Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

Stromm Village - a remote yet lively village up in the mountains. When it comes to Christmas, this little town celebrates the time of the year like no other place. The daily street performances and the uniquely-elaborate, village-wide decorations attract tourists from everywhere, though, some make their way up simply to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Whatever the reason, most who have made the long trip up that mountain have found it to be a worthwhile one, taking back with them an unforgettable experience.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

A light blue hatchback made its way along the snow-coated roads of Stromm Village, eventually pulling up in front of a sturdy-looking chalet. From the driver's seat of the vehicle emerged Maxwell Harper, a young journalism student with his DSLR camera ready in hand. After taking in a deep breath of fresh, pine-scented mountain air, he smirked, turning back to the car.

"You've got to come out of there sometime, Maya," he called out teasingly.

The door to the passenger's seat opened and a teenage girl slipped out. She shivered on the spot, with arms wrapped around herself.

"I still have no idea why you'd drag me all the way up here just to do some silly assignment," Maya grumbled through chattering teeth.

"Hey, just because I want to write about this place doesn't mean that we aren't here to enjoy ourselves," Maxwell retorted in a playful manner. "Besides, I would have thought that your antisocial little butt would appreciate being away from home, especially when grumpy Aunt Janey and our pesky little cousins come to visit."

"Well, my antisocial little butt doesn't like being frozen either, and I like how you think that you're any better company."

Maxwell chuckled at her remark. He adored his little sister in spite of her attitude. Deep down, he knew that she meant none of it and the both of them meant a whole lot to each other.

"I love you too Maya. Come on, let's get inside then."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Inmento Riku
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Inmento Riku The Angel of Darkness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Able had just arrived in Stromm with nothing more than a small suitcase, his brown and faux-fur coated jacket, and his snow boots on. His plan was to enjoy the festivities as he did every year for the past three years and do his best to try and make some acquaintances this year. Once he was checked in, unpacked, and had a bite to eat, he began to explore the town and see if anything change from previous years

While people had their lights up, there was one person who was wanting to change something but with everyone out either setting up for the festivities or doing things they didn't have help. Able happened to be nearby and saw what they were doing before offering his assistance.

"May I help?" Able asked.

The person nodded and after about fifteen minutes they were done and Able went off to explore the festivities that were being set-up, and some of the ones already up and running.

He had no idea that today was the day he'd be meeting several people also here to enjoy this amazing town at this time, and that he may find the true meaning of Christmas and friendship.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flightless_Soul
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Flightless_Soul The Lusty Argonian

Member Seen 6 mos ago



She was never one for the holidays, the mute, Russian redhead, but after everything...she just wanted to get away. Lugging her guitar case in one hand and a duffel bag full of clothes and her vintage Polaroid in the other, she stepped off the bus onto the snowy, festive streets of the cozy little hamlet in the mountains. Stromm Village looked like one of those pitcuresque postcards you get every time around this season, snow laden houses and tiny little shops and cafes, the village park all dolled up with colorful lights and candy canes and all that joyful stuff...

It was like a scene that belonged inside some cheap two dollar snowglobe. In other words, cynical Anna wasn't buying their Tis the Season bullshit.

Besides, she wasn't here for holiday cheer...but for an escape.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

This is perfect! Maxwell thought, standing up from his crouched position in the middle of the street. He took another moment to proudly admire on his camera monitor the image that captured the festive mood of the entire place. Anyone who had never been to Stromm would probably never believe it. He continued along the street decorated with colorful lights, candy canes, and sculptures of reindeer, walking past a choir of carolers and performers dressed as toy soldiers and elves. Children laughed and played in the snow, while grown-ups strolled about admiring the sights.

He only wished that Maya was with him to see all of it, but the girl had decided to coop herself up in her room with a handheld game console. Sure, the temperature up there was unusually cold, but the sights were not to be missed. He hoped that he would be able to get her to step out of the chalet at some point during their time there. Passing by a sparsely-populated cafe, he then decided to drop in for a warm drink. Perhaps he would bring a nice dessert back for his sister, as well as a few photographs of the place.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flightless_Soul
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Flightless_Soul The Lusty Argonian

Member Seen 6 mos ago


She decided it was best to probably get out of the cold now, seeing how red her porcelain cheeks were and how much she was shivering. You would figure she'd be used to this particular winter weather, but the air around her just felt colder than any winter she faced in Moscow, especially given her circumstances.

There was a nearby cafe, not as packed as the others, the intoxicating aromas of fresh brewed teas, coffees, and hot coacoa wafting from the open door. Perhaps she could swoop in for a nice, hot beverage to soothe both her frigid body and mind. Stepping through the door, the aroma was even more pleasant to her nostrils, such a sweet smell that eased her weariness. She calmly approached the counter. The barista gave her a smile.

"Hi! What can I get for you?" She asked.

The redhead...this was always a predicament for her. Nervously gnawing at her lip, she looked up at the elegantly displayed chalkboard menu, pointing to the Pumpkin Spiced Lattee for $4.49.

The cute, young barista must have got the memo, nodding her head with a sincere look, "Okay hun. Anything else?"

Anna shook her head and set her money on the counter after fishing out a few crumpled bills from the pocket of her worn out field jacket and adjusting the floppy toboggin that looked a little too big for her head.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Inmento Riku
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Inmento Riku The Angel of Darkness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Able had also arrived in the cafe a few moments later and heard someone order, and then watched them pay for it. Well hey, it's the holidays, spread some good fortune. Able approached the counter and slowly slid the bills back. "I got this," he smiled, placing down a bill, aher he reached in his pocket for it, that was larger than the order. "Keep the change," He spoke to the barista and smiled at the person now beside him. "Merry Christmas," and with that he went for a table nearest the entrance and sat down, watching the people walk by. His favourite thing to do this time of year was people watch. He enjoyed the festivities a lot, but he loved more than anything the look on people's faces. A look that could only be seen once a year and it was amazing to witness.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

The warm, fragrant air of the cafe was just what Maxwell needed to soothe the discomfort from the cold air outside. Not that it had bothered him much anyway, considering the beautiful distractions that were present no matter where he looked. The coffeehouse was something else altogether. In spite of also being adorned with festive decorations, the warm lighting of the space gave it a much more calming and relaxing ambiance.

He found himself humming to the instrumental track of 'The Little Drummer Boy' playing in the background as he walked up to stand behind the only customer at the counter - a redhead in a knit cap, at the same time snapping a few pictures of the cafe's interior. His attention was then caught by a small yet outstanding poster promoting the cafe's signature drink, and he decided to give that Peppermint Candy Cane Mocha a try. It would be interesting to write about, if nothing else.

His thoughts were interrupted when a young platinum blond appeared and gave the redhead a little Christmas present. He smiled to himself at the little heartwarming scene, before it was his turn to order. He flashed a pleasant smile at the seemingly-reserved redhead, and took his visibly-rich coffee to a corner seat behind the generous blond, wishing him a "Merry Christmas" as he passed him. What Maxwell did next was of course, to snap a few pictures of the coffee in front of him from several different angles. He then leaned back in his seat, flipping through the images while fiddling with the candy cane which stuck out of the peppermint whipped cream in his mug.

@Inmento Riku @Flightless_Soul
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hopeless Writer
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Hopeless Writer

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I walked in curiously as I stayed quiet. I had a small book with me. This place seemed like a nice place to try to read something but even if I couldn't, I could meet some people.
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