Avatar of Katthaj
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 194 (0.09 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Katthaj 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current EZ clap
5 yrs ago
Gonna be on a LARP until sunday so excuse me if im not writing stuff
1 like
5 yrs ago
School is done in 20 days and im fucking hyped
6 yrs ago
It really do be like that sometime




Name: Katthaj
Aliases: Cat, Swedish bastard.
Age: 19
Birthday: April the 4th
Ethnicity: Swedish
Location: Sweden
Gender: Male
Major/Minor: Majoring in Event planing. (You start Majoring/Minoring in highschool in sweden)
Occupation: Military Police.
Languages: Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, English and Korean proficiency in that order
Years Rping: Around a year
Preferred Rp Section: I like to dabble in everything
Rp Level: Casual
Dedication Level: 5/10
Biggest Rp Pet Peeve: People who try to tell the GM how to GM his game
Teach New Rpers Or Coach New GM's: Dont listen to toxic people.


Height: 195 CM
Weight: 100 kg
Build: Bulky
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Curly Brown
Skin Tone: White
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: I have a scar on my right cheek
Personal Style: Not sure.


Protective * Anxiety * Loyal * Introvert

Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Yall gotta find out
Habits: Not doing homework and playing games instead.
Hobbies: Gaming, LARP and WH 40k
Fears: Spiders
Dislikes: Licorice and Beef

Cards On The Table

Rp's Currently Gming: N/A I dont GM cuz I suck at it.
Rp's Currently Enjoying: H@CK3S, Cold Front: Tacitum, Ascension Arena.


Quotes or Sayings: "Im a bitch for drama" - Me since 2017
Advice To The World: Pay it forward. Even if you dont get something out of it someone in the future will.
Anything Else: I got 3 cats and I love them with all my heart. Ohh yea the picture at the top is me :)

Most Recent Posts

Alexya (Venom)

Location: Unkown. Meeting with Vanguard Squad, Blue team
Time: Unknown
Interactions: N/A

"Alright listen up" The large man in the middle of the room said, he hadn't said his name yet but with the Russian accent she guessed it was either Vlad, Vladimir or Vladislav. "My name is Vladimir" "Bingo" she said to herself in a hushed tone "you can call me Riot, I will be the leader of Vanguard Squad. Our job will be to defend our flag at all cost and when I say at all cost I mean at all cost" he said looking at the person next to me dressed in all black. "Now let's get some introductions going well start from the right" he says pointing straight at Alexya.

"Hello, my name is Alexya my nickname is Venom and I would advise using a gas mask if you are going to be close to the flag." she said as she released a small amount of knockout gas from her hands. "Alright good to know we have some really good crowd control on the team." he says while trying to wave in front of his face as to not accidentally inhale the gas "I guess im next" the guy in all black said as everything in the room turned to a black void, you couldn't see anything and Alexya had a problem breathing, and as suddenly as it became dark everything came back. When Alexya looked around she could see everyone staring at her. "Why are you looking at me?" she said in a confused tone "So yeah that's my power, I can put someone in something I call a pocket dimension where they can't get out until I let them out or after 30 minutes because it drains me a lot to keep someone in there" he says in a relaxed tone the two other people in the room explained their power which was the same since apparently, they are identical twins, they could split into 8 copies each. Riot was last, his power was to morph his two arms into big shields made out of pure metal, Seeing as our goal was to defend the flag she felt it was a good team.

@Altered Tundra yea I have just kinda focused on school recently so I’ll get it done soon
Im still here

Alexya (Venom)

Location: School Grounds / Cafeteria
Time 9:00 AM
Interactions: @Moyai

Alexya didn't really enjoy normal classes so as soon as the bell rung she picked up her things in a hurry and rushed out. She wanted to meet up with Alex to make sure she took notes so that she wouldn't fail classes.

As she stepped out of the classroom onto the school grounds she felt the fresh air hit her face, it was a good feeling after 1 hour in a room with 10 other students. There was one person in that class that made the 1 hour bearable, his name was Kato Redan, and was one of the B-tier heroes on the school, if she can remember correctly his hero name was Trickster he can create 3 exact copies of himself that can help him in battle, he looked like he could easily be a model and seeing as his copies could be used to help with her research on new versions of her gas while he got to train on creating multiple copies in a row they were usually paired together during classes, she kinda has the hots for the guy but she has decided not to ask him out as to not jeopardize their friendship.

Anyways she thought as to snap out of her own head and focus on finding Alex, usually, Alex placed herself in the cafeteria while eating instead of one of the high-end restaurants on campus so she started heading towards the cafeteria. While walking the intercom buzzed. "Dear Students, we in the faculty of Venture Academy have decided to create a small competition for you. Now we know some of you don't enjoy the normal run from A to B competition since some of the students have a lot of advantages so we have decided to make this a Capture the flag event, I believe everyone knows what it is so we won't explain it just know this, your powers are allowed." and as suddenly as the intercom started it ended.

"Capture the flag? This is gonna be easy pickings." Alexya thought to herself while she started walking, she had the perfect defence. Her ability made it impossible for anyone to grab her flag, or well. Almost impossible, her ability had one weakness, gasmasks so as long as the other students didn't get gasmasks she was gonna be fine. Maybe this was the perfect time to test out her knockout gas.

"Hey Alex!" She shouted as she walked into the cafeteria. "How was your class? Did you take notes? Have you heard about the Capture the flag events happening" She asked as she sat down at the table after grabbing a sandwich

@Theodorable Love your GM style :) lets just hope it don't die

Im very interested btw

@Altered Tundra will do haha

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