Avatar of Girlie1Bomba
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 261 (0.11 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Girlie1Bomba 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Still waitin' to lose the Bombs...
6 yrs ago
Cuz people got me, got me questionin' where is the love.
6 yrs ago
Hmmmm... name change time?
6 yrs ago
Here to drop dem bombas bitches yeeeee!!


Heya peeps!!

This here is your Girlie :] (in light of current violence in our world its about time for me to change my username. So just call me Girlie now.) And to be honest, bottomline: I'm just a chick who likes to pretend to be something she's not. ;P And! I try to be polite too okay! So let me know if i'm being just one rude bitch right!!

But if it must be known then I try to delve very deep into the nuances of the make-believe presented to me. And I'm pretty aggressive with plot-lines; I like to lead how things go. But I am pretty open to working with plots with others as long as my chara has already been accepted ;PP

I love off-the-beaten-path fantasy, but I love any kind of fantasy overall. But... okay so like yeeeeahhh... weakness? I'm a sucker for modern 'urban fantasy' for sure... ;DD My charas are pretty much 'broken goods' in terms of mental states and they are always gay; they will hump your girlie charas when we fade to black (I don't do the redband porno posts tho cuz eww ;PP).

I'm trying to branch out and do sci-fi and modern combat so please do be patient with my noobness ;PP But I'm loving my time here at the 'Guild so yeeeeeaaah!

Hope to join in on your adventures soon!! :]

Most Recent Posts

Cheri was pissed. It was not so much that she was almost taken for a fool by the practical joke, no, it was the fact that they just had to use a poor animal that had no idea it was in on such a ruse! And for what gain? Go viral and get a million views? Assholes. She was going to leave this ignorant armpit of a town and find her bro, but not before putting an end this bullshit setup.

A sharp head shake she gave. A disdaining clicking sound she let out from her mouth, followed by a full on disdaining: “Uhm. Uhm. Uhmmmm…” Dark eyes glared, half-lidded at the scene unfolding before her very eyes.

There was another actor there dressed up like a… whachamacallsit..? A Gundam...? And right outside the bathroom door, there seemed to be a huddled group of people, most likely tourists, that fell for the prank. There was even sprays of ketchup and mustard on the door that was supposed to what..? Do gouts of condiments give some kind of ‘authenticity’ to the alien world on the other side of the door? Cheri just leaned up against the host stand, hands on hips, shaking her head at the sight. Sick, sick, people…

“Ai’ight then…! Yo, over here! What is wrong wit’y’all?! Man, don’t you know you bein’ punk’d? There is an actor white lady in there jerkin’ ya damn chains…! She not even a good actor neither! Fake af…! And buddy la cabeza de tortuga here in the cosplay, whachu supposed to be…? Optimechs Gundam-o-tron? You prolly in on it too, no…? Y’all been punk’d, man!

“But I just wanna’ know who is the pendejo animal handler here…? You gots soooome nerve bringing in a big cat like that just for a trick…!? Poor thing is most likely scared in there, just pacing around…! Shaaaaame and shade for your cruel ass…!

“And lemme tell ya somethin’ else… this ain’t funny, man. None of it. Been done before. Damn, no-good, copycat, Catwoman-wit-Ms.-Halle-Berry in it, straight to DVD, try-hard to viral wannabe bullshit por supuesto. I hope you get that all mic’d up on ya damned hidden cameras too! You din’t punk me! I’m callin’ y’all out! Fake AF Productions…! Drop the drama, let these people off the hook now. Now, man…!”

Cheri gave one last disdaining set of clicks from her mouth before turning around to leave the madness. But she just could not tear away her gaze from what she saw. Wide-eyed she stood there, glued to the spot, incredulous as she watched the action unfold. Gundam-o-tron was pew-pewwing away at the vines (how conveeeeeenient…) Then they opened the door. And complete with kit-bashed together flaming torch, diner table armour, and bellowing so absurdly that it would make even Tarzan himself blush, the tourists charged into the bathroom to ‘save’ the white lady.

"Naw maaaaaannnn…! What is wrong wit’y’alls…?



Friends…? Oh thoooose... Beg pardon, missy, but we all fresh out o’ friends. Maybe Family…? Nay and again nay one thousand fold. Out o’ that too, love. Lovers…? Wellll... Undoubtedly one will come with—to me. Undoubtedly, one will come, love…”

Regardless of the rising anger she could see in the recently resucitated Gale, steely blues still smoldered coyly into such tumultuous waters that was Gale’s gaze.

“Aye, that I am. From not-- what names be of these towns...? Biter or Toucho? Nay this here lass tis not from such places, as had this lass said before, love,” said Izzy in response to being accused of being 'not from here.'

The reflections of the stars above warbled and shattered as she too slipped into the dark waters. A simple nod she gave then aided Gale with pushing their floatation device as they swam towards shore, “And as for me nearly being killed… be there nary even a single apologetic note from that sweet voice, Ms. Gale O’Storms. In me life, in me heart, I know I should have already been in the dead books times one thousand. So instead, Ms. Isabellia does thankee from the bottom of her black heart.

"Ne'er before been I wind borne. Never, ever could this lass even conceive of such an awe inspiring and heart-pounding pleasure before. So thankee again, Ms. Gale. Show off more if it pleases ya, love.

"Expertise at wha’cha does and impressive to the end… Keep such tendencies, for this lass do be very intrigued should you show off more to mine eyes…”

And with another coy look and sly wink, Izzy shut her mouth and just let the heat of her ladyparts thrum away as they neared shore and were nearly out of these dark, starlit waters. A simple reflection she gave. Two parts in fact.

She wondered if she should tell Gale about her visions of death and rebirth, but more importantly, if she should tell the short, stout, and sexy wet thing about her new found ‘breathing technique.’ And on the tail of that musing, Izzy also wondered why it was when she mentioned things that were close to her like friends, family and lovers…

Oh, but why did the former captain of The Enchanting ever not bother to mention having, or not having, something just as close as family; why did Izzy make no mention of a crew…?

Perhaps the liquor that still coursed through her veins still dulled the sharpness of mind?

“Perhaps not…”


“The… Wind God…? repeated Izzy in nearly a scoffing tone after Gale had her near melt down. Her rear was planted on the sand as she poured out the excess sea water from her boots.

Of course, in such a world with griffins, and Hollows, and flying skiffs piloted by sexy women in tight leather all wiggly-jiggly, and with powerful shape-changing murderous children, well, why should izzy be surprised that such a Wind God could not exist?

The redhead just shook her head and looked on as Gale ushered her to rush back to the town. The right thing to do, yet once more. Izzy sighed heavily, shoulders exagerratedly heaving up and down. “But of course we will warn them, love… but…! Wait for it… wait for it…!”

The tall redhead stood and wrung out her hair and chemise as she spoke then sighed as soon as she spotted it. Long almost prancing strides brought her back to the water’s edge.

“’Bout high time ye showed up…” reaching out gingerly at first, she snapped up the offending thing out from the water, wrung it out, shook it a few times then snugged it tight upon her head. “Now we may rush off, love…”

A smile, wink, and nod she cast over to Gale, tugging once at that ol’ tricorn hat she had flung away at the shores when she first made her way through the mushroom field. “Three questions then, Ms. Gale. One: why so worried about a 'wind god?' Two: why would you want to skewer the Kith children? And three: Cannae we just not wave down one of yer bouncy sisters on those flying skiffs to get us on back to the town…? Please.”

There was a fourth question, but Izzy would ask about that later. She did not want Gale to suspect that Izzy wanted to pilfer it for her own desires and deeds.



Okay boss, here's muh girlie!!


@Girlie1Bomba Right now you have Cheri ending up kind of all by herself. I'd suggest having her end up outside the doors to the restroom where everything is going instead so that she'd be easier to include in the main story. Maybe do something with David so he isn't stuck just standing by the door by himself?

Yeah that's a good suggestion but it's all good bruh. Like Mokley said it's more in character for her to be standoffish and not jump in all heroic. But don't worry she will defo interact with the charas.

As soon as more peeps get their responses in I'll do a reaction for Cheri 😘
Fixed post. Cheri is now at main entrance to diner.

okay so i just been informed by Mokley that we cannot control the vines so please disregard my post. I'mma start working on a new post asap. Sorry for causing confusion.
So we got one person interested!

Still looking for peeps, peeps! Step on up right here!
@Girlie1Bomba @Squirrel98

Thanks! Now we just need one more person at least and we can start!

Awesome! Hope we snag another!! 😘
Interested and already have a character idea, too late for me to trynout a cs?

Heyaaaaa! Welcome! Like I'm not GM buy if you found your way here then Imma say its not too late to drop of an appie! So do it! But like post it here first for GM Mokley to see it first! 😃
Heya RP Guild!

This still going but gunna need some more peeps to keep the ball rollin' So yeeeeeahhh take a look here and drop off a n appie!! The world is amaaaaazing and GM Mokley is a fantastic GM too!

Hope to see ya join in on the adventure!!😘😘
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