Avatar of HokumPocus
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    1. HokumPocus 7 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Idea: Superhero rp but every superpower has to be a unnecessarily specific fetish taken from a 1x1 thread
6 yrs ago
joining a roleplay can have the same stress of applying for a job except its better cause instead of bagging groceries you get to be a cute gay anime cat girl who goes to magic school
6 yrs ago
*tackleglomps u and nuzzles* X3 *notices bulge in ur pants* OwO wats dis???
6 yrs ago
does anybody in this thread smoke weed
6 yrs ago
The thrill of doing seventy different code edits without saving and then not knowing whether your post looks cute or like an exploded cumbox


▄██THE YAOI TANK███▅▄▃▂

I like rats, jalapeño poppers, y2k aesthetics and idol games. I am pretty extroverted on the internet due to how easy it is to connect with people with similar interests. My personality may come across as aggressively friendly or over the top at times and I apologize in advance for that, whoops.

As for my strange signatures and profile pictures, a lot of them are a part of a specific aesthetic I´ve developed over the years that's basically 2000s aesthetics with a focus on the technology that explore themes of loss, abandonment, filth, and hopelessness, rather than the optimistic and mainstream view of the future that was common during that period of time.

TALK 2 ME!!!!

Most Recent Posts

A couple of things:

-I´ve lightened the color of the gray text like four times before just dropping it entirely, as my "all text in gray all the time" phase has passed.

-As a result I´ve also given Lynx a new image color for legibility.

-Speaking of Lynx, he´s a finicky princess of a familiar and isn´t actually going to orchestrate a Sil murder plot, as hilarious as that would be.

If there was anyone less enthusiastic about the idea of working together as a team than the great Octavio and his slowly crumbling walls, it was his familiar, who had suffered the worst of Sil´s antics, even when trying to sleep.

I´m going to take that fairy, said Lynx in Octavio´s mind, and skewer it as soon as I get the chance.

Octavio smirked at the sudden display of emotion, glad to see a sliver of his traveling companion´s personality again. Travelling in a party had worn the both of them down substantially and had limited them in terms of what they were allowed to talk about out loud. Even if the two disliked conversing outside of telepathy the presence of another restriction, one that needed to be constantly taken into account, put them on edge to an extent.

She´s just irritating you because it´s fun. I can´t blame her either, just look at you! said Octavio. Lynx was well aware of his irritability, and having it pointed out to him only worsened his mood. Both of them were very aware of each other´s personalities, and both of them knew that their walls were crumbling down with time.

How much longer are you going to continue your acting? stated Lynx. There was a sharpness to his words, a feeling of caution and annoyance fused together.

As long as it takes. replied his owner.

Lynx´s powerful eyes bore holes into Octavio. This was clearly not the answer he had desired, yet he expected it nonetheless. Their complicated relationship frequently blurred the lines between companionship and rivalry, with neither ever holding back their disapproval over the other´s flaws. Octavio simply chuckled to himself at their private conversation, and reached for a slice of bread with a confident entitlement. He wasn´t at all grateful like his allies, nor did he want to be. This was the bare minimum for their services. The food was bland just as it always was when your sense of smell was so poor, yet this time the flavors of misery shone through in stronger doses. This definitely wasn´t filling enough for the greedy man, but he reasoned that he could always buy more. Although...

The funds that were originally intended to be used for inn infiltration dangled in his mind, tempting him to use them to satisfy his capricious hunger. His eyes gazed at everyone in the room with an undetectable softness as he formed a plan. There was no way he´d be able to save his money and feed all of them at the same time, so playing the role of royalty was going to be a challenge from now on. Octavio´s mind recalled all his previous conversations with these people, his implications of grandeur, his mentions of distant luxury. This was going to be a difficult situation for him. For a brief glimpse his eyes were caught by Lynx´s, who stared back at him in satisfaction. You´re enjoying this.

Lynx concluded his silent judgement and helped him think of their next course of action. It was decided that half of his money was to be treated as all of it, with the remainder repurposed to be used as an emergency fund in the event of needing to flee. This was a painful decision, but it was absolutely necessary if he intended to continue his act.

"If the food ever becomes an issue, we could simply form a shared effort and wander down to the markets, right?." he said. It was such a simple sentence, one that surfaced among the hundreds of hurried thoughts and whispers of two loners in the shadows.

Reviving this lad


Gray. That was the first word that came to the mind of every poor soul unfortunate enough to awaken in the city. It was gray in color, as thick panels of fog routinely suffocated the concrete world and cut it off from the blinding sun. It was gray in heart, as every building and billboard was covered in slogans and phrases that were as nonsensically generic as they were vaguely threatening. And finally, it was gray in soul. The cityscape was dotted with others, though their status as human was questionable upon second glance. A parade of dress shirts and suitcases that filed through the dreary city, scuffed leather shoes clacking on the pavement with no hope or destination. The men and women stared dead ahead with empty eyes and no emotion.

In truth, nobody knows where the city came from, or what it’s even called. People arrive in the hundreds, most of them brain dead, though there are exceptions. Like you, on this fateful day.

Your memories are hazy but intact, yet you´re not sure where you actually are. Hell? Heaven? Something else? There are others as confused and sentient as you, so you reasonably think to reach out to them. But then again... the world is strange and filled with irregularities. The calendars stretch into hundreds of months, the clocks have more arrows than necessary with numbers that aren´t supposed to exist, the advertisements are so generic that it´s almost offensive. And the food? The textures are off and blander than you ever thought possible. It´s as if the world was created halfway and abandoned for eternity.

Information is hard to find in this world, and you´ll have to risk your life for any decent answers. Between conflicts with other strays, malevolent entities, and a city that defies reason, it's not going to be easy.


drone from the monotone is a roleplay set in a strange world vacant of life and color. You are someone who has died, and regardless of the circumstances you now find yourself inside of a bizarre urban environment where staying alive is now a key part of your schedule.

As the prologue has implied, you have left life with feelings of dissatisfaction and an unwillingness to let go from sentience, and must now come to terms with what that means for you. This will be a slice of life roleplay set in an unorthodox location, though expect action and problem solving elements as well. Dying is possible. Keep in mind your character has the ability to revive, however.

I am planning on the characters being around the age of college students, with anime face claims to avoid any difficulties in finding art. Thoughts? Interest?
I like it, no worries. Time to work on a post then, lol
Holy moly this sure is an interesting roleplay that I have never heard of before, no siree. Time to express my interest in joining!
I haven´t changed my avatar from the hazmat dudes in awhile, so I got a screencap of an animated series I like

It´s uhh... strange, to say the least.

It was only by taking a few careful steps into the corridors that Ar´oa realized just how noisier life inside of a castle was when compared to the sprawling deserts of his home, with all of its footsteps and furniture. He wasn't at all comfortable with the notion that enclosed spaces were good things, a result of most of his near death experiences having taken place in ruins and labyrinths. The Sanctuary, furnished in a grand manner of artwork and ornamentation, was certainly not a ruin. But a labyrinth? To Ar´oa, that was a confident yes.

His svelte frame strode across the various halls, taking steps that were long and delicate under the billowing of a sapphire robe. Before any serious effort could be expended into using The Sanctuary to develop his strength, he would first want to test its limits. After collecting rations from the mess hall, Ar´oa planned to venture outside to search for the presence of his curse. He came to a stop at the sight of another being. Who else had decided to be near the gardens at this time?

It was the nature elemental from before, now in a completely different physical form that was just as verdant and surreal as the one before it. Ar'oa's feelings of deep astonishment upon gazing at the creature hadn't waned since their last encounter yesterday.

"Good morning." he said. His expressionless face and eyes gave no hints as to the contents of his heart, which beat with passion at the sight of the storybook animal brought to life in front of him. He would definitely have to pry the creature for answers when given the chance. Right now though, he wanted his trip to the outside of The Sanctuary to remain a secret. It would raise too many questions and could possibly be interpreted as ingratitude or suspicion by the others, so while the sight of Mirithal was certainly breathtaking, Ar'oa continued to quietly guard his plans.

Opal´s eyes scanned the cramped interior of the aircraft to examine the weapons of everybody else on board. They seemed well equipped to survive, for the most part. Her face had no trace of emotion save for the tightening of her jaw at the mention of teams and leaders. Those charades with making acronyms and having to play babysitter... she didn´t like the idea of it. Relying on others made you soft. If you couldn´t pick yourself back up after a fall, how were you supposed to put up a fight? Regardless, she was one of the first to speak, putting her solitary nature aside to charge the question head on.

"Opal." she stated. There was yet to be a team attached to her, and so the word felt blunt and empty. "Jalatl." she added.

If one of her teammates acted like that silver haired youth or the chipper girl, she wasn´t sure how she´d be able to get a good career out of this. The girl´s "weapon" was one of the most bizarre to Opal, bringing to mind the image of a hyperactive little bird flitting inside of a cage.
The other roleplays I´m in have picked up the speed so I´m gonna pass, gomenasai
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