Avatar of Jollan
  • Last Seen: 8 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1959 (0.52 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Jollan 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current doing trade school online is like reading about a sport and expecting to be able to play it without practice.
5 yrs ago
Trade > bachelors
1 like
6 yrs ago
Desire to type "git gud" intensifies...
6 yrs ago
okay, watched the first episode of goblin slayer, not nearly as bad as what it was made out to be. Still a bit depressing but hey, saved 2 of 4 rookies, coulda been worse.
6 yrs ago
So i figured out, as much as id love the equivalent of an anime doom guy slaying goblins, i dont like seeing the lovely anime chicas catch a case of the mutilation.


Why hello, you little stalker. As you can see above I have recorded your visit for potential future stalking purposes. In that list you may find some other recent stalking victims. You may wonder, "Oh no! I've been caught! Whatever shall I do! What will become of me!" Well... I can assure you nothing....as in really...nothing. Except the fact that you may have wasted a precious few moments of your life with this bio. In this, I can say for every person that reads this, I have stolen that moment in your life that you could have been doing something else. Anything really.....Are you still here? Shouldn't you...I don't know, be posting in one of your RPs? I'm sure somebody is waiting for your response, it might even be me. You are procrastinating aren't you? I know I am. At the very moment I typed this I was supposed to be writing papers for class. See? Now I've been wasting time on both our accounts. Look what you made me do.




Ok, that is enough stalking...


There really isn't anything else here...


I'm gonna call the police...


(What's the number for 9-1-1?)

Most Recent Posts

DoN't DrInK My WaTeR GiRl! WaTs Da MaTtEr WiTh YoU!?

OH BOY! GOODIES! Now I can go buy stuff!
Bidzl wasn't too keen on fighting his monster against another person's monster. If it was self defense, sure, then it would be called for. However, Bidzil guessed that this was just some training for the road ahead, so he nodded and followed Zephel to the clearing. "Are you up for this?" He asked the water spriggan. Though she looked uncertain for a moment as she looked out to the bug, she turned back to Bidzil and gave him a warm smile and a nod. "Oh by the way! Before you go out there, I want to give you a name," Bidzil said with a grin. The spriggin undulated happily as is floated down to bidzil and sat on her watery legs, awaiting what name she would get. "How aboooout..... Sedna?" he asked.

The water spriggan's eyes widened and then she broke eye contact, bouncing the name around in her head. She then looked up and nodded with a smille again, a watery voice trickled from her mouth as she attempted repeating the name, "Sed-na...Sed NA.....Sedna!" once she got it she spun around, happily accepting the name.

Bidzil nodded with a big smile, "Alright! Sedna it is! Get ready for the bug thing, I know its just a little practice, but no point in not being careful. Nix and I will be right here if anything goes wrong, okay?" he assured her. She nodded timidly after looking over to her challenger again.

Nix stood next to Bidzil, anxiously shuffling her feet. "If it hurts her I'm eating it..." Nix said, not liking where this was going.

"You can't eat that! That's gross!" Bidzil started, "Besides, I don't think Zephel will let it get that far......and you really shouldn't eat their pet..."

"I know, I know...this just seems...odd is all." Nix replied as she squatted down on her haunches to watch the impending practice battle.
Bidzil looked to the orbs, each holding a different creature. He turned towards Nix, Alright, I'll pick one, and you can pick the other." They both nodded to each other at the same time before turning to the orbs. Though he did look through all of them, amazed at the variety, he came to a decision. He turned to Nix. [color=66CDAA]"Do you want to pick?" he asked her.

Nix's eyes widened as she hopped with excitment, "Oh, I do, I do!" She ran up to the orbs and sat there for what seemed to be two or three minutes before finally deciding. She picked what she believed to be the prettiest one out of the bunch. When she turned she had a big smile, showing a bit of her sharp teeth, pointing to it. "I think I like this one! Pick this one, Bidzil!"

Bidzil Smiled and walked up to it, gently picking up the orb. The orb reacted nearly instananeuosly at his touch. Water started to flow from it as it started levitate in the air. Soon It released the monster heald within. Water in the form of a woman, it was a water spriggan! "W-wow!" was the only way Bidzil could respond.

"Oooooo! Look Bidzil! She really IS pretty!" Nix said, fascinated by the spriggan.

"A...e...y-yeah uh...Nix...I can uh,... see that..very pretty indeed," Bidzil replied, a bit red faced.
Now, how to meet everyone else without making it feel too forced.

*plotting ensues*
Nix's ear twitched towards Zephel when he mentioned something about 'true bloods' when looking towards her. Her enhanced hearing caught the comment while Bidzil did not, though she didn't know what he meant and simply tilted her head slightly, looking at the man with a slightly curious look that faded away when he continued talking. The two huddled together, listening intently to Zephel's every word with stars in their eyes. When he finished they looked at each other with big smiles. "See! Even he says so!" Nix said, referring to Bidzil being able to become whatever he wanted. "What would Mama say if you came back and told her you were a master tamer and able to join the Magoi?"

"I bet she will be so happy! This is perfect!" Bidzil agreed as Nix made a cat-like chirping sound in excitement, even in her descendant form. Bidzil looked up to the man once more. "What do I have to do to become a master tamer?" he honestly asked, unsure of what to do now that he accepted the task.



Age: 13
Inventory: Pendant from his mother that allows for the healing of wounds, the worse the wounds, the longer it takes to heal. Bag with simple supplies for travel. Magic focus staff to help him cast magic as he isn't quite strong enough to do it himself. heavy single edged dagger. A small spell book for beginner practicing mages. He only knows a couple spells so far, and is working on discovering the rest.

abilities/ spells: simple fire manipulation, spellbook: double down- double a target's defense or attack but it halves the other trait. spellbook: faux wings- creates fake wings that makes ones body and things they touch much lighter. Useful for jumping higher and gliding from place to place....or riding a small dragon while flying.

goal: Wants to go on an adventure to prove himself capable of studying under the Magoi at his young age.

Monster Team:


Bidzil smiled as Zaphel headed his way, he was actually coming to him to talk! Though, he seemed more interested with Nix than he did with Bidzil, even coming eye to eye with her. She stayed seated and was mosttly calm, though she did knead at the dirt a bit. She made a low chirping noise at him after a bit, starting to feel a bit uncomfortable about him staring so long. Bidzil then introduced themselves. "My name is Bidzil, nice to meet you! This here is Nix." He then listened to Zaphel's proposal. "A master tamer? I-I don't know about that," he said sheepishly, "I'm trying to become a student with the Magoi." Though, that being said, he couldn't help but gaze at wonder again at all the creatures that were lined up.

Just then there was a small surge of magic as something transfromed next to Bidzil. There was now girl, looking a few years younger than Bidzil, with clothes that seemed to bear a likeness to the small dragon that was there but just a moment ago. It was Nix, changing her form so that she may talk as she hasn't learned the magic necessary to talk while in dragon form. "Bidzil! I have an idea!" she said now pulling on his cloak. "If you are a master tamer, the Magoi would have to recognize you and let you in! And it should be fun!" she said nearly jumping with excitement.

Bidzil turned to her in surprise, but not at the transformation. "What!? You really think so!? That would be amazing!" He turned to Zaphel, "Alright then, I'll do it! I'll try my best to become a master tamer!" Now both of them were stoked for the journey ahead, and Nix was almost as excited at seeing what other creatures he had as Bidzil. In her mind, it felt like the equivalent to going to the pet store, though Bidzil knew it was much more than that. But this gave Bidzil the excitement her craved for his adventure to join the Magoi. An actual goal to accomplish other than finding little bounties here and there! What a chance of a lifetime!


@13org@Sho Minazuki

Garsin looked to Anika with a withering grin. Still not used to thinking on her feet when the mission wasn't standard, was she? Garsin had another drink already on the way to make his next move, the timing of the man getting irritated at the younger guard couldn't have been any better. He looked over to the military man and nodded to him, hopefully getting his attention. "Being called to 'fight the good fight', eh?" He lifted the fresh tankard of ale and sat it on the bar in front of an empty bar stool next to him. "A draft never hurt to take the edge off. Been there myself, never a great spot to be. Two sides call for your support, both claiming to be fighting for a better future." He took a drink from his own tankard.
Bidzil woke up to the sound of something chirping at him and nuzzling his face. When he opened his eyes and looked over, all he could see was Nix's head looking leaning onto the bed and staring at him. She chirped once more at him and then hopped over to the window. It was daylight...probably even past noon. Bidzil's eyes widened as he shot out of bed. "Crap, oh crap, oh crap! I overslept! Nix! Why didn't you wake me sooner!?" He shouted as he hurriedly threw his gear and cloak on. She grumbled at him because she had in fact woke him up three times this morning just for him to roll over back to sleep. "C'mon, lets hope I didn't miss seeing him!"

They both rushed out the door of the inn, paying the tab for the small room on the way out. Bidzil had heard of Zaphel coming to this town, though he wasn't interested in taking a monster for his own. After all, for him, Nix was the only friend he felt he needed on his own journey. That aside however, he always wanted to see the wondrous creatures that he had, especially the lung dragon. When he looked up to the sky, he nearly stopped in his tracks. "Nix, would you look at that...its huge!" Nix trotted up next o him, craning her head to see it. A cooing sound was heard as she looked at it in wonder as well, head tilted to the side slightly. They saw the dragon descend and Bidzil's eyes seemed to glow with excitement. "It landed! lets go check it out!" Bidzil started running again to where Zaphel was, Nix easily keeping up with him although he was going full tilt.

Bidzil slowed down as they approached, taking in the sight of the large dragon for a moment before it flew off. He looked on at the dragon as it gracefully maneuvered in the air. "You think you will be that big one day?" Bidzil asked. Nix shook herself, the spines on the end of her tail rattling a bit as she did so. "Probably not," he said as he looked down to her and then crouched next to her, giving her head a scratch. "Want to meet the guy?" he asked her, and Nixes head bobbed up and down real quick.

Bidzil turned to where Zaphel was talking to the other children and handing them equipment to go on a journey of sorts apparently. Bidzil himself had come this way to find small bounties he could claim. He wanted to be able to prove himself to the Magoi that he was able to learn under them, so he figured the best way to do so was to take up bounties. While Zaphel was here though, he thought it would be nice to see a large dragon first hand.He didn't want to interrupt the man, so he waited outside of the crowd, watching with interest at all the different creatures that were being revealed. "Wow, there are so many I haven't seen before," he said in wonder. Nix on the other hand, saw a few every now and then and started to feel a bit on the hungry side, her eyes locking on to potential prey here and there, but knew better than to act on such whims.

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