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she/her pronouns. I'm interested in a wide variety of roleplays, but I tend toward prefering High Fantasy and High Sci Fi settings (think Elder Scrolls or Warhammer 40k). Whether it's a Nation Roleplay (I love digging into fictional politics) something on a smaller, individual scale, or something in between, there's a good chance I might be interested! I especially enjoy fantasy setting with weird, esoteric fluff - up to and including the nonsense that happens in Elder Scrolls, or, occasionally, Age of Sigmar.

Fave settings /period/ are Warcraft, and Golarion. WH40k and AoS are close.

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<Snipped quote by Jeddaven>

Access to the great lakes would definitely be a big boon, especially for maritime trade of which Ronto could have become a hub. That said I think the US occuppying the area would only serve as a detriment to the development. Most likely the remnants of the American army would end up transforming into terrifyingly well armed and trained raiders harassing locals for decades to come.

I can see that, yeah - I'm kinda just brainstorming possibilities right now; military equipment was one of the things I considered.
Change of plans - I'm still using the Chinese AI, but I'm going to be mashing it up with Ronto/Canadian nationalism. An uneasy alliance between the two, if you will.

Edit: Some ideas for this sitch: Toronto has a huge network of pedestrian tunnels and underground shopping centers that were built IRL in the 1970s-80s (some in the early 1900s) initially and have been expanded since; also including subway lines/stations and the like. Now, this isn't anywhere near enough to comfortably hold the entire population, but my thinking is that it might be enough to shelter a decent enough portion of the population from the bombs to make a difference and allow Toronto to become the major regional power of 'Ronto' that's mentioned in The Pitt. I'm still thinking about how exactly that's going to happen - my immediate thought is that the very high density of power-generating facilities in the region might allow-it to re-electrify comparatively quickly, though a lot of those will be targets of any nuclear attack, so it's partly a question of how many survived and in what state. There's also the question of nuclear research facilities like Chalk River.

I also considered how access to the great Lakes region might affect the survival of an urban area like Ronto - perhaps it's an especially valuable fishing resource in the post-nuclear wasteland; maybe the lion's share of the didn't land in the lakes or the connected watersheds, avoiding making it a toxic pile of ass? Additionally, Canada was (fairly) recently occupied, and US Forces would probably still be fairly active suppressing dissent. Could that have led to a relatively large availability of military equipment?
I am struggling to decide between Canadian nationalists/Ronto or the Chinese AI. Any preference from yall?
<Snipped quote by Mao Mao>

Come ooooon. They just want to do science and eat some tasty lobster rolls.

You like lobster rolls yes? Trade?

<Snipped quote by Crimson Paladin>

Technically you could still do Tektus. We can just say that they saw the writing on the wall and decided to leave Far Harbor once The Institute showed itself.

What are your thoughts on COMMUNISM?
As for my ideas:

East Coast: The Artificial Intelligence that calls itself Jiù Xīng (assuming I translator this correctly), or "Liberator" in English, is positioned a mere twenty miles south of New York, diametrically opposed to its northern neighbor in pose purpose and intent. Whereas the Economist was designed to make use of and predict the trends of American hypercapitalism, Jiù Xīng was designed to end it from the inside, similar to the smaller Liberator robots of Appalachia, though even more subtly so.

Programmed by Chinese software engineers, Liberator was planted at the very heart of American signals intelligence, a massive supercomputing ZAX complex in Forth Monmouth, NJ, one of the few places in the country that could both accommodate it and supply the communications equipment needed to serve its greater purpose:

To turn the vast number of robots in the United States against the government, hopefully rendering revolution inevitable. Chinese spies across the country - but particularly in New England and the Rust Belt - slipped tiny, highly miniaturized radio receivers and transmitters into the production schematics of both automated and mostly manual robot production facilities across the country, allowing Liberator to communicate with thousands of military and civilian robots by simply adding piggybacked signals to the massive amounts of data pumped out of Fort Monmouth every day; running effectively silent, Liberator was able to avoid detection for years, waiting for the inevitable signal to activate its hidden army at a moment.

That signal never came, of course - a number of the base's personnel that fled the destruction above were willing to join the Liberator for the simple sake of survival as it activated what comms equipment remained at the base, summoning all the robots it could take command of to its side. Once the immediate dust settled, Liberator immediately set to work seeking out internment and PoW camps, freeing large numbers of Chinese prisoners, some of which had been lucky enough to escape ghoulification, death, or torture at the hands of the US government. Over the next handful of centuries, it went to work building a Communist society around Fort Monmouth and the surrounding Ocean County, eventually extending its control further in an attempt to claim what nearby manufacturing capacity it could in order to maintain its army.

Canadian nationalists based of of Diefenbunkers/the Toronto Urban Agglomeration are also an option I'm seriously considering; the best way I can describe them would be as a Canadian mirror of the NCR, but with fewer territorial ambitions.

West Coast: Still working on this, but the basic gist is a resurgent 'Goddess of War' take on Diana, wreaking vengeance on the Legion and trying to restore her tribe in the process. Possibly distinctly matriarchal in reaction to the Legion, minus the, uh... Slavery and shit. Immediate worries are finally securing their future in the turmoil, 'deconverting' her former tribespeople, and probably hunting down whatever's left of the Legion leadership.
As for my ideas:


<Snipped quote by Jeddaven>

Well, there also gives a counterpoint to be had:

We could have the Legion be an NPC entity that anyone can "write for", and instead have the players themselves play factions within the Legion itself. Same goes for the NCR, since the NCR has tons of factions within it (Followers of the Apocalypse, Gun Runners, Crimson Caravans, OSI, etc.).

Keep in mind that this is more of a "West Coast" sort of issue, since the East Coast doesn't really have much in the way of super-established factions that would "map paint" most of a region.

I think that would be a much more interesting way to handle the huge factions like the NCR and Legion, yeah.
<Snipped quote by Andronicus23>

<Snipped quote by Jeddaven>

Keep in mind that a lot of the speculation about the Legion's dissolution said that the Legion wouldn't fall apart all at once, and that it'd likely take a few years - if not decades. That being said, it could be reasonable to assume that there could be a few spans of competent leaders who would fill the shoes while the Empire crumbles apart.

Roleplaying a crumbling empire like a Post-Caesar Legion will also give tons of opportunities for roleplaying hooks, given the sheer geographical distance of the Legion.

That said, it would basically take a complete reorganization of the Legion to make it stand a test of time...which itself is enough of a roleplaying reason to be interested in it after the events of NV.

I think one of my big narrative issues with the legion being 'together' as a single enetity is that it severely limits the ability of people to mess around in Colorado; that'd mean most of Arizona, new Mexico, and large parts of colorado claimed by a single person.
Even if the Legion lost at Hoover Dam, its entirely possible they still survived as a faction. A strong enough leader (aka whoever takes them over) could step into Sallow's shoes, claim descent from Mars as the next Caesar, and reorganize the Legion.

I have to disagree. it's repeatedly pointed out in New vegas that the Legion is likely bound to fail, and with Sallow bound to die eventually, I don't see it not imploding, whether violently due to his death or more slowly due to simply not being a very sustainable society
I'm interested and I'd prefer the West Coast. I'd also be down to play Caesar's Legion.

Keep in mind, the Legion may be broken up into pieces by now, depending on what we do/how we decide New Vegas ended

As for my ideas, working on a writeup for both West and East rn.
When it comes to canon game endings, isn't the idea more that we're gonna do decide on that as a community, or am I mistaken?
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