Avatar of Erranruin


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Well howdy, I guess my old bio got deleted but I'm Erran! I'm 23 and I really love giant butch women with swords. And Dragons. And soft old men. And I like writing all of them! PM me with ideas involving any of these things.

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I will try to post today!

I just got into my holidays so now I should be more available ^_^
I will launch myself back into this soon too
Our collab was kinda held up cus everyone involved was busy I think at least?
Nyxella said
^Hahaha. So present on this site, there is no future. Wish that was a joke ;___; Will always have love for this roleplay.Erran!! Let me cling back so we can roll through the tulips and tiptoe over rocks. I mean rock and roll and tiptoe through the tulips. I mean have flail party. Have I not PM'd you?! THE NERVE

tHE NERVE D:< ... I'm pretty sure you PMed me its just I havent had a chance to reply -n- I'm a terrible person....

But look at all the people! :D *throws flowers over all of you*

Marc was away because his computer died but he's back now so he should be around too :D
Nyxella!!!! *leaps at you and clings to your leg* ;o; I missed you...
Ok so Kine in her natural state is a very brisk and jovial person. She likes laughter and storytelling and drink and active and animated talk long into the night. She is a pretty talented craftswoman so she often has a moment of dwarvish enthusiasm and goes off to find the nearest piece of rock or wood and hues it into some kind of nostalgic piece of art, like a dwarf head or a goat or a fresco of a little mountain. She sings when she's happy or hums when she's thoughtful or concerned. She's an averagely good cook although she could do better but she never puts much effort into it. She really likes having a warm company around her and both delving into intense discussions as well as light and happy chatter.

In relation to people she treats everyone as an equal until she knows them and then she changes her opinion to match how she views them. As a person who has been around royalty and is actually royalty, she does not act any different around people in power as she does around peasants and warriors. If someone is stuck up in themselves and seems overly uptight she generally mocks them and tries to get a rise from them since they irritate her somewhat but that is only when they really dont show any emotion or partake in friendly activities. If you show yourself as a warm person then she will respond likewise. If you give her your trust then she will so the same. At her core she's a pretty stalwart individual who likes simple pleasures.

Her mother was a political conniver, she basically controls alot of the dwarvish parliment, and when Kine was growing up her mother taught her alot about controlling and manipulating people and situations to her advantage. Its not something she does, but its something she is aware of other people doing to her and she's good at resisting it.

She's a very protective and mothering person, which is why she is so attached to Sophie, but it applies to anyone in need of support. Right now thats a part of her personality she is trying to repress since it was basically crushing her what with her friends dying around her or getting hurt because of her recently. She's a stronger, if more distant person right now but she's still friendly and will still try and engage with her party members and gain their trust and loyalty since she's a leader.

Thats what I can think of on my own but ask all the questions you want ^_^
Now it is :D

... I need to figure out how to art on a computer -_-
=v= thankyou, but yeah no ._.
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