Avatar of jaybreezy
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 624 (0.21 / day)
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    1. jaybreezy 8 yrs ago


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I'm just a very casual roleplayer. I'm not really good at bios, so if you wanna know something just ask.

Offsite contacts:
- Roleplay.me account: YourLocalScumbag
- Skype: jay-breezy07
- Kik Messenger: JCannon85

Most Recent Posts

Working on CS now. Busy with school work.
@Polaris North Yes, this is the first meeting. No investigation has started. This is pretty much the first meeting of the school year.
@N3vr3ndinBordom Sorry for the wait. Yes, you may post if you'd like.
Spencer was too excited to wait for anybody else. "Hey, Josh." Spencer greeted, happy to see a familiar face at the meeting. He looked at the two members that showed up. He smiled and stood up. He felt a bit nervous, not really sure what to say to welcome these two to the first meeting. He took a deep breath and stood, closing his notes and sliding them off the table into the chair he sat in.

"Hey...uh...welcome to the club. I'm Spencer and I'm glad you came. I guess we're just waiting on anybody else." Spencer said, looking to the clock as he finished. It was 3:04 and the meeting didn't start until 3:15. Spencer went to his equipment and pulled out a few gadgets and tools. "I've got some new goodies for investigations." He smiled, placing some technology on his table.
Dmitri nodded and followed Lea. He stayed quiet and occasionally glanced back to see what Marcus was doing. He didn't like the man, feeling some sort of rivalry and bad blood between the two even though they'd just met. He shook his head after one last look and focused on following the new girl he met. He had a frown on his face, feeling like something was off.

Dmitri was next to Lea when he saw someone sprint from the bar. "Um...do you know who that is? Or why they're running?" He asked, his eyes looking around to try and seek out any possible threats in the area. Dmitri had left his only weapons behind.
@SaikaAnge I'm still in. I'll post ASAP.
Jake nodded and called for everyone to gather around him. After everyone was listening, he pointed behind him. Behind him was the unexplored area of the field that eventually led to the next city, the city's faint outline visible as daylight shined. Jake smiled a bit, trying to stay positive.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen. We need to get moving. I suggest we head to Gainsville and scavenge around and possibly stay the night there if it gets to that. Any objections or suggestions?" He asked, waiting for a response before looking to Quinn for his input.
@SaikaAnge@Polaris North@Chaotic Chao@mskennedy615@MissCapnCrunch

Took me a week, but I finally got the first post up y'all.
Spencer stared at the clock as he sat in his chemistry class. Five minutes remained in the class, a class that bored Spencer to death. He sighed and tapped his pencil on his book as he read the problems he had to solve. Spencer's mind wandered around the thought of this year's first meeting in his paranormal investigations club. He smiled a bit at the thought before realizing that he was slacking on his classwork. He took a deep breath and finally worked on the difficult questions.

Class finally ended and Spencer excitedly hauled a wagon full of equipment to the room the club met at. He showed up early, jotting down notes and ideas in his beloved notebook. He continued to write as he awaited attendance from his club members. He was excited and it was obvious, a permanent smile stuck on his face.
@Chaotic Chao@MissCapnCrunch@SaikaAnge@mskennedy615

Well, I have some explaining to do.

Yes, I'm back for sure, guys. Long story short, someone in the fam got sick to a point to where we all thought it was over. Thankfully, said person is much better. However, on top of that situation, my school work was kicking my ass and forced me to focus on work until I got some free time. I also have been trying to get a job (with not luck, unfortunately) and my driver's license.

But now I'm back and ready to start this baby up.
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