Avatar of HokumPocus
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  • Posts: 591 (0.24 / day)
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    1. HokumPocus 7 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Idea: Superhero rp but every superpower has to be a unnecessarily specific fetish taken from a 1x1 thread
6 yrs ago
joining a roleplay can have the same stress of applying for a job except its better cause instead of bagging groceries you get to be a cute gay anime cat girl who goes to magic school
6 yrs ago
*tackleglomps u and nuzzles* X3 *notices bulge in ur pants* OwO wats dis???
6 yrs ago
does anybody in this thread smoke weed
6 yrs ago
The thrill of doing seventy different code edits without saving and then not knowing whether your post looks cute or like an exploded cumbox


▄██THE YAOI TANK███▅▄▃▂

I like rats, jalapeño poppers, y2k aesthetics and idol games. I am pretty extroverted on the internet due to how easy it is to connect with people with similar interests. My personality may come across as aggressively friendly or over the top at times and I apologize in advance for that, whoops.

As for my strange signatures and profile pictures, a lot of them are a part of a specific aesthetic I´ve developed over the years that's basically 2000s aesthetics with a focus on the technology that explore themes of loss, abandonment, filth, and hopelessness, rather than the optimistic and mainstream view of the future that was common during that period of time.

TALK 2 ME!!!!

Most Recent Posts

“Nikolai.” he said, as she helped him with equipping his diving gear. He thought about the clumsiness of putting on the gear and wondered how many times they´d repeat the process, gradually becoming a monotonous task propelled by sheer muscle memory alone. Assuming we survive that long.

The sight of Natsumi wearing a rebreather reminded him of all of the training manuals that he was exposed to throughout his time as a recruit. All of the diagrams would always show typical drawings of men and women in rebreathers doing whatever the text was explaining, all in perfect form. It made him feel more professional. "So, are we ready?"

“Right, we´re both ready.” Nikolai kneeled beside Natsumi and watched the hatch open itself after a simple turn of the handle. And from this, he witnessed the bottomless ocean.

It was blue. Impossibly blue. There was no discernible end to the color. It was a powerful entity, neither human nor animal, with an incomprehensible size and depth. It had the power to take both of their lives a thousand times over without ever acknowledging it.

A small fish flittered past the circle of ocean that was visible to Nikolai, piquing his interest. A couple more followed like black streaks. Questions over how common fauna was in this planet came to his mind, buzzing with anticipation as he recognized the easiest way to get answers. The curious, thinking part of him quashed the slightly clueless and even somewhat nervous side of him from earlier. He edged closer and closer to the exit. A muffled “I´m going in.” was all that could be heard from his mask. He recalled every diving tip he was given and entered the dark blue under. (AYY).

Hector fiddled around with some of their supplies with no real goal in mind. He already knew the ins and outs of these materials, but inspected them regardless, a mixture of old habits and keeping his hands occupied. The man organized all of their materials into neat piles on the floor after being satisfied with their findings. It was all done while displaying the same surprising dexterity as with navigating the fabricator earlier.

"So, we should probably get to searching, huh?" said Amari. “Yes, of course!”, replied Hector. He mirrored her and also picked up some diving gear, glad that both of them were on the same page. He was taller and bulkier than most, but wasn´t a freak of nature, so the odds of the gear being a poor fit for him were low. It was a worry that didn´t even come to mind to the jolly man.

He walked over to Amari and her gear. “Let me help.”, he said kindly. A regular middle aged man might have been hesitant to help a teenage girl with the task, but Hector came from an enormous family with no boundaries, and like most things, didn´t even register how it could be misinterpreted. None of the gear was difficult to wear properly, but he struggled with it initially. He was critical on the details like a fussy parent would be.

At long last, Amari was ready for the most part. She´d have to move some things around here and there to adjust for personal comfort, but the fundamentals were over with. Hector was satisfied with this and congratulated her. “Yes, like that! Good!” He had a bad habit of slapping people in the back enthusiastically a little too hard, but Amari´s gear saved her from it. For now. He settled on a peppy thumbs up.

You can´t rush perfection baby!!!!

After exchanging polite greetings, Hector surveyed the three youths in front of him and hastily took notes on a battered clipboard. “Only three this time around, eh?” he remarked, as if they somehow knew who was going to arrive. One of them appeared to be under the effects of drugs, yet the government official shrugged it off for later. It felt dirty and wrong to ignore it, but he was in a losing battle against the mysterious old man behind the door and had to act fast if he wanted everything to go smoothly. A pang of shame struck him as he saw one of the teens sport messy, putrid clothing. Hector added up the context clues and was now aware of just who received the organic invitation. Helena and her recklessness...

“Well, I guess that´s all of you for this town, er, village. No sorry, territory.” He rested a gnarled pencil against his chin and glossed over his clipboard one more time. After the disaster, etymology had been thrown out the window and it was commonly thought that Kasparc bigwigs were determining names via spinning a giant wheel. These accusations offended them greatly, in part because they weren´t true and in part because they used dart tossing, which they insisted was far more elegant. Hector´s data currently listed Slopadelphia as “An ambitious train station.” The report went on to state several warnings over not drinking the water or coming into prolonged contact with the residents. He gulped.

“Well, names are just names. What´s important here is the great new journey all of you are going on, starting today.” said Hector nervously. Had this period of waiting continued, he would have forced all of the teenagers to engage in absolutely horrible icebreakers. Fortunately, the door swung open.

“What is all that racket going on?!” yelled professor Charcoal. He looked like a sandwich meat that had gained sentience and decided that despising all of life was the best possible course of action. He wore a soft mint bathrobe that had been gnawed at from every edge possible. When he spoke, it swayed around as if it was just as angry as he was. The old man stared long and hard at every one of the ruffians in his yard, something that he had practiced earlier in the morning. He was quite proud of his scowl and hoped that the others would recognize just how superb it was. Well?? What are you all just standing around there for?? Aren´t you all gonna come inside???”

The professor´s house was every bit as decayed as he was. Half a dozen zigzagoon were scampering around the wooden floors, save for a pair furiously mating in a corner. A large hickory shelf stored every toy that the impish pokemon had stolen from children over the years. Professor Charcoal limped towards the far end of the house, where a bare folding table accentuated the stained yoga mat right below it. He dragged his body across the house slower than usual, taking things slow so he could savor the moment. He hated every single person that was with him right now, and yearned to let them know. If everything went according to plan, he´d even get to shake his fist at them a couple of times. It had been awhile since he had done that, he thought.

Hector neatly placed a sheet of paper and a snapped pencil on the table and cleared his throat. “Well, to start off, I want all of you to write your name down, as well as a few more tidbits about yourself. Don´t worry over what to write, the point of this activity is to have a clear example of your handwriting. If you can´t write, draw something.” He clasped his hands in satisfaction at having more or less restored order to the activity. “After that,” he added, “ you´ll decide amongst yourselves over who gets to pick their pokemon first.”

Professor Charcoal held his hands behind his back and closed his eyes in pride. “Back in my day, we just tossed a handgun in the middle and whatever happened happened.” he said, beaming. Hector chuckled nervously. “The only right way to solve a problem is peacefully, professor." Hector had a warm grin and spoke with a slight edge in his voice. He may have been just a bit nervous over the new wave of scouts and their, uh, free spirited personalities.

Next IC post will be up tomorrow bbyz
Good idea @Pezz570
A little longer than usual, but in my defense a lot happened lol

Lynx stared daggers into the familiar that was poking him. A fairy. He had seen plenty of them at social gatherings, used as entertainment. He´d usually growl at the more extroverted ones until they returned to telling bad jokes and prancing around the humans. This one had its share of fun and whizzed by before he could muster the energy for an intimidation attempt.

In the distance a bar fight broke out, causing the familiar to let out a sigh of resignation. He knew the procedures when it came to combat. Hide and let Octavio take care of everything. It exasperated him to see violence in front of him and have no way to help out his partner, but he knew just how valuable his appearance was. And besides, what would he even do? Growl at them and wag his tail around menacingly? Not a whole lot of options for someone who was basically an extra-large housecat.

Octavio had finished most of his peasant meal prior to the bar´s patrons deciding to beat the spirits out of each other and was satisfied by the recent turn of events. He felt as if the barkeeper had upcharged him because of his appearance, and had spent the larger part of his time at the inn haggling passionately with the man. And now, a fight! The man began laughing in satisfaction at the drama unfolding in front of him. A man who clearly wanted to die! A member of the royal guard! Another familiar! Octavio made a mental note to keep track of the royal guard. A corpse like that would make for a bountiful looting, after all.

The guard was no stranger to combat, much to Octavio´s disappointment, and he clearly wasn´t going to drop dead anytime soon. In fact, nobody was. The fight had fizzled out, with many of the participants opting to start a conversation with each other. Octavio frowned an made no effort to hide it.

Lynx emerged from his hiding spot. The casual and annoyed way that he walked towards his owner was inappropriate to the situation. It was the walk of someone who had their game of hide and seek interrupted, not the walk of someone who had escaped a bar fight, a result from being in similar situations one too many times. The cat´s gaze lingered on the witch hunter and the cool, collected way he ate. He wondered what it would be like to have someone like him as an owner. That is, until the man angrily rose from his seat to scold the fairy. To be fair, that fairy is annoying. He thought. He began to groom himself in silence. Him and Octavio sat quietly, eavesdropping on the group that was forming. They needed information.

A lot has happened since my character waddled in D:

I'll post tomorrow

Feeling Glum...
8:00 - 8:30

Yumemi took a deep breath and passed through the school gates. The combination of new clothes and cool morning weather left her with a refreshed and perky feeling. There would come a time when the bright fluorescent lights of the school and the stiffness of her uniform would soften and be a part of her life that she'd take for granted, but today definitely wasn't that day.

None of the nearby students caught her attention much save for a couple of them. Some she had recognized from her previous years of high school. None of them were friends, but rather an assortment of faces that she had seen dozens of times existing in the background of her school life. One of them in particular, a girl that had been chatting near the school's entrance, had managed to catch her eye a bit. She had seen that girl around the school occasionally, and it was confusing to see her not wearing a uniform and not entering the building. She didn't think about it too hard and carried on.

Yumemi walked around the school in the same eerily quiet way she had a bad habit of always doing and found her classroom in no time.

A small pang of sadness struck her heart. This was her third and final year at Kokyo high. The previous two felt so unfairly short to her. Two whole years and I still don't know what I want to do. she thought. Yumemi sat on her desk and sighed as she waited for class to begin.
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