Avatar of Hawthorne


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There's not much about me to say.

I was born in December 1998, and I've been doing Forum RP since 2011. I live in Southeast Asia-- the Philippines (GMT +8:00) in particular, so if I'm not around, I'm probably asleep or otherwise busy. I mostly do Group RPs and Tabletop Games (off-site). I've never been in a 1x1 RP, but some of the premises seem interesting enough.

I like Fantasy, Sci-fi, and certain Anime settings. I do shy away from certain genres as a matter of preference (historical, slice-of-life, grimdark, etc), and if I know nothing about a fandom setting in question, I'm far less likely to throw my hat in the ring-- but if the premise is interesting enough, I may give it a shot regardless.

I like to be relatively active, though life gets in the way sometimes. If you're lurking and are trying to get me to post, if you want to be a mutual friend, or if you want to invite me to a specific RP, just let me know...I don't bite. So long as you aren't rude, we'll get along just fine, and even then, I may extend a sort of professional courtesy between us as writers.

With that out of the way, if you're here, you're probably looking for more of my writing. Thankfully, I've recently compiled a list of my characters (with links to their respective RPs) from this site. If you want to check them out, the link is here.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading! May the RPs you're in be of an acceptable posting speed, and eventually, come to end on a decent conclusion...

...A man can dream, eh?

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Hawthorne>

The heat shield is an actual, expanding shield kind of like Gundam's ballute pack. It's not so much of an issue for Orbitals that can enter under their own power but it's a lot harder to control reentry speed for those that can't, so they get a heat shield. The boosters can go back, legs, wherever there's feasibly a hardpoint.

There are at least two catapults. There might be more, but to be honest I haven't had time to finalize my description for Pyxis yet. But there's at least two.

As for the LZ, you're welcome to go right up to entering the atmosphere I'll get an establishing post written after everybody (or almost everybody, if someone's taking a while) has launched.

Very helpful, thanks! I'll see if I can't squeeze out a reply soon.
I've got a couple questions. Does a heat shield look like an actual shield, or does it look like a second (or third) layer of armor to deflect heat on atmospheric entry? Where do the boosters go? Arms and legs?

Also, what do the catapults look like? Are there multiple of them and we can go whenever, or do we need to form lines and fire ourselves at the planet one at a time?

Do we write up what the LZ looks like? Or are there geographical features already planned?
Very true. In that case, once the extent of their crimes had been revealed, I'm sure Castle was helping out as much as he could. As far as Castle was concerned, these guys were pirates and terrorists.
Interesting. As a PMC, your bio stated that their crimes were 'extortion, bribery, human trafficking, and tax evasion'. They must've done it on a pretty huge scale if it meant that pretty much every military organization had mobilized to get these guys.
Pretty much. If the Legion is the main faction of pirates past the belt in recent years, then they've likely tangled with the Saturn Defense Force, and Holden, as a result. If the pirates are arming the insurrectionists through arms dealing, or are otherwise collaborating with them, then I'd expect the SDF would make taking down the OOL a priority of theirs. Granted, insurgent activity has died down in recent years, so that might not have happened, but it's certainly a possibility.
I actually thought that Castle was born in... 212 SA? By virtue of taking the current year and subtracting it by his biological age. That is until I realized that I hadn't taken cryosleep into account, which means he was born at least in say, 197 SA (taking the 15-year journey to Proxima Centauri into account)? We'll be generous and give him say... 5 years of cyrosleep experience (traveling around the outer planets extensively, but rarely ever making long voyages to Earth or the other inner planets)? That would mean he was born in 192 SA.


Now assuming that the age of service on Titan is eighteen for simplicity, then that would mean Holden was military since 210 SA. I listed him with decades of military experience, and he was only really retired for at most, a couple of years before going back to serve on the Pandora, so, taking that with the year of exit of 249 SA, with up to 2 years taken off to reflect early retirement, then that'd mean Castle has served for 37-39 years in the SDF (though that's closer to 32-34 years, if you don't count cryosleep years; they do count as Active Time Served though, as per the Van Winkle Laws).

Damn. Now I remember why I just decided to slap on "chronologically older" on the age section instead of thinking of it too hard.

So to answer your question... Assuming Castle was active until 247 SA or early 249 SA, then yes. He would've probably been participating in the hunt for the Outer-Orbital Legion (on the assumption that planetary militaries aided in the search), at least within the area around Saturn. Depending on when the hunt ended though, he may have either seen all of it, or only the initial half, before his retirement (though knowing his propensity to not quit in the middle of a job, he may have seen it all).

That being said, his glory years were during the height of the Saturn Insurrections, in the late 220s / early 230s? With the hunt for the Outer-Orbital Legion being so close to the end of his service, I doubt he would've tangled with the Legion personally unless they've skirmished near the area around Saturn. The potential of Fox having seen the Ajax or even having faced it before is certainly there, though.

Castle looked down at the holographic planetary model, a curious glint in his eyes as he listened to the announcement from the bridge. It certainly didn't seem like the lush garden world one would've expected from a place that was supposedly like Earth. Artemie was right in that regard; Earthlike, but not lush. Still, he figured that the newly christened Kitezh was still a garden world in some respects-- just that it was a 'zen garden', rather than 'flower garden'. He pondered this as he made his way to the hangar where the others were setting up.

There was a myriad assembly of Orbitals here. Some were newer, cutting-edge models. Others were older, potentially obsolete ones. Some appeared humanoid, while others seemed to be more animalistic in appearance. Some bore multiple weapon ports, and some only carried what was necessary. Whatever they looked like, each Orbital was similar to each other in a single way: these machines and their pilots were here for a reason. Each one had a role to play, and each pilot was likely skilled enough to carry their weight and then some. Soon, the group split up, each one moving to their own Orbitals to perform pre-launch checks and prepare for combat conditions.

Holden was no different.

Castle made a beeline for the towering goliath of deep blues and greys. The Ajax seemed to be in excellent condition, as evidenced by the newly-refurbished slabs of armor and freshly-replaced barrels that were now in place. A few crewmen were in the process of loading the Orbital's backpack with munitions, and a few were making sure the thrusters were up to snuff. Holden took a moment or two to admire this sight, before strolling up to the woman who was at the head of it all.

"Miss MacKenzie!" Holden grinned. "How's the Ajax holding?"

"Better than ever, boss."

Caitlin MacKenzie was a part of the engineering core who worked on maintaining the Orbitals of the Saturn Defense Force. Despite being among the youngest of her peers, she was a rising star and a whiz with a wrench who quickly became in charge of maintaining an Orbital of her own, which just happened to be Holden's RGM-96X. Where the Ajax went, so did she. After the man's retirement, she signed on as a representative of Dodekatheon Industries, which put her at the top of the potential list of candidates for the crew who would maintain his Orbital.

And neither of them would have it any other way.

"...I'm not your boss anymore, you know. We're co-workers now. You don't have to keep calling me that."

"Sure, and you don't have to call me 'Miss Mackenzie' anymore either." She rolled her eyes at the hypocrisy of his statement.

"Hah. Not happening."

"Worth a shot." She commented. "The Ajax is all ready for ya. Even spent some extra time making sure he looks good as new!"

"I noticed." Holden nodded in approval as he put a hand on the Orbital's hull. "Good work."

With that, he put on his EVA helmet, the suit quickly sealing and pressurizing with a sharp hiss. SDF Flight Suits doubled as both an EVA suit and an armored battlesuit, in case a pilot had to enter ground operations for whatever reason. Holden figured the environment down there would've been breathable enough even without the need for breathing apparatuses, but it was better safe than sorry. Castle ascended the nearby ladder and moved towards the Orbital's cockpit through a passage near the top of the backpack.

The door opened with a groan as the hydraulics opened the blast doors aside. Holden marched forward proudly and took a seat at the controls. After putting on the seatbelt and safety harness, the man began flicking through the various switches and buttons as he began running system diagnostics. He knew the risks of going down there-- of facing an unknown alien threat that is, in all likeliness, more advanced than anything humanity had ever seen.

...or the place could just be nothing but dust and rocks, but what are the odds of that?

"All systems nominal..." Cait said. "...try not to scratch the new paint job too much."

Castle chuckled a bit at that.

"I'll try."
Thanks. I'll give it a look.
Interested, provided a Servant slot is available.
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