Avatar of Gardevoiran


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5 yrs ago
Who here likes cuddles?
5 yrs ago
If your girl can't crack your skull between her thighs then whats the point of even being a human being.
6 yrs ago
Identities are confusing to figure out.
6 yrs ago
How do wing.
6 yrs ago
Omae wa mou shindeiru.


Well hello.

I guess I should introduce myself, huh.

I'm Gardevoiran, just some schmuck going to college and working towards getting a degree in Fine Arts.

I do commissions and what-not, and you can ask me to do a commission for you through my Discord (Gardevoiran #1429) or up here through RPGuild PMs, and I receive donations and payment through my Ko-fi page. Clicking the box right below here will take you to it.

I'm a nerd. I play Pokemon religiously, I dabble in some anime, I write up here, and I love watching incredibly awful movies and just making fun of them. Specifically things like "Leo the Lion" and what not.

I don't have much else to say, so I guess I can leave you guys with a really bad joke.

"What do you call a cow with two legs?"
"Lean beef."

Most Recent Posts

Mastar darted back towards the other two girls as soon as she could. The dodges that she had just made were way too close for comfort, and she wasn't about to get fried by the blasts from either Manifold or from these Nazis. She couldn't fight them head on, meaning her strategy of standing on top of the other tanks to try and get them to blast eachother wouldn't work. Time to change things up a little bit.

She couldn't keep dodging the attacks that were sent her way, but she could try and obstruct the path for the tanks. Now that she could grow without issue, the new plan was to do exactly that - grow amidst the grass before launching a ton of tar towards the road that the tanks were taking. Sure, it was a dirt road, but if she sent enough of her tar onto it then there'd still be a similar effect to what she was trying to do, which was make an oil slick. If the tanks drove over that, they'd either have to stop or they'd risk spinning out of control.

Mastar themself, meanwhile, kept darting back towards Manifold since Arson had moved in. As soon as they could, they shifted back into their more humanoid form as they looked over at the tinker. "I tried to make an oil slick. Probably chunked around thirty-ish pounds off me. Any ideas?" they asked, still looking at the tanks so they could stay out of the way of the barrel that might fire on them.

Aesthetic heard the whir of helicopter blades and turned to face the source, seeing some Final Guard Members entering the scene finally. It had certainly taken them a hot minute to actually arrive, but hopefully now that they were there situations would be a little less hectic. There were already a bunch of capes on the scene, which easily didn't help what was going on. That being said, nobody seemed to want to make the first move, which was undoubtedly a good idea. Everyone was waiting for the Guard to make the first move, since this was really their battle to fight. Aesthetic was mainly there for support if the situation escalated to that point, though she was still a little foggy on whether her power burned people all the time or just when she wanted them to be burnt. With how she could express it, she figured the latter was applicable.

She stepped over to the side of the building, stretching a little bit before crouching down besides the ledge. There wasn't any need to stand if she was waiting, unless she wanted to be ready. Even then, she would've had to descend down the side of building first before she could join, not that she couldn't go down fast or anything. She can technically stretch her limbs to gain about thirty more meters between her hands and feet. If the guard needed her, she'd join, but until then...

"I dunno if the Guard people down there can hear me or anything, but if you need my powers for your help, you've only but to ask." She was genuinely unsure, though she did hope someone down there had a power that gave them observational abilities to hear her with.

"Aw yeah, got a level up!" Digbie called out as he got back up to his feet, looking at the mass of mess going on over by where Torrent was with that slime. For a moment, he considered going over to try and harvest some of it, but he shrugged it off. Sacred Ground could probably grow plants quicker, and if not, then Digbie could probably figure out a way with some help from his friends.

He looked over the numbers in his head, all of the numbers, powers, and abilities that he's gained across the few days he'd been a Goblin. He already knew he wanted Minor Heal finally, so he invested points into it the rest of the way so he could start using it alone. Moving forward, he assumed Guidance was something he was using already, with him trying to figure out how to find magic and such, so he dropped the next two points into that. Lastly, he looked at the rest of his list, dropping a little bit of power into Dual Cast so he could use Sacred Ground and other spells together at the same time, making them a little stronger.

For his first actions with his new two abilities, he looked up at the flower on his head and immediately cast Minor Heal on it. He wanted it back to full luster quickly. Somehow it evolved with him, and it was the one little bit of purity that he could still have. As he did so, he decided to analyze it with Plant, Magic, and Material Analyses so he could get a check on it's state. He did kinda torch it with a Mana Orb, and he wanted to get it back to it's previous state.

While he checked everything, he also looked down at himself to see what he could learn, using Monster and Magic Analyses on himself to learn what he could. He was fairly certain he couldn't learn anything new, but still he didn't have much to lose by doing it, if at all.

Lastly, he used Guidance, only to try and learn how to purge the Taboo from his body. Whatever deity answered to him, he'd like to know, but for the time being he just asked the question in his mind "Whoever's listening to my thoughts, is there any way to get the Taboo out of me?"

He looked back towards his party after all was said and done. "So what've you guys been up to in my absence, outside of this giant orange slime causing trouble."

Skylar listened to the Farmer's request of him, offering the kid 7500P in exchange for a little bit of the kid's time to watch over
his livestock. 7500P seemed like a fair bit, since Skylar could feasibly buy 75 Pokeballs with it, but what was catching the kids eye more was something else.

The birds. There were Torchic and Combusken over there! Two new kinds of birdy species for Skylar to ogle at with their blurry outlines against their little pens. Skylar was nearly DYING to go over and hug some of them, and he was incredibly tempted to before he sat and thought about the offer again. Just a little more thought went through his head before he looked up at Seabreeze in his head, and then to the rest of the gang.

He smiled before turning to the farmer. "I'd be glad to do it for 6000P, as long as you'd be willing to let a Torchic over there come along with me on my journey. S-sorry to change the offer, I just love birds..."

If the farmer was willing to let one of the "ton" of Torchic he had join up with Skylar's party, then Skylar'd be more than happy to start his attempts at defending the farm. It'd definitely be tough, but he'd be willing to give it his best efforts along with his team!

If the farmer wasn't willing, Skylar'd certainly still do it, but he'd probably try to catch one of the Torchic after.

Akiko was hoping that the rest of the party didn't make any heads turn in anger or bewilderment as they talked after her. Umi speaking seemed to be fine, but then Rose spoke, and even Akiko's eyebrow twitched in a bit of confusion. What in the world was she thinking?! After a moment passed, it seemed to have resolved decently enough, with everyone else still expressing confusion but shrugging it off.

"It would seem you are an....ecclectic troupe. Treasure hunters too. You'll pardon me if I insist, but I would not be comfortable leaving those so unaccostomed to our ways to roam about. I shall escort you to the most honored Lady Asgard's chateau and we can better orient you there."
Rivenwood Commander

"We would be absolutely honored to be escorted to Lady Asgard. If the taverns I've visited and the tavernkeeps that've assisted me told the truth, I simply cannot wait to see her beauty." Akiko smiled, folding her fans back up and tucking them into her... sides? Hips? Nobody could be immediately sure where the fans went, other than none of Akiko's clothes moved notably to accommodate for her actions. Strange. Ah well, certainly this would be a nice and eas-

"Miss Akiko, perhaps you could tell me of your journey here from the east. Surely you must have passed through the Rexicorg if you were in search of treasure? I've heard of it only in passing but I'd be delighted to hear a first hand account as we walk. The Lady's abode is only an hour away so the time should certainly fly, no?"
Rivenwood Commander


"Ah, the Rexicorg!" Akiko exhaled in feigned splendor. She didn't know what it was truly, but she'd certainly be in a heap of trouble if she didn't respond with anything here. Refusing wouldn't get her any points either, so she had to come up with something on the fly.

"It was certainly something, I can say that much. Though, I must regretfully inform you that I cannot find the true words to describe it's enthralling aura, even with a tongue as fine as mine through all my studies of poetry and such. In all honesty, I wish to write a fine poem truly describing what it truly is." Akiko went on, her eyes closing and hands covering her heart as she cooed. "... but to describe such majesty and grandiosity with a poem would hardly be doing it any justice!"

Akiko's eyes opened before she looked at the commander with a tilted head. "... if you'll excuse my ignorance, may I please place a name to a face such as yours?" She ended her sentence with a smile before one of her fans returned to her hand, coming up to fan her face off. It was actually a bit warm, so there wasn't much in the ways of lies with the fan.
As you pulled out your pistols, you could only manage to slip in three shots before you felt your jaw near-dislocate from the force of a heavy axe slammed into your head. For a moment you feared the worst, before you realized you were literally just slapped with an axe. You're a little bloody, and most definitely dazed at the moment. Hell, everything sounds kinda foggy as you try to recover from the axe slap you just sustained, though you can still see Grox's ugly mug stepping towards you, still carrying his axe.

You could faintly see his red(?) blood dripping from his chest, though he still seemed fine walking towards you, if a bit winded. "Yer gunna regret that..." He raised his axe overhead, preparing to swing it down onto you, but just as he tried to do so, you get the feeling someone's about to-


You see the orc fall over onto the ground due to the weapon of a familiar figure. Without hesitation, she runs over you and reaches down to help you up. "To your feet, Tobias. We are not staying here."

Should you choose to stand, you'd see that Digbie's over on his side with some wounds, namely a nasty one across his chest, but he should be fine. The Owlbear on the other hand currently had a red sword sticking out of his neck, courtesy of a certain mage.

Speaking of that Mage, you can tell that the giant skeleton he had been fighting had it's torso destroyed, and the goblin tinkerer that was shooting at him with a blunderbuss was out cold. Stride, meanwhile, was a bit bloody around his head and absolutely COATED in drool, but he looked quite alright. Nothing a bit of healing magic couldn't fix. Right now, he was busy helping Digbie by offering the goblin some much-needed help, as he was having a little trouble walking at the moment.

You can hear Grox stir a little bit. If you wanted to run, now would be that time. If you really wanted to execute him in the middle of a street, though...

"Oh cr-" Mastar immediately went down into their full-tar form to suppress the crack of the rifle from blowing out their eardrums, though they certainly didn't stay put for very long as they started to move to their own location. These might've been some massive tanks, but Mastar wasn't necessarily completely out of any practical use here. Well... okay, maybe they were, but impracticality had a few paragraphs for Mastar.

The tarry mass moved through the grass fluidly, hardly disturbing it if at all. Their goal? Move as close as possible to the tanks, then wait for an ample moment to jump on. Of course, Mastar had to hope it wasn't about to turn and fire a bolt right into them if they were somehow detected, but they were confident. They certainly felt fast enough to keep the cannons aiming for a little bit.

Maybe long enough for Arson to shoot the barrels off and cripple the tanks...? That's not a terrible idea. Maybe Mastar will remember to tell it to Arson when they change forms.

"Incredibly rare doesn't mean it's impossible!" Skylar jovially commented as he unfolded the Old Rod, inspecting it for any rust and age in case it'd mess things up with casting. So far, it seemed like it was in decent shape. Hopefully it'd hold up for the next little bit of time.

Was he actually gonna try to catch a dragon?! Heck yeah!

"Alright, Team! If we're gonna catch this dragon, I'm gonna need some help!" Skylar asked his team as he poked Seabreeze with the rod, him being up first. "Sea, do you think you could find a hotspot for fish?"

"Wingull!" The bird cawed and leapt off Skylar's head, flapping around the lake in pursuit of any hotspots for fish.

"Paradise, mind if I snag a few bananas?" Skylar asked his Tropius, reaching his hand up to her neck for some fruit. Of course, the Tropius obliged. A lot of the party had loved the nutritious fruits on her neck, so why wouldn't the wild Pokemon? Hopefully it helped draw any rares nearby. Skylar pulled a small spoon out of his bag, peeling a banana and cutting it into slices using the spoon before attaching some to his rod and preparing to cast it out.

"JoJo, mind helping me cast a rod?" JoJo nodded softly before looking at the lake, wherever Seabreeze highlighted in his efforts was where he took a picture, sending the mental image to Skylar. Once Skylar had it, he looked towards the area and hurled his rod out towards it.

Celebrity, meanwhile, was sitting down beside Skylar. It was pretty evident she was doubting what would result from this, but Skylar was still a boy with unwaivering optimism.

(If anything interesting concluded, feel free to intervene. The rest is what happened when Skylar didn't reel anything interesting in.)

If Skylar found nothing interesting, he'd turn to face the kind fisherman who gave him the rod and tell him. "Thank you for the Old Rod, mister!" before turning around and heading off, slowly making his way towards the Ranches near/in Highhill. If any Pokemon challenged him on his way, he'd spar a little, but he wouldn't be actively looking for battles.

"Alright, we're making some solid progress!" Skylar cheerily said as he looked at all of his team, with Celebrity just finishing a battle with a Timburr. The Timburr was a bit saddened by the battle, but with Skylar giving him a thumbs up, the Timburr ran off happily. A lot of the Pokemon around here were really good sports about losing, which was a relief. The last thing Skylar needed was some Timburr running up and trying to hurt him for having a solid few friends. "Everyone doing okay?"

"Wingull!" Seabreeze cawed out in response, leaping off Skylar's head and flapping around for a moment before returning to the blind kid's hair. He was feeling fine indeed!

Celebrity was next, and was busy laughing off a victory. "Puff puff puff!" Of course, Skylar patted her hard on the head, more or less scolding her for being kinda rude to the Timburr that just lost. Being a sore winner was just as bad as being a sore loser!

Paradise was calm, like always. Though, it might've been conclusive that she was watching out for any ambushing Timburr or Machop. Though, she did nod to respond to Skylar, returning quickly after to watch for any ambushers.

Lastly, JoJo was just happy. He giggled a tiny bit at Celebrity getting scolded, and teleported over to Skylar's shoulder and sat back down on it, looking out for the next battles that'd come Skylar's way.

"Well, since we're all at some pretty respectable levels, we're probably ready to go and see the Gym and try to take it on." Skylar noted, though he did look towards the docks. He could barely make out the murky reds against the blue water backdrop. He thought back to what the Store Clerk told him when he asked about rare Pokemon, and remembered the thing about the young dragons by the waterside. Of course, Skylar had no rod, but maybe someone down there would be willing to loan him one? He wouldn't know unless he asked.

Skylar pressed his fist in his hand and started walking towards the docks. "C'mon team. Let's go see if we can find some new friends."

As Skylar walked, he would certainly keep looking for any rare Pokemon that he hadn't seen yet in Highhill, or the vague outlines of them anyway. He was still on the hunt for them. If any Pokemon challenged him on his path, as well, he'd gladly stop to fight them and get some more experience for the team.

Once at the docks, Skylar would start asking around, seeing if he could borrow a fishing rod from anyone so he could attempt to catch the rare young dragon that he was rumored about. If not, it would be alright, and he'd probably just go back to training his team up some more, as well as continuing his hunt for any rare Pokemon.

"Five now." Aesthetic repeated what she heard from Spindle up in the sky. This wasn't a situation that Aesthetic could help out with. Her powers weren't good for hostage situations like this, but then again, who had a good power for this situation? She wasn't exactly sure, outside of possibly someone with Master Qualities... or maybe someone with a similar powerset to Myrddin. There could be multiple ways this would work out, but for the time being, she was still going to stand there and watch.

Five lives are on the line, and no doubt more will be on the way soon, too.

Goddammit, where was the Final Guard? For a moment, Aesthetic thought that this was the reason for everyone hating capes. There were the villains that took people hostage, or rather in this case a radical that wanted a potentially good thing to be destroyed, and there were the heroes that never seemed to show up on time. Of course, the situation was more complicated than that, and she just kinda hated it. She hoped that her blog focusing on pro-cape politics was going to help things out. It wouldn't do much, but it'd at least help get the word out.

Regardless of anything, Aesthetic looked up to a larger building and raised her eyebrow. "I could probably get a bit better of a vantage point..." She stepped back a little bit, looking at the taller building in front of her, before she ran towards it. Near the end of the building, her legs extended out as she rose into the air, jumping up high before clinging onto the building, waiting for her legs to come back up to their normal size.

"Nice... now to climb." Her arms stretched out, reaching up to grab a ledge as she pulled herself higher, right up to the roof of the building. Once finally up, she stepped towards the main street that laid before the situation. She could see a lot more than the other building, though that certainly meant that Spindle could probably see Aesthetic now. Though, before she could react, Aesthetic raised her hands to a visible "not engaging" pose. She wasn't about to have a sixth life find its way onto the line.

It was starting to get down to the wire--where were the Guard capes?!

Before the crew entered the next world, Akiko caught the rather boring glimpse of Rose's life. The five seconds she saw for Rose equated to literally just her sitting at a classroom gazing out the window. How exciting indeed. Though, that certainly meant there was something to leverage a position with Rose in. Though, she had to admit, somehow the rest of the party kept seeing her as this shift and uncaring girl. Sure, she didn't really care for the party, but so far she felt like she hadn't been too malicious with them, if at all. In the end, she was a member of the party, and like it or not she was going to help them. She couldn't do this on her own, after all.

All that was currently besides the point, though. After entering the world and looking around, the group was passed by a thief and then swarmed by the nearby town guard. On their hips were tomes and in their arms were spears. They raised their spears in defense and demanded for Black Pentacle to explain themselves, though it was certainly only about three seconds before a loud roar interrupted the guards as everyone else around, sans the guards themselves and Black Pentacle, rushed into hiding. From behind the guards emerged a massive beast, and from atop the beast sat a woman, no doubt the commander to the soldiers.

"A crowd of foreigners barring the road in time for a brigand to escape my justice. Complicit or not your fortunes are as ill as mine this day."
Rivenwood Commander

Well, that was certainly a statement. Quite the one to open up with, too.

"I see no Tomes upon your person yet look neither like a peasent or a member of gentry. Are you some mummers troupe here to entertain, or perhaps you hold some Warovian allegiance we should be awares of? Speak candidly, for Durgan will sense dishonesty, and his appetite is already stoked from that cloaked coward's flight."
Rivenwood Commander

Nobody in the group had spoken yet. It seemed like if anyone was going to talk, it was going to be the Bard. Oddly fitting. She paused to see if anyone was going to speak, but when everyone else remained silent, Akiko took the initiative and slung out her fans, putting herself into a bow in one fluid motion.

"Pardon our obstruction in your path, commander of Rivenwood. We're only a simple party of nomads, travelers, and adventurers, whom have which banded together to make our own journey less dangerous. We've brought with us no ill intent towards you, the nobility, or the peasantry of Rivenwood." Akiko's opener was as genuine as she could fake. No doubt it'd be difficult for Durgan to sense any sort of dishonesty coming from the bard, as for the most part, her words were in some way genuine. She didn't want any trouble with the guards, but she certainly didn't agree with them being a "spears first, questions later" mentality. "I before you am the bard known as Akiko. I'm afraid I've no knowledge of any Warovian customs or circumstances. We all hail from a land far east, so please excuse our ignorance regarding any sort of dispute that your town is currently going through."

While Akiko was explaining herself and Black Pentacle's position, trying to avoid any sort of trouble, she couldn't help but look at the commander with a single small glint in her eyes. Certainly if it helped her see Smitten Kitten and Rose's past, she could find out something about Lorelai to help keep her from being threatening.
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