Avatar of KazeXDZ
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    1. KazeXDZ 9 yrs ago


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Edited my character. Want a link or a repost?
Name: Micheal Ravencroft
Age: 16

Personality: Micheal is mostly calm, cool, collected, easy-going and understanding. However, get him too excited or angry and his personality will become very explosive. When like that, he loves to fight and will do anything that takes strenuous physical exercise, always pushing himself to become better.
Class: Patient
Weapons/Abilities: Wolf Affinity - Because of the animal testing projects done to him, Micheal has enhanced hearing, smelling, strength, speed, sight, endurance and gives him an uncanny sense of where the moon is in the sky.
Bone Manipulation - Micheal can shift, shape and reshape his bones inside his body. Once outside his body, they are stuck in whatever shape they're in.
Other: He had a younger sister who died years ago at the hands of Hayden Tenno.

Character Concept: He's a cross between a fun-loving, in-this-moment kind of guy and a hot-headed asshole but can get serious if the need arises.
Name: Alexander Knight
Gender: Male
Background: His Earthly life was boring; no girlfriend, dead-end job, lived in a small, run-down apartment. He had wild dreams and an overactive imagination and, outside his art, the only solace he ever found was in anime and manga which, in turn, filled his head with even crazier and more outlandish ideas. He had friends that came to visit every so often. His favorite visitor was the one who visited most often; a young woman he had gone to school with. He found himself starting to fall for her but died before he could confess. He saved her by pushing her out of the way of a speeding semi. His last words to her were "I love you." Then he began the strange reincarnation process.

Level: 1
Class: Slayer
Race: Nephilim
Attribute: Finesse

Gift: Holy-Demonic: Through the Holy side of his powers, he can heal himself and others of minor wounds as well as put up 5 small shields a day, though each shield can only take 1 hit. The shield negates all damage that would have been done. Through the demonic side of his powers, he can summon small, black-flame fireballs, each one the size of his fist, as well as a black fire wall that does twice the damage a normal fire wall does. This fire wall does not last long, only 10 seconds, and can only go to 4 feet wide and 6 feet tall.

Equipment: Clothes

My friend, @Belwicket, and I would like to join this. We'll work on CSs later.
Name: Micheal Ravencroft
Age: 16

Personality: Micheal is mostly calm, cool, collected, easy-going and understanding. However, get him too excited or angry and his personality will become very explosive. When like that, he loves to fight and will do anything that takes strenuous physical exercise, always pushing himself to become better.
Class: Patient
Weapons/Abilities: Wolf Affinity - Because of the animal testing projects done to him, Micheal has enhanced hearing, smelling, strength, speed, sight, endurance and gives him an uncanny sense of where the moon is in the sky.
Bone Manipulation - Micheal can shift, shape and reshape his bones inside his body. Once outside his body, they are stuck in whatever shape they're in.
Other: He had a younger sister who died years ago at the hands of Hayden Tenno.
Edited pieces of my CS. Anything else need to be done? @IcePezz@ArenaSnow
Name: Siegfried Roanoke

Species: Human (tainted by immortal dragon's blood)

Age: 46

Description: Siegfried appears to be in his early twenties with long, white hair, golden red, almost amber colored, eyes. He has a large, slender frame with large muscles. He has pale skin with scars covering his torso and arms. The strangest thing about his appearance is the birthmark on his forehead which resembles a third eye, one which becomes more prominent when he is more enraged. The last notable piece to his appearance is a glowing brand of deep red on his upper right arm which resembles a jagged swirl. When enraged, Siegfried is surrounded by a crimson aura that appears to flow from his body like smoke or mist.
He wears baggy, black, tattered pants, a black shirt, leather boots, and a black, tattered cloak. Over his clothes, he wears thin armor over his feet, shins and knees as well as bracers and a light chainmail. Around his neck, he wears a circular locket with an ornate Celtic design, inside of which is a picture of him as a child and a girl with their names, Siegfried and Brynhildr, scratched into the inside opposite the picture.
On his left hip is sheathed his grandfather's longsword, one with the ability to burn whatever it cuts. Sheathed on his back is his greatsword, a blade that, once swung, cannot be stopped easily. His dagger is sheathed on his right hip, enspelled to be able to cut more than a dagger should be able to.

Personality: Siegfried is a distant, seemingly uncaring man. In actuality, he cares too much to let people get close as he doesn't want to make friends only to outlive them. He lives in the moment but also reflects on the past. If someone can get past his cold exterior, he becomes more passionate and a little hotheaded.

Skills/Abilities: He's proficient with longswords and bigger blades but has trouble with new weapons at first. He learns quickly how to use weapons but has yet to completely master any except his greatsword he's had for over a quarter of a century. Very proficient at hunting and fishing as well as other survival skills but can only do enough to feed himself and any companions traveling with him. He knows how to work a forge well as he repairs his broken weapons and tries to keep the others from breaking but can only prolong their use, not make them appear new.

Magic: The branding on his arm magically calls monsters and demons to him to attack him. Because of the dragon blood in him, he is resistant to flames and heat. He has a draconic aura with which he can breathe fire or rather a concentrated aura which appears to be fire but drains energy. He can also use the draconic aura to increase his physical attributes but cannot do this for long as it drains his body of energy.

Backstory: When he was young, Siegfried spent much of his time running around the little northern village he'd grown up in with his best friend, Brynhildr. Other children would pick on him because he was smaller than them. Because of Brynhildr, he became braver, stronger and bigger. When he became of age, his village was attacked by a dragon, Fafnir, which he battled and defeated, accidentally drowning in the beast's blood and covering his wounds. With that, he became immortal but his memories were erased. Since then, he's been wandering, fighting, surviving, honing his skills and defending the weak.

He ended up in a small island town named Waeldeshore. Upon meeting up with a group, he went to get an artifact from a dragon. With the rest of the group, Siegfried stayed to fight the dragons, both of which were overcome by greed. He fought them off long enough for one of the dragons to be killed by his allies before telling the others to run.

Instead of running with the rest of the group, Siegfried and a few others stayed back to fight the other dragon. After a long fight, he eventually killed the dragon from inside its neck. Because he had been eaten, he had scars on his exposed flesh, which were covered in the dead dragon's blood as he climbed out. With the beast's blood, his draconic abilities began awakening, turning his black hair white and his blue eyes red and draconic.

He did eventually return to Waeldeshore but could not find anyone he had fought beside. He continued wandering, eventually returning to his home. Memories began flooding him as he remembered everything. He remembered Fafnir attacking his village. He remembered the flames that devoured his home. He remembered his grandfather's training.

With his memories now intact, he began hunting down his grandfather's sword, Ulfbert. It took many years but he found the weapon at the man's grave site. With a prayer, he took the weapon and was immediately attacked by a tribe of giants. With his strength, speed and endurance, Siegfried was able to overpower the giant chief and decapitate him, causing the others to run in fear.

He continued traveling for many more years, eventually taking solace in a small town, which he protected for years.
@RokkuHoshi It's up. We're definitely joining this. Might as well get the Ooc ready soon, Bel.

@BlizzGood start. You are missing his weaknesses and a basic appearance. Let's wait for Bel to get the OOC with the skeleton.
@The Harbinger of FerocityHope you got a challenge for me.

Lol, I'm in.

Oops, just saw it's full. I'll wait.
Hey, I've made edits. I forget to mention the first time that the father was a weapon smith and could make guns, hence all the strange weapons, and the mother was ex-military. I'll change out her sniper if I need and I'll find a better triple-barrel shotgun if I can get the time. Might have to go to where Rokku's staying to use his comp as I only got a tablet here.
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