Avatar of Ever
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    1. Ever 7 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current I finally go my own laptop!!!! Wooohooooo! I'm so excited!
6 yrs ago
I hate putting so much work into a character for the RP to die five seconds later :(
6 yrs ago
I just got married!!!!! I’m so happy right now! Sorry my rp responses will be a little postponed.
6 yrs ago
So. Fucking.Bored....And I just want to go home
7 yrs ago
I apologize to all of my partners! work has been crazy and I've had like a million things to do. I'll respnd to things as soon as I possibly can!
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Hmm, Troy gets the okay by me.
Thanks Shard. I'm not very familiar with the discord yet, but I will check it out!
So, I'm gonna work a little more on the OOC. I have some stuff to add about the covens and more about the safe house. I'll be doing that over the next few days.

In the mean time if you all want to start on some characters! Here is a basic character sheet outline. Nothing fancy :P Either post them here or send them to me in a PM.




Alignment: Coven or Angel Regiment?





Looks like it is going to! I think we got enough people interested.
I'm perfectly fine with playing someone else, if it would cause too much of a plot problem. I just love the bad ass normal guy trope and was checking to see if it was okay.

Edit: If you don't mind me asking, what would be the available age ranges of our vampires/ Werewolves be? The title of oldest is already taken for both species, and I was thinking of making a vampire infected during the wild west. Would that be too old?

No, that would not be too old! I'd say go for it if you are willing to play a vampire and werewolf instead.

With the way these coven leaders are, I don't think they would allow a coven member to have a blood cow. Not unless the person was willingly giving the blood.

@LemonadeVik Yes, a werewolf can give blood to a vampire.

Thanks for the interest HowlsOfWinter! Would be glad to have you aboard.
@Duoya I will have to think about it. It might cause a small problem in the plot. I will consider it though.

Is that the only kind of position you are interested in?

I didn't even fully realize I pushed the 18 plus tag. I will take that off. You are welcome to join if you like. There may be some horror violence, but shouldn't be anything bad.
Oh!! Yeah I don't enforce that at all. No worries.

Well great. Love to have ya as a co-him. We'll talk more if people gain interest!
What do you mean by real life imaginary @Shard?

I'd love a co-gm though if this thing can get off the ground. Angels are not playable, but if you become the Gm I'd be more prone to letting you play an angel character. Just gotta get more people interested.

Thank you for showing interest!
Thank you for your interest! I know it isn't complete, but wanted to see the interest before I put even more work into it. I will be filling in the incomplete parts very soon though.

@Spanner I will keep in mind your interest in the Hybrid if this gets off the ground.
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