grow to be the best nine-tailed skill monkey (because weapon and armor training just aren't my thing). Gladiator archetype for piecemeal armor (not that the perk for it is any good since I'll be getting a full set)
Well... I'm going kind of skill monkey (because fighters can do that) with my racial manipulation-magic. Don't know beyond that yet. Not that that's a right away thing, because I don't remember when advance armor/weapon training options kick in. But there will be some fun surprises (to me. Hopefully to others).
You know I make like 10 characters per RP, right,@JBRam2002? With the exception of the Fairest one (but still made 3).

@Cu ChulainnForgot about those ^//^ But more willing to be fighter than psychic. -nodnod- If only because if I wanted to play a fluffy sorcerer, I'd make a fluffy sorcerer. But I'd rather play an oracle than a sorcerer, anyway. Still unsure on race choice (between Kitsune and Lashunta).

Edit: Also, yeah. Kitsune Gladiator (Fighter). Pretty sure on this.
@Cu ChulainnIt's pretty badass. Still considering it. Not like I have any other good uses for all my extra feats.

(But Nine-Tailed Inheritor is unfortunately third party. :/)
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