Avatar of IcePezz
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  • Posts: 1842 (0.54 / day)
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    1. IcePezz 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Back ... not back ... not sure, but I’m itching for an adventure
7 yrs ago
A moment of silence, for our princess has returned to the force.
8 yrs ago
Sometimes, shit just burns ....
8 yrs ago
Crunch time on wedding preparations. If my presence is spotty, this is most likely why.
8 yrs ago
So I just got my last Christmas gift - EXPLODING KITTENS!



Currently, I'm running -
Nothing! But Waeldeshore lasted a good while :)

Mother of Dragons!!!

Most Recent Posts

@Lady Amalthea @sigil just to make sure I've got it right, Lerraina would have been able to see orc activity on the other side of the wall? Or how much of that would she be able to see? I planned on her being pretty vague or unsure within hher r next post, but I also want to make sure I'm correct on the information:p

How many of their orc company is actually still alive lol
@The Grey Dust honestly, I think he serves a great part in the story. The fact that he doesn't have much popularity within the group makes it that much cooler, imo ... Lerraina also gave him an out, or at the very least someone to interact with for your next post.
She felt as if she was turning in circles. The travel down the dark cobbled road was a winding one, until she came to a three way street. Finally, something looked different. Actually taking the road seemingly frequently traveled, she made her way towards the industrial buildings, and eventually came upon several small shops. They were of very little use to her, though it was nice to see small commodities within city walls. Further exploration found her an apothecary shop. Just what she was looking for.

The sea breeze stung her eyes and the afternoon sun hung low. She stopped a moment before entering the stone faced building. Shades of pink and purple dotted with dark grey painted the sky. Dusk would settle in soon. She could get used to this town, though part of her wasn't sure if she truly wanted it. Her nose wrinkled as a thought passed … what if she was settling? Her bangs swooshed across her forehead as another cool breeze passed over her, a familiar smell. She recalled the docks being near a large busy area and realized the part of town she had traveled to. The sea presented a different type of hunt, it was home for a while and part of her wondered if it would serve a better one than this. She waved the thought off and entered the building. There would be time to think on this later. Night would be upon them soon.

She entered the store, her eyes wandered. A grin tugged at her lips, another familiar smell. This one was earthy, hints of lavender stacked in one corner and other distinct herbs in another. Reminding herself of the time, she swiftly walked to the counter. She had much of what she needed, and doubted they had most of her own inventory. But at the very least, she could stock up on a few essentials. β€œHello?”

Location: By the cave
Interacting with: Cyneburg/Everyone

"Thankfully, because of Kyra, I am fine", she quickly responded to the druid's question with a nod. A sudden standing between life and death can sometimes push a person to be more 'helpful', at least that was the story Lerraina would go with. She realized, she hadn't interacted much with the druid since they first met. "Unfortunately though, I can't say I have any methods of getting rid of the ice wall.", she was a scout, not a bloody magician, but even with that, she felt like she contributed less to the group than she could have. "To find a path around or over it perhaps.....", she swiped a hand over the hard, cold surface before returning her gaze to the rest of the group, finally settling on Thomas. "Or perhaps the mage would be of better use with this."

Lerraina noticed how Keystone glared at the young boy. If anything, her words would move Thomas out of harms way, for now.

"The orcs have turned and all but one have fled ... whatever that thing was, I don't believe we've seen the last of its kind. It's not safe to linger more than we need to. As our healer is occupied at the moment, I have herbs if anyone have need. The sooner we can re-group, the sooner we can get out of this hell hole."
I hope to get something up soon :)
I hope to get a post up soon! And apologies about the ice wall debacle, I'm usually a bit more observant of content like that.
@Lucius Cypher your turn I think

Location: Descending the tree and retuning to the group
Interacting with: Everyone

β€œYes!”, she silently proclaimed as the undead orc went down. Though as the others paid no mind to it and had continued to walk off, that yes sank low into the depths of her gut, lingering with defeat and frustration. It seemed the others had managed to find victory at least. Still unaware if the last arrow had penetrated the thing at all, she realized it didn't quite matter. The red mist was dead, or otherwise evaporated, and their group was finally safe.

Lerraina took a moment atop the trees to scan the perimeter, all the blood. It seems their hosts were nowhere to be found, save the corpses of which littered the area. She let out a heavy breath. And taking whatever arrows were left between her and Kyra, she carefully descended the tree to join the others. She whistled low for her companion, and as her feet reached solid ground, there was finally a sense of relief, of safety.

Making her way through the carnage, she contemplated her next course of action. She knew she hadn't contributed greatly, well maybe she helped slow it down but, she was sure that her efforts to kill this thing were not as great as others. Even Crixus, the bird, yet again, stood in the face of death. In the end, he may not have done much, other than serve as a distraction to the big thing, if at all. Lerraina wondered for a moment if it was even worth it to stay. After all, a warm bed in a tavern somewhere sounded much more appetizing than a fight with the undead. She didn't sign on for this. Her brows wrinkled as her thoughts proceed. She was just passing through to the next town. But then she realized, this wasn't a singular event. What if it happened again? What if it happened to the very Inn she had decided to run off to?! Her face hardened with resolve and as she came to meet the rest of the group, she uttered the following words:

β€œIs everyone alive?”, she fell right back into the role of Gretchen. Crixus was perched on her shoulder as she approached them, "is there anything I can do to help?”
Sorry for the delay, I hope to have something up within the day
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