Avatar of Keyguyperson


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current So, as an American, what do I do when I need to choose between illegal immigration to Canada and dying in a civil war?
3 yrs ago
Woo! Got the prick!
6 yrs ago
When you try to write an essay on climate change but it just degrades into angry rambling halfway through.
6 yrs ago
Conquer it, conquer the bread.
6 yrs ago
Up until today I've never had any trouble with my EUIV Japan games. Today I got stomped five times in a row before even uniting the country.


I'm a weeaboo communist. Are you surprised?

EDIT: You probably are now, but I'm not going to tell you why you wouldn't have been like two years ago. You get to agonize over that yourself.

Most Recent Posts

What the hell kinda expensive ass health insurance makes a hospital trip no big deal? Are you just all Canadians?
Democracy can't work, you edgy little slave. Remember what happened to Athens? Democracy is not, and never will be a viable system. Do you even know how many people died in Athens because of the plague? That'll happen here in Sparta if we became a democracy.
In Spam 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Hey, SOME of us don't have a scat fetish.
Ohhh, I was accepted! ill post!

yes please thanks

run into me oh god please that one system I mentioned with the water planet would work great thanks ok bye
DARTH VADER: "Luke, the galaxy needs a healthy mix of socialism and capitalism."

You're all ignoring the perfect country, the best place to raise children thanks to its excellent education system, free healthcare, a wonderful tropical climate, great beaches, and a whole bunch of historical buildings and vehicles! That's right, it's Cuba! You know how many people have gone into a parasite-induced coma and died while in a work camp there? Probably a few, but they were in Guantanamo.
I ban cg anime

Well fuck you too.
Property. Did you expect anything else?

Haha but seriously, it'd definitely be any meme that the state has determined to have run it's course. Pepe isn't dank anymore, and neither is saying "dank". It's like still making Harambe jokes in everyday conversation, except actually worse at this point. Also, the word "cuck" without any prefix. Oh, and watermarks. Watermarked images from any site get you the firing squad.
@Keyguyperson('s hopes and dreams)
@Ophidian@darkwolf687 Looks good to me as well, long NSes are always nice.
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