Avatar of Evil Snowman
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Evil Snowman
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1239 (0.34 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Evil Snowman 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
When you have the urge to update your bio to something newer. But are to lazy to do it.
5 yrs ago
Merry Christmas to you all.
6 yrs ago
I really must get to posting for my RPs. But procastnating is much easier.
6 yrs ago
Just got home form seeing infinity war. Gotta say I wished I seen it sooner.
6 yrs ago
Shit when did it become my dam 25th birthday? I'm sure last time I checked it was at least a week a way.


Hello I'm Evil Snowman or Snowy as some have taken to calling me.
I'm a 27 year old baker living in Australia. I also work nights so I'm up at some weird hours.
Let's see I'm into Writing/RPing, Video games, anime, Sci-if stuff (to lazy to list what.) computers, cats and a lot of other stuff.
I spend a fair amount of my free time on the net so I tend leave tab open for the guild so I'm normally around if not I'm mostly likely working or passed out somewhere.

If you want more know more you'll have to talk to me and get to know me (don't worry I don't bite... too much) so send me an PM and I'll talk with you.

Most Recent Posts

Private Hexner


Hearing Regan call her cute Aria blinked twice, her cheeks going very slightly red for a moment.
"That makes me feel overly self-aware and ... a little embarrassed." she stated kneeling next to the lancer. Giving a nod to the deal offered.
"Your deal is accepted." Aria stated moving away to collect the SMG. Bringing it back to Regan she set it down next to the lancer. Before silently checking Regan for any wounds making note of them. Although her knowledge of medicine was limited she could see cuts a few bruises. Some of which looked like they had healed recently so Aria assumed it had to be by the ragnaid on the floor near her. As far as she could tell she'd be okay. She'd just need some rest maybe another dose of ragnaid. But regardless she'd live.

When asked how it looks Aria, looked at Regan setting a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry you're going to die. It's just a matter of time." she said in her usual monotone, her face remaining unexpressive. Aria said nothing for a moment to let the news sink in before tapping Regan on the shoulder twice. Forcing a small smile to appear.
"I was kidding. You'll live. You need a proper medic to look at you. I have a few painkillers in my first aid kit. That is all I can give you." Aria said moving away again. Fetching the painkillers out of her first aid kit which thankful was still in her pack. With painkillers in hand, she offered them to Regan alongside her water canteen.


Aria stayed with Regan to assist her as the battle raged on. Given she was now unarmed, Aria felt very aware she was on a battlefield and given the lancer seemed confident in handling the SMG Aria felt safe with her. As the battle end came Aria helped Regan to the house the squad had claimed for the night, before leaving her to go scavenging for supplies. Stripping the dead imperials for anything of use. keeping what was useful to her and using some of what she had acquired to trade to get her rifle back. Which someone had found and was willing to part with for a few imperial water canteen and grenades. Having her rifle back Aria was content. Even if she couldn't use it well the weapon was hers and she was a little attached to it. Having acquired she needed to resupply she returned to the house. Tossing the rest of items she found. She didn't need them, so why keep them.

Back at the house Aria claimed a bedroom where she sat on the floor next to her pack and rifle and simply smoked a cigarette, replaying the day her old company died alongside the events of today. Aria giving a sigh, wishing right now she had a strong drink.

<I'm here boss just waiting on you to post.>
Katya & Zim

As questions were answered by Captain Ritsu, Katya became lost in thought. The fact this part of this mission was going to be in space. Dawning on her. Alongside the fact, her drones were not equipped for deployment in space.
"That's going to problematic. Eden's can't repair things if they can't reach it." Katya thought, biting her lower lip. Feeling slightly worried about her usefulness in this operation. From what Katya heard of what the captain was saying this mission was going to be very difficult. So the last thing Katya wanted to do was add to that difficulty by being unable to use half her werks equipment effectively. After all, there was chance Elora was on the station so if there was a chance to bring her home. Katya couldn't make things harder, she owed Elora that much for failing to stop her being taking in the first place.
"Maybe I could add a few thrusters to the drones ..." Katya thought as she heard Ritsu going over the Cruxi station's potential defences and possible defenders.
"By the sound of it, my drones are going to be needed. Will definitely speak to the chief engineer about requisitioning some thrusters. she muttered quietly. Waiting for Ritsu to finish speaking and dismiss everyone. Listening to Elise before quickly leaving the room.

Not wanting to waste any time, Katya headed to the hanger to have a conversation about getting some thrusters. After a somewhat lengthy conversation with the chief engineer. Katya explaining why she needed the thrusters without explaining the operation itself. The willing to give Katya the thrusters. Given it was for an operation, although told her she'd have to install them as his team was busy. Katya agreeing, feeling a little unsure if she could get everything on her own. The Cheif engineer was told Katya he'd get them to her with the hour. Content with the outcome, Katya headed to her werks bay. Making a mental list of everything she needed to do. Hoping 3 days was enough time outfit her drones.

Quickly get changed out of her uniform. Into a set of engineering overalls. She acquired the tools she'd need. Returned to her werks bay and set the first Artemis drone into position in the drone maintenance bay next to her werks. Beginning the process of removing the Artemis drone armour plates.

Zim had reported to Elise to volunteer for an assault pack. It made sense for him to use the assault pack, being a primarily melee combatant, attempting to approach made him nearly useless for a while, as such he wanted the assault pack to be able to provide support on the approach. Once Zim had spoken with the C.O. he went to the hanger to find out what he could about the assault packs and get as much practice in the simulators as possible to get used to the heavier feel. By the time he got there he found Katya hard at work over one of her drones. Armor plates were removed and the inner workings were exposed, carefully, trying not to startle her, Zim approached her, waiting until her hands were free of the machine to speak.

"Katya," Zim started, "What are you working on, something I can help with?"

Being so focused on what she was doing Katya. Didn't even notice Zim approach. Looking little surprised as he spoke to her, asking what her what she doing.
"Outfitting my drones for space. They don't come with inbuilt thrusters. So I'm adding some." She answered gesturing to the drone before picking up the next tool she needed. Looking at Zim for a moment thinking. Before nodding to herself.
"As for helping me? I wouldn't mind the help if you got the time. You know the basics of engineering right? How tighten bolts? Not to rip out the green cables? How not radiate oneself with a mark 7 nuclear reactor? Katya spoke pointing at the Artemis exposed nuclear reactor. An egg-shaped device in the middle of the drone covered in radioactive warning symbols.

"I've had to work around a few machines back in my terraformer days, out on that frontier you usually didn't have the luxury of every tool and a safe clean environment to work in. I'm not known for making it pretty, but I could usually fix something that was broken. So if you'll have me, I'll be happy to help."

A small smear of grease on her forehead caught Zim's eye and called his attention more to her face. There was something there that he hadn't seen before. What was it exactly, besides the grease? Zim pushed it from mind and drew himself in closer to the project. "Tell me what you need, I'll assist to the best of my abilities."

He worked alongside her, but he noticed that his pace was a little slower than normal, was it caution or distraction?

Hearing Zim had at least a basic level of knowledge. Felt okay with letting Zim help her.
"Then your help will be most welcome. Katya said a small smile forming. To have someone help her making her feel a little happy and confident she could complete the task in time. She had to it was simple as that, even it meant a sleepless night or two.
Hearing Zim tell her to direct him, Katya set the tool she was holding down.
" At the moment I merely prepping this drone for the install. Once I get the thrusters from the engineers. I explain it once and show what I've already done" Katya stated, approaching Zim giving him a quick run down of what she was doing. With that, she showed him what she had done and how to do it.
"See it simple. Just be careful break my drone and I'll not be happy. They're special to me. She ended her little explanation with. Before going back to work. Leaving Zim to do the prep work on the left side of the drone while she handled the rest.

It was decided, for Zim at least, that he was distracted. He had never really noticed before, but Katya had a mature cuteness to her. It was hard to define what it was exactly at this point, but Zim appreciated it all the same.

It didn't take long Katya to notice Zim's pace was a little slow. Like he seemed a little distracted about something. However ignored it until nearly all the drones prep work was completed a couple hours later and felt like it was okay for a quick break. Since she was going have a break she wanted to make sure her help and underling was okay. Partly as he was helping her and she was his superior office she felt obligated. Katya stopped working and looked over in last know Zim's direction.
"Zim, it's break time!" She called out. Disappearing into Caretakers cockpit for a moment. Returning with a small blue container, two packs of water. Sitting on the foot werk. She placed everything next to her. Waiting for Zim to join her.

"Thank you," Zim said sitting down nearby on the foot of her Werk. He sat there quietly for a moment, stealing glances periodically. The shape of her work overalls were flattering. Which was a weird thought when you consider that they had seen each other in their skin-thin flight suites, which was all but seeing each other nude. But Zim felt that the plain, dirty brown coverall framed her proportions nicely... he may need to find excuses to come by and help more often, Zim mused to himself.

As Zim sat down Katya quickly wiped her hands so they at least partly clean. Then popped the container open, pulling out a handful reddish brown sticks setting them on a water packed. Pick up the water packet she looked at Zim for a moment before quickly adding another stick. Looking content she got up and approached Zim.
"Here water and a little bit of real meat. Not that "real" stuff they give in the mess hall. But don't tell anyone alright, it's nothing dangerous or anything classed as contraband. I just don't feel like sharing it. I can't get any more of it." she said offering Zim the water packet and sticks.
"So you know that insect meat. Just in case you're weird about eating bugs. It's a little chewy since it's been persevered. If you don't like just put it back in the container." Katya said before walking back over to where she was sat.

Having given Zim something to eat and drink. Katya started in on her own food and drink. Downing the water packet in four large gulps. She neatly folded the now empty packet in half and set it back down.
"So Zim. Is everything okay? I noticed you seem to be a little ... distracted. Is it the upcoming operation? Or is something else bothering you?" Katya questioned taking a meat stick out of the container. Biting down on it the moment she finished speaking.

Zim was just about the stick the meat stick into his mouth and take a bite when she told him that it was from an insect. He paused a moment with his mouth wide open and withdrew the food before he gave a shrug and took a bite of the meat. She was right, it was chewy. Not in the way that he was used to. Zim's home planet of Fortess was almost all mountain terrain, so while mammals were common, they grew up rigid and lean, making the meat very tough. This was more... spongy? But the taste was good. He was still chewing that first bite when she asked if everything was okay.

Caught, his face blushed slightly. "Me? No, I'm fine. I mean, I always get a little nervous before a mission..."

"Idiot..." Zim thought to himself.

"Well, that's not totally true," Zim said with a pause. He realized that he was avoiding looking directly at her. He forced himself to look at his superior officer, which came in fleeting and bashful glances. "Say it." he coerced himself. "Well, the truth is I am a little distracted. I'm not sure if I've just realized it now, or if you've changed something, b-but you are quite pretty."

His face burned. He snapped back from the pause realizing that Katya was still waiting for a response. "I'm fine, just trying to be careful is all. Don't want to break the drones that are meant to be fixing us, or get us irradiated... Th-thank you for the snack, but the one stick will be fine for me. I appreciate the offer, but I don't want to deplete your supply any more than I have." He walked over and returned the second stick while he continued to munch on the first piece.

Hearing Zim was okay, just a little nervous before a mission, Katya nodded. Willing to take the answer at face value. Although something about it made her think he might not be telling her everything. The blush, in particular making her feeling a little suspicious. However, for the moment Katya wasn't willing to press the matter. It might cost her his help. Right now that was something Katya wasn't willing to risk.

The moment Zim said Katya was pretty, Katya choked on the bit of meat she was eating. Forcing it down by quickly drinking half her pack of water. Breathing a sigh of relief as the meat passed.
"Jeez Zim. Don't say things like that." Katya quickly spluttered her cheeks going a little red. Looking away from her helper as she continued to eat.
"Why did he have to say something like that to me. Now that's going to bother me for the rest of the day." she thought frowning slightly. Hearing Zim speak Katya looked at him. laughing when he said he didn't want to break the drones. Frowning when he said one stick was enough for him, although was happy to hear she'd have another stick to devour later.
"I gave you two as I didn't mind giving you two, but hey more for me. As for the drones don't worry about breaking them. They have survived me pulling them apart to study them. They'll survive you." Katya spoke downing the rest of the stick she was eating alongside the rest of her water.

"Right! Back to work soldier. Still so much to do. Katya said standing up. Approaching the drone. Having had a quick break, she good to get back to work.

"Yes Ma'am," Zim responded, snapping to attention before swiftly turning and getting back to work. He smirked as he continued to work, remembering how she had previously chided him for saluting her and calling her Ma'am.

Being called ma'am made Katya shoot Zim a glare. Katya wanting to tell Zim off. however, she didn't have time to tell him off. She wanted this drone prepped for thrusters install by the time someone dropped them off. Katya hoping they'd come soon. She didn't want to wait around. The young woman very pleased when an engineer dropped the thrusters off in couple large crates, not long after the pair got back to work. Katya quick to rummage through the crates organizing the thrusters for each drone into piles scattered around her werks bay. Again showing Zim where she wanted the thrusters. Explain the connection process which Katya read from a data pad she found in one of the creates.

Katya kept Zim working till it was dinner time. Which in that time the first drone was finished and loaded into storage and the second drone brought down to be worked on. This time it was an Eden drone. Katya wanting to work out how to install thrusters on an Eden while she had the help. Then know what to d she could program a special "repair" sequence into an Eden.
When she noticed it that is was dinner time Katya stopped working and approached Zim.
"Your free Zim, so you to go eat and rest, if needed that's was an order. I can handle the rest. You have my thanks. The help was useful it made working out how to do things much easier. I can handle the rest ... I can program an Eden to assist me with the rest. I owe you for this. So here." Katya said undoing the bit of cloth she was using to tie her hair back. Offering it to Zim while her hair flowed freely down across her shoulders and back.

"On my world, we have a tradition where we give a possession to someone we owe. It serves a symbol of our debt which is returned when I no longer owe you. This was something mum gave me when I was a kid. It means a lot to me so take it. Refuse and you'll offend me and end up in my bad books like Roony." Katya stated, hoping Zim would understand.

Zim blushed again. "Damn," He thought to himself as he took the hair tie. "I'm sure you'll have back soon." He tied it around his right wrist like a bracelet before turning to leave.
A bump a day keep helps keep the boredom at bay.
Just daily bump as I'm still looking.
Bringing this thread back to life as I'm in need of a couple of 1x1's.
Sounds good. I'll pm you a pad link shortly.
Just so people know My next IC post will involve Katya running off to outfit her drones. In case anyone is interested in earning a favor out of Katya or purely wants to interact with her.
@Ariamis well I totally missed that part. My bad.
@Ariamis having slept on it. I was actually was going to ask if it was okay outfit my drones then with sort of temporary thruster system. Given I could see Katya doing that.
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