Avatar of HokumPocus
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  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 591 (0.24 / day)
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    1. HokumPocus 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Idea: Superhero rp but every superpower has to be a unnecessarily specific fetish taken from a 1x1 thread
6 yrs ago
joining a roleplay can have the same stress of applying for a job except its better cause instead of bagging groceries you get to be a cute gay anime cat girl who goes to magic school
6 yrs ago
*tackleglomps u and nuzzles* X3 *notices bulge in ur pants* OwO wats dis???
6 yrs ago
does anybody in this thread smoke weed
6 yrs ago
The thrill of doing seventy different code edits without saving and then not knowing whether your post looks cute or like an exploded cumbox


▄██THE YAOI TANK███▅▄▃▂

I like rats, jalapeño poppers, y2k aesthetics and idol games. I am pretty extroverted on the internet due to how easy it is to connect with people with similar interests. My personality may come across as aggressively friendly or over the top at times and I apologize in advance for that, whoops.

As for my strange signatures and profile pictures, a lot of them are a part of a specific aesthetic I´ve developed over the years that's basically 2000s aesthetics with a focus on the technology that explore themes of loss, abandonment, filth, and hopelessness, rather than the optimistic and mainstream view of the future that was common during that period of time.

TALK 2 ME!!!!

Most Recent Posts

You woke up surrounded by a myriad of trees in all directions. Around you, faces that you find strangely familiar are sprawled across the leaf covered ground. You were just playing a tabletop game with your friends a moment ago, what the hell was going on?

And that's when you approached a nearby pond and let out a shriek. You were your character. The one you hastily put together. The one who was a test subject for the new and experimental campaign your DM put together. What the hell? What the hell?!! Turning around you realize that the blur of bodies are also characters from the roleplay. And judging by their equally terrified reactions, you're not alone in this mess. Adventures from The Place Holder, that's what that idiot called this campaign. He was terrible at coming up with names and begged everyone to pitch in. It wasn't limited to names either, as you clearly remember everyone having input several rules into the game. You freeze in horror, recalling all of the untested hombrew rules, all of the comedic ones, the ones that made the game stupidly and bewilderingly difficult.

Of course, your memory wasn't perfect, and it was his campaign and not yours. Surely he had to have them all jotted down somewhere. So you called out his name. And then you called out his character's. And then you realized that everybody was here except for him, the only person with even half a clue as to what the hell this world consisted of. Shit.

Adventures from the Place Holder is a roleplay that takes place inside of a fantasy world, one where everyone and everything is hunting down reality warping artifacts known as Place Holders. Expect a general lighthearted tone that doesn't take itself seriously at all. Finding your former dungeon master is your initial goal, but things will take interesting turns during your journey. In order to spice things up, this roleplay will also feature a system where every player will get to contribute something to the world. Also the moist and sultry lordorgasmo came up with this idea not me

can I ship the 1x1 erp forum with the arena forum? Enemies to lovers, KYAAA!!!~ 😍😍😍
Weclome to the guild, nice to finally see someone acknowledge runescape in here LOL

Octavio had been halfway across the bridge until he decided that he couldn't take it anymore. His party members, both the ones that he had met at the inn and several newer ones, were quarreling with one another. There were even threats of stabbing each other, for crying out loud! Having opted to simply cross the bridge and do not much else felt rational. He didn't like that one bit. He also disliked the idea of one of his meat shields dying before being of any use to him, so such heavy disputes would have to be stopped.

He dramatically cleared his throat to demand attention and then began to cough from having agitated all the smoke that was being inhaled by his lungs. He coughed very nobly and gracefully, a product of his job. The ambient noises of general destruction swallowed the noise up, so his efforts went to waste, anyways.

One of the new additions to the party was a spirited woman with an interesting manner of speaking. He politely waited for her to finish before finally joining in on the conversation. "Ah, this is wonderful! More allies to aid us in our journey!" Octavio's words were loud and bold. They usually were only bold, but the volume was absolutely necessary when you factored in distance and screams of the dying.

"Now now, speeches are the food and drink of the soul! However... we must escape as soon as possible! Even power as divine as ours won't last forever under such circumstances!" He made a motion with his hands and spread them, an act that highlighted his exaggeratedly dignified mannerisms and the backdrop of total chaos happening around them. Lynx had crossed the bridge entirely and stoically ignored the idiocy of his travelling companion. He silently predicted to himself that Octavio would attempt to intervene, but was pleasantly surprised at him. Such a short speech, (mostly) free of convoluted and dramatic mannerisms?

What little trace of pride that the familiar had vanished the moment Octavio bowed in front of their group, however.

"I would also like for all present to please forgive me. A gentleman such as myself should first and formost begin with an introduction. My name is Octavio Grayeye, and I wish for a fortunate journey for all of us on this dark and bizarre night."

He saw no point in lying after Gin revealed is name to his team so directly. Lynx rolled his eyes.

Octavio resumed crossing the bridge without waiting for a response. He didn't want his teammates to kill each other, but distrust always made his job easier. To just have walked away and ignored the tension would be a cowardly first impression, and he knew better than anyone else about the benefits of first impressions. He once again held off on flirting with the woman, as just like with Karina, her personality implied that she would probably rearrange his spinal cord if he tried anything funny.

My other test thread devolved into an absolute clusterfuck of everything and anything. This is geared towards storing the more finished concepts lol

UPDATE: due to the conceptual nature of the thread, rules and character creation sections will be left intentionally vague. The focus is on the development of a polished roleplaying concept, the restrictions and guidelines don't matter until the moment that it actually goes live.
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