Avatar of Kafka Komedy
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    1. Kafka Komedy 10 yrs ago
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Current I'm back, bitch.
7 yrs ago
Check out my Shounen RP! Again! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Check out ma bugs bro roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Check this shit out: roleplayerguild.com/topics/1..


Still back, bitch.

Most Recent Posts

@Dead Cruiser Okay, last question-- Beelzebub. Will he have a part in the story? The Demon Eligos is mentioned as having a gift from him so I was thinking maybe a devoted knight-demon of Beelz could be a cool character concept.
@Dead Cruiser What do you mean by metaphysical anchors? Something like a Lich's phylactery, an item that contains their soul? Though, for the demon I guess the item would just chain them to earth and breaking it would send them back to hell yeah?

EDIT: Another question: Should we all start out in Hell, or could some of us start on Earth?
I'm very interested in this! I do have some questions however. How common is travel between Earth and Hell? (Both for demons and humans, to clarify.) I assume some humans are willing to work with demons? You mentioned cyberpunk so I kinda want a demon with a robo-arm or eye.
It'd almost be funny if it weren't so sad.

Jude refused to open his eyes. He had woken up, of course. He felt sun beaming on his face from somewhere in a way that made him positive he wasn't in a dream. But what had happened before-- with Penny and the storm and everything-- he wasn't sure. Maybe it was a dream, his brain playing a cruel joke of an emotional rollercoaster where-in finally, he begins to make a friend, and god himself rips it all away and kills everyone. Or maybe it was real, and he'd wake up and he wouldn't be living his life anymore. That was, depressingly, less sad than the alternative. But Jude didn't want to find out. Maybe he could just sit here, eyes closed, basking in the warm sun and sand forever.

Wait, sand?

Without opening his eyes, Jude moved his hand from his side and reached out, scraping the ground. He was still on a beach. Had he passed out here or something? Maybe everyone was looking at him like he was an idiot for falling asleep on the beach, surely drooling everywhere, without a towel. The anxiety was enough for Jude to finally sit up and open his eyes and confirm no one was eye-balling him. Indeed, no one was. In fact there were a lot less people here than before. And a lot less resort, too. The young man whipped his head around all over to confirm it. He wasn't even AT Otterholt anymore. Stumbling up to his feet, Jude's heart began to race. What was going on? That tornado... there was no way it managed to whip him and a bunch of crap from the resort all the way to a seemingly deserted island. He wasn't even that close to the water.

Oh god, mom!

Jude started to spiral into an anxious wreck. What day was it? How long had he been out? Was the sun that high before? How worried must his mother have been-- how'd he let her convince him to even come?! A hundred thoughts swished and dashed through Jude's skull as he began to break down and hyperventilate. Luckily, there was something able to bring him back to reality. He was ignoring the first few people to get up, but his own name being called, especially in distress, was enough for him to swallow his fears. He turned, almost recognizing the voice. It was Penny.

Jude wanted to run over and hug the young woman. Their encounter had been real-- her reaching out to him, asking him to stay-- but so were his mistakes, and the cruel reality that they were both in now. He stomped down the urge for human contact and lightly jogged over to her.

"Penny. I'm... glad to see you I guess. At least I know the name of someone here, right? U-uh, are you okay you seem rattled? Not that I wouldn't be I mean I think we almost died! I-- oh jesus. Where's the kid? The-the little girl?"

The other adult in the situation-- Mark, was also an Inscribed, and seemed to realize there may have been something going on with the two kids who got away. It didn't particularly matter to Jude anymore-- no justice needed to be meted out or anything, and participating any more would just ruin things further, so he let the familiar looking man teleport away. Right in front of the guard too, though the man was too busy taking down Penny's name to notice that. Speaking of, he spared a glance at her, trying not to look creepy or aggressive or stupid or the like. Apparently, she could sort of transfer command of her peasants to someone else through her tiara. That was pretty cool actually. His eyes slowly flickered between the little girl and Penny, before his name was called and he snapped back into reality.

It took him a second to realize what she had said. At first he threw his hands up and meant to apologize for looking at her weird or whatever it was she was surely scolding him for-- but she wasn't. She actually wanted him to stay around. Sure it was probably just to make some little girl happy by playing sand castle with her but... that was something, wasn't it? He could reasonably say to his mother he met some people and made a sand castle with them. Even if it was going to awkward as hell (and it assuredly was) he'd be making his mother happy.

"Sure." Jude finally responded with a nod. "I turned your sword back to normal by the way. You should be able to lift it again. Sorry. About, almost killing you. Sorry."
What a bunch of bullshit. Stupid asshole.

Jude reprimanded himself for thinking such harsh things about a man he didn't know, but the point still stood that even if the security guard didn't see the others use their epithets, they totally could have considering some random teen hit the scene faster that he did. Jude crossed his arms, dejected, and tried to avoid looking directly at the people embroiled in the situation that was mostly his fault. As such, his eyes landed on another young woman, using a towel as a cloak. She was staring at the fluffy-haired girl and scribbling into a notepad aggressively. Great, more people taking notice. Jude just stared at the ground, arms crossed then. No reason to look at all the gawkers, make the situation worse. Once the little kid explained her side of the story, confirming Jude was just a prick blindly throwing his epithet around, Jude finally peeked up a little bit at the guard.

"My name is Jude Styles, J-U-D-E S-T-Y-L-E-S. My epithet is Remix, object manipulation and duplication type." Jude mumbled, before letting Penny give her name and epithet. No stupid good deed goes unpunished. Idiot.

@Sho Minazuki Wait so I don't have everything? I thought I just needed principles and executions for each form.
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