Avatar of IronWill
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    1. IronWill 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current I am sorry, I can't roleplay anymore...


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I guessfind we could start with 1 or 2 more players

Name: Victor Resper
Age: 17
Biography: He was born in a small no name village on the Nisel mountain, (no one have ever heard about that place before). One day, when Vic was 6, a fullmoon night, the moon turn into another color, not yellow, not red, but green. 10 minute later a huge amount of 'green' wolf suddenly attack the village, they kill every single living creature in the area. Young boy Victor ran as fast as he can in to a ancient cave. He kept running forward, deeper and deeper and then stop when he met a big door. He got into that room, the footstep is getting louder and louder. In the room, there only one White Scythe in the center of the room. He came there, tried his best to pick it up but it too heavy. Suddenly 3 green wolf came, then a strange voice came: "Oh this is why you need my help, uhm, tehehe, if i help you get out here safe, can you help me to do what i want, young boy?" "Yesssss" Victor said, it nearly liked he screaming. A white and warm light cover the whole room and 3 green wolf turned in to pure white light and disapeared.
After that, he took all his childhood to travel around the world and for some reason, he stop at Custine and join the Academy.

Human name: Jun
Real name: Moonlight Scythe
Power: Moon Shadow: The user is covered by the Moonlight that help him to be able to move very fast (about 0.5 mach upto 1.25 mach), clear all dark effect in area, all user attack in this form is enhance and if he attack when he moving, it may become a critical hit (but the user will be stun and may faint as a result). However, this skill require a huge amount of energy from the moon so the user must refill it every night or he may unable to use this skill until his energy is fully refill.
Moon Blast: Does a small blast of light that has no damage. This blast can be used to does a sudden attack or to run away ^-^. Its target may be not able to see anything in a second but he can turn away and this skill does nothing.
Biography: Very long long time ago, a wizard with his Soul gear Light Staff had tried to cast a very powerful magic to collect the light and generate a mini moon. Because it become very dangerous, he attach it to a scythe and hide it in a cave where no one can find (^-^).Year and year passed, the scythe alive and usally get out the room. One day, there about 20 people came to that mountain and build a village there, she was very happy, that was the first time she saw other people and she wanted to see the whole world, meet more people. She could do it, of course, but the wizard had already put a curse on her, made her unable to get out the cave until she saved someone life and he or she really want to use her for good reason.

P.s: My english is not so very good so i hope you guy could help me with it.

Accepted, and don`t worry, english isn`t my mother tongue neither
does one have to have two characters a User and a Soul Gear? Or could I choose just to be a Soul Gear to team up with another player later?

I find that quite difficult to do so I made a user and sg I can control.
However, if you can find a partner to play as the user then there wont ve any problem

Name: Faust Loren
Age: 18
Biography: Faust never met his parents, he was rised by his grandfather who was an archeologist that loved adventures, often taking faust in his trips, it was at the age of 16 when Faust and his grafather found some really old ruins in a desert island, it turned out these ruins were part of a huge tomb that was built for King long ago. The duo explored the ruins until they got to the main chamber here they found a huge statue of the long since dead King and on the altar the found a jet black sword. The moment Faust tried to put his hand on it the weapon moved on it's own and attacked the teenager, damaging his right eye permanently and went feral, flying from one place to another trying to stab both Faust and his grandfather, he let himself get stabbed in the chest so Faust could take the sword by the handle and put it under control by forcing a contract with his instructions.
His grandfather died and he was left with some money and a sword that tried to kill him quite often, he had no other choise than travel to Custine and join the Academy

Human Name: Noir
Real Name: Moonless Night
Power: Dark Moon Blast: At the instant of the slash, Moonles Night concentrates a great amount of energy at the tip of the blade. This slash shoots the energy in the shape of a black or purple crescent moon or wave that consumes what it touches or explodes when it clashes against another power.

Biography: Moonles Night was forced about 1500 years ago in the long forgotten Kingdom of Versalla as a present from the Princess Selenine to her father, King Alkion, in the day of his third wedding. It was in this wedding that the princess got killed at the moment of giving the King the sword, by an arrow that was directed to the King. The culprits were caught and beheaded with the black sword of the King and then he started a campaign against the Kingdom that sent the assassins. The sword was passed from one king to another until the last king, Oiocos witnessed his kingdom being destroyed by an enemy alliance. He escaped to a small island where he had sent build his tomb, soon after he fell ill and died. At this time Moonless Night was already alive but never took a human form. Hundreds of years passed before Faust and his grandfather found the tomb, the sword thought they were tomb raiders and so attacked them but was finally dominated by the wouded teenager who named her "Noir" due to her dark hair

The Furiel Academy, a prestigious school located in the central island of the Custine Archipelago (which is controlled by Furiel)
This place is like no other in the entire world as it does not only teach students the normal boring subjects as any other school, it also teaches them to control misterious objects known as "Soul Gear"

What is a Soul Gear (SG)?:
Soul Gear are objects that used to be normal in the begginig, maybe a sword, a piece of armor or even a hand mirror. This objetcs have one thing in common, they have all been passed from a person to another (maybe inside a clan, maybe not) and all of the owners had great affection for this particular object, so much that at some point the objects "get awareness of themseselves", they become a living thing that thinks and feels like humans, in fact they can even take an humanoid form.
Soul Gears are supernatural beings, and so have powers (throwing thunder bolts, etc) that is why they are mostly used in wars, Custine is a neutral country that has repelled hundered of invations due tho the great amount of SG users they have and their training.

When a SG decides to obey a human they form a contract, this contract takes the form of a magic circle located in any part of the human's body.
Humans can make as many contracts as possible as long as the older SG's allow it( if the SG N°1 does not want to then SG N° can not make the contract and so the magic cicrcle does not appear)
Contracts can be ended when: -The User or the SG dies
-One of the sides decides to end the contract
-The Sg is stolen throught a very specific ritual (has not been seen in hundred of years)

The Archipelago and the Academy:
The Academy is located in the main island, also works as the capital so it is common to see politicians coming and going through the place. The normal lessons take place in the main building. The other building are:
-Dinning Building (they had so much people they had no build a place specifically for eating)
-Dorms: Mostly used by those who are not from Custine as most of the custinian sutdents return home after class.
-Clubs Building: Yeah, we got clubs.
-The Great Library.
-Training Fields: This is located in a sperated island and no one lives there.

Character Sheet (USER):

Anime appearance
Magic Circle, picture and location:

Character Sheet (SOOUL GEAR):
Human appearance
Real form appearance
Human Name:
Real Name:
Biography (how they made the contract, did it have other users before?


Academy Staff:

The view you get from the roof of the fort is simply beautiful...
One of the new-bloods commented to himself as he looked at the sun coming out from behind the mountains that protected the fort better than any wall could.
The young bard took a sip from a mug feeled with milk and and a slice of sweetroll, he loved having breakfast while watching the sun rise.

It was not until the sun illuminated the fort completely that he went down stairs to meet with the rest of the new-bloods as Isran had said, the day before, they were going to start training, specially with the crossbows of which Masar was not really fond of. He simply walked to the dinning room hoping to see any if the new guys
Alright, I will do the intro post tommorow with a complete edit of Mc`s bio

No, no, nothing like that. Just cool stuff like jumping higher, running faster and walking on water.

As long ad you don't have a magic back that has istant solutions to all the problems the characters will find then there wont be any problem.
and yeah, you cn have multiple characters

I'm thinking of making an alchemist type character but I was wondering how you are going to deal with alchemy. Are we only allowed to use potion effects found in Skyrim or can we use effects from other games in the series?

I dont think there would be any problem as long as you dont come with immortality potions or something op
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