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So... Bio's are a thing now. Fancy.

25 y/o guy, currently student and living by myself, yada yada.

Veteran Roleplayer, with over 7-8 years of experience in both Pen & Paper and text based, with minimal LARP Experience. I have a great interest in fantasy settings and tends to dislike Post Apocalypse, or generally anything involving guns and modern weaponry. Gimme a sword and the ability to throw fire, and I'm happy.

I have relatively high standards and find myself somewhat disappointed if my posts are below 500 words, preferring ~1000+ whenever possible (sadly, not always easy). At the same time I expect similar standards from my fellow players. I also have a tendency to play female characters in spite of my being a guy, mainly because I find it more entertaining than playing the big burly guy.

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The trip went without issue. The mushrooms she had used to soften Brucie's steps still worked, albeit much less effectively than before, having been trampled down by the shark in the last few hours. Mouse, on the other hand, proved worthy of his name and followed near soundlessly, only his claws making the occasional 'clack' against the rocky ground.

While Brucie's sight might be severely inhibited in this darkness, Lily had no such issues, and kept her eyes trained mostly on the enormous crow, perching in the city ahead. She could thank it for making access to the city easier, but what was its purpose here? More to the point, what was that castle on its back? Was it no mere beast, but a companion or mount? A flying island, seems to be a more fitting description. Whatever it was, someone was likely in control of it, though how escaped her. It was also not a thing she wanted to have to fight. Alone the crow would likely prove a challenge on par with a Titan, and that was not even mentioning the figures skitting across its back, in and out of the castle. The best bet was to avoid it altogether, but keep track of it. Unless, of course, it proved core to whatever task it was Oren wanted her to accomplish down here. She kept her ears alert for anything else.

She tapped Brucie's shoulder and pointed towards where a small crevasse allowed for climbing between two of the knocked-down pillars. Lily went first, easily coming out on top, then waited for Brucie and Mouse to make their way up. Coming down the other side proved much easier, with the rubble providing plenty of footholds. Brucie didn't even stumble on the way down.

"That's a big bird," Brucie murmured, eyeing the gigantic avian. "Reckon' it'll attack us?"

Lily briefly shook her head. "Don't think so. See the figures on it's back?"

"Nope. Too bloody dark."

She rolled her eyes. "Right. Anyway. Several people are on its back, including that castle there. Yes, a castle. Just because you're a shark doesn't mean I don't recognise a judgemental look. It's a mount, Brucie, or something similar." She stopped, taking hold of his arm to make him do so as well. She pointed to various parts of the bird, keeping as close to him as she could in hopes that he could see. "It has no armour, no weapons except its own talons. Were it a warbeast it would have those in all likelihood, and in a fight it would risk the castle falling off its back, or at least its inhabitants getting shaken needlessly around inside of it."

"So... It's like a giant, flying car. Except it's a bird. With wings... And a bloody castle on its back?"

Lily didn't need to hear the incredulousness in Brucie's voice to realise how ridiculous it sounded, so she settled for a simple, "Yes. Yes it is."

Ahead of them was a wall surrounding the city, something neither of them had foreseen. And in the air above, shadows flitted to and fly. None large enough to give significant pause, but still not something Lily wanted to dismiss. When she herself could summon the power of a storm, however briefly, she dared not let size alone determine whether something was a threat. She let her hand fall to the pommel of the sword she carried, finding the cold metal reassuring. She prided herself on not needing weapons, and for all that it was true, she knew well how useful a weapon could be, especially in the hands of someone who could use it.

And to think I lamented Ikari forcing me to learn how to handle one. She smiled wryly at that, and not for the first time. She had used swords before. They had saved her life before.

They continued forward, keeping an eye out for the crow, and staying as close to the shadows as possible. Better to not be the worm that the early crow decided to get. Their trip was uneventful for the most of it, the occasional tumbling rock or sudden splash of a water droplet falling from the stalactites in the ceiling. Mouse kept his nose to the ground, sniffing for anything while Lily had her eyes and ears peeled. And yet, somehow, they missed something that should have been obvious.

While passing through the shadow of a ruin-like pillar—ancient even when she city in front of them was new, Lily suspected—an unfamiliar voice called out to them.


Lily whirled, steel flashed, and faster than a human could blink she had the tip of the sword mere inches from the stranger's neck. Brucie, too, had his rifle pointed towards the newcomer. Mouse let out a low growl.

The stranger, however, simply sat down slowly, mentioning that he came in peace.

"I find that hard to believe," Lily commented, the hostility in her voice badly hidden, if at all. She had lowered her sword, but kept it unsheathed—the sudden lantern light reflecting on its surface.

"Shoot him?" Brucie asked. Requested, almost.

Lily listened with half an ear, shifting her head slightly from side to side, one of her tails coming forward to gently press down on his rifle, indicating that he shouldn't shoot. That she didn't force it all the way down was the asterisk: Not yet, anyway.

The rest of her attention was squarely upon the, at this point, rather odd stranger. His initial greeting might have been what one expected from someone who genuinely did not want conflict, or at least pretended not to want it. What came after was... perplexing. The revelation that the person had an owl head had made Lily do a double-take, not immediately recalling any such creature in her homeworld. At the very least it explained how he could have seen them, although his insinuation that it was the only reason he even found them, was something she found hard to believe. Brucie was hardly silent, in spite of her best efforts. And owls were notorious for having incredible hearing, on top of their near unmatched eyesight.

The longer his monologue continued, to more Lily felt her hostility evaporating. She simply couldn't see this guy as an enemy. Not to mention that the drone had not yet indicated any new opponent, and—she gave him a once-over—and he didn't appear to have any phylactery upon him, and thus he was not a contender. Brucie, she noticed near the end of the stranger's speech, fared no better on the confusion part. Or maybe he was just deep in thought. It was sometimes difficult to tell with that shark.

"So... Emile," Lily said slowly, tapping the sword against her thigh, "you've been keeping an eye on us. I assume you have a reason, so I'll cut to the chase. What do you want? And why have you been following us?"

Beside her, Brucie perked up, and spoke confidently. "I think you should've gone for mysterious and noble. Fits your whole—" he waved a metallic arm at Emile "—thing."

To Lily's chagrin, Mouse seemed to be in agreement, and gave a quick bark.

One of her tails twitched, disrupting the wave-like motion they were usually in. Traitorous dog.
Their wounds healed, Lily and Brucie sat by side side backs against the boulder they had used as cover. Mouse was resting nearby, keeping a weary eye on Lily. Were she to guess, she would think him anxious after her display of power. Most likely the repeated explosions had shocked him. A part of her felt bad for that, almost shameful at having scared such an innocent creature. Would he forgive her for it? He hadn't left yet, and still kept relatively near. That told her he hadn't been pushed away entirely, and was only a little cautious around her. Or at least she hoped so.

She turned to the pack Brucie had set between them, fishing out a piece of bread. She hadn't had much experience with dogs as pets, but she knew from her urchin lifestyle, that stray dogs were more than willing to eat anything offered. Waving the bread slightly from side to side seemed to get Mouse's attention, and he slowly waddled closer, sniffing the bread, before he started to gnaw on it. The sight of him eating enthusiastically, his worry forgotten with a food bribe, eased the frown on Lily's face, the corners of her lips tugging upwards ever so slightly. Brucie, on the other hand, grunted, and then rummaged through the bag himself, fishing out some pastry or other for himself. Whose manners were worst, the kitsune couldn't quite decide.

She directed her attention forward, to where the gooey remains of her opponent remained. The charred corpse had reverted to some sort of black goo, and in doing so had erupted into a small hoard of items. Curiously enough, a rabbit and a cat had also appeared from amidst the gunk, and promptly run off in the dark. She had decided not to question the whys and hows, though Brucie had expressed interest in some of the guns. He had even, by some weird stroke of luck, found a small handful of rockets that fit in his shoulder-mounted launcher. Though only two thirds full, it was still enough that he would prove a danger at range once more, much as when they had first met.

She had also given him the rifle that had nearly taken her life, and found about another magazine-and-a-half full of bullets that fit. He had insisted that she also take one of the guns that lay in the puddle, and it had taken her pointing out, that the length of her nails kept her from getting her finger on the trigger, with any reliable speed. She had instead chosen a long, slender sword, complete with a belt and sheath to keep it in. Brucie had also managed to find a few, still usable, grenades. Two fragmentation, and a single smoke grenade, best she could tell.

The last thing that they had found was a strange, brass sphere, covered in strange etchings that made it seem almost like a stellar map. She was not quite so hesitant with this item as the previous ones, now that the track record of harmless prizes was three for three. She stuffed it in a side pocket of Brucie's backpack, deciding to figure out how to use it later.

For now, they had an ancient city to investigate. And so they set out, Lily in the front, Brucie and Mouse right behind her.
Lily vs Smiler Round 3
Still smiling, and not very hurt.

Her attack would have caved in the ribcage of any human, crushing the lungs and heart. And this thing was still going? Still able to stand up in spite of such a grievous injury.

She was more angry than shocked. Why couldn't it just stay down? Leave this world, give its soul to her, and bring her one step closer to getting her wish? She struggled to stand, the pain in her thigh intense even after the healing draught, and wiped the tears from her eyes, bringing the rising monstrosity back into clear view. That smile infuriated her. It was wicked, malignant, and reminded her all too much of the bastard Endolans. So sure of themselves. So self-righteous and arrogant. She grit her teeth and snarled, their eyes meeting through the falling dust- and smokecloud.

It ground Its swords together, creating a loud, grating noise. His other pair of hands were blessedly empty, his rifle lost when Lily blasted him back. "So, Kitty... Your best shot, was it?" He chuckled. A wet, ugly sound. "Not enough. Gonna stick your tail between your legs, now?"

Lily dared not look away. She could see the other gun in his belt, and knew that he was almost as fast as she was. If she gave him the chance, he could shoot her again. "I have no intentions of running," she muttered to herself and flicked one of her tails. An orb of fire was flung seemingly from the tip, rocketing towards her enemy. He sidestepped and it blew up a cloud of dust beside him where it landed.

"Come now, little girl. You have done better. Show me your fiiire!"

If that is what he wants. Her tails started moving behind her; a slow ebb and flow, and with it appeared several orbs of cobalt flame around her. Her tails whipped forward and sent the orbs on their way, like a deadly wall of fire.

It danced to the side again, avoiding most and- Lily's eyes widened. His maw opened to fill his entire face, and swallowed what few flames would have hit him, leaving no damage or injury on him. The rest exploded beside him, throwing up more dust which was starting to obscure him and his surroundings.

She hadn't the time to contemplate how or what, when his maw opened and regurgitated flame, throwing the same blue fire back at her. Fast as it was, it was no bullet. She sidestepped deftly, which turned into a stumble as she put weight on her injured leg. The report of a gun followed, and she felt the whoosh of air as it passed by where her head had been a fraction of a second ago. She wasted no time and turned her stumble into a roll, then bit her tongue and pushed through the pain, bursting into a run towards cover.

Two more gunshots followed her, both missing by mere inches, before being interrupted by the sound of metal against flesh, and the stomping feet of a giant, mechanized shark.

"Thanks for the dust-cover, boss!" Brucie shouted, already following up on his initial strike. The creep lay sprawled not far from him, jaw broken from where he had hit him first. Creeper scrambled to his feet and lashed out with the swords, which went ignored as Brucie threw another haymaker. It only graced him—damn guy was as quick as Fox-Boss!—but it was enough to force him back, out of immediate range. Nevertheless, Brucie grinned, feeling the thrill of the fight.

Lily's dustcloud and explosions had given him the perfect opportunity to approach both unseen and unheard, timing his steps with the sounds of her explosions, and finally with the gunfire of the creep. And now he was finally part of the fight. He didn't even feel the two cuts in his chest, and didn't care if it was from his unique alterations or just the sheer excitement of getting to punch someone again.

He let out a sound somewhere between a roar and a laugh and jumped forward, bringing down both clawed hands in a hammerblow. Creeper tried to divert it, but the weight and power behind it was too much. The blow clipped him on the bead and forced one of the swords out of his hand.

"Sooo. Brought a big friiend, did shee?" The dude commented, dancing around Brucie's next punch.

"Shut up and fight!" Brucie exclaims, continuing his assault with increasing ferocity. Most swings are dodged, but some scored glancing blows and left cuts bleeding blood far darker than it should be.

Behind him, he dimly heard the sound of footsteps. The annoyingly fast thing before him seemed to have noticed as well, as his head briefly jerked that way, the huge grin on his face widening. This gave Brucie the opportunity he needed. So he lunged, biting down on the Creeper's shoulder, fangs sinking deep and eliciting a loud screech of pain. Brucie wrenched at his shoulder and arm, feeling the flesh give under his jaws.

He added his claws, tearing at the thing's body, scoring hit after hit even as he received such in return. He even felt the gunshots that went into his abdomen but didn't let up. He had his prey in his jaws, and he was not letting go.

"Leet goo!" The Creeper screamed, slashing at Brucie's arms with his remaining sword but achieving nothing but scratching the metal. He thrashed and hit again and again, pummelling Brucie with everything he had. "Leet go or she'll kill us both!"

She? Kill us? That must mean Lily. The mention of her brought to his attention the crackle of fire, and the new source of blue-ish light tinting the area around them. He grinned around the mouthful of shoulder. He knew Lily better than that. She may act grouchy and sour all the time, but he had seen her when she wasn't fighting, when she thought no one looked. He had seen her care, had seen her smile. She had treated an enemy like him with respect, and even shown him mercy when he would have shown her none.

So he grinned, and let out a muffled laught, and then he pulled. He could hear the sound of flesh tearing, bone splitting and being pulled apart, as easily as he could taste the rancid blood.

She spit the lumb of flesh in the face of his prey, then grabbed the sword-arm mid-swing and brought his face right down to his. "She won't," he growled.

And just as he did, the voice of Lily came from behind. "Brucie, MOVE!" And he did. He jumped backwards, just in time for the first orb of fiery death to streak forward, hitting the prone creep. It was followed by another, and then another.

Like an elemental of fire itself, dozens upon dozens of blue flames surrounded her, coating both her tails and hair and and nearly forming a corona around her. Each orb a wound in and of itself, but together they were a death sentence. Every orb that she sent forward, the writhing sea of blue that were her tails conjured a replacement.

And this power... This rage and ruthlessness was new. Brucie had seen her Mercy when they fought. He had seen her kindness when the dog came to them. He had even seen her regret when she faced off against the musician. There was none of this now. Only a relentless onslaught and a determination to destroy.

It was as if the revelation brought with it a sense of fatigue. He slumped and fell backwards into a sitting position, metallic arms keeping him up.

Lily took a deep breath, and then let it out thereby extinguishing the remaining orbs of fire surrounding her. Her tails returned to their white colour, as did her hair turn black again. Off to the side she saw Brucie sitting, looking at her. And in front of her... A blackened husk, or what remained of it. Though the explosive power of her individual Wisp was low, add a few hundred and even a durable body would be blown apart.

She slowly stepped over to it, keeping herself straight in spite of her exhaustion, caused in equal parts by bloodloss and exertion. Much as she expected, there was little left but burnt flesh and charred pieces of plastic and metal. She couldn't even identify the phylactery. Not that it mattered. Her opponent was dead, and that was the important part.

Leaving behind the corpse, she approached Brucie, her expression softening somewhat. "Thank you," she said slowly, tasting the words. She wasn't used to them. "You saw the cover I made and used it to your benefit. I... I'm not sure how I would've fared without your help."

Brucie just grinned. "I'm not as big an idiot as you think I am. May be a shark, but they did make him as smart as a human." He cleared his throat. "Though... Think you could bring that flask? You look pretty bummed up and, I—uuh—I could use a bit of help myself," he said and looked down at himself, indicating the three, bleeding, gunshots in his lower abdomen, and tail, as well as the half dozen or so cuts across his body.

She nodded and pushed herself upright, ignoring the pain that seemed to permeate her entire body. She, too, wouldn't mind a drink of liquid gold. It was a good thing that she had chosen to leave the flask behind, otherwise it would probably have melted in the inferno she had created.

She returned with it moments later, finding that Brucie had already opened the faucet that had once been his water cannon. Bad as she felt, the bleeding from his wounds was severe, so she offered him the first drink. When he refused she stuffed it in his mouth instead, threatening with another electrocution should he so much as try to spit any of it out. Only when she saw his wounds start to close did she fill it again, this time draining it herself.

"So... Creepy guy done for. What next?"

Lily sighed, then grimaced as she felt the bullet that had lodged itself in her stomach be pushed out, and finally looked up towards the ceiling of the cavern, to where the drone hovered. "Now," she said, "we wait for the pompous prick to bring me my prize for winning this round. Then we continue."

Basic Information

Name: Evelina Quinn
Alias: The Barricade

Gender: Female

Actual Age: 28
Appeared Age: 24

Height: 180 cm
Weight: 75 kg

Eye Colour: Unnaturally bright Green
Hair Colour: Fiery Red

Physical Identifiers:

A waterfall of fiery, wavy curls falls down past her waist, stopping just below her buttocks, framing a fair and near flawless, oval face, though often held in a high ponytail given its length. Large eyes the colour of emeralds peer out from beneath light brows, a line of freckles covering the button nose above her full lips. She posses an excotic beauty born from the combination of her vivid and rare colours of her eyes and hair, enhancing her many average features to the point where even they shine with a brilliance unseen in most.

She is slim of body, toned, and looks like someone who exercises regularly. Even then, however, she still retains a near perfect hourglass figure, with wide hips and noticeable posterior, as well as a pair of breasts far larger than most any other woman in Dust. She carries herself with a casual air, but is far from ignorant of her surroundings. She appears innocent, and but a quiet and kind girl. She is well aware of how her appearance draws attention, but it is not something she tends to use. She dresses in tight shirts most of the time, with bandages making her bosom appear smaller than it is.



- Healer

Alligned Faction:
Motum Diversum

  • Brian Quinn - Father
  • Sally Quinn - Mother
  • Michael Jones - Grandfather (Mother’s Side) [Deceased]
  • Elizabeth Jones - Grandmother (Mother’s side) [Deceased]
  • Hugh Quinn - Grandfather (Father’s side) [Deceased]
  • Molly Quinn - Grandmother (Father’s side) [Deceased]


- A short broadsword carried horizontally across her lower back/hips.
- SIG P220 Handgun


High Grade Rounds: 121 x 10mm rounds

  • Various herbal remedies & formulas.
  • Splints, bandages, anesthetics; everything a wandering Medic would need, and more.
  • Various necessities (food, water, tent, clothes, soap, etc.)
  • Oils and tools to keep both weapons clean and functional.
  • Tinted Goggles.
  • 8 magazines for her gun (10mm rounds)

Belt Pouches:
  • 3 magazines for her gun
  • SIG P220 Handgun (8 bullets loaded)
  • Compass, Map & Canteen.

A bike, and fuel for it.

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena:
Has the ability to control light in several different ways, chief among them being her ability to create barriers and ropes, or even send it forth as a beam of heat.
- Can turn insubstantial and move with incredible speed for up to 2 seconds before she returns to physical form.
- Estimated Speed: 20 metres pr second
- Resistant to heat and doesn’t seem bothered by high temperatures.
- Immune to flashbangs

- Extensive Medical Knowledge
- Decent gymnastic abilities (Flexibility, reflexes, etc)
- Basic swordsmanship & gun skills
- Enhanced night vision (eyes)

- Not very strong.
- Somewhat vulnerable to cold.
- Not the largest girl around; rather easily pushed around.
- Powers are weakened during the night.

Awakened State

Spark Name: Fianna The Gentle

Awakening Conditions:
Emotional stimulus or other. The first time Eveline achieved the Awakened State was when she was in a life or death situation, and had someone in the crossfire whom she felt she needed to save. Fianna and Evelina are on friendly terms, being fully capable of talking together should they feel like it. As such, Evelina can achieve Awakened at almost any point she could want to, simply by asking Fianna to do it. They have, however, made a rule with each other; They are not to ‘Awaken’ unless the situation calls for it.

Innate Awakened Abilities:
  • Armor of the Spark: Every spark surrounds their host in a black, chitin like shell, or armor. Their host resides within the armor, typically in the fetal position as they do not control their armored state through direct physical movement. Rather, the spark intercepts the neural commands for movement, and manipulates the armor that way. The spark or the host may be in control, but not both. If a spark is only partially awakened, the host will be stuck in whatever partial state they enter, until they are able to fully awaken. Only then may they revert back to their normal self at will. Additionally, heavy damage to the armor will cause it to break and fall off, reverting back to the normal state of the host.
  • Voice of the Spark: Once awakened, the host and the spark may converse mentally. The Spark can share its knowledge, though since the phenomena is not innate to the spark itself, it can only give ideas and tips for power useage; The spark cannot teach its host mastery over their abilities. The spark can retain memories gathered from their host, recalling things they forget, or even noticing things the host themselves failed to, but only through the host's eyes. Many sparks may know each other, and may recognize other awakened forms. The awakened armor is unique to the spark, which is how sparks may recognize each other, even if the differences between two armor sets are very subtle.

Additional Abilities:
  • Manifest: Unlike when she's simply an Immortal and only able to create barriers, her Awakened state allows her to Manifest objects, create items and tools out of light. She uses the principle of her barriers, but instead of simply making an outline of something, she makes a full form of condensed light, causing the tool to glow on its own. For this very reason it is also incredibly hot, burning at several hundred degrees celcius. Her own affinity to the element of light renders her all but immune to the effects of the blade, enabling her to wield it without harm.

Additional Strengths:
  • Impenetrable Fortress: Like all other Immortals, Evelina’s Awakened State surrounds her in a set of armour akin to Chitin, in whatever appearance the Spark desires. Evelina/Fianna’s armour, however, is slightly different than the others. It consist of plates layered upon plates, and looks noticeably thicker than others. In essence, Fianna is far more durable than any other Spark, enabling her to take far more damage than the others before cracking.
  • The Light Is Everywhere: All of Evelina’s previous abilities have received a boost. Her ‘Light Dash’ has its speed increased to roughly 300 metres a second, as opposed to simply 20. The intensity of her Light Beam has been increased (effectively reducing the amount of time and effort it takes her to charge it up to a certain point), and her barriers and ropes are more durable.
  • Immortal Strength: Her physical strength has also been increased, allowing her to surpass the limits of human strength. The vast majority of this extra strength is located in the wing-like structures on her back, however. But even then she still surpasses a normal human’s potential.

Additional Weaknesses:
  • Moonless Night: No matter how powerful Evelina may become, she is still entirely reliant on sunlight to fuel her power as a ‘Manipulator’. This also means that she loses up to 80+% of her power during the night, making her little more than a normal human. She is also unable to use her Awakened form during the night, as Fianna is even more dependent on Sunlight than Evelina herself is.
  • Curse of Compassion: While not a weakness in terms of strength or speed, Fianna and Evelina are both very compassionate personalities, and so does not wish to take lives unless it is a matter of certain death if they do not. As such, they are hesitant to truly go on the offensive even with their limited offensive capabilities, and would rather restrain or tire out their opponents.
  • Equivalent Exchange: Fianna and Evelina are a living fortress. They can withstand insane amounts of damage before they are truly in danger. But this Defense does not come at a cost. Even if their superhuman strength and speed allows them to overcome human limits, they still fall behind every other Immortal in offense. At their fullest, they will only achieve an estimate of 55-60% of another Awakened Immortal’s power.

  • She is a lover of meat, and has a great dislike for Vegetarians. To her, eating meat (as well as vegetables, etc) is the only right thing to do. She believes that her love for all things once-living-now-food is the cause for her teeth changing alongside her eyes when she became an Immortal.
  • Isn’t quite sure of her sexuality. Maybe because she never had any “flings” as a teenager, but she’s not sure.
  • Her skills with a sword are self taught, with her skills with a gun coming from her father.

Name: Octavia Rowena Atalanta Gabriele
Goes by: Octavia Gabriele
Other names: Rowena, Tavi, Gabby.

Age: 24
Appeared Age: 17-20

Height: 57kg (126 lb)
Weight: 170cm (5’7)

Eye Color: Light purple
Hair Color: Dark purple

Physical Identifiers:
  • Purple coloured eyes
  • Purple hair, a few shades darker than her eyes
  • Purple stuff (very fond of the colour)

There a people whose beauty is comparable to the gods from ancient Greece. There are those whose beauty stems from an excotic combination of colours, and even those whose rough and calloused exterior attracts. And then there is Octavia, a young woman whose appearance does not fit into any of these categories. While an attractive young woman in her own right the main focus of any attention directed at her is the startling colour of her hair and eyes. Locks of wavy purple fall down to the middle of her back, framing a face with a slightly pointed chin, high cheekbones and full lips.

Hours upon hours of exercise has gifted her with a body toned to perfection, with powerful thighs, a toned belly and overall slim build. Subtle muscles can be spotted moving beneath her skin as she moves, never so prominent as to detract anything from her feminine side. While not exactly the epitome of the hourglass figure, she still possesses a modest bust and shapely hips transitioning into round thighs.

To see her without her long nails and lips coloured a purple similar to her hair is about as rare as seeing Santa, some would say. And to a degree it is true; she never goes out without at least those two cosmetics.


Residence: Small apartment in Serenity (former). Well-furnished and cozy room in Bitches’ Brew (current, until she finds something for herself).

Profession: Poledancer & Barmaid in the Bitches’ Brew. Formerly the same in Castalia Casino & Hotel.

Aligned Faction: The Castalia Family, Motum Diversum

  • Brianne Rowena Gabriele - Mother
  • Matthew Atalanta Gabriele - Father


1911 Longslide


High Grade Rounds: 45x .45 Super rounds loaded in 15-round magazines
Dirty Rounds: 180 .45 Super rounds loaded in 15-round magazines

Tube of purple lipstick and nail polish, 1911 Longslide, 1 spare magazine, water bottle, and a small make-up set made up of a few old-world and (mostly) Dust manufactured products (gifted as one of her first payments when she started working for the Castalia family).

Immortalis Information

Manifested Phenomena: Fire/Heat

Unique Abilities:
  • Living Furnace: Octavia simply does not get cold. While still capable of feeling hot and being affected by the sun’s rays, she never feels cold, and even warms up her surroundings if she so chooses.
  • Thermal Vision: One thing she quickly noticed when first she became Immortal, was that she could sense vague shapes behind solid objects. Over the cause of a couple of years this ability developed into a perfect thermal vision to be used at her leisure.
  • Fire Manipulation/Creation: The control and creation of fire comes as natural to Octavia as breathing does. At this point in time she’s as comfortable with her powers as she is with her trusty dance partner: Mr. Pole. The range, and amount of fire she can produce using her powers is as of yet unknown. Thanks to this ability she is also completely immune to the effects of fire upon her body.

  • Mr. Pole’s Gift: As a result of several years of pole dancing, Octavia is significantly stronger and more flexible than the average woman her age.
  • A Quicky?: A healthy body also means a healthy mind. She’s a quick thinker and does well in stressing situations.

  • Amateur: Octavia has little to no combat experience, knowing only the basics on how to maintain and shoot her gun. Hand to hand combat is an unknown to her, and despite wanting to learn she has yet to find someone who can.
  • Let’s be friends, Mr Wolf: Perhaps a bit naïve, Octavia is easy to befriend, and slow to suspicion. While not easy to manipulate per se, it’s still not a difficult task to lie to her.
  • Like a Wildfire: As easy as it is to befriend her, as difficult is it to be forgiven. If she is betrayed or a friend is struck down or wounded she becomes nigh uncontrollable, and will not stop until she feels that justice has been served, or proper reparations is sworn (not promised).

Lily vs Smiler Round 2
Brucie knelt beside the boulder, looking at where Lily and the gooey guy had covered the entire thing in dust and smoke. How any of them could see in that was a mystery. He knew that Lily had good eyes and ears, but when he could see absolutely nothing through the dust and smoke, how in the blazes was she supposed to, superior vision or not?

He let out a low grumble, glancing at the dog beside him. Mouse, Lily had called him. Or named him? Didn't matter. At the end of the day he was just a dog, neither useful for combat or support. Or maybe a little bit of support. Whenever he was near, she always seemed a little less irritated. A little less stoic. Maybe he did do something for her? Well, didn't do much for Brucie himself, so he didn't care much. Unless the Boss-Lady told him to take care of the dog, then he cared. She had spared his life, and promised him fights if he followed, and so he felt it only reasonable that he do as she asked.

Speaking of...

Lily had yet to call for his help. She had made it clear during their travels, that he wasn't to join the fight outright unless asked, or if he saw a clear opportunity.

"Don't rush in. Don't get yourself killed like an idiot." That is what she had said, and he agreed to a point. He had no intentions of getting himself killed like an idiot, but rushing in was part of the fun! Seeing the opponent panic as he charged in, flesh, metal, and teeth, was some of the best moments when it came to fights! It was like--

He was interrupted by the sound of explosions starting again. Blue lights flared up within the smoke, accompanied by screeches and exclamations of pain or anger. Brucie smiled. Lily had gone on the offensive.

Lily conjured another ball of blue flame, sending it rushing towards her opponent. He had dodged the previous three, but this time she came prepared. She had analyzed his movements, and found it remarkably similar to her own. She didn't need to see him in full sprint to know, but this much alone was enough to tell her that he was quick. Faster than a normal human had any right to be. Maybe even as fast as she was. With that knowledge, she sent this fourth orb flying slightly off to the side, making it an easy dodge.

It made a quick jump to the side, avoiding the orb alltogether, only for Lily to flick her wrist causing it to curve around and aim for its back. This it didn't see, already pointing its rifle in her direction, the first word of its taunt halfway out its mouth already. A blast of blue fire hit it in the back, eliciting an inhuman screech of pain and rage.

On a normal person, that blast would have earned her at least a few moments to relocate herself before renewing her assault, but this thing was tougher than that.

"Die, you vixen!" And bullets flew.

Lily was fast and agile. Had been all her life, reaching superhuman levels after she became one of the Shifters. But even she could not dodge bullets already in the air.

The first hit her in the shoulder, another in her thigh, causing her leg to crumble beneath her. She tried to jump aside but the world seemed to tumble, the ground rushing to meet her. She distantly felt a third impact in her abdomen before the firing stopped. Instead she heard the steady footfalls of It moving closer.

Shit. The thought came suddenly and with annoyance more than dread. Not gonna die like this, am I? She snorted and twisted onto her side, moving one of her tails in front of her. She sucked in a breath as the movement brought pain with it. She glanced at the tail in front of her, smiling grimly. Like hell I am.

The tail uncurled and revealed the golden flask, filled by Brucie long before the beginning of their fight. Only, "Fuck." It was empty, or very nearly so. Behind her she could feel a wetness, and it didn't take a genius to realise that her fall her spilled most of the tonic. There was, however, just enough to cover the bottom and a finger's breadth above. She didn't hesitate.

Downing what was, she felt the magic in it take effect immediately. The pain lessened and the bleeding stopped. The bullets in her leg and shoulder were pushed out but left still open wounds behind, but the one in her abdomen remained lodged in her body, still bleeding. But it was enough.

She got her feet under her and struggled to stand up, facing the monstrosity as it stood just a short distance from her, grinning arrogantly down at her, rifle pointed between her eyes.

"Made a mistake, ya did. I saw were the fire came frooom." He chuckled. It was a wet, disgusting sound. But she never moved her gaze; never looked anywhere but at the gun pointed at her. "Now, say your prayers, little girl."

Lily tensed.

Its finger twitched.

The report of the rifle cracked through the air. A short burst of three bullets from three paces away. None hit.

Lily had twisted to the side the second It made to fire, removing herself from the line of fire. The look of surprise on her opponents face might have been one to savour, but she didn't have the time. She closed the distance in a leap, ignoring the pain that came with it. She ducked under one blade, but but was hit by the other. The metal bit into her left arm, hitting the bone.

She couldn't suppress the scream of pain, but she refused to let the pain stop her. Near bull-rushing it, she placed her right hand over where the heart of a human would be, and, with a defiant shout, unleashed a blast of raw, kinetic energy.

She heard the bones underneath crack and break before she heard its scream of pain, and the thud of it as it landed several metres away.

"That," she said, breathing heavily, "should have killed it." She summoned a small ball of fire in her palm, bringing it to her injured arm cauterizing that wound, then her abdomen. The pain made her hiss and her eyes water, but she didn't look away from the monstrosity. An attack like that would shatter a skull. Why, then, hadn't his entire ripcage folded in on itself?

The answer came a few moments later with wheezing laughter. "Kitty's got claws," it gasped and sat up.

It was still smiling.
An audible growl made its way from Lily's throat, entirely at odds with her gentle and warm appearance. Those gentle, green eyes became awash with both incredulity and fury, as every pretence at civility vanished like dew before the morning sun. The insolence. The arrogance. Mighty protectors, they claimed to be. Defenders of the weak. What a load of shit. Here she was, a demon, creatures thought to be universally evil and chaotic, caring for nothing but destruction, and was actually trying to defend the earth!

But no, all the angel wanted was to be right. Cared for nothing but what he thought himself. He had already decided that they were enemies the second they refused to blindly obey him. If it was a fight he wanted, it was a fight he would get.

"If you wish to jeopardize everything, then so be it," she said in a low voice, calm despite the wrath flaring in her core, "Fenn, kill the angels and make sure they don't open that door. Do not hold back." She then turned towards Souta, her expression softening into something apologetic. "I'm sorry, I tried."

Turning back to the angels, she gripped her spear tight enough for her knuckles to turn white. The anger within she turned into power that flooded her body; causing her right eye and the scar that would normally be there, to glow with a deep, orange light. And as it receded, gone were the gentle eyes replaced by the fiery iris and slitted pupil of a dragon.

Once more she assumed the form of a half-dragon, spreading her wings wide and brandishing her claws. The angel had been given a chance. She had offered them the chance of cooperation, something that few other demons would have done. She was trying to save this world, and this was how they responded? By stepping all over it and once more acting like the righteous ones. As always.

Fire churned in her gut, eager to escape. She could taste the smoke.

She would enjoy teaching these arrogant children a lesson.
Lily vs Smiler - Round 1


That was the first word that came to Lily's mind as she gazed upon her opponent. Something about him... it felt universally wrong. She couldn't tell if it was just a general feeling or a quirk of her nature; a sort of sixth sense she had not known she possessed, but she knew without a doubt that the thing in front of her was not natural. It could not be.

And she, a creature of magic and science, both human and inhuman at the same time, felt shivers crawl down her spine as she looked upon this amalgamation. It should not be, she thought to herself, gritting her teeth. She had witnessed demons tear lovely fey creatures apart, seen those of inhuman beauty turn into terrors that could break minds. She was someone who could induce such terror that an untrained mind threatened to rip itself to shreds. And yet, knowing all of this and having witnessed it multiple times before, something about her next opponent struck her as utterly wrong.

"Ugly sunnovabitch."

The words came from beside her, from Brucie who was peeking out at the thing again. He tucked his head back in and looked down at her. She removed her glasses and put them back into the coils of one of her tails, turning them off. She had to agree with Brucie, in one fashion or another. He was ugly in a way. They might've not see it the same way, but nonetheless she found herself nodding at his assessment.

"So whatcha wanna do?" He asked, keeping his voice low.

"I'm not sure," she whispered, placing a hand between Mouse's ears, digging her nails into his fur. For some reason she always felt calmer whenever Mouse was near. He appeared to be a normal dog, if very trusting and quick to bond, but his mere presence seemed to bring tranquility, doubly so when one took the time to touch him. All things considered she suspected that Mouse was no normal dog, but so far had little to go on beyond vague observations and ideas. "But one thing is for certain, he is ranged, so don't try to get close before he is distracted or he'll gun you down."

Brucie nodded, absentmindedly checking his water gun, or what remained of it. "Speaking of range, d'ya think we could find some missiles? Used up all mine against you. Would like to be able to blow people up from a distance."

She gave him a nod but spoke no further, taking this chance to look past the boulder, but briefly masking her own presence.

He was looking straight at them.

"Your souuul...I need it. Give it, sooo tasty. Won't ask nicelyyy... I must feeeeeed"

He was worse than a Bakasura. And - she got the sense - more cruel than a Redcap. And he knew where they were. The drone, she suspected, had given them away. The low whir of its rotors was hard enough to hear from a distance, but whatever this thing was evidently had better than human hearing. Much like Lily herself.

And it only got worse from there. An extra set of arms, a helmet that screeched with awful music, and black blood flowing from the corners of his mouth.

The more she saw of him, the more she was convinced that whatever it was, wasn't natural. It was than that she decided; she wouldn't leave him standing. Brucie might've been unnatural in his own way, but he was more like her, a creature of science and magic. This other thing was not right. And she would burn it to cinders if she had to.

Glancing up she found the drone easily enough, still hovering behind the rock, pointed directly towards the thing on the other side. Now that she thought about it, why hadn't Oren announced the beginning of the fight? They were both here, and were ready to fight. So why hadn't he-

Gunfire interrupted her, making her ears pin themselves against her skull, tails whipping behind her as she instinctively made herself as small as possible, pulling back behind the boulder. Blood dripped down her cheek from where one bullet had punched clear through one of her ears. It hurt, but it wasn't anything new. No, she turned the pain into fuel. As her tails roiled behind her, she brought her hands together in front of her, and started conjuring a ball of intensely blue fire.

"No announcement yet, and he attacks? Fuck it then. Brucie," she muttered through clenched teeth, "take a few steps back."

He nodded and did as told, giving her a few paces of clear space, though he remained in the cover of the boulder.

When she had enough space she stood up, thankfully still covered by the boulder currently being besieged by the things rifle, and spread her arms out. The singular orb of cobalt fire split in two, which then became four. They continued to multiply until more than a score of orbs hovered in the air around Lily.

She took a deep breath, holding it for a few moments, eyes closed and ears strained for any sound.

The firing stopped. Her eyes flew open.

Swinging one arm in an arc in front of her, twenty orbs of blue fire curved around the boulder and rocketed towards the abomination beyond. A remaining few, directed by Lily's other hand, crashed down on the ground around them, throwing up a dust cloud from the ensuing explosion.

Beyond the boulder came an unearthly screech; a roar of anger and pain, as well as several shouted threats. Two things that Lily didn't pay attention to as she ran out of cover using the dust cloud to obscure her whereabouts. Mouse had been left in safety behind the boulder, and Brucie remained there as well, waiting for her to give new orders.

As she ran, more and more orbs of fire formed around her, and every few metres she slammed another into the ground, creating another dust cloud that mixed with the first. Her goal - to create a place where both dust and darkness masked her presence. He had robbed himself of his hearing with that awful music, so she would complete the job and take his sight as well.

She caught glimpses of his form, small burns covering it, but he had avoided the majority of the blasts. One of his gooey arms had been blown clean off, but even that was regrowing as she circled him.

She clenched her jaw and kept running, completing the circle with a last few fire balls sent forward, striking the ground between her and the boulder, and finalizing the dustscreen. A flex of her will sent the light around her curving around her form, hiding her from view.

"Dust wooon't saave yoouu~" the thing in the centre sing-songed in its macabre, disgusting voice; like bubbling tar. It spoke slowly and moved little, all tell-tales of being in pain gone from its voice.

So it can heal... Or it's very durable. She took her x-ray glasses from within her tails, turned them on, and placed them on the bridge of her nose. Immediately the world around her came into clear view - the dust screen not longer a hindrance to her sight.

It stood in the middle, slowly turning with its sabres at the ready and rifle pointed forward and held close to its body. It smiled wider than should be humanly possible, and she couldn't help but imagineits eyes wide and insane. What was most important, however, was that It couldn't see her. The smoke screen worked. Its ruined arm had healed and, while still standing tall, it reached down to pick up the dropped blade, extending like a piece of rubber.

So how to defeat it? She thought. It could evidently heal, was inhumanly quick for having avoided almost all of her fiery orbs, and it seemed capable of extending its limbs. The range was, as of yet, unknown. Proceed carefully.

She directed her gaze to a spot behind it, pulling the image of a bakasura from her mind, conjuring a copy of the black chitined monstrosity; crouched over with blades for its hands. She made it hiss and pounce, causing It to jump to the side, firing a short, concentrated burst of lead at the creature while pulling a grenade from his belt and threw it at the ground. A vague fuzziness clouded Lily's vision in the following seconds, the smoke grenade taking effect but no completely robbing her of her vision thanks to her goggles.

She had the bakasura-illusion mimic the sound of a pained one, adding a series of small bullet holes and black blood oozing from each. Nevertheless, she had it pounce again. This time it was met by a pair of sabres cutting at its exposed belly, the rifle raised to block the bladed arms.

Lily dispelled her own invisibility, focusing now entirely upon the bakasura and, by extention, her opponent. The blades seemed to hit the rifle with the clang of metal striking metal, a little tweak to the perceptions of the Abomination had its arms strain under the force of the blow. Nevertheless, the swords struck true and bit into the carapace of the bakasura, spraying black blood before it slumped to the floor, unmoving.

"No phyyylacteryy," she heard It say. "Not my meal." Underneath the helmet she saw its mouth widen impossibly, its jaw even extending down cartoonishly. It bent down and scooped up the remains of the illusory monster, and deposited in its mouth. It then closed with a horrible, squelching sound. Only now did she dare dispel the illusion, making it vanish as if it had never been there. And it hadn't.

It perked up and looked around, as if something had peaked its interest. "The little meal vanished. Summoned pet. You dismissed it!" He called out. "I know what kind of fighter you are. Coward! Sending pets instead of facing me yourself."

He was trying to get to her. To anger her and make her make mistakes. Too bad, she wasn't some green recruit.

She almost snorted. You're just another monster. And like any other monster, she would break him. Mind or body, it didn't matter which one came first.
Lily and Brucie kept to the darkness as she had decreed, moving slowly and with as little sound as they could muster. For Lily, soundless movement was easy. She had already been good at it as a child, but the enhanced body she received upon becoming one of the Shifters had only hightened her potential. It was a challenge for Brucie, however. Though he knew not to charge ahead and make a cacophony where there didn't need to be any, he was still as much metal as he was flesh, and the sheer weight of the contraption that was his limbs caused more noise than Lily was content with. Because of this, not a minute had passed in their trek before Lily demanded that he wait while she get something to lessen the sound he made with each step.

"Stay here, Mouse," she had crept ahead and gone to the first oversized mushroom they came across, much to her own chagrin, using her illusory powers to mask her own presence. She couldn't render herself invisible while moving, but she could at least make herself blend in better with her surroundings. A few colour changes could go a long way. Once there she had broken off several large pieces of the fungi, wrapped them in her jacket, and moved back to Brucie.

"Put these on your feet," she told him as she met back up with him, dumping out two of the largest pieces on the ground. They should, if all went well, mask most of the sound he made when he moved. There was just one problem...

"With what?" He asked. "Ain't got no string or rope. So unless you got some magic string 'tween your tails," he let the statement hang in the air, and Lily found herself needing to sacrifice.

She sighed and started undoing her skirt, letting it fall to the ground and leaving her only in her t-shirt and leggings. She bowed down to pick up both it and her jacket. "Lift your feet, I'll tie them to you." Brucie did as told, lifting first his left foot, allowing her to attach a piece of fungi to the underside, tied to his metallic limb with her skirt. She then went on to tie the fungi to his right foot, taking the feather from the inner pocket first and putting it down the front of her shirt. No pockets left, she thought and finally tied the knot around Brucie's right foot.

"All done?" He asked, looking down at her from above.

"All done," came the reply. She stood up and dusted herself off before asking, "how does it feel? Can you walk normally?"

Brucie looked down and tried to take a few steps. The sound he made was markedly lessened, but the fungi had, as was to be expected, been squashed in the process. Luckily for the both of them, there still remained enough trapped in her garments-turned-knots to reduce the noise. "Feels a bit weird," he said after he walked back to her, "but I'll make do. Sorry 'bout the clothes though."

"I'll live," she said and turned away from him. She, in particular, turned her attention to something she had just briefly caught sight of when she was gathering the mushroom. It was the wreckage of what looked to be a train. Oren had previously mentioned that her next opponent had crashed down here in a train while still fighting. Whoever she was going to go up against next would most likely be in there. "It won't be lack of clothing that kills me down here," she muttered and headed off, trying her best to ignore the drone hovering near them, pointing forward and to their left. She would have been tempted to shoot it down if not for Oren's last message, that it would be the last drone they got, and it would guide them towards their next opponent. As it was she was forced to let it stay, lest she get rid of a major advantage.

They had taken a roundabout path to the train wreckage, avoiding the fungi to stay in the shadows where there was the least possibility of being spotted. Even if her coming adversary knew in which direction was was, he would not be able to garner any more information if he could not see her.

They had, however, arrived with no commotion. The drone now pointed almost directly to her left when she stood faced with the ancient city. They turned up little in their search there. Of their meager findings a disgusting trail of black slime was the most prominent, and aside from that only bits of broken plastic, wood and metal.

Following the trail with her eyes, however, Lily noticed that it lead directly into a tightly packed forest of mushrooms. A concoction of volatile irritation bubbled in her core, but she forced it down, telling Brucie to stay a ways behind, as she and Mouse moved forward. She had no intentions of entering the death trap that this forest was. It had far too many places from where an opponent could get the jump on her, and she had not survived this long just to stupidly die in an ambush.

They followed the trail only so long as it was out in the open and she knew there was no chance of any ambush. She relied on her superior eyesight to peer farther into the forest, straining to spot even small bits of the black ooze between the stalks and caps. She knew little of who she was going to fight, but based on what objects had been strewn about on the part of the track before the mushrooms began, one was humanid, and the other was not. The slime could either be blood or the very body of some creature. Other options included it being the drool of a much larger creature, or the slowly decomposing remains of said humanoid, however the lack of any evidence to suggest a large beast left her to believe that both were around her and Brucie's size.

She glanced behind her and saw Brucie still following, but keeping his distance as told. She waved him a bit closer, waiting for him to approach before she told him in a low voice. "Most likely humanoid-sized target. Don't know much more than that. I can see the edge of the fungi ahead. Approach slowly."

Brucie nodded and followed, as did Mouse. They made it to within a couple dozen metres before Lily held up a hand, signalling for her companions to stop.

"What is it?" The shark asked, peering over her shoulder at the luminescent fungi.

"A handprint," she whispered, "on one of the caps. Right side, near the ground." She glanced around, ears twitching this way and that, straining for any sign of strangers. So far, nothing. A quick look at the drone showed it still pointing towards the forest.

She again looked around, this time for cover rather than intruders. Off to their left was a boulder, larger than most in this area, but hopefully didn't stand out too much. It was likely from the explosion that caused the hole, and since the train had come almost all the way here it wasn't much of a stretch. Or maybe that bird? Lily jerked her head towards it and headed over to it, huddling behind it with Brucie and Mouse.

She would not go into so obvious a death trap as that fungal forest. Her opponent had a drone as well. They could come to her.
About to go to bed, but will get a post up tomorrow. Even if a small one.
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