Avatar of KazAlkemi


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6 days ago
Current weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
7 days ago
We're still a colony XD
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Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia
18 days ago
Did the void answer back?
27 days ago
May the Fourth be with thee!


The end is just the beginning.

lofi hip hop radio

Name: KazAlkemi
Age: Thirty
Birthday: Ask me
Ethnicity: Canadian
Location: Mountain Standard Time
Occupation: Reception / Student
Languages: Fluent English, Amateur Scottish Gaelic
Preferred RP Section: Casual/Advanced
RP Level:Advanced
Dedication Level: High
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Unchecked Ignorance; Disrespect
My Pets: MEOW!
Fandoms: Grishaverse; Supernatural; Harry Potter; Heartstopper; Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss

Song of the Month:

Books I Am Currently Reading:
  • Amulet Series -- Kazu Kibuishi
  • Things We Do In The Dark -- Jennifer Hillier

Shows I Am Currently Watching:

  • Supernatural Season 12
  • The Originals (rewatch)
  • Doctor Who

Current Favourite Movies:

Role Plays I Am In:

  • Darke Magyk: CONCLUDED by Morose -- Playing Cuyler Eysteinsson (Alive and well; will he see Ayra again?);
    Amarantha (death by Fyre);
    Ahote Proudstar (Alive and no longing melting inside)
  • The Gifted by Morose -- Playing Luna Braddock (whereabouts unknown) & Cayden Proudstar (deceased by gunshot to the neck)
  • Once Upon A Time by Nallore -- Playing Cassiopeia Hood (Living back in the mortal world with her cats and girlfriend, working at her old job, and visiting her father, Robin Hood and twin sister when she can) & Willow Jones (Living in the fairytale world with her mother, Aurora and father, learning all the ins and outs of ruling, and visiting her girlfriend on the weekends)
  • Inferno - by Morose -- Playing Annika Falling Star (ancestor of Ahote Proudstar) -- Now a baby, Annika has been adopted by Jack and is living in the Everdark

Favourite Post 1
Favourite Post 2

Most Recent Posts

Ezekiel Kel

Location: Motel 6 --> Truck -- Greensboro, North Carolina

Ezekiel nodded in agreement with Leda. Trap or not, it would be a good starting point for them and if he did move Calliope, Ezekiel would try his best to track them down. He shouldered his pack and followed Leda from the motel room. "Ya, maybe I will later on," Ezekiel said, referring to taking a nap later on. He had been around Leda enough to understand some of her British slang terms.
He crawled back into the back of the truck once Leda unlocked the doors and slipped out his notebook and went over what medicines and herbs he had again, just wanting to keep a concise tally on everything. "If we stop outside Houston then at least Leda can get some sleep before we go in there full force," he noted. If they stopped outside Houston then at least they could get their barrings a bit better and look up where this Backdoor Comedy was so they weren't driving around aimlessly. Granted, they had Leda's compass but it wouldn't surprise Ezekiel if it magically stopped working once they got to Houston. The gods loved their entertainment, and the demi-gods, their own children, were a great form of entertainment.
Ezekiel Kel

Location: Motel 6 -- Greensboro, North Carolina

Ezekiel woke shortly after the dream as well, hearing people move about the hotel room and then Leda greeting him. He stretched out on the futon and there were a few responding joint cracks. The sleep hadn't be the most comfortable but he had at least slept through the entire night so that was something. Hopefully they would make it to Texas today and then they could get down to business.
Ezekiel stood up once Leda emerged from the bathroom, announcing the shower was free and went to do the same. He brought his pack with him so he could change his shirt and jumped into the shower. He stole an extra couple minutes under the hot water before shutting it off and readied for the final leg to Texas.
As he readied, he thought back on the dream. It was no surprise to Ezekiel that Marsyas was trying to embarrass Apollo. All the gods, as far as Ezekiel was concerned, were far more worried about image and how they saw themselves than the well being of anyone else. Of course there were a rare few that cared about more than just the skin on their neck but those gods tended to be punished. It was sick. However, at least there was an advantage to the dream they had last night other than learning about the gods self-centered attitudes, Ezekiel had seen a name of a location in the dream.
He walked out of the bathroom, tucking his beanie away in his pack so his hair could dry and looked at the girls. "So, I saw a name on wall of the building Marsyas was holding Calliope in, Backdoor Comedy. If he keeps her in the same location, even though he saw us, we might have a shot. Or we could walk into a trap."
Ezekiel Kel

Location: Motel 6 -- Greensboro, North Carolina

Ezekiel shrugged, trying to seem indifferent to them telling him to come spend the night in the hotel. It would understand if they didn't, he didn't have the US currency to pay them back but he was grateful they at least cared for his health and safety. If only because he could keep them alive. "Thanks," he said and shoved his notebook into his pack before he grabbed it and headed inside with them.
It was a cheaper motel but still decent and Ezekiel was fine with that. They walked in and Leda immediately claimed one bed and passed out. Ezekiel smirked and leaned over to Kristin. "How quickly do you think she'll have Ultraviolet at my throat if I crawled in with her," he joked and tossed his bag onto the futon. "I'll pay you back when we're in camp," he declared before he went to the bathroom.
After he washed up for the night, he walked back out to the futon and fished out his poetry book to finish writing. "We should leave early. We need as much time as we can get with finding Calliope," he noted. He went back to his writing. He was nearly done with the short poem and wanted to complete it before the inspiration left him. It was fleeting after all, as with any god given gift. Ezekiel yawned as he finished and slid the book away before he yawned and stretched and laid down to let sleep claim him.

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Mutant Underground HQ -- First Floor: Training Room -- Washington D.C.

Luna watched Cayden walk into the room and head over to Veil, going on about some barmy talk of Magneto’s Palace and Casper having been there. Luna didn’t quite trust Casper, he seemed too much of a loose cannon but of course Luna couldn’t say much. Her opinions were scrutinized enough as it was. She crossed her arms and waited out Cayden appealing to Veil’s gentle side before Veil informed them that they had gotten word of a mission involving the Hellfire Club.
Before she could ask the specifics, Cayden requested a high five. Luna hesitated a moment but gave into the boy’s request. Cayden was a good kid, he was a good balance for the Underground she thought. As she watched him go to find Casper, her mind wandered a bit to Casper’s other half James. Normally he was up bright and early but she hadn’t seen him today yet.
After that, Spark Plug came in and gave them more information. ”A little shopping perhaps,” she noted. ”If the Hellfire Club is involved, perhaps they are trying to recruit this innocent. There is an obvious connection there, especially with Jinx in the vicinity. He has known ties with the Brotherhood and Casper’s new friend Magneto. That is, if Casper’s tale of being at Magneto’s place is valid.” The only thing was, Leighton, or the Ice Queen as she was calling herself, was there and she was team Hellfire now. If they went in there, would she hand the innocent over or would there be a fight.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Mutant Underground HQ -- First Floor: Training Room ---> Second Floor Hallway -- Washington D.C.

Cayden took his orders from her in stride and rocked back on his heels. ”Well if you are certain you are alright,” he said and stood back up after squeezing her foot. His face split into a grin when Veil talked about a mission, it didn’t matter that she said Hellfire club, all he heard was mission. ”If you need a hand with that as well, let me know.” Cayden was always eager to go out and help in any way he could.
He turned around and held his palm up to Luna for a high five, she eyed him but returned the high five. Cayden grinned and headed out of the training room and back out to find Casper. ”Hey Cas!” Cayden called out as he looked from room to room. He did say something about his brother so maybe he went to go find Jack.
Cayden had always found Casper’s name entertaining. It was like Casper the friendly ghost, although Casper didn’t seem to like seeing the dead so much. Cayden was rather used to the concept of death and the spirit world. There had always been a lot of talk back home with his grandmother. The dead were powerful and Cayden didn't necessarily fear death but he did have a healthy respect and wariness for it.
Cayden came across Jack, Casper, James and Waverley and smiled brightly at all of them. "Hey guys! Cas, Veil wants to talk to you. Also, apparently there is some mission with the Hellfire club going on," he added.

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Hospital -- New York City, New York
Skills: Enhanced Intuition

It was mostly a lonely wait in the hospital, leaving Antoinette to pace back and forth, giving rushing nurses and doctors room as they ran past her while she waited for news on Mirembe. Part of her thought she should have gone off and helped Carolina but she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was supposed to be here. If only she knew for what reason. She watched the doors where they had taken Mirembe through so she didn’t notice anything until she heard screaming and shouting.
Antoinette turned her head in time to watch people running before a car came through one of the walls of the hospital. Antoinette dropped to the ground, covering her head from the debris and shielding her face from the dust that followed. She did not need another head injury today. She was stabilized herself and didn’t particularly like the earlier headaches.
With one last look back at the doors, Antoinette made for the new opening in the wall that led her outside the hospital. As she walked, she checked on passing people who had scattered, just to make sure they were okay. There wasn’t a whole lot medically Antoinette could do but another pair of hands in a crisis was always welcomed she thought.
As she stepped out, her blue eye started to glow as she scanned the chaos around her. Just in front of her, two people were locked in battle. It seemed one of them was another Silver Surfer clone and Dr. Strange was challenging him. Antoinette took another few careful steps before she called out.
”Dr. Strange, sir! Could you use an assist?” She knew Dr. Strange was a prideful man, one who usually liked to work alone. At least that’s what the media said.
Ezekiel Kel

Location: Motel 6 -- Greensboro, North Carolina

Ezekiel listened to his own music for most of the way, although he did tune in when Billie Eilish came on. He yawned and stretched when they finally made it to the motel. ]"Drachma only on my end so I suppose that means I get stuck in the truck ya?" Ezekiel was a full time student at camp so he didn't generally have the US currency on him. It didn't matter much to Ezekiel where he slept anyways. If he could drive he probably would have taken over for Leda for as long as he can. They were on a deadline after all and stopping didn't seem like the best idea to him. It just gave monsters more time to find them.
"Although I wouldn't mind stealing a shower in the morning," he noted. If they were going to stop in a hotel, may as well use the running water to his advantages. He started to shift his pack to make a pit of a pillow so it would be a bit more comfortable. At least in this vehicle you could tuck the seat belts away so they weren't digging into your back.
Ezekiel Kel

Location: Cyclops Home (WE FOUND A TRUCK) -- The Road

Ezekiel sat in the divers seat, fiddling with the radio while he waited for the girls. They definitely took their time but it was possible they had come across something. Ezekiel jumped out when he saw them vacate the house and held up his hands. "Don't matter to me, just as long as we get the heck out of dodge," he said and opened up the back door. "We need to find a gas station though, not much fuel and I barely found any but we do have two gas cans now should we run out before and need to walk."
Ezekiel crawled into the back, not caring in the least that he didn't get to ride up front. He had his iPod with him as well so if they decided to listen to gods awful music, at least he had his own. "So, find anything exciting inside," he asked them curiously. They had been in the house longer than Ezekiel expected them to be.
Ezekiel Kel

Location: Cyclops Home (WE FOUND A TRUCK) -- The Road

Ezekiel gave a mock bow, grinning and stepped onto the running boards of the truck. "I live to please," he said before he watched Kristin run into the house after Leda. He stayed put and turned the truck over instead and was relieved when it started. He looked over and noticed that the gas gauge was nearly at empty. Well, things's couldn't be a hundred percent all of the time. He shut the vehicle back off and pocketed the keys before he went on a hunt to find fuel.
He hunted through the little junk yard and managed to come across two gas cans a few feet from each other. Both were pretty light weight but it was better than finding nothing at all. Ezekiel walked back to the truck and poured both of the containers contents into the fuel tank before tossing the cans into the back of the truck for use later on. He then walked back and honked the horn. "Today ladies!" He hadn't heard any screaming and if there was anything in that house, at least they now had a getaway vehicle.
Ezekiel Kel

Location: Cyclops Home (WE FOUND A TRUCK) -- The Road

Ezekiel rolled his eyes at Kristin. "Yes, little miss sunshine I did know it was a group effort. Did I make that an I statement? No. Jeez, how low is your self-esteem to think that I didn't include you in it?" He rolled his eyes again and pushed forward, walking past her and further into the junk yard. "Ya, we shouldn't be here," he said but Leda already took off.
Ezekiel looked around, trying to find a working car. And would you believe it, luck was on the sun demi-god's side. He found a mint 2015 Chevrolet Silverado. "Please please please," he chanted as he opened the driver's door and found keys on the seat. "Sweet! Thank you Apollo," Ezekiel praised. He looked back at Kristin and dangled the keys. "Please tell me you or Leda can drive." Ezekiel was not to prideful to fake knowing how to drive, that wasn't not his greatest flaw and he knew the value of getting to their destination quickly and as safely as possible.
Ezekiel Kel

Location: Rest Stop/Bus -- The Road

Ezekiel turned when he saw Kristin running and groaned. "You're welcome for saving your asses!" he yelled at the departing bus. He pressed a button on the hilt of his sword and it shrunk back to it's small medallion size and he stuffed it back into his pocket. He put his hands on his head and smirked when Leda found a hat. "Yes, put on a strange hat. Hopefully you don't get head lice Leda," he noted.
He looked around and had to agree that there must be house nearby but those horses were also mythological so, maybe no house was around. "No sense standing around here, we may as well start walking and see if there is a house," he noted. "Not that I like the idea of meeting a stranger on the way. Doesn't sound like that would be such a good idea. Anyone got a phone on them?"
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