Avatar of Gardevoiran


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5 yrs ago
Who here likes cuddles?
5 yrs ago
If your girl can't crack your skull between her thighs then whats the point of even being a human being.
6 yrs ago
Identities are confusing to figure out.
6 yrs ago
How do wing.
6 yrs ago
Omae wa mou shindeiru.


Well hello.

I guess I should introduce myself, huh.

I'm Gardevoiran, just some schmuck going to college and working towards getting a degree in Fine Arts.

I do commissions and what-not, and you can ask me to do a commission for you through my Discord (Gardevoiran #1429) or up here through RPGuild PMs, and I receive donations and payment through my Ko-fi page. Clicking the box right below here will take you to it.

I'm a nerd. I play Pokemon religiously, I dabble in some anime, I write up here, and I love watching incredibly awful movies and just making fun of them. Specifically things like "Leo the Lion" and what not.

I don't have much else to say, so I guess I can leave you guys with a really bad joke.

"What do you call a cow with two legs?"
"Lean beef."

Most Recent Posts

"I'd like to see you try." Akiko's words were cold and calculating as Nephy got closer, Akiko's attention being momentarily distracted from the presence of the one she felt earlier rushing back and the presence of the two new massive skeletons on the field. For those who could see it, Castle had manifested to block the incoming hit, but something that Akiko wasn't expecting was that she didn't have to do that herself, instead the presence inserting itself between Neph and the cat. Akiko herself flew back a decent way, Castle manifesting to help stop her from a far distance, and then the presence appeared, a quick flashing of red eyes helping Akiko understand a little about this person.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Akiko responded calmly to Runa's sentiment, Castle staying manifested behind the cat as she stepped back to where she had just been. She drew her fans from nowhere before she started to fan herself casually. Given the girl's calm composure and the few seconds Akiko could see with her ability, she let Runa finish her statement before Akiko offered a smile from behind her fan. "Given your appearance and composure, I'm assuming you can see what may happen. Can't say I'm not envious, since all I can see is the past. Might have to ask for a lesson after all this, but for now...~" Akiko got into a fighting stance, smiling. "I'll help in self defense. This wolf did try an attack on my life after all."


Behind the combatants, though, the crabs rose back from the ground, each one adorned with a light blue cluster of mushrooms sprouting from their heads and along their crusty carapaces. They moved forward, almost like soldiers, with intent to no longer attack the newcomers of the Abyss but rather to protect. Some crabs stayed back to fight the others with unyielding presence, no longer bound by the limits of their brains wanting to act with restraint for their own bodies. Some moved forward to protect certain clusters of adventurers, each cluster having one crab to its utility, and the rest all sauntered forward towards Nephy to smite the beast.

Hellsword rose again from the watery lagoon, riding a cluster of algae that strung up from the waters. His eyes were settled on the two behemoths brought forth by Nephy, his voice carrying an energy as he spoke to them.

"Brothers in undeath, bound to servitude under one who could not understand, instead drive your attempts onto your summoner. Leave nothing for the maggots to feast on." If the skeletal warriors Nephetos summoned could feel, they'd have to strangle with a sudden and overpowering compulsion towards what could only be described as freedom and unrestraint at the necromancer's request, with only one desire. Instead of focusing their efforts onto a group of foes, they just needed to worry about one.

Whether that compulsion forced their wills, however, was in the air. At the very least, Hellsword hoped it would stagger them and give a chance for the crabs to move in and take their attention.

Regardless of anything, one couldn't deny that the bioluminescent glow of the mushrooms crabs around the battlefield made for a fantastic backdrop for this fight.
- - Skylar Brighton - -


im bad at posting

"Interesting." Yet again Skylar was at an impasse. He looked up to his buddies and he surveyed his options. "Which way to go..."

After a moment of thinking himself, JoJo grabbed Skylar's hand and started to pull him towards the footprints in the sand. "Kirlia?"

"Yeah, we can check that way. I just wish this challenge wasn't designed without blindness in mind..." Skylar paused for a moment and looked around. "... well, actually I guess it was, what with the sandstorm and all."

"Hello, Ami. Didn't think you'd be showing up." Akiko dealt with an ounce of slight joy in her voice. Truth be told, it was likely better that the hothead was around. At least if it meant that the group was willing to stand more of a chance. Especially with the arrival of a new, yet uninviting, presence into the area. Of course, ignoring Riku and Thomas' arrival alongside, the new face of Nephetos and... interestingly, another unseen presence. It seemed like Nephy wasn't alone, and had someone playing along from the sidelines. Thankfully Akiko happened to have another set of eyes, Castle's own, trailing around and keeping an eye for the lurking soul she could sense.

She rose from the lake on a clasping set of krakenous tendrils, simply sitting and watching for the moment. "Everyone, watch your step around this place. Nephetos isn't the only threat we've got to worry about, and I'm not just talking about the cannibalistic crabs. I'll keep an eye out, just keep focus on the target." Her eyes narrowed onto Nephy, simply watching and observing through that same, callous stare, all the while her fingers simply tapped against each other as she sat.

[ You're planning something, aren't you. ]

"Indeed, though I lament wishing to try it for myself, Castle." She glanced over at her stand, simply observing it. "Speaking of which, is that still a fitting name? I figure you should have a say."

Castle lifted up its master into its arms from the kraken limbs emerging from below. [ It is fine, though certainly you could think of something greater for my abilities. ]

"Hmm, yes, I believe that can be arranged later. For now..." Akiko's hands flicked through her cards, choosing a single one from the pile and summoning it.

"You've requested our aid." Hellsword stood ominously behind Akiko, stretching from the sea below her. "We believe you desire for us to control the crabs and turn them on our side?"

She smiled. "Indeed. I remember somewhere that mycelia and crustaceans formed an interesting synergy." Hellsword did not respond, simply sinking into the lagoon behind the summoner. Akiko grinned with a sheer grim aura. She had a plan cooking, and she just needed to play it safe for now. "We're on the defensive right now, Castle. Let's give the swordsman some time to work..."

"Fuck, more cra-guh?!" The bard was stunned to see that the crab managed to break free from her grasp, but as Riku slammed into it the reason was kind of obvious. The crab was dead, but more were on the horizon, and Akiko backpedaled towards the rest of the group before realizing something about these beasts. Something she learned in her biology class ages ago, back when she wasn't in this crazy Tower. Thankfully, she wasn't paying off her loans, so things were much better up here somehow.

"Someone wanna find our way out of this jam?" Akiko's hands thrust forward to grab hold of another crab, the beast staggering for a moment before it slid backwards in the waters. It worked! Crabs basically lived with their blood suspending their organs, so she could shake them up and send them backwards with a solid push. The beast was stunned, and hopefully it'd be deterred from trying to get any closer. Though, something told her it wouldn't be that easy.

"Okay, this isn't gonna work that easily. Castle, keep that going, I've got another idea."

[ Are you sure you won't be overdoing it? ]

[color=hotpink]"Nope, but we're not with a ton of options here. Might as well try!"[/color[ Akiko handed her Stand the Red Relic, the apparition taking it and continuing to do just what it's user requested. Akiko herself meanwhile manifested the Purple Relic from her Lorelai card, winding up a powerful breeze and sending a wave across the water to hopefully keep the beasts at bay a little more.

"Wow, didn't think I could handle 2 relics at once. Must be getting good at this." She felt a little proud before she stepped back a little further. "But we're still on the defensive. Bastion, any ideas?" She asked to her new friend, hoping she'd be a little more willing to work with her rather than the JSTR-touched Kanbaru. Speaking of her...

"Make waves, Kanbaru, or do something to take them out! Either one's fine!!!"
- - Skylar Brighton - -


"Nice job, you two! Let's keep going!"

Back to square one, eh? That's alright, it'd be fine. Skylar looked at the other options and ruled out the bike one, seeing as the writer of this had learned the secret knowledge that it's not that path. Left with the rocks in the distance or the trail through the desert, Skylar figured maybe heading towards the rocks was a solid bet.

"Alright, to the rocks! Maybe that'll be one step closer." Skylar started off towards the rocks again, cane dancing on the sand and with team in tow. Thankfully the sandstorm didn't hurt unless you were actively in a battle!

Akiko rose from the water with tendrils wrapping around her, all returning to almost where her head and hair met but with a little bit of give, just in time to catch the back end of the group's conversation, though she certainly didn't have much of anything to weigh in with. Adorning her was the lagoon's algae dangling from her shoulders and it seemed her body was already acquainted to this environment the group was in, ever changing to reflect that she was giving an attempt to blend in, likely for her betterment. "Interesting that we're all here in the same area. I second Kanbaru's idea for sticking together." Akiko strode along the surface of the water towards the shore, though she didn't immediately return to the land and rather hung around in the shallow water.

"So... where's the threat that's always immedi- crab's coming, get ready!" Castle manifested behind Akiko as she spoke, turning to face the newly-rising crab and standing on guard. Even if her disguise was convincing, clearly this monster wasn't going to take kindly to something the same size as these interlopers and so near to them. She needed to act here, and if anyone cared to tell, the glowing red light from her chest was indicative of some sort of change of heart.

Her arms reached out, fists clamping and her attempt at taking the beast's blood captive with the Red Relic, hopefully proving her efforts to be effective. Her goals were to make it restrained for her allies to take it down. That being said, she probably needed to light the fire under their asses.

"Oi, bluey! You're an apex predator, right? Get going with the killer whale instinct!" Akiko shouted to Kanbaru, hoping it'd do something to get her fighting so they all didn't get demolished.

[ Do you wish for me to get closer? ] Castle asked it's user, before the user shook her head. "No. For now, just stay close in case we need to keep safe."

A moment passed before Akiko spoke to herself, musing as her grip tightened. "Y'know, I'm starting to think I can amount more to just knights and a kingdom..."
- - Skylar Brighton - -


Ah, well, that was to be expected, right? Couldn't be the perfect run he was hoping for again, could it? Oh well, maybe it'd still be alright. Unfortunately, for both of these Pokemon, Skylar already had two at the ready for this to turn into a DOUBLE BATTLE (because the strats there make it more fun in my opinion.) "Ah, damn, it's the blindness that got me there. But, hey, let's go a round and see how it ends!"

Bird Tamer Skylar accepted the battle!

Hippopotas is kinda odd, but Skylar had a Pokemon out that feels juuuust right to handle this thing. What Pokemon, you ask? Well, the Magical Leaf heading straight towards the Hippopotas was certainly indicative of Paradise firing at the Hippopotas, no doubt the attack going to do solid damage with the type coverage. Plus, it can't miss! Big ups!

Now, the attack that can't miss was fired at the Hippopotas, so what's going on with the Sandshrew since it has higher evasion?! Well, fun fact, Keen Eye ignores evasion boosts! What luck! That, and Seabreeze has a move with 100% accuracy in Water Pulse! Not only that, but type coverage! Huzzah!

They'll just repeat this until a major change. If a foe goes down, Seabreeze/Paradise will do the same attack on the other to help finish the fight out.

Also, yeah I'm using 8882be to explain my thoughts for fights. It just works.

"Alright buds! Paradise, Magical Leaf the Hippopotas! Seabreeze, Water Pulse the Sandshrew!" Skylar called to his Pokemon, hoping that everything would run well.
Akiko's room in the Dangeki was simple and plain for the most part. Aside from a humidity emanating from the bathroom nearby, no doubt indicative of shenanigans, her bed was neatly made and the table in the room held a small bit of what could be assumed as her inventory. A chipped shortsword laid neatly atop it and juxtaposed the golden arrow beside it, not long after a smoky cat appearing to sit over both of them as a way to safeguard the treasures. Akiko herself sat down on the bed, her legs laying beside her and an arm keeping her up carefully.

"First things before we start accosting eachother for our little pals, you said a card had rejected you earlier?" Definitely one for business, it seemed, though you couldn't exactly blame the cat for wanting to get down. Whatever Kanbaru's friend was definitely sent a malodorous waft across the room, and it didn't make Akiko want to loosen up.

This little excursion did confirm the uniformity of the rooms to Kanbaru, it's sole treasures standing out amidst the wooden interior. Should she have felt insulted by the spectral cat hovering protectively over them? Probably hypocritical given her JSTR, and was it a delight to speak so openly of her. "Yes, we're both delighted you'd have us over, and I'll keep my nun on her best behavior."

Her expression soured at the mention of her latest acquisition, the Serei's hostile presence still making it's displeasure known even without actively attacking her. Settling on the bed alongside the lounging cat, she tipped back her hat and plucked the card from where it was sweating between her breasts. "To be perfectly honest with you, we've been lucky not to find more cards that don't agree with us, but this one seems to hate me for the nature of my partner. Rather intensely. Perhaps she knew the JSTR in another form, but she certainly won't work with me willingly. At least she doesn't seem inclined to kill me outright."

"Given what I think about this tower and the floors we've been to, I wouldn't disagree with that assessment" She chose to ignore Kanbaru's chosen spot to place the card in favor of continuing to brainstorm. "These Serei are incredibly useful, but even when one disagrees with the user as seen earlier with... the Henry Card, I believe, they can at least be used. A card outright rejecting seems to be something of more importance." Akiko eyed the ery card she was referring to, the rejecting one, and simply watched it for a moment with her eyes. "I think I could assess the past of that card, if you would like. Maybe figure things out a little more."

Castle had apparated behind its master as she brought up the past of the card, the golden arrow having been taken and now being nowhere in sight.

Kanbaru shrugged, tilting the card towards Akiko to let her grasp it if she wished. "Feel free. I'm still unsure what I plan to do with it If I can't convince this Bastion to play along. At least we have a store to trade her if she's not gonna budge an inch."

That Castle was now hovering over them both was a bit odd, almost defensive when even the JSTR wasn't making an appearence. Crossing her legs she leaned back, boots idly poking at the floating feline. "Though I have to wonder what you're angle is in all this. Curiousity? Some desire for this card?"

"Well if you can't use it clearly you don't need it, but ignoring that little tidbit I have only one desire for what I wish to gain here." Castle's form hovered down to meet Akiko's head, the eyes on both user and stand glowing red for a moment. The girl stared into the card for a solid few seconds before she retched back and basically slammed her hands on her face.

"Gah! Son of a BITCH!" At first, it'd seem that Castle had disappeared, leaving the user to rub her eyes in anguish. Though, that was only the surface level, as above the bed against the wall was a fresh crater in the shape of a hand. Was... waes that new?

"God dammit, of course the wall was where we'd take out our frustratons... dammit. I hope I don't wake up and taste drywall..." Akiko chafed, one eye open and the other clearly still being rubbed.

Naturally Akiko reaction elicited a wild peel of laughter now that someone else could finally understand the pain that card had put her through. Plucking off her hat she dropped it over the cat girl's face lest the light of the room irritate her spltting migraine.

"Just be glad you weren't eaten by a snake after that. Still, this does show we've found a card that really hates our guts. Best not tell anyone or we won't have a chance in hell of conning them with it into trading for something more agreeable." Sliding the Bastion card back where it came, the orca stretched luxuriously backwards, flopping beside Akiko without a care.

"So what was the second issue you wanted to discuss, kitten?"

Akiko pushed the hat up with a face of annoyance at being called kitten. Lest she wanted to get into the specifics of who could and could not call her that, she knew for sure that Kanbaru didn't sit in the first category. Bah, whatever. "I am fairly sure the card just hates your guts. I was able to see gently into the veil of that past, though unfortunately not much. What I was going to ask second however was regarding what your JSTR was."

Akiko sat up, the hat flopping onto her head and her ears gently poking under it. "Is it like Castle? A Stand? Or is it something more?"

"A Stand? Hmm, that must have been an interesting arrow you bought then. But alas, my lovely, luscious, psychotic nun isn't any creation of mine. Really the nun look is the giveaway if you've ever seen those Conjuring movies." Kanbaru snorted, willing the visage of her parasite to waver in the air, just a glimpse before letting it slip away.

"The JSTR....well, when i first met it, it was a malignant program in a video game- No, she didn't meet me, but another me. Guh, multiverse theory is a bitch and a half to explain when it's jammed into your skull with an ice pick!" It was her turn to grasp at her brow, a quiver of pain from forces she didn't properly comprehend. "It seems...some version of me attracted the attention of a parasite. So when I came here, it latched onto me. Was ingratiating itself till we went to Umbra, where it revealed itself fully."

"She's....clingy, in odd ways. A great fuck in bed, and the best partner in a fight I could ask for, but I don't think she's as well intentioned as your Castle."

Akiko nodded along to Kanbaru's explanation. Multiverse theory was something she was suspecting, but some of this was a bit interesting to properly converse about. "Sounds more like a mutualistic exchange than a parasitic one, if you ask me, and she clearly isn't as well intentioned as Castle, but if she isn't a Stand I'm not surprised."

Castle rematerialized on the bed, sitting in a catlike position despite being its humanoid form. "Assuming that what I learned from gazing through the arrow is true, Castle would be effectively a manifestation of what my Soul is, which sounds different than what JSTR is. However, since only Stands Users can see Stands, I'm inclined to believe that the JSTR and Castle are more similar than I would originally envision." Akiko mused to Kanbaru, Castle shrinking to a smaller, more quadruped form before hopping onto Akiko's shoulder and watching. "Assuming that this is true, I believe the JSTR and Castle meet at a crossroads of the Soul, and that... whatever the JSTR is has become fiercely entangled with yours. As you put, like a great fuck that would be clingy in odd ways." She chuckled at her joke.

"The multiverse idea also explains all these odd versions of Earth-like worlds, and I would be lying if I didn't say that what your JSTR is I think I may have encountered before. Only a far-reaching hunch, mind, but definitely noteworthy." She kicked back on the bed, crossing her legs over eachother. "You remember when you and Rose went off to get arrested in the woods after a threesome while I wormed into the local government?"

"Funny you talking about great fucks when your bathroom still carries that delightful fragrance. Hmm, I don't see Castle being the sort, so you must be enjoying a friendly relation with a Serei of yours." Kanbaru smirked, poking the cat girl's side to lighten the mood amidst discussions of existential dread and the pollution of Kanbaru's soul by foreign entities.

"Oh right, that threesome was fantastic. Wish I had gotten her card. Mmm, I would be hard pressed to find a reason not to have had Solanne out at all times~" She dreamily looked up at the ceiling, rather enamored with that floor of the Tower, before focusing on Akiko again. "I take it you were having a more productive time joining the local government?"

- - Skylar Brighton - -


Oh, she was a Ground-Type leader? Like, instead of Rock-Type? That made Skylar relax just a little bit. It was good to know that he was going into this with a decent advantage rather than a big disadvantage. Maybe things were going to turn out okay.

"Finding you in a sandstorm? Interesting challenge, but I'll be able to track you down!" Skylar responded to the idea of the challenge, reaching into his bag for the goggles he bought for this explicit purpose. They'd be nice to have on.

Alas, the sandstorm kicked up, and Skylar put on his Go-Goggles just to make sure he'd be fine. His sunglasses were passed to JoJo for the time being, who rocked them with absolute flair. "Alright, so if we can use any means at our disposal... Seabreeze and Paradise might be good for this." Skylar pulled the two Pokeballs out of his bag and flung them into the sky, letting out his pals.

"Wingull!" ... and Paradise was silent as usual.

"Okay you guys, we gotta find the gym leader! Breeze, keep an eye through the storm, since it's not nearly as bad on you as it is for me. JoJo, you do something similar with emotions, try to pin her down if you can. Paradise, stay on standby. We might need you to disrupt the sands every now and again... oh?"

Skylar felt the pull on his leg from JoJo, and was directed to the footprints in the sand.

"Footprints? But these have to be from a quadruped... wait, did Kristy return her Hippopotas?"

That was the sign for Skylar to start walking in that direction. He didn't use his cane, since it'd only be fuzzy anyway. The only thing acting as his eyes right now was going to be his pals, namely Seabreeze. "This way, towards the footprints! Seabreeze, call if you see her!"

"Wingull!" With the approval of the birds, the crew started their quest to find and beat Kristy.

The door to Akiko's room creaked open slowly as Kanbaru arrived, the bard stepping out slightly and staring the bluenette up and down, completely ignorant to her own nightgown being unbecoming of the facade she normally put on. With a flick of her tail, she opened the door and stood in the doorframe. From behind her manifested Castle, who spoke on her behalf in a way to keep secrecy. [ We trust that you'll keep your JSTR from any active hostility. ]

After the moment passed, Akiko brushed the hair out of her eyes and behind... where one of her human ears would go. Did she have them still? Eh, it didn't matter. "I heard something about a serei rejecting you earlier, Kanbaru. Come in, we've got quite a bit to discuss."

She stepped out of the way and let the door open completely so Kanbaru could enter. It'd be an interesting conversation for sure.
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