Avatar of kalinsovrin
  • Last Seen: 2 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: kothartheshadow
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1084 (0.29 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. kalinsovrin 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current Taking a few days away
5 yrs ago
Wish i had the abilty to time travel. Just to go back and beat the crap out of my younger self. Stop playing games so late at night. fucks you up later. Insomnia sucks tired body wide awake mind.
6 yrs ago
Will be on later.
6 yrs ago
"Everything you know is wrong Up is down and short is long And everything you used to think was so important Doesn't really matter anymore." Damn you Weird Al why is this section stuck in my head
6 yrs ago
I have now wasted a few days of my life watching all of Comment Awards on youtube. Damn you cowbelly


I have been around for a long time with the guild. was sad to see the old guild fade away. but now that its back i have moved into rping almost anything. no vampire stuff for me.

i'm almost always looking for more rps. Fixed my internet problem for now. Yay.

I'm a happy to just talk any time people need to or want to. I'm good at helping work through problems. Damn high school making me a problem solver for everyone.

Fun side note : to any and all that rp with me. this is a simple notice. I screwed up my sleep cycle a long time back. and it beats me down at random times now. should i vanish in the middle of things. assume that sleep had found me and won.

If you want to reach me easier Then ask for my Discord. I dont just hand it out to people i haven't at least talked to. had a few "friends" piss me off with their actions.

Most Recent Posts

Shade looks at them and then sighs. " back in my day this was a nice sight. Now get off your ass Shadow." Shadow struggles up and starts making his way back over. "I'm sure they are putting it together that i'm not just a copy of you. But the question is will they ask just what I am." Shadow shakes his head and charges him. moving fast enough to keep up with him. their movments bluring faster than any of the others can keep up with. " They are a curious bunch. if they want to know they will ask us in time.
Shadow and Shade move out a ways away from them. " Guess we can have alittle fun on our own cant we." Shadow asks. He readys his lance as Shade chuckle and in a flash of light is covered in golden dragon scales. His wings growing out of his back as he draws a golden sword. " Lets get you into shape to keep them safe from Sol." Shadow nods and before he can blink has go block a slice to his face and a kick to the side. the kick being more than enough to send him flying well over the others sparing. " Damn it." He grunts as he lands.
@PrincessVamporaGo for it. any one than can control more than one character is wellcome to play more than one.
If things start going quickly i will start working on a summary of what happens. least i can do since i'm around a lot.
Shadow nods to Shade who shifts to look like his original form. Stretching a bit and letting the shadows surrounding him fade away. He chuckles and looks to Ollie. "the armor that you're wearing is bio coded. It reacts to how you want it to behave. if you want it to fuse with your body it will. if you want it to simply slide into an easy to carry shape then thats what it will do. It took several decades to get that tech correct. and then the world went to hell. Well my world did. Not sure if this is the same world or another timeline yet. hard to tell." He shrugs and pulls summons a flask downing some of the liquid. " by the way Shadow. your dragon ale is shit. you dilute it to much. not even half as potent as it should be. "
I will be working on This over the next while.

Shadow shakes his head and then says " No that is a skill that you have to work on yourself"@Shadow Dragon

He stands up and puts his helemt back on. Shade looks at him with a smile and then walks over. " Seems you finally figured out what all they did didn't you?" Shadoe just looks to him before giving a small nod. "Interesting tests that we set up long ago."
Shadow reaches into the bag and pulls out a necklace. " You know its like my ancestor knew what the guild would be up against in the future."He tosses it to her " that should make the tole of any of your skills a lot less. some of the weaker ones shouldn't tax you at all. and ones that would knock you out after using should just leave you very tired.
second option. Shadows armor is special and crafted by The character that i'm basing this Shadow off of.
Shadow rolls his eyes and then points to the pill bottle " meds so you stop bitching. I even hit you in the head with them. as for you" He pulls out a small box " This looks like some auto regestering armor that will form to its first owner. looks unsued as well so take it and good luck." He then hands it over.
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