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    1. glwgameplayer 7 yrs ago


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It's kinda hard to explain. I think most people have the most fun playing a game where their skill is near the same level. I'm a scrub and I always try and fight based on my gut instincts instead of concrete knowledge based on the specifics of a game's mechanics. Because of this I don't like really competitive players that much because playing a game with them is pretty rough, and playing online I tend to find very hardcore players that completely wreck me.

Basically, the competitive teams have the most fun playing with other competitive teams

Part of that is my fault though. I could learn the ins and outs of the game to improve myself but I tend to play games pretty casually. I just sit down, load up a video or TV show, and start playing a game at the same time

Location:Tselinoyarsk, Ravine


Snake stayed quietly hidden in the grass as the civilians started to realize that the others were present, luckily Snake's camouflage was keeping him out of sight... for now at least. Snake considered staying nearby to eavesdrop on them but he quickly realized that he couldn't glean much information from them. One was trying to discuss the weather and the small creature seemed to be asking who they were.

Instead, Snake's thoughts turned to the location he was in. He felt a strange sense of..... nostalgia. He had battled Revolver Ocelot at this very spot and been chased away by The Pain, a fearsome Cobra soldier Snake defeated later that day. But there was other, more helpful information on his mind as well. To the south was a small base, more of an outpost really, where soldiers had been patrolling in case he came through the area. Snake had snuck through and took several pieces of equipment as well as some rations. He picked it dry that day but... perhaps they received a resupply? There was also a stretch of a forest full of animals to hunt and (If he got desperate) a swamp with several gavials.

Snake waited for the moment the civilians started talking amongst themselves. Then he tried to quietly sneak away.
(Here's hoping I roll a 20 on my move silently check.)

Dungeons and Dragons joke

I had a friend like that once.

Emphasis is on had by the way. At some point, we got tired of his cheating and house rules and stopped inviting him to sleepovers and game sessions. I should have figured he was a cheater though considering one of my earliest memories of him is when he fell down and acted hurt so he could beat us at tag
It's funny that you guys mention ranked. Competitive games always intimidate me because there is always going to be "those guys" who learn every move, the number of frames it lasts, how much super armor it provides, the recovery frames, wavedashing,

You know the whole nine yards.

Meanwhile, I always seem to grab a "low tier" character and even if I'm good at the game I tend to get wrecked whenever I play against an actual human opponent. Unless the opponent is my friends in which case the winner is decided by who owns the game in question :)

You know since they have the most experience
And I am also here

Hey, guys. I haven't been talking too much recently because school is a thing and all that but I am still interested in this RP. I feel like it could go places provided we make it out of the awkward starting phase.

In other news, I'm playing Breath of the Wild all over again because I got the DLC pack and Master mode is kicking the crap out of me. It's all good though, I'm still having fun.
@Crosswire I ended up reading that part while I was confirming everything fit for my IC post. My bad for not reading it the first time though. Anyway no harm done

Snake found the strange land he was suddenly in very concerning. He had been on his way to finishing the final stretch of his mission when suddenly he was nowhere near anything he recognized. To make matters worse his Codec is either malfunctioning, jammed, or broken. Without his support Team, Snake didn't really know what to do......

When he made it a place he recognized Snake felt a strange mixture of emotions. He recognized this place and it almost made him nostalgic for his duel with Major Ocelot. Diving behind rocks and trees, watching Ocelot leave himself out in the open when he reloaded, throwing a snake right at Ocelot, shooting his hat off..... ah, memories. On the other hand, it really drove home how lost he was and how strange the landscape had become.

Some rustling in the grass made Snake realize that he wasn't alone. He quickly dropped into the grass and pulled out his scope. One of them was cloaked in an assortment of robes and cloaks that obscured his figure, Snake couldn't be sure if he was armed or not. Another looked to be dressed in simple pants and clothes with no weapons of note, probably a civilian. The third person looked.... strange. Snake got the feeling that he was looking at something... alien, something that belonged in the realm of fantasy. The creature looked like a young girl, but she also carried a very large hammer, seemed to be wearing some sort of armor, and had bluish skin.

Snake put his hand to his codec and turned it on.

"Major Zero. I made my way back to the location of my first duel with Ocelot. I seem to have encountered several civilians. What should my next move be?"


"It's still jammed?"
Snake's condition= Lonely

Snake turned off the codec and laid still in the grass. He was hoping one of the civilians could lead him somewhere or give him some sort of information. At this point, it might be his only shot at completing his mission. He just prayed he could stay hidden long enough for that to happen. It would also be helpful if he could find a snake to eat. I wonder if I can find a python like the one I threw at Ocelot....
I know that everyone on our side crossed the bridge together but knowing Snake....
Snake: slowly sliding across the bridge in a cardboard box.
Alternatively, he would duck behind a tree the first chance he got. He has to keep up his appearance as one of the greatest soldiers to ever live after all.
The Snake family line can always be counted on to recognize a Metal Gear
But yeah I assume Snake would jump to the conclusion that Julian had something to do with Granin. Since he saw Granin's notes for a "bipedal tank"
You know I just thought of something. Snake is probably going to assume that Julian is a
Snake: METAL GEAR!!!
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