Avatar of Evil Snowman
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Evil Snowman
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1239 (0.34 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Evil Snowman 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
When you have the urge to update your bio to something newer. But are to lazy to do it.
5 yrs ago
Merry Christmas to you all.
6 yrs ago
I really must get to posting for my RPs. But procastnating is much easier.
6 yrs ago
Just got home form seeing infinity war. Gotta say I wished I seen it sooner.
6 yrs ago
Shit when did it become my dam 25th birthday? I'm sure last time I checked it was at least a week a way.


Hello I'm Evil Snowman or Snowy as some have taken to calling me.
I'm a 27 year old baker living in Australia. I also work nights so I'm up at some weird hours.
Let's see I'm into Writing/RPing, Video games, anime, Sci-if stuff (to lazy to list what.) computers, cats and a lot of other stuff.
I spend a fair amount of my free time on the net so I tend leave tab open for the guild so I'm normally around if not I'm mostly likely working or passed out somewhere.

If you want more know more you'll have to talk to me and get to know me (don't worry I don't bite... too much) so send me an PM and I'll talk with you.

Most Recent Posts

@Ariamis Working on a post just been feeling a little rundown as of late. Making it hard to keep myself focused and motivated on RPs. Should have something up either today or tomorrow barring any major distractions.
Well I'm relieved I was unsure how to handle Atty. At this point pinning it to a wall was sort of a desperate measure.

The moment Atty’s armour was breached the Artemis drones ceased firing. Deeming Atty to longer be a threat to Caretaker. However they did not move, locked on to the rouge werk, they remained ready to continue their attack the moment Atty made a move to Caretaker. For the moment however it was deemed no longer a threat to Caretaker. Meanwhile, the Edens, under coordination of the control in together to repair the damage Attys attack had done. While Caretaker was still operational the armour on it right side was damaged. The armour had bore the brunt of the attack, and 2 Edens were attempting to patch the armour as best they could. While rest were working on the systems that had been damaged in Atty’s attack and the subsequent fall. The frames locomotors had taken damage from the fall given how Caretaker had landed. The upper right arm although protected by armour had taken some moderate damage.

With scream finally over, Katya breath a heavy sigh of relief. Her hands moving away from her ears. For the first moment, nothing registered with Katya as she needed a moment to recover and adjust to the pain she was now feeling. Katya feeling like someone had put her brain in a vice and was squeezing tightly. She hoped that it was something she would have to experience again. Still, Katya found herself distracted from the pain in her head, at the sound of Elora crying in her head. It was an unpleasant, but one that gave her focus, Katya desire to protect Elora and bring her home. She reached out for her control. Grasping them with whatever strength she could muster. Commanding the werk back onto its feet. Katya hearing the werk groan as it picked itself up. Katya finding her controls stiff, having to apply a fair amount of force to get werk to do as she wanted.
“This is not the time to be stubborn Caretaker.” she muttered looking at the scene before her. She could see her drones ready to engage Atty. Who seemed to picking itself up. Logic Gate and Neo Angel impaled and pinned to a wall. Instinctively Katya ordered her Edens to Neo Angel, although only 4 drones responded leaping from the werk and starting to make the trek across the room to the damaged werks. The other two not responding to her commands at all and continued to work on Caretaker.

While ordering her Eden’s Katya kept one eye on Atty. Katya not trusting Serah to attack her again. Using what brain power she could muster to think of reason why Serah would attack an allied unit. To her it didn’t making any sense and was sure she was missing something. From what she knew of Serah she wasn’t a traitor. As Katya thought she watched Atty took a swing at drones land a hit on the armour of one of them. It causing some damage but the drone thanks to it heavy armour endured the attack and back off with other. Sparks coming out of the new slice mark in the armour. The Drones status updating to show it’s sensors had taken some minor damage. Katya and the drones moved to keep on Atty as it dashed off.

“Serah what are you doing! We are not the enemy!” Katya shouted as loud as could. Whatever was going on Katya knew it had to stop. For several reasons. Mostly as Serah couldn’t be allowed to go on a rampage in the middle of a Cruxi stronghold. Nor could she be allowed to harm Elora. Also not that she’d ever admit it. Katya was angry at Serah, for damaging Caretaker and now one of her drones. It was that anger that Katya order her werk forward. Watching as Atty lined its blade of with Logic Gate. Katya activating Caretakers thrusters with the intent of getting hold of Atty. Katya pushing Caretaker to move as quickly as the werk could manage. Katya aware that she could easily mess this manoeuvre up and end up damaging her own werk or getting attacked. She just wanted Serah to stop, and to Katya at the moment this seemed like the most efficient way. Short of crippling Atty with her drones, which was something Katya didn’t want to do.
Will have a post hopefully today.

Entering the room, Katya wasted no time raising her weapon pointed at the modified Logic Gate. Even if Katya didn’t want to harm Elora, Katya could not risk being caught off guard. It was evident the Cruxi had been busy in doing something to Elora. She could not take the risk even if Katya was still unsure if it became needed she could command her werk fire Marker Light. Katya hopped Elora would not attack them. Still, in case, she did, and Katya found herself unable to fire. She deployed her attack drones. Knowing if something happened they would engage without mercy.

It was then she heard Elora voice in her mind. Something Katya found unsettling. Part of her said it wasn’t right to hear Elora voice in her head. Too much it worse hearing Elora to run only enhanced that feeling. It forming a knot in her stomach. Her sync rate dropping slightly as Elora spoke and she grew more conflicted. Katya deploying her three remaining combat drones as the speaker like things on the wall came to life and from them a voice Katya would never forget spoke. Even if it was badly distorted, she could understand it. The electronic voice giving her a sense of impending dread causing the knot in her stomach to grow more preannounced. As the voice spoke the drones leaping to the ground from Caretakers drone bay hitting the ground. Before moving, to form a firing line aimed at Logic gate.

It was then a Cruxi Elite appeared, Katya quick to recognise it as the Cruxi that first snatched Elora away. Anger mixing with a feeling of dread as part of her wanted to bring everything Caretaker had to bare on that accursed Cruxi. But before Katya could swing Caretaker around or command her drones to engage. Katya saw the modified Logic Gate start to shake intensely and flailing its arms. What came next was something Katya had never experienced. The young woman's hand move to cover her ears out of some futile attempt to stop the mental scream. Katya’s overwhelmed by the attack. Failed to notice the alarm starting to blare in her cockpit one signalled her sync rate had dropped to critical levels.

Katya paralysed unable to do anything. The sensory overload too much for her minus writhing in her chair trying to merely endure the attack. Katya unaware what was going on around her. Minus for hearing Serah’s scream get added into the mix over the comms. Unaware that Serah’s sync rate had fallen low enough to put that Atty went into Culling. Her only sign something was wrong was when her cockpit rocked as Atty’s attack connected with Caretaker. Damaging the werk and knocking it off balance. Without Katya manning the controls the rear heavy werk feel backwards. Katya still overwhelmed by the psionic attack.

The moment Attay’s attack connected with Caretaker the drone control node shut down it’s user interface. The control panel Katya used to control her drones going dark. The HUD space dedicated to the drones showing new commands being issued along with clicking sounds of the drone control node. The Edens being activated and deployed to repair the damage done by Atty’s attack.
Katya hearing the clicks forced herself to look at her part of HUD for drones. Able to make out the what was causing her control nodded to click.
Katya unable to understand the rest of the data the HUD displayed.The pilot for the moment unable to think of the reason why her drones would start acting out on their own. Once again overwhelmed by the pyoinc attack.

The moment the Artemis were giving orders to target Atty they did so. Moving quickly as they could the repositioned. Following the werk as it moved to the side of the room taking a defensive position. The drones following the orders of the control mode engaged Atty with volley of laser cannon fire. Having engaged Atty the drones would not stop until the werk was no longer a deemed a threat to Caretaker or Katya’s sync rate improved and Katya ordered the drones to stop.
@Dynamo Frokane Good, good this please me. Although the smart side of me say I should not take on another RP, the RPer on me is foaming at the mouth in pure excitement ... well it might something best you keep a safe distance.
That be good. Also about head off to work so wont be able to get back to you for a while.
A little help might be good. As I just can't think of what to put in my post.
Just let you know I'm all still here. Still stuck, but alive.
Think I'll have to see how Mai reacts. As all I can think of is have the attack drones turn on Atty. For attacking Caretaker in a manner they are able to recognise. Unless Caretaker starts doing stuff on its own, but I'm unsure how far that can be taken.
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