Avatar of follycle
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    1. follycle 6 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Her Hands Cry Tears of Red
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5 yrs ago
Been too long since I've roleplayed, so I'll put myself out there. Maybe I post something of my own, maybe I don't.
6 yrs ago
You were expecting a status, but it was I, Dio! (Stop me)
6 yrs ago


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Depends on what archeytypes we all plan on playing. For me, that'll probably either be the rambunctious go-getter or the quiet observant type.
I'd love to join in as well ^^ This looks pretty cool! Time to sketch up a new character!

So many Iwaku faces, haha. Well, so long as @Shizuochan is still onboard, we should be good once we get one or two more people!
Wooooah. This looks really cool and unique. I'll probably be pretty busy over the next couple of weeks (summer school is kicking my ass) but I'd love to jump on board this while I can anyway! Screw your plans, future me, I wanna be an animu psyker~

Looking forward to writing with you!

I'm glad someone at least took notice. :'^D I'll look forward to having you on board if this comes to fruition!
S e i k a t s u

Personal Dossier

Kumonosu Seikatsu
生活 クモの巣


Osaka, Osaka

Physical Description
Standing at a lanky 178 centimetres and weighing a measly 57 kilograms, Seikatsu is one to stand out, much to his dismay. His abnormally green, frazzled hair doesn't help him much, but he likes the color, and can't be assed to change it. Droopy eyes of pink give way to an assumption of tiredness, save for when he offers a curt smile and that drowsiness turns to contentedness. Features of note are his oddly large hands. While he doesn't dislike them, he certainly wishes they wouldn't attract such attention. Hard to wallow through life as a leaf when people constantly want to compare hand sizes with you.

They say an object at rest stays at rest. Such is true for Seikatsu. He prefers not to move if he doesn't have to, claiming life will take him wherever it deems necessary he go. Call him an apathetic philosopher and you'll have pretty much summarized his entire personality. Seikatsu is, by all definitions of the word, boring. Bland is another good word of choice. He doesn't do much, and this has led him to have very few friends, and those he does have are self-proclaimed. While he doesn't dislike company, he does prefer to be alone, a preference which led him to move out on his own under special circumstances.

Not a heartless being, Seikatsu isn't against helping people, and will often lend a hand to those in need if it isn't too much trouble. Much like his father, he's also fascinated with the vast variety of quirks present in the world, though he finds it would be bothersome to confront people about their abilities. He's a curious bugger with the lack of enthusiasm to satiate said curiosity. He also happens to be a genius, but being the humble guy he is, he doesn't present that fact as anything particularly special about himself.

Personal History
Seikatsu grew up an only child, and was thus afforded most of anything he wanted, his father being a researcher that studied quirks, his mother a gardener. As a result of the lack of interaction training he'd have most likely gotten had he had siblings, he became a bit unsociable. Opting to stay inside and read books and play whatever video games were good enough to pique his interest, Seikatsu grew up to be quite the loner. His parents feared for what this would mean for his future, and tried to push him into socializing with others. His apathetic nature made making any real progress difficult, and the parents gave up their resolve. As long as he was happy, they concluded.

In school, Seikatsu was little less than a genius. While he found studies boring, his near perfect memory allowed him to nail material upon learning it a single time, and simply recall it whenever test time came around. Rather than bully him, students often came up to him asking for help with their classwork. These "why not" study sessions were the little socialization Seikatsu took part in, and are what led him to make the few self-proclaimed friends he has. Shortly after his 15th birthday, Seikatsu moved out, claiming to want to try living on his own for a while. He currently works as a library's assistant to make his living wages, though he of course still receives some money from his parents, albeit reluctantly.

You're probably wondering why such an apathetic person would want to become a hero. It's quite simple, really. When a flyer advertising enrollment for Ishin Academy smacked him dab in the face as he was walking home one day, he assumed life was telling him this was the path for him to take. Call him impulsive, but that's his reason. His parents also encouraged him a bit, seeing this as an opportunity for him to make some actual friends. Most hero schools were keen on promoting teamwork, which would force the apathetic boy out of his shell.

Character Development & Conceptualization
Over the course of the roleplay, I hope to take Seikatsu out of his comfort zone, putting him into situations that force him to demonstrate anything other than unfiltered apathy. I want to push him in the direction to where he can see someone as a true friend, and not just someone he tolerates because "why not".

Because of his impulsiveness, I'm also aiming to give him personal direction in life — setting goals for himself that aren't just actions taken because he believes it's where life is pointing him, but because they're things he genuinely wants to do.

In addition, I want to open his eyes about what it means to be a hero; that one can't simply be one because something or someone is telling them to. That there has to be a desire, a drive, to be one. A drive that, without, the path he's taken is a road to failure.

Abilities & Talents

Quirk Type

Quirk Description
Seikatsu's quirk, Living Web, allows him to generate webbing from any orifice on his body. The speed with which the webbing is generated is dependent on his focus. The thread is also surprisingly durable, proving itself capable of withstanding the average karate chop. Blunted sharp objects may also have a hard time severing it. Seikatsu wears special shoes that are resistant to the stickiness of the webs, so as to not hinder himself if he were to ever cover the ground with it as a defensive strategy.

Other Talents & Attributes
As mentioned before, Seikatsu possesses genius level intellect, and is also quite the strategist. However, he's also a bit frail, having not bothered to train himself much physically. As a result, he relies more on being nimble, thanks to his slender, albeit tall, figure. He's capable of solving a Rubik's Cube in around 5 seconds. As a side note, and oddly enough, Seikatsu has a bit of a dislike for spiders, despite his quirk being related to them.

Oh, you're just saying that.

The Basics

GM: follycle
Posting Expectations: Two or more paragraphs; proper grammar and punctuation.
Posting Speed: One to two posts per week.
Genres: Action, Futuristic, Sci-Fi, Superpowers
Players: Four to six.
OoC Link: Here

The Variable Project: VECTOR is a roleplay that takes place in the Variable Project universe, following a small, specialized group, recently recruited by a top secret organization known as VECTOR, as they undertake several missions to take down what few Corrupted Constants remain around the world. What Variables and Constants are will be explained below.


Psychokinesis (henceforth referred to as PK) is an ability that humans evolved to possess around the year 2100. The father of first human to demonstrate an ability to use PK would become the director of the then called Psychokinesis Project. The ability had manifested itself at the age of 12, and granted the young girl the ability to levitate, speak telepathically, and use telekinesis. Scientists closely monitored the girl's condition. Realizing the danger involved with such an ability, work was quickly started to develop a means of controlling this power.

A specialized chip was designed and implanted at the upper tip of the girl's spine, just where it connected to the brain. This allowed the scientists to disrupt the signals in the part of her brains that showed activity during PK use, thus allowing them to stop her if she went out of control. Unfortunately, the girl died shortly thereafter, proving unable to deal with the stress PK placed on her brain. A pill, named Psyche, was developed to offset the effects of PK usage, which included a shortened lifespan and extreme migraines.

Further noting the combat capabilities of such a skill, and noticing a slow increase in the number of individuals capable of PK, the government began hoarding orphans to use as military super weapons. Thus, research into making weapons compatible with their newfound powers began. It wasn't long before they found a highly malleable metal that reacted extremely well to Psychokinetic abilities. Harvesting this metal, they fashioned it into a small sphere for easier portability.

During the year 2127, the first Variable was created. From that point on, those capable of using PK were deemed Constants, and the Psychokinesis Project was renamed the Variable Project. In the decade that followed, several new types of variables would be created, each of them reacting differently to an individual's unique brainwave patterns. Those would be the long-range physical type, the short and long-range mental types, and the most dangerous of all, the spatial type.

In the year 2142, the International Variable Organization (IVO) was created. Best thought of as a top secret UN that focuses exclusively on variable laws between countries, it was their way of maintaining a peace. They enjoyed it for a time, until a Russian Constant went rogue and headed towards the US. The US sent out a Constant of its own in retaliation, but the rogue Russian destroyed the chip that regulated the Constant's PK usage and convincing her to run away with her. In the year that followed, the two made various enemies and allies in their quest to expose the corruption of the Variable Project to the world. It was during this time that Anti-Psychokinetic equipment came into development, as a means of combating rogue Constants.

In the year 2147, everything came to light when an S-rank Corrupted Constant by the name of Cortice launched an attack on the US. With enough combined power with her variables to level a major city in a matter of minutes, there was no hiding this from the world. It was only thanks to the combined efforts of the US, Russia, France, and China Constants that they were able to subdue the out of control Corrupted. The directors of the Variable Project as it was known around the world were forced to give the public answers. In 2148, the Variable Project underwent reform.

That's the history up until the start of this roleplay. Set during the year 2151, a top secret group known only as VECTOR has been established to deal with what Corrupted Constants have managed to escape and still roam the world. To speak of the technological advancements mankind has seen in other areas, due to global warming, most of what has been being looked into, namely flying cars and the like, have had their research either delayed or forsaken altogether, in efforts to maintain what little stability the planet has left. As such, you can expect that most things in the roleplay work just as they do in the present day.


Constants are those capable of using Psychokinesis. Among their abilities include levitation, telepathy, and telekinesis, as well as compatibility with Variables. As of the start of this roleplay, only 0.0005% of the living population has demonstrated an ability to use PK. As a safeguard, those gifted (or cursed) with this ability are segregated from the general population, and are housed on the same island as the International Variable Organization summit, with the promise that a solution that will enable them to safely live among others will swiftly be found.

Excessive use of PK has displayed a number of side effects. For one, it shortens one lifespans. Another side effect is near unbearable migraines. The Psyche drug counteracts both of these. If one exceeds the limits of what they're mind has proven capable of, or if they use it for a continuous, prolonged period of time, individuals begin to lose their mind and enter a deranged state, at which point they are deemed Corrupted. Corrupted individuals have enhanced PK abilities, stronger than those of their sane counterparts, but they very often don't live longer than a few years at best. They're swiftly dealt with, though a few have managed to escape, some of them with variables no less...

There is currently no way to salvage someone that has become Corrupted.


A physical Variable's base form.

Variables are crafted into spheres from a special metal that is highly malleable and very reactive to Psychokinetic abilities. Currently the strongest substance known to man, nothing has proven capable of breaking a variable other than another variable. Variables require a user to "sync" with them before they can be used, which means they must be touched, and the user must pass their PK energy through it to have their particular energies accepted by the metal. Only variables compatible with one's particular brainwaves may safely be synced with. If one attempts to sync with an incompatible type, corruption is the likely result.

Variables come in three varieties thus far: physical, mental, and spatial. Furthermore, each of these three exist in both short-range and long-range variants.

Physical variables are those commonly seen in the sphere form. Due to the highly malleable nature of the metal, those with PK abilities can easily transform it into whatever shape they so desire. This shape can be maintained for hardness, and used to cut things (think a sword). Short-range physical type variables require constant contact with the user to be used. If the user drops or otherwise loses contact, the variable will revert back to sphere form and require the user to sync with it again.

Long-range types do not require additional syncs after the initial one. Likewise, they do not require constant contact. Capable of being controlled from a distance, the base sphere is capable of dividing into several smaller ones, which are capable of being fired off much like bullets. They're also as freely transformable as their short-range counterparts, able to take up whatever shape the user so desires. Despite being made of the same material, long-range physical types are less durable than short-range types, so it's ill-advised to use them for close range combat.

Mental type variables are inserted at the upper tip of the spine. Often taking a chip form, mental types enhance the abilities of the user, and sometimes provide additional effects, based upon one's brainwaves. For instance, one may gain the ability to absorb kinetic energy to weaken blows the body takes, or the ability to tell if someone is lying by reading brain activity. Short-range types often deal with enhancing something internal to the user, while long-range types often have to do with something external to the user. These types are preferred in matters of espionage.

Considered the most dangerous type of all, as well as having been outright banned from production, spatial types grant users control over various subjects, and the form they take varies by user. In the S-rank Cortice, her spatial type took the shape of a large myriad of small spheres that circled around her body in a tight formation. They had developed a sort of anti-matter like quality, consuming anything that touched them without prejudice. As one can imagine, even approaching the Corrupted Constant was a daunting task. Other spatial types may offer increased control over such things as water, or give one the ability to manipulate gravity. In these cases, they'll take more of a chip form, much like mental types.


As mentioned several times before, your role in the story is as a newly recruited member of VECTOR, a top secret organization that claims to be tasked with eliminating what few Corrupted Constants are still on the loose. Your character will, obviously, be capable of using PK, and they'll have already undergone training with variables and the like before the roleplay's start, at which point you'll be considered graduates ready for their first mission. This roleplay will follow a mission based format, with the story developing the further along the characters get. As things progress, the characters will be left to question what and who they're really fighting against, and the morality surrounding what they're doing, all whilst engaging in kick-ass battles that will hopefully prove to be both interesting and entertaining.

If you have any questions, do feel free to ask, preferably in this thread so that others can see the answer.
In Helno 6 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
<Snipped quote by Hero>
See above.

Congrats on proving absolutely nothing.

<Snipped quote by follycle>

but you never tell me any butt jokes???

My butt jokes are too complex for the merry human brain to comprehend.
In Helno 6 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Nice try.
In Helno 6 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Prove it.
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