Avatar of Inmento Riku
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 67 (0.03 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Inmento Riku 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current I think I broke my own interest check. Oh well...least I tried to make something interesting. Not my fault no one likes me. (It is actually)
6 yrs ago
@Poi *Pretends to not notice being not noticed*
6 yrs ago
I should probably stop PM people I don't know with "Hello". It probably makes me seem creepy. (I swear I'm not, I just need senpai to notice me!)
6 yrs ago
My work needs to get it's head together. Changing a schedule 6 times in 2 weeks and notifying no one, and then getting mad, is not how the business world works. (Thank god for a business degree)
1 like
6 yrs ago
Is harassing people on shamchat(dot)com as Santa a bad thing or a good thing?


User has no bio, yet

Most Recent Posts

Do you want photos of the character?
Name: Mikaela Smoak

Nicknames: Miki, KayKay, Makaykay, Smoak, Blondie.

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Occupation: Engineer

Appearance: Mikaela clocks in at one-hundred thirty-eight pounds and five-feet six inches tall. She has shoulder length blonde hair and light blue eyes. Usually is seen in uniform, even in casual settings.

Personality: Shy but friendly. Ingenious. Happy-go-lucky. Stubborn.

History: Led, something led lined or made from led was her only option. Thank god for the tool chest in the engineering bay being led lined. She hurriedly emptied it out and crawled inside it, closing it and waiting for the storm to pass. She thought she was alone, and she was afraid. Somehow the storm had sealed her inside, her only hope was a survivor breaking her loose but if not she'd suffocate and die. Shortly after passing out from lack of oxygen, she awoke in the med-bay....surprised but relieved to be alive.

Other things you want us to know about your character: Mikaela is a very friendly but shy person. She's also great at thinking outside the box, but rarely speaks up as she doesn't want to be a bother and/or because she assumes her ideas are not that good. She's also sort of scary when she's angered, her yell is like nails on a chalkboard hooked up to a sound amplifier.

Wouldn't taking time be causing a paradox from another fandom?

Inny, no Doctor Who jokes!

Don't worry...She'll be well thought out
You and I have a lot of the same fandoms and interests.

I'd be willing to do something adorable MxM with you. (Maybe even an FxF if I get my laziness to go away and create Mikaela)

Why thank you kind person.

Being neutral is only good in DnD Inmento, stop doing it irl.
@Inmento Riku

I would like to see new characters for this roleplay if you do not mind, However you can put some aspects form your old sheet into the new one.

Hmm...I can do that. I was just asking because my character is someone easily able to be worked into any roleplay, but I have wanted to either rewrite or make another. I'll post her up soon, thank you.


Able had just arrived in Stromm with nothing more than a small suitcase, his brown and faux-fur coated jacket, and his snow boots on. His plan was to enjoy the festivities as he did every year for the past three years and do his best to try and make some acquaintances this year. Once he was checked in, unpacked, and had a bite to eat, he began to explore the town and see if anything change from previous years

While people had their lights up, there was one person who was wanting to change something but with everyone out either setting up for the festivities or doing things they didn't have help. Able happened to be nearby and saw what they were doing before offering his assistance.

"May I help?" Able asked.

The person nodded and after about fifteen minutes they were done and Able went off to explore the festivities that were being set-up, and some of the ones already up and running.

He had no idea that today was the day he'd be meeting several people also here to enjoy this amazing town at this time, and that he may find the true meaning of Christmas and friendship.
If we have a character sheet, and they're not some weird alien thing or not something/someone who can't be easily reworked into this, can we use them here?

Is this still open?

Does "Hi" count as a question?
I do have a question regarding this roleplay.

If we already have a previously created character/character sheet, is it okay to just rework it to work here, or do you want whomever is applying to make an entirely new character?
Not sure if I made one of these or not, but I joined a long time ago.

I've been away for almost a year due to schooling and life drama, but I have returned.

Here's a few things you need to know about me:

I do have a character sheet

I like to talk to myself using italics

I mean, it does make me seem crazy, but oh well.

Oh...and I'm a decent roleplayer, although how I format my responses can be weird.

Sort of like this post but I mean hey, I don't even like myself, so why should I care if people care about my formatting.

I use self deprecating humour a lot.

That's about it.
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