Avatar of Joker892
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  • Posts: 244 (0.10 / day)
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    1. Joker892 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current May be gone for a bit because of Irma heading my way. Not the best time to be living in Florida, eh? :b
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Jeffery marched through the cities streets and frowned under his hood from the pouring rain. Not only is it a pain trying to keep his gunpowder dry, but trying to find a place out of the rain seemed damn near impossible! Every building, establishment- hell, even a few boxes were filled to the brim with the cities residence. Speaking of residence, Jeffery was not to sure as how to feel about them. He had heard rumors about the fallen city of London and its people, but he just waved them off as mere rumors. He didn't really think there were these, well, unnatural beings of nature living here. Plus, the strangest thing about this city was its ability to unsettle, yet fascinate Jeffery at the same time. He couldn't explain why, maybe it was the damn rain.

Jeffery groaned and continued to scan for any suitable places to escape the cities unnatural rain. Finally, after what felt like ages Jeffery spotted an establishment that seemed perfect for shelter. "The Singing Mandrake," he mumbled to himself as he scanned the buildings sign and entered. Jeffery was welcomed by the sight of a bustling establishment. People laughed and sang as they drank their way through the rainy day. People applauded and cheered for the performers on stage and Jeffery couldn't help but smirk. "Seems like a fine place to rest," he said to himself and made his way to an empty booth. Though Jefferies smirk soon disappeared as he glanced left and right to see a few of the patrons giving him an odd, or weary look. He didn't blame them really seeing as how he had his rifle slung over his back, pistol to his right waist and short sword to his left. He wasn't looking for trouble, just a place to think and plan out his new job. Sadly though his appearance didn't give everyone else that message.

He pulled his hood a bit farther down so he couldn't make eye contact with anyone and found a empty booth. He gently placed his rifle onto the table, sat down and pulled out a folded letter left to him by is apparent new employer. Jeffery sighed and made sure to conceal the letter so no one could see it. Didn't want nosey people digging into his business. He unfolded the letter and raised an eyebrow as examined the letter. All that was written was a messy message saying over and over again, "KILL MASTERS! KILL MASTERS!" Jeffery shook his head and groaned before whispering to himself. "Who in the hell are your masters?

Hope this is good enough.
Jacks fist shook with rage and annoyance as he continued his glaring towards that red head witch who took his phone. Jack had business and didn't really enjoy the fact that she interrupted it, but instead of snapping on her he simply closed his eyes and sighed. 'Why'd they have to put me in a freaking school?' he thought to himself before opening his eyes and digging into his pocket to grab his pack of smokes, but stopped as he gripped the pack. He glanced over at Azura and heard his phone buzzing like crazy. With the annoyed click of his tongue he released the pack and groaned. 'Don't want her taken my smokes either,' he reasoned within his head.

He had mostly blocked out the red heads voice and most of what Dimitri had said, but towards the end something caught his attention. "There is an auction page as well, where we could sell things once we are famous enough." a small smile came to his face as a plan formed in his head. It could work, maybe, if he was careful enough that is. He just needed to get in contact with his partners and set something up, but right now his only way of contact with them laid within the red heads pocket. He sighed with frustration and sunk into his seat.

@SamaraJayne96@Polaris North
Jack grunted as his boot caved in a zombies head and growled. "Damn, gonna be a pain scrapping you off," he whispered with annoyance. He shook his head with a sigh and looked to one of five of his fellow scavengers. "Got eyes on them?" he asked while adjusting his mask and slowly inching his way to the window. The scavenger nodded and gestured with his AK-47 towards a near by gas station.

"Full squad just went in, looked to be armed pretty well," he stated and looked towards Jack. "Three smokes says I can pop off more than you," Jack grinned under his mask and chuckled as he checked his G36.

"Sure about that? If we keep making those bets I'm gonna die from lung cancer before the zeds get me," he joked and glanced out his window to see the gas station. He didn't see anyone, but he saw a few shadows slip away behind the corners. Slowly he pressed the button on his radio and spoke softly. "Simple plan boys and girls, just light em' up once you get a clear shot. Conserve ammo and keep switching positions once they get a beat on you. They try to run, take out their knees so the zeds will follow the noise. If things get out of hand though we pull out towards our original rally point. Everyone clear on the plan?" five voice quickly, and quietly confirmed their orders. Jack tightened his grip on his weapon and kept his eyes trained on the entrance of the gas station.

He felt a little pride in his team of scavengers, which he was now leader of since his most recent promotion in the conclave. He was just another grunt, but after his previous leaders unfortunate demise Jack was given control of the small scavenger team. It was odd for Jack seeing as how he only joined two months ago, but he didn't complain about it, he just enjoyed his higher rank and its benefits. Though the only benefit he got was a little more food and relaxation time. Jack sighed and shrugged. Can't be picky now a days, right?
This was all fake, right? Just some sick assholes game to mess with peoples minds while living out their own fantasy world. He's seen it before, but as he listened and let his mind cool down from his rage it all began to become real. His eyes never stopped glancing around in hopes he'd find a camera or some sort of crappy prop to help label this whole thing fake. He never found a single shred of evidence, just more fantasy bull. Then in a moment of realization he pressed his hand down onto his gut, searching for the pain of his most recent buckshot wound. Nothing. He quickly yanked his lower part of his shirt up and felt his mind become numb to the world. He definitely was plugged in the gut by a shotguns shell, but under many past wounds from his life a single large scar covered his belly. Mark shook his head and scoffed. No way would he have survived an injury like that, his organs must have been nothing but mush. Yet, here he was. Standing tall with the same amount of energy as always and no pain holding him back.

As he began to sink deeper and deeper into his mind the cat eared women who had been giving him a dirty look came around with a tablet looking devise. Mark, not taking his eyes off of his scars simply snatched the tablet away from the women and glanced towards it. "One..." he said a loud for others to hear, though no anger or annoyance could be heard. Only emptiness and defeat.

Jack was far beyond irritated, he was pissed at that little red head for not only bothering him, but having the guts to pull out his earbuds. Normally he would have showed his more street thug behavior by swears and threats, but he knew angering the red headed women, who later on introduced herself as Azura, would cause nothing but trouble between them and the rest of the club. He could care less what they thought of him, but if he were to be kicked out because of his temper he'd only bring more attention to himself, which would not be a smart thing to do seeing as how he most likely has a price over his head from his father.

He mentally groaned at his situation and just continued to scroll through his phone, sending out a quick text here and there to potential future partners. The only time he broke away from his phone was to catch the names of those who were introducing themselves, but from there he just retreated to his phone. As the blond haired individual finished Jack glanced up to catch him looking his way for a moment before sitting back down. Jack felt his frown hardened and sighed. 'Might as well get this over with,' he thought and cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention. He remained in his seat and continued to scroll through his phone as he spoke.

"Jack Smith, could care less about what nickname you give me and could care even lesser about what you label me as," he said before clicking his tongue in annoyance at a certain text of a late package. He shook his head and continued. "As for what I like? I enjoy a bit of alone time with a pack, I fancy a good one on one with those not keeping to their business," he glanced over to Charlton with a blank look and continued. "Finally I enjoy not having my music interrupted by annoying individuals," he chuckled dryly, casting a annoyed glare towards Azura while sporting a fake smile. After a few seconds he dropped his smile and returned to his phone.

@Poi Yo! :)
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