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5 yrs ago
Current Hey y'all. I am about to start working on a webcomic and try to draw for a living now.
7 yrs ago
Oh no. The World Ending library has started to smell of lemon again. Nobody likes dying to the smell of citrus


"Always tenderize the meat first."

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@Not Fishing

The answer is: Yes
C and Akira are gonna be BEST of friends @Girlie1Bomba
I want Lao and Jeremy to be cool with one another but trade mean, sarcastic banter. Is this ok @Rabidporcupine xD

Character you have created: Hara Helzigar
Alias: The Crimson Terror, The Bloody Rose, Captain Hara
Speech Color: violet
Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Identity: Hara Helzigar
Character Personality:

Hara appears to be a surprisingly compassionate and emotionally driven man. Not the emotionless husk of a monster many expect him to be. But he is also likely a un-diagnosed sociopath in the eyes of anyone that isn’t his crew or close to him. “The Mad Dog” of the cosmic seas is a powder keg. He has little to no regard for life if your opposing him, and has a temper that would make a volcano blush. He is a talented orator and charismatic leader, instill a sense of purpose and righteousness in those that follows him. He absolutely dettest and and all forms of governance and authority but his own.


Standing tall with dressed nearly all in various shades of red and with strikingly green hair, he is hard to miss. His skin is a middle gray, his ears are pointed and elvish. He is handsome person, but his face always have a unnerving smile to it. He wears a special eye patch over his right eye, and wears a old, by now worn armor harness at all times. He keeps his back straight and carry himself with poise and swagger.

Origin Info/Details:

Born the bastard son of the Matriarch Zelixa Helzigard, leader of the great Everlasting Fleet, one of the greatest flotillas of all of space. The Mandi-Har is a race of extremely capable, extremely dangerous warriors. Rules by noble houses and families, the Flotilla is in a constant state of assassination, backstabbing and culling, leaving only the most ruthless and capable to lead. And in this madness, the Matriarch has kept a steady ship for over a century.

The Mandi-Har are also a extremely xenophobic and puritan race, having perfected their own genome trough genetic manipulation and selective breeding almost a millennia ago. A blemish such a halfblood is unprecedented and unforgivable. Enter Hara.

His name literally means “The Child” as he was not given a real name before he made his escape from his mothers starship. As a babe, he was meant to be killed, as he was a impure thing. But something in his eyes made the headpriestess stop. The genes of Haras father, a humanoid species known for their complete mastery of energies, had triggered something in the halfbreeds dna. A mutation of terrible power, should it be cultivated.

So instead, the child was hidden from sight, set to be trained into a weapon. To tend to him, he had a Nautilan slave. Huey, as Hara came to call this lumbering creature, soon became Haras only friend. They became like brothers, sharing disdain for their masters. Both thirsting for freedom and a world outside the flotilla and its rigid ways.

That day would come.

One day, Hara was called to commit himself to the next stage of his training. An ritual that demanded he took the life of the one person he trusted, Huey. But both young men knew this was coming. They had planned for it. Stashed away components for explosives, a art that Hara had received a lot of training in. Huey had riled up other slaves, and Hara had stashed away simple but no doubt effective weapons for their little rebellion.

Upon the eve of the ritual, their little coup was staged. As these things go however, they had been had. Their little rebellion was quelled embarrisngly easy. Deemed a failure, the priestess set to pluck Haras eyes out. It was in this moment, Hara showcased his power in full for the first time. Watching as the entire room froze in place, as everything he saw was hit by rapid entropy and energy dispersion. Then, as others arrived, he made the entire section of the ship bubble and combust, the metal shrieking and tearing apart at a molecular level.

This would prove to be their way of escape, and the two fled in a small fighter vessel, making landfall on a desert planet that the fleet was passing. There, they fell victims for slavers, and spent 3 years as gladiators for the rich and wealthy to bet on.

OnOn the eve of the grand championship they once again stood face to face. But again, they had planned an escape. This time however, it worked. They led a small rebellion planet side, and high jacked a military frigate docked for the festivities.

Thus began the reign of terror that was The Bloody Rose Pirates. A liberatior and revolutionary in the eyes of many impovrished and opressed, Hara went from ragtag pirate captain to the Admiral of a pirate fleet numbering dozens of ships.

Hero Type:
Energy (Entropic/Chaotic)

Power Level:
Potential City on his own, with all his resources, world.


Entropic Energy Consumption.

Hara aquired a very strange power at a early age. Anything he perceives with his right eyes begin to deteriorate and fizzles out. Fire dies out and water freezes as all heat is dispersed in seconds. Energy fields are dispersed, electricity is depleted. Due to the nature of his power, he wears a special eyepatch to contain it. Prolonged use can however, kill him. The more he consume, the harder the energy gets to contain. He starts to bleed from his eye if he uses it to much.

Destabilizing Energy Burst:

What Haras right eye consumes, his left eye can burst back into the world with chaotic and unpredictable results. A dead tree bursts into life again only to explode in flames, radioactive flares and even a miniature, localized nuclear explosion as atoms are forcefully collides due to the sudden energy about them.. Due to the nature of chaos, he doesn't control the outlet either. He could let out a small change, or he could empty the entire energy reserve. He has no control of it.


Height: 6’2
Weight: 160
Strength Level: Above average.
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Star Athlete/Peak Human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort:
Hara can withstand well above the average human limits. Mentally, his will keeps him going even with fatal wounds. Pain seems to be a none issue for him. Physically, his body is enhanced past peak human endurance.
Agility: Peak Human
Intelligence: While not a genius, Hara is a prodigy when it comes to battle tactics and space combat in general.
Fighting Skill: Hara is accomplished fencer and a proper crackshot with his guns. He is possibly one of the best the wielders of a plasma cutlass universe has ever seen, his exploits in boarding imperial cruisers and duelling creatures much faster and stronger them him a thing of legend.
Resources: Hara has a vast network of loyalists and contacts who feed him information and a considerable fleet of frigate ships as well as a war chest built up from nearly two decades of unstoppable rampaging across civilized space.

Hara is fully mortal more or less. While he can withstand more then the average humanoid his size. He is not gonna survive something like hole the size of his torso or a headshot.
Supporting Characters:

Hu’Eon’Yeug: “Huey”: First mate and Haras only true confidant. The two are basically brothers trough circumstance and trust, and Huey would kill for Hara no questions ask and vice versa. Huey is a Nautilan, a race of constantly growing, amphibious humanoid with kevlar tough skin and superhuman strength.

The Blood Rose Crew:
His trusted men and women who will follow him trough fire and brimstone, blizzards and the freezing cold of space if they have to. Many he has personally saved from a life of oppression and poverty and all of them share his anarchistic, violent worldview as result.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yeeeeee boii
Sample Post:


“Give back?” Akira blinked. Then looked down at the Duffel bag, and to the knife. The moment of realization hit him a like train made of irony. He wanted to facepalm, but the razor made that a potentially dangerous action. So he settled for looking a bit embarrassed. Not that he felt he was the strangest person around by any stretch. Between the man soaked in fire extinguisher foam, to the girl who apparently just bolted through a hole in the bathroom that Akira only now realized was there. A armed girl for that matter, in some sort of cosplay. Compared to to all going around him, he looked positively normal.

Aside from his knife. And possibly the fact he cross dressed. But he didn’t expect small town USA to understand anything that deviated from their old and slightly more narrow view of thingss. It’s why he had left in the first place.

“Sorry about the knife.” He folded the razor down and slipped it into his pocket as he went over the panicking girl and the man by her. He made sure his movements were relaxed and as non threatening as possible. Hopefully, they were not to spooked by his admittedly quick temper and rash actions. “Its my safety blanket, albeit a sharp one. Been on the road and looking like me, you learn to go armed. A lot of bad, narrow minded idiots out there.”

“And by the way? I wasn’t stealing.” He had to admit as the situation was a bit on the crazy side, he would not fault them for their reaction. Instead he shrugged off the duffel bag carefully. “I’ve been around people on meds for my entire life. Anxiety and panic attacks are a bitch, figured she wanted what was inside it. My bad.” He pushed the duffel bag across floor with his foot. Giving the diner a proper look over now that some people have cleared. The vines growing over everything made him think of all those sci-fi movies his brother likes, were nature had taken back the world after humanity is almost destroyed.

Collecting himself, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he turned to panicking girl. “Sorry If I spooked you. You got your stuff. We’ll get you out of here safe alright?” His voice calm and soft, full of empathy now that he wasn’t visibly bristling with tension even though Akira felt simmering underneath the surface.

“Getting out of here seems like an idea. But.. that girl just ran past me an trough a hole in the wall?. I was just coming over here to get some help with my car, when there was all the roaring and screaming and some panicking people bowled me over. Just… What the fuck is going on?.” This town had already begun proving to be a mistake and a living nightmare for him. The plate crashing sure did not help the situation.

Johan walked down the empty alleys of new york, a piece of chalk in his right hand. Getting back into the city had been more difficult then he had intended, the gateway to Alfheim had been torched, blown apart as part of the Hounds campaign. And with it, the leylines had been all sorts of messed up, and they had allready been all sorts of crazy since the whole soulstone dabacle.

“Lets see here” He mumbled beneath his breath as he found a corner of the alleyway that was surprisingly clean from moldy old cardboard, hobos and urine. Scratching the back of his head he tried to remember exactly how he did this. The hangover was not helping him in the least and it had been ages since he had gone to any lengths to find someone as elusive as his current quarry. The Librarian.

“This oughta be the place, ey.” He drew a large circle on the brickwall and began to fill it with all manners of runes and markings. Scribbling with a feverish expression as he forced himself to remember every detail of the complicated gateway he was making. It took the better part of a an hour before it was done. IT was nothing like the quick inscriptions and runes his kind used for quick and dirty magic. This, this was a masterpiece.

And a little bit of blood” He bit his thumb, drawing a scarlet bead of his potent magical blood. Pressing it to the top of the arch. “Open” He commanded as the blood began to color the chalk lines and magic burst from the seals. BUt then the doorway shimmered and die, all magic fizzling out into nothing. A voice rang out, from all around him.

“Ahhh. Rune. We thought you had decided to crawl up and die. We lost lost a bet. We also won a bet.”

“Stuff your bet. I need some help.”

“Why should we help, Winterchild?”

“Becouse if you don’t, the King of Winter is going to turn the mortal realm into a giant pyre, and poof goes all the literature you love.”

“There are other worlds, other books”

“Didn’t you tell me this is the only world where Discworld was written.”

“....” There was a hum of power and the gateway opened before Johan. “Fine. Welcome to the Library between Worlds, Johan Winterchild.”
Thought: Those the Diner have tiger and vines insurance? If not, I feel for the owner lmao.
.. Ignore this post...

@Not Fishing

You ignore 90 percent of what I write to qoute just part of my responses. Coolio. I'm going to move past this now because your not interested in clarification, you just think I meta gamed. I can honestly say that was not my intention to do so. It is possibly i misread part of the diner situation. But all my charachters reactions, actions and decisions were made on the basis of his personality, from what he could see and what he could act upon.

I am just gonna continue writing what I write unless the GM thinks its bad for the rp.
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