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First Green Arrow Oliver Queen post up.

See the people, Oliver Queen.

See how they have suffered. How they continue to suffer. Entire homes leveled, reduced to concrete debris and shards of glass. Rebar crosses to mark their graves. Filthy water, marred by blood and lead and shit; watch how it runs down their chins, soaks into their tattered and fetid clothes. It is the only water they have, and they drink it with animal desperation. They care not for the disease it will bring them.

Look at the children, sitting in these ruined streets. They have endured much these past few months. Their hollow eyes look upon the world, devoid of passion. Innocence is alien to them. They have seen far too much: brothers crushed by monolithic brick, sisters killed by cruel fever. Starvation, however, is familiar – their stomachs cry out, begging for nourishment. Most have not eaten in days. Some, weeks. They will die soon.

See the people. Watch as they turn against each other. Their lives are reduced to that of violence and hunger, inflicting horrors upon one another for the meagre hope of survival. You can relate, can’t you, Oliver? You remember how it feels. Why, just four months ago, you were still living that nightmare. But now, here you are. Back in civilised society. Where men can fly, and women carry planes with their bare hands; where your city slowly changes, its people left behind to suffer, and starve, and die.

Yes, the earthquake has taken much from them. The question is, Oliver Queen…

… what will you give back?

“So what do you want us to do, Oliver?”

They sat in Walter Steele’s corner office, situated high within Queen Industries’ glass tower. Well-furnished, decorated with navy blues and ivory whites; Walter had made himself right at home. He sat across from Oliver in an armchair, bald and dark and immaculate, not a wrinkle to be found on his pinstripe suit. Behind him, the window looked out onto Orchid Bay, monoliths of industry rising up to meet them.

“Send aid into the Glades,” said Oliver, “Set up emergency shelters, soup kitchens. Help with the cleanup, hand out bottled water. We can help these people.”

Walter sighed. “I hear you. I do. But all of that – it’s not as simple as me clicking my fingers and just – just making it all happen. What you’re talking about takes time. It takes money, and planning, and resources we don’t have. It’s a colossal task, Oliver.”

“Right, but this is a multi-billion dollar company. Whatever resources you don’t have, you can get.”

“Oh, it’s that easy, is it?”

“I’m not the businessman, Walter. You tell me.”

“Well, frankly, no. It’s not,” said Walter. He gave another long sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose with his forefinger and thumb. “Queen Industries is struggling, Oliver. How did the National Voyeur put it…? We’re ‘a sinking ship with a stagnating business model.’ I need to focus on fixing the leaks before I start pouring money into some new venture, no matter – ”

“Oh, don’t give me that bull – ”

“ – No matter how noble or worthy the cause.”

Oliver clenched his teeth. Around and around they go, excuse after excuse for anything he might have to say. A thing like this… it shouldn’t be a money issue. He came back from the Island four months after the earthquake hit. Another four months had passed since then. That’s eight months that the people in the Glades have gone without shelter, or food, or clean water.

“Have you been to the Glades lately?” he asked.

Walter hesitated. “No.”

“I have,” said Oliver. “I’ve seen how they live there. Every hour’s a struggle. They’re sick, and they’re cold, and they’re starving. The kids just sit there, looking, but you can’t tell if they’re looking at you or through you, and… it’s like they’re stranded on their own island, Walter. I can’t live like this, knowing that.”

Another sigh. “I understand, Oliver. But please, you have to understand – this sort of thing, I can’t make it happen by myself. I’ll have the board to convince, and with the current state of the company, I just – I don’t see it happening. I’m sorry.”

“All I’m asking is for you to try, Walter.”

“And you’re not going to let this go, are you?”

Oliver smiled. “Not a chance.”

The older man stood, pacing to the window overlooking Orchid Bay. He seemed to stand there for an eternity.

“Okay,” he said. “I’ll try.”
Potentially have a Black Canary player lined up that'll change Ollie's premise a little (namely their shared time on the Island). Edited my sheet to suit it. Hopefully you'll get to see something soon.


“Why, you speak treason!”

L A D Y M A R I A N & R O B I N H O O D

Oliver Jonas "Ollie" Queen

Green Arrow

The Island has transformed Oliver. Put through a gauntlet of violence and death, he’s come out the other side with skills his younger self would never have dreamed of. Oliver’s an archer, and a damn good one at that. The desperation of a life spent surviving has instilled within him a philosophy of never missing, and that’s reflected in his markmanship – when he shoots an arrow, it meets its mark. His years away have seen him become a formidable combatant in peak physical condition; struggles on the Island were quick and brutal, and his style reflects that. Urban and environmental traversal were essential then, and they’re essential now – and his knowledge of Russian and Japanese don’t hurt, either. The thing he got really good at, though… really good at… was the art of killing.

But he tries not to think about that.

Oliver Jonas Queen was born to Robert and Moira Queen in Star City, California, in the year of 1990. His family was extremely wealthy, his father the founder and CEO of Queen Industries, a multi-billion dollar conglomerate with a strong foothold in the international technology market. Oliver wanted for naught, his every need provided for him, and then some. His view on life was that it was easy, and one only had to take a look at him to see it: he was lazy, arrogant, and ignorant of the struggles most other people faced. As a young teen, he took a brief interest in archery, and in typical Queen fashion, he was provided with the best instructor money could hire, taught privately at the Queen Family Mansion. This would last all of two years, Oliver’s focus shifting towards other, less disciplined hobbies. Together with his best friend, Tommy Merlyn, he barely scraped through boarding school, and after it was over, all they knew was booze and women. Oliver met Dinah Laurel Lance when he was twenty-two. He was an idiot, and she was unlike any other girl he’d been with: one with character. Somehow, they started dating.

Sick of his son’s frivolous ways, Robert decided to take Oliver with him on a business trip to Beijing for his twenty-third birthday. Travelling on Robert’s yacht, The Queen’s Gambit, he hoped to talk some sense into Oliver, if not to convince him to get his MBA and take a position in Queen Industries, then to try and get him to try out philanthropy for himself, or, well... anything. Oliver saw this as an opportunity for something else; with their relationship on shaky ground, he invited Dinah along in an attempt to stabilise it, envisioning a romantic few weeks on the water – a vision that would soon be dashed when Dinah declined, unsure of what she wanted from the relationship. At sea, Robert gave Oliver his birthday present – Howard Hill’s bow from The Adventures of Robin Hood – in an attempt to remind Oliver of the last time he truly had a passion for something. He would attempt to broach the subject of responsibility tomorrow. But before he could do so, the Gambit was swept in a freak storm, and as it sunk, Oliver watched his father die – left to drift in a lifeboat alone. He arrived at shore days later, stranded in a place he would come to know only as "The Island." Back home, Oliver and Robert Queen were presumed dead, buried in empty coffins.

Five years later, Oliver returned home. Much had changed during the time he was gone, and for the next four months, he would try to adjust to civilised life once more, intending to leave the horrors of the Island behind. But life has a funny way of spitting in your face.

W H A T M A K E S T H I S C H A R A C T E R " U L T I M A T E " ?
The biggest difference, I think, is that Oliver doesn’t really want to do anything with his abilities, and would really rather just try to adjust to normal life again. Obviously, this won’t work out for him, and before long we’ll see bad guys shot at with arrows. It’s just a matter of time.

A thing to note is that this isn’t the Oliver from the comics yet. He’s still dealing with his experience on the Island, and won’t get over them for quite some time. But he’ll eventually move past his damage, and (hopefully) come to take his place among the greats.


#4 – Flashback: The Breakup

@Master Bruce Awesome. Cheers.
I can approve you for Green Arrow once you have the sample done, but Dinah's gonna have to remain firmly in the supporting character status. Which means that in the same way I can't technically stop anyone from submitting an Oracle CS, I can at least say that she's vital to my stories and advise against the person trying to pick her up. You'd have to do the same, essentially.

Gotcha. Can the backstory – in that Ollie and Dinah were on the Island together – remain unchanged, but the actual sheet only be a Green Arrow one, for the sake of my concept? It all kinda hinges on that premise.

WIP. Just have a sample left to write. I know that this technically breaches the one character rule, but given that these two's stories are so closely entwined, I hope that it isn't too big of one.

Think I might finally have something I wanna try out. Let me get back to you guys.
Character You're Applying For:

The Fantastic Four

Reed Richards – Mr Fantastic
Sue Storm – Invisible Woman
Johnny Storm – The Human Torch
Ben Grimm – The Thing

It's good to have you back, dude.
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