Avatar of Jazz


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Well. Can say that with having a kiddo of my own, a partner that has taken the financial reins while letting me figure all this out. I only hope I can get into a decent routine.
5 yrs ago
Hey everyone! Things are slowly coming around. Still alot to do and now a new Laptop to get into that direction! :3 Maybe now I can get back to roleplaying like I've always wanted!
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7 yrs ago
I have to an important decision in my life to step away from roleplaying till i can get my life in order since it is in a web of confusion and uncertainty. I still wish to talk to you all. Im sorry.
7 yrs ago
Craving a Bleach Rp. Hmm.....
8 yrs ago
9-11 never forget
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Hello! Those looking at this I would like to Introduce myself:
My name is Jazz as you may know, I have been in the guild a few or so years before it had crashed and was rebuilt. I like video games: ranging with XboxOne and PC. I absolutely Assassin's Creed, Halo, Witcher and Splinter Cell. I rarely play but still try. I have a kiddo of my own and a small part time job and a partner who is letting figure out how to be a mom while I also get a routine together of how to go about the day to day.
I also like to draw but not a huge pro with my style close to manga/anime like. But loving the chibiness. Love my music, and its ranged kind not exactly specific on genre but more bands and their songs. Some of a bands songs I like, some of theirs I dont like.
As you may know I roleplay but can rp so many before I am over loaded. I like to roleplay many different fandom based roleplays and some I would be willing to try:
-Witcher -Halo -Assassin's Creed -Marvel -Transformers -Fate/Stay night
-Nauto -Star Wars -Yu-Gi-Oh! -Black Butler -Supernatural
I am usually up for anything if you wanna give me a holler. I usually do 1x1s cause I don't like making alot of people wait on me for a post since my post time is based on anything. I have a phone I like to look at these but I dont like posting from it cause of the autocorrect on it. Other than that I like crossovers sometimes, romance, humor, adventure. Not too big on horror rps. Its the whole imagination within me saying thats real and stuff when I know its not yet isn't too freaked out with Haunted houses. I usually cover my ears since some of them are really really loud and my ears hate the loud noises.

Anyway. I can male or female characters, im not tooo picky. You need a male character and if hes a fictional character, I might be able too, same goes for female. I can even do male x male or boy x girl, though havent done a girl x girl so there is that.

PLEASE BARE WITH ME! I am trying to get back into my roleplaying way but not as much as I use to. I try to post one or twice a day mainly based on how many roleplays I have. I am trying not to disappear like I use to but back then I was trying to pick the pieces of my life up and was trying to focus on my own survival.

I am very very very thankful to the people who have stayed with me through those hard times I had and were hella patient with me while I got my life in order. You know who you are and I am blessed to have you as friends. While I am still getting it all together, I am better where I am now and coming back stronger than I was before

I live in Oklahoma, US. So central time for me. I maybe online but most times during the weekday I am working within the evening.

I also have a twitch, trying to be a streamer: m.twitch.tv/jazzspartan013/home

Most Recent Posts

The young Stark watched Dr. Strange as he paced to and fro. Her eyes glanced to Wolf's mother when she started comparing Strange to Batman. She raised a brow in confusion only to then hum when she looked to Strange again. She could see it. But if she was honest, she could see her dad in batman now and again. High tech and mission focused. Worried about those they care for. She giggled at tbe thought. When Strange looked to her, she gave a tilt of her head while he asked about Loki and the knowledge of the infinity stones. Riza nods. "He did. What you got in mind?"
Riza listened intently as the woman as she explained what was really going on and now, she felt bad. She did the one thing she was told not to and that was the blame game and Wolf was paying for it. She felt so stupid and now she needed to fix it. She wamted to kick the dirt at her feet but went against it seeing as how she didnt know what would happen if she did. Having had looked away Riza mentally kicked herself, berating herself. She could play the self blame later. Wolf needed her help. Looking to Wolf's mother and Strange she regained her resolve. "What do we need to do to achieve that? This is where youre the experts."
Riza looked confused a moment though seemed thoughtful for as this woman had explained when she had met her, all seeming to click for her then. She looked to woman with a new look of surprise as Dr. Strange had explained his thoughts to her based on the shadow and was thoughtful again. She glanced to her mentor before looking to the 'mother'. "You were the shadow i saw that coaxed me to help her when she locked herself up and when she was hurting two other times. Thats a question Ive had for forever on what had happened and how. Thank you on that mystery." She said with a smile that crossed her lips. By wondering if what Strange was saying was true, she had a thought.

"Maybe you can help us. Wolf has been starting to remember her past and its starting to hurt her because of something trying to suppress it all. I know some of it was Jon and Fates fault but we think its okay for her to remember it all but hopefully as slowly as possible without overloading her. Anyway you can help?" She asks. It never hurt to ask. Maybe even reason with her. Granted she had no idea what she was doing and from here it was very unfamiliar territory.
Looking around and in the direction of which she was looking in, the younger too found nothing though looked to Shadow when she said that she had thought she saw someone and that person had white hair. "White hair?" Yami thoughtful as he tried to think of anyone they knew with White hair. He came up with only one but knowing the multiple of people on this island, could be who knows how many. Yugi was confused himself but had perked up at the call of his name.

"Yugi? Yugi!" Yugi heard in looked in the direction to find Jaden with Yubel with about that time, Yami having disappeared and out of the boy and she demons sight. "There you are! You alright?" he asked, looking his friend over. Yubel looked to Shadow. "Yes. Im okay. Shadow thought she saw someone but they disappeared on her. Everything is fine. Promise." he assured the younger with a small smile of reassurance. Jaden shtugged and nodded, making his way back with Yugi.

What they didnt know was that they were being watched and not by who they thought it was.
Yugi had smiled when Shadow was trying not to call him puzzle solver anymore. He had to admit she was trying indeed and knew it would be a bit till she woulf call him by his name but this was understandable. While running, he skid to a stop when Shadow appeared and asked him to stop. Yami curious of the sudden stop by Shadow, appeared on the otherside. "What is it Shadow?" he asks as Yugi wondered the same thing. "What did you see?" he asked next.
"Whoo-whee! Haheh, two stars! Hmhmhm, this is so awesome, I can't believe it happened! Am I cool or what!? Heheheh!" Joey gleefully saying as he wore a child-like grin while he used his arm to polish the three starchips that he had on his gauntlet. It had Yugi looking at his own to see the same amount as he walked beside his best friend and Jaden walking on the otherside of Joey.
"Is there a time limit on how long he gets to crow?" Tea asks with a deadpanned expression. "Cut 'im some slack, Téa. Did you ever think Joey would actually beat Mai in a duel?" He asks with some enthusiasm. "I mean, Joey... who would've thought?" Yugi looked back to his two friends that were traveling a little bit behind them. He had a proud and encouraging smile to his features. That proud smile though was from both Yami and Yugi. But yet it was only Yugi and Shadow would know and none of his friends. "I knew he'd do it! I'm really proud of you, Joey." he said while also turning that sentence toward him. Jaden with a childlike grin to agree. "Same here pal! That was amazing with what you did back there!"

"Yeah! It-" However his stomach having other plans and that was by interupting him. "Ugh, all that duelin' made me hungry! Did any of you guys remember to bring any food wit'cha?" Joey groaned as he now looked like he was about to fall over if he got no food in his system. The rest looked through their packs and looked ashamed of themselves when they realized that they had nothing that was food related.

In unison they spoke while shaking their heads. "Sorry, Joe."

"Ugh! What were we thinkin', comin' here wit' no food? How're we ever gonna get through the rest of the competition without anything to eat?" Joey groans aloud while he held his poor neglected stomach that grumbled again.

"That's a good question, Joey. This dueling really takes it out of you, and I haven't seen any burger stands or restaurants since we got here." Though wondered if Pegusus ever had thought about that. Probably not. Let them all live off the land and all. He would admit he had never done that before and therefore was a little useless in something like that.

"Well, we better do something fast! I've gotta have my five basic food groups, or else... it's metabolic meltdown!!" Tea was honestly beginning to freak out a little. "Hey, chill out, you guys, I got it covered!" Reaching into his pack he pulls out a book. Yugi and the rest look at Tristen as he seemed proud of himself. "Check it out, the Great Outdoor Survival Guide!" Sadly the group didnt look like they are more than enthusiastic about it.

"Can we eat it?" Was Joey's question, making them all groan, even Yubel who facepalmed at the question. "Better than that! It lists all the plants, berries, and grasses we can eat!" Tristen proudly explains, earning ewws and yucks from them all. "Do I look like a squirrel, ya big doofus?!" Joey stops a moment within his rant to sniff the air as if something seemed to catch his attention. "I don't need your dumb book anyhow; I smell somethin' cookin' that-a-way! Hah! See yuh!" Before taking off in the direction of which he had caught the smell with Jaden chasing off after him with shouts of wait and hang on being shouted toward him, leaving the other three standing there dumbfounded. Through the trees in that direction, can be seen the sparkling ocean.
"He's hallucinating." Tea remarked.
"Don't be so sure. Ya know, it wasn't his brain that beat Mai, it was his nose. So they went to catch up with the two in hopes they wouldnt get into any trouble.
Seeing the scene before her of Wolf sitting beside a woman Riza hadn't seen before. She tried to keep up with faces and names that matched them. Yet no name matched this woman that gave Wolf such affection. Riza had froze in her spot as the woman had noticed them and held a finger for the silent request of holding on while she did something. That having to do with having a shadow before her replacement while she got up to greet them. Riza was surprised that this woman knew her name, though thinking on it wouldnt be such a surprise anymore for this was Wolf's mindscape. If this woman was part of her mindscape or conscious then she would know who she and Dr. Strange are. Right now what bugged her was the lack of putting a name to this woman. She had to admit that she was pretty. And for their part, broke the silence. "Who are you? You were expecting us?" She asked.
"I understand that, its jus-" Being cut off as she stops and looks to Strange as he raised his hand. Yep. She can respond to commands like that. habits from military men and spies. She turns her head slightly toward the sound that was just outside the temple. Singing. Yep, that was Wolf. She smiled fondly as memories of the times she hummed the tune. It was a nice tune. "Yeah. Its a habit of hers when she is focused on something that interests her. It was a tune she used to comfort me when I had let reality catch up to me when i thought that i might not have had a way to get home." She admitted and raises her hand and waves it for him to follow her, following the song that was being sung. Coming upon a waterfall, the young Stark looked around for Wolf. She thought it a bad idea not to call her out in the guess she might make things worse. Better be there face to face.
With the motions from Shadow to release him from their embrace, realizing that they were still hugging and that alone made him blush and flustered from the contact and had too pulled away and sitting cross-legged with his cheeks red as well as the back of his neck of which he rubbed, feeling embarrassed. But other than that he was fine and the young Duelist looked to the window of his Soul Room. "Joey is really doing his best. He'll beat Mai. Im sure he will." becoming slightly distracted but was worried about friend though having confidence.
Joey then realized card that he needed, sifting though his memories to when he was back on the boat with Yugi and gotten his cards. The Time Wizard... This is the kind a' tight spot Yugi musta been talkin' about. Now if I can just remember what Gramps taught me about the way to use a magic card; 's my only chance. But, do I have it in my hand?'
Mai, meanwhile is ignored throughout this deliberation and is getting pretty tired of it and just wanting the duel finished so she could move on. "If I'd known how long it was going to take you to make a move, I would've brought a magazine." Speaking out in hopes Joey would get a move on. Wheeler though, looking through the cards in his hand to see that the card he needed, was the card that wasn't in his deck. "Uh-oh. The Time Wizard's not in my hand. Ah, I'll have to draw for it." Muttering to himself. Luckily it was his turn and so Joey reaches for the top of his duel deck with a trembling hand; this is it. The moment of truth. He was hesitating. "But what if I don't get it? Rrgh, what if..."

Yugi watches from where he is as if he was able to feeling Joey's hesitation and doubt. 'Trust in your cards, Joey, trust in yourself!' Thinking to himself as Joey would somehow hear him.

The blonde shakes his head and makes his decision. "Uh, here I go. It's all or nothin'! Rrrgh!!" Joey draws, and lifts the card with his eyes closed, almost afraid that he would draw the wrong card. Yugi is staring intently, willing the card to be the right one; maybe that intense look even affected the draw. Joey still has his eyes closed, hardly daring to look. He peeps at it, then cheers out loud! "Hm? Alright!! It's the Time Wizard!!" Full of glee as his friends smile and grin. Jaden though a grin, was so invested into the Duel now was feeling he was on the edge of his seat. Figureatively speaking.

The Time Wizard appears on Joey's side of the field, a round, red analog clock with eyeballs on its face and clock hands for a nose; white-gloved hands and purple-slippered feet; with yellow gears for shoulder clasps, from which hang his fuchsia cape; with another gear for the band of his hat, and two more for anklets; and carrying a little staff with a dial at the top.
Time Wizard[ATK: 500 - DEF: 400]

Mai looked at the monster with the narrowing of her eyes as if she needed a closer look. "Hm? What good is that thing?" Joey looked at the female blonde like she grew a second head at that question. "Don't you KNOW? The Time Wizard can make time go faster, causin' my Baby Dragon to grow into a Thousand Dragon!" He explains with a gleeful grin. The Spirit smirked at that. "Right Joey, and that's not the ONLY effect your Time Wizard will have." He admits confidently. Time Wizard speaks in a mechanical, nasally voice and raises the little staff above its head. "Time magic!" Before their eyes, the air above Time Wizard begins to swirl inward on itself, and shoot out beams of green and red light. Joey seemed full of confidence as things were finally going good for him and he couldnt have done it without Yugi and Grandpa's help and training. "Baby Dragon, transform intoooo Thousand Dragon!" He announced. Jaden was fully amazed of the move that was done and was bouncing in place from where he was at what he noticed would happen next. Thousand Dragon is Baby Dragon, a thousand years old. His bright orange hide has turned more of an ochre or brownish-yellow, he's grown hair on his face, and his attitude is one of smug laziness, ready to pounce.
Thousand Dragon [ATK: 2400/ DEF: 2000]
Mai though didnt look impressed one bit. So now you have a bigger dragon. Big deal! My Harpie Ladies STILL have greater attack power! Attack it, my three Harpie sisters!" Then she sees that the Harpies are worn with age; their vivid hair is faded, and their faces are covered with wrinkles. They still look vicious, but they sit limply on the ground, too feeble and aged to fly. "What?! What happened to my Harpie Ladies?! They've gotten so OLD!" Their attack points are now 1300 apiece; they've lost all their bonuses.

Yami looked pleased knowing this would happen.....somehow.... "Heheh. I WARNED you. A millennium has passed on the playing field, and your Harpie Ladies have become old and decrepit. Face it, Mai, time's running out for you AND your LADIES."

"Nnnggh..." Mai scowls. Joey though still can't believe it. "I believed...! And the cards came through for me! Awesome!! Go, Thousand Dragon!" Thousand Dragon takes flight, looming over the zombielike Harpies. "Attack with Inferno Flame Breath!" Thousand Dragon breathes fire, singeing the entire field. Mai looks slightly ill, watching as her Harpies get toasted. Joey is confident and resolute. Mai's lifepoints go straight from 2000 to 0, and Joey still has 1020 left. Joey Wins the duel.

Joey was only awe struck as he had then realized that he had won the duel against Mai. His friend however decided to root for him in celebration for him.

"He did it, Joey won!!"
'I knew you could do it!"
Joey decided to break his own silence. with slight tears in his eyes. "Thanks, guys!"
Yami winks and gives Joey a thumbs-up of which Joey returns with a thumbs up. Mai is leaning on her hands against the card console, completely floored that Wheeler beat her. "Nngh, 'How'! How could I ever lose, to such an....amateur!

"Hey-- Mai!" Joey shouts out to her as her card console lowers her to the ground. Mai looks confused. "Huh?"
"I tried to tell ya, there's more to Duel Monsters than just kickin' the other guy's butt." Joey states with a small smile. For once, Mai is speechless, listening intently, shocked into taking him seriously. "If you're ever gonna be a real champion, ya gotta learn to care about someone. Other than yourself. Isn't that right? Yugi?" Joey continues, looking over to Yugi when he asked Yugi for confirmation. "Mmm-hmm!" was his answer as he nods, and the Puzzle glows again. The timider, gentler Yugi has returned, and is no less proud of his blonde friend.

'I'm proud of you, Joey. All your hard work and training paid off. You went from a guy with nothing but eagerness and attitude, to a winning duelist who battles with his head, and his heart.' Yugi can tell that Serenity has won along with him.
cools! how did college go??
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