Avatar of Harley Q
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 155 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Harley Q 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
When you realize it's Sunday, but there is no new GOT episode.
1 like
8 yrs ago
The King of the North! ;)
8 yrs ago
The death of a patient is an awful feeling. I'll be around but don't expect many replies.
8 yrs ago
Beach bound. Expect sporadic replies.
8 yrs ago
10 minutes at work and I start using "Fuck" like a comma.


Hi everyone. I’m no good at introducing myself, but I’m Harley Q: cute right? I don’t know where I come up with this stuff. Anyway, I'm a 24 year old female, who works all week. I recently graduated with my Masters degree and I am a counselor working at a Psychiatric Hospital on two three wards. I love my job (or least my patients) consider myself a gym rat and love my dog.

Role playing is fun, but I don’t have 24/7 to dedicate to it. With that being said, I tend to be slightly picky and prefer quality post with character development and, dare I say, style. For one on one stories you can expect a few posts a week, with updates and fun OOC chat. Don't be discouraged by my low post count. I tend to be a creature of PM and rarely post on the actual forum. If I find a group role play I actually am interested in and apply for, I will attempt to post often and use the dreaded forum. I'm currently only doing a few one on one roleplays due to a hectic increase in my schedule and decreased time to write. Thanks for understanding.


Most Recent Posts

My darling sister will never know ;)

@Harley Q The Gullies are more than ready to fight the Hylands and their non-existing fleet.

We don't need a fleet. We wait and strike at our leisure.
All in Good Time.
we will definitely see if i'm in trouble i'm sure my Nieces and Nephews will stick up for me

Heck yes, no one threatens a Hyland and lives ;)
I want to post but I dont know what to say yet. I think I'll wait till one of the other Hylands post.

My intro is weak, but I just got a Hyland post up.

Lady Juliana Hyland

Interacting with: Emmaline @HushedWhispers and Hyland Family outside the Castle

I am a Hyland. I am a people of the mountains, a people of strength. I love my family. All in Good Time; I am a Hyland.

Juliana had repeated the words as she had left the safety of Mount Promonon for the first time, repeating them still in her head like a prayer to the gods as she rode with their party. She had never had a reason to leave their lands, to seek adventure in the great lands of the Kingdom. Or so her mother and nurses had pointed out to her at a young age; pointed out to her as they corrected her needlework and clicked their tongues at her questions and natural tendencies towards mayhem. A trueborn lady does not need to leave her home until her marriage, Juliana. A Lady does as she is told; she is quiet and meek and supports the adventures of the Lords of the land. The nurse, an older woman of her mother’s religion that helped the Lady of Mount Promonon with her children, was a hateful woman. Or at least to Juliana. Saying goodbye to her to attend the tournament had made a wicked smile touch her lips that only a stern look from her mother was able to distinguish.

I am a Hyland.

The words range true and instilled her with a sense of purpose and pride. The woman would still be back at their Keep, but in truth the years had worn her down and Juliana was well past the age she could fend for herself. Her parents preferred she stayed carefully watched, but with four siblings and a large castle to explore, Juliana was able to slip from sight with the ease of a shadow, hardly missed. It was both a curse and a gift being the youngest child of five; no one worried or looked for you unless you were missing for more than two meals. One if with your Lord and Lady.

The trip had been uneventful, and Juliana had found the steady pace of the horses and company of her brothers and sister enjoyable. The long seasons and isolation at Mount Promonon often left much to be desired for company, and she knew too well that she had been blessed with a family that was able to tolerate one another even when bickering amongst themselves. Juliana loved them all, none more than her older sister, Emmaline. But their unity only lasted until they reached the city, where they all became consumed by the majestically decorated castle and hive of excitement. Corevial Castle sat glistening like a jewel, ready to host the largest tournament many had seen in half a century for the honor to marry the princess.

Juliana snorted to herself as she made her way on foot through the crowd. The princess was only a child, the sole heir to the crown and giant thrown that dominated the rest of the territories of Lhivoria. A girl heir, whose husband was to be chosen by a tournament of brute strength. A pity for the poor princess; a pity for Juliana would be forced to sit and smile during the tortures of court and bloodshed. Despite her contempt for the whole event, she would force a smile and pray for the safety of her brothers, a deep seeded fear of their passing causing her a pang in her chest.

She had dismounted what seemed like only moments before, but in reality may have easily been an hour since their arrival outside the castle gates. Juliana was now thoroughly lost and from her position on the ground had difficult spotting the small party of her family. She had jumped from her horse so quickly she had startled those around her, and had heard her name called as she blended with the crowd. Her eyes had spotted two boys chasing a cat through the street, and without thinking she had sprung after them. The cat was a beautiful animal, black as night and yowling as they cornered it. Juliana had ushered them away, she assumed looking quite deranged in her fine red silk dress as she scolded the boys and scooped up the cat from their powerful blows.

The kitten was now nested against her, purring as she cooed to the creature while walking with the crowd towards the gate, keeping a sharp eye for her family, and hoping against hope they had not somehow entered the castle gates without her. Her green eyes spotted a familiar figure on a horse, and her nose twitched as she recognized her bastard half brother. He was scarcely older that she was, and yet he rode like a man twice his age, his face grave. Juliana stayed out of his sight, but followed at a steady pace, knowing he would lead her in the direction she desired. Although Gods save her, she would need to time it so to avoid the tongue lashing from those who had noticed her missing. If they noticed. She mused to herself with some hope.

She lost track of time moving through the crowd, her eyes always watching until she finally spotted a group of black haired, richly dressed nobles, surrounded by men wearing the crest of her family. Juliana tucked the kitten in the nook of her arm, protecting the black cat from the eyes of strangers as she spotted her sister, a feeling of relief washing over her. She made her way quietly towards her, attempting to avoid the watchful eyes of the guards and get her sisters attention. “Emmaline.” She spoke up, “Emma! Emma, I’m relieved you are still outside the gate.” She had the decency to look slightly apologetic to her sister, the smile holding humor she could not hide.
@Harley Qwe can enter every available male of the clan into the tournament...just because

Haha yes, more chances of winning!
Also, "Just Because" should be our unofficial family moto :P
But anyways, whoop! To the IC starting.

Also, we still have no Lord Hyland. :(

Maybe he's been taken ill and is back at the keep until we know if someone is joining to take his character? If not he can kill him off.

Hyland brothers and sister, what trouble shall we start at this event?
<Snipped quote by Harley Q>

I know right. Take note indeed. ;) I feel like Julia will interrogate a boy that wants to marry her daughters till their breaking point. :D Choose wisely. ;)

May the old and new Gods have mercy on them. I'm sure Juliana will poison anyone who so much as looks at her older sister the wrong way.
Why thank you. :)

<Snipped quote by Harley Q>

I'd say it's one of their natural qualities. ;)

Take notes, boys ;)
Those Hyland ladies are black haired, dangerous, beauties.
@KillBox Ahhh you used my bae as your characters FC. Hahaha he will be Juliana's favorite brother. :p Don't tell the others.
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