Avatar of Keyguyperson


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2 yrs ago
Current So, as an American, what do I do when I need to choose between illegal immigration to Canada and dying in a civil war?
3 yrs ago
Woo! Got the prick!
6 yrs ago
When you try to write an essay on climate change but it just degrades into angry rambling halfway through.
6 yrs ago
Conquer it, conquer the bread.
6 yrs ago
Up until today I've never had any trouble with my EUIV Japan games. Today I got stomped five times in a row before even uniting the country.


I'm a weeaboo communist. Are you surprised?

EDIT: You probably are now, but I'm not going to tell you why you wouldn't have been like two years ago. You get to agonize over that yourself.

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IIRC it's like 2-3k for me
split Japan

civil war

You know how to make me happy.
GEASS - Grand Empowering Association of Syndicalist States.





Thinking of taking Japan since I cannot be glorious China. Just to clear things up, who ended up wining WW1? Do the Allies still win just at a massive cost with an equally awkward Treaty of notVersailles?

This is why I should post earlier. Maybe I'll go with the Brits then, since they're the only other big imperialist island nation out there.
The Torn Filter - Legacy of the Omnire

The Ancients were the first to pass through the Great Filter, just barely surviving their wars long enough to leave their homeworld for the stars. They spread like the invasive species they were, their self-replicator swarms devouring entire worlds to build habitat clouds around stars. Each and every species that now inhabits the galaxy was uplifted by them, absorbed into their own culture. After the Ancients conquered the galaxy, there was no more filter. They had torn it apart.

It was the first and only Type 3 civilization, harnessing the power of a hundred billion suns for its own use. Nations with populations in the trillions were not even worth a footnote in the history books, massive civil wars could take the lives of just as many without ever being noticed by those elsewhere in the galaxy. Great colony fleets were sent out into the intergalactic void, countless thousands every day, seeding the universe. The trillion stars of the local group were made theirs.

The very laws of the universe were twisted to the will of the Ancient magics, and the gaps between gravity pockets were bridged by another wave of colony fleets. All things became their domain, and all was made into one nation in the Great Unification. The Omnire, a nation spanning the entire known universe, was formed. For a time, all was peaceful. There were no more wars, not even tiny skirmishes. A number of individuals inconceivable to the mind, united under one banner.

No such accomplishment could last.

The War began. It was given no name beyond that, for any name would be inadequate. It was the only war that ever mattered. The entire Omnire erupted in war, every star of every galaxy of every group of every supercluster became a battleground. It went on for millions of years, every second countless battles raged and in each of those battles a trillion died. Entire planetary campaigns were nothing, and billions were won and lost every day. The previous wars between collections of habitats and star systems paled in comparison.

New weapons were created at an alarming pace, with their designs being distributed instantaneously through the networks and hive minds of both sides. Warships the side of solar systems clashed in the millions in the dark space between galaxies, and those galaxies themselves were hurled at faster than light speeds toward the enemy. Whole superclusters were swallowed up by magical weapons that tore apart the very fabric of space and time. It was a war that those alive today could not possibly imagine the scale of.

When all was said and done, the Omnire was completely eliminated. The bindings between galactic clusters, set in place by the Ancients, crumbled and the universe was lost to redshift. The once-glorious superstructures the Omnire had constructed now lie in ruin, their former populations slaughtered.

It has been billions of years since The War, and the local group they once colonized has merged into a single supergalaxy-. Its inhabitants are unaware of each other and The War, their only knowledge of what transpired reserved to the feeling of loss and unease when they look upon the ruins of a Dyson sphere. With the fall of the Omnire came the fall of civilization, the apocalypse wrought by The War ending all life. Now, upon the ruins of their habitats and Dyson spheres, there emerge new civilizations.

But there is no longer a filter. The knowledge of space travel and magic was known to these new civilizations since their earliest days, and so they survived their wars. These civilizations spread out throughout their home systems as the Ancients once did, scavenging from the ruins of the Omnire and building their cities upon their dead bodies. Now, they have begun to reach out further into the Galactic Pangaea. Unlike the civilizations of the ancient times, they will meet on equal terms.

Only time will tell, however, if they will not fall to the same fate as the Omnire.

This RP, as you might have gleaned from that block of test, won't take the usual form of a sci-fi NRP. There are ruins quite literally everywhere, not just a few remnants as in other "The big empire fell once" stories. There are also no survivors at all, all sapient life from before The War was killed by it. Some of the species that will appear will likely be related to the Ancients, be it through old genetic engineering projects or just happening to have evolved from the bacteria in their digestive system.

These civilizations have also had the ability to travel through space since before they invented nuclear weapons, whether that means they figured it out around their version of WWI or their version of the Punic Wars is your decision. Plenty of them will have probably evolved on ruined habitats, still-habitable parts of Dyson spheres, or other ancient megastructures. Please don't use this as an excuse to give your Space Orcs ten trillion warriors. Remember, it's been billions of years and a war destroyed just about everything. Any remaining megastructures will be banged up to the point that they won't be fully usable. A Dyson sphere would have only a fraction of its surface be habitable, for example.

Magic, in the form of Ancient arts, does exist. It is more akin, however, to the Force from Star Wars than most fantasy magic (though it does just about everything bog-standard fantasy magic does anyhow). Using it involves not chants or spells, but the application of extremely advanced mathematics to calculate how to best manipulate the unseen force the Ancients created. It doesn't abide by the laws of physics, so you can just create matter and energy with it however you like. Remember, the Omnire controlled quite literally all that exists and changed the laws of physics to keep the universe from expanding. Manifesting a fireball is nothing.

Those calculations can be handled by either Ancient devices, most likely computational crystals that don't need any energy input because, again, Type 4 civilization. What I'm saying is you can totally have a wizard with a crystal staff if you want. Alternatively, your own civilization could have constructed computers to do the calculations and emulate the crystals. Even for a species that has figured out quantum computing pretty well would need to have a huge complex to do this, however.

The magical power itself is accessed through any living being, since the purpose of the power's creation by the Ancients was to make every individual capable of feats that would otherwise take a small country to accomplish. Note that this means some species could have evolved to be capable of the necessary calculations without the help of a crystal or other computer, and those species could be anything from magical beasts to your own civilization. Just keep that to a minimum, because there's really no reason that should be the case at all beyond cool factor.

It's worth noting that this means that civilizations from habitat or megastructure ruins would actually be less "technologically" advanced and more "magically" advanced (even though magic is just hyper-advanced technology here). This means that you could have a civilization comparable to medieval Europe that can still avoid being steamrolled by one comparable to modern humanity, since their use of magic would let them fight toe-to-toe. Magitech civilizations are also entirely possible, depending on how you decide yours developed.

As for just what sorts of megastructures you'll run into/come from, there's no actual limit. The Omnire didn't care for efficiency, so relatively silly ones like an Alderson Disk would be entirely reasonable. The only constant is a clear indication that something created it and that said something is now gone. Go crazy. I want to see Ancient Ecumenopolises, starlifting facilities, whatever you can come up with the Ancients could have built.

There's no real NS template, but a few of the things that are essential for it are:
-History (Of both species and nation. Tell me how you evolved, not just how you united or failed to unite).
-Species biology/appearance
-Government/lack thereof
-Military organization/technology
-Extent/territory (How widespread are you, what's your rough population? Be balanced here. The backstory might involve a Type 4 civilization where everyone is a demigod, but that's not what the new civilizations are).
In (()) 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
I had a long-running NRP once that went across plenty of different alt-universes and a few universal catastrophes and such that gave me an excuse to reboot it to keep people interested. By the end of it all, only a couple people from the original RP were still there. That was some fun stuff.
In Fuck AT&T 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Fucking 120kb/s DSL out here, aside from the folks still stuck with dial-up. Downtown's got goddamned fiber, and this isn't even a big town. But they get it because they're fuckin' artists and shit, and artists and shit apparently need a thousand times the connection speed of a farmer. Our school district is falling behind because the kids from the country can't do their fucking online homework assigned in poorly implemented flipped-learning classrooms that never actually flipped shit in the first place.

I gave the fucking Italian mafia branch that is McGrawHill Education $200 for the access key that I should have gotten in my textbook so I could sit at the computer for an hour waiting for their shitty-ass online homework course to load because it demands that you download the voicelines of some asshat lady telling you that "You haven't spent any time reading the book" (the book being the online version of the textbook you literally have to load in order to get to the actual homework because fucking nobody can afford both the code and book in the first place and they know damn well that the loose-leaf copies they sell to Durham Tech don't include codes) and asking "Are you sure you want to move on to practice?" Yes I'm fucking sure you discount bitching betty, I have a phone and would have googled all this shit anyways.

Fucking hell you bandwidth-throttling shitheads. If I call your fucking line one more time to hear you say "You have reached the AT&T high speed internet support line" or some bullshit like that one more time because I sneezed and in doing so disrupted the fucking pentagram I drew on the floor below the phone hookup so I could sacrifice one of the neighbor's guineas every night to keep the dark lord in favor of my continued shitty-ass connection and as a result cut off my internet for a week while you fucks say "We'll take a look at it" while I know what you're really doing is just waiting for random quantum tunneling events to happen that fix the line. Fucking lazy fucks.

You've got fucking fiber downtown, and the downtown of this place is one road and a couple others with houses on 'em. Sure there's cars fucking everywhere, but that's because everyone drives through us to get where they actually want to go. By the way Mister Mayor, stop expanding the fucking sidewalks, nobody wants bigger sidewalks. At least you aren't letting any more suburbs be built, thank fucking god. But seriously, this town is a bunch of fucking artists and three overpriced restaurants that only people from the northeastern exclave a few miles over ever go to. There's one good Mexican place that serves actual Mexican food made by Mexicans from Mexico and it's fucking great and cheap as shit, but I bet you fucking anything that they're using DSL too. The moment you leave the downtown bit it all goes to shit.

At least the side of the town that we pretend isn't segregated but totally 100% is, like fucking hell it's literally the other side of the fucking tracks and the only place from here to Durham that you'll see a black person, is kinda okay. Good food. It'll kill me by thirty if I keep eating it but that's my plan anyways. At least over there you don't have to deal with insufferable people from FUCKING CARY fawning over the few pieces of local art that can actually be pointed out as local art. Fuck you, Lindsey, you've never seen a barn in your damn life so don't you dare buy that barn quilt. You're going to put it over your giant flatscreen TV in your living room the size of my entire house and tell all the guests how you're "Such a redneck, haha!", aren't you? AREN'T YOU? I have people life you in my family, Lindsey. We don't talk to those people. We won't talk to you either, Lindsey. If you say "Bless your little heart" in a fake southern accent one more time I will use your own heart as a sacrifice to the dark lord to fuel my internet connection.

AND STOP TURNING THE FUCKING FACTORIES INTO LUXURY APARTMENTS. Hell, the least you could do is make your bullshit "novel" idea affordable. Instead you just rub salt in the wound by reminding everyone that you're turning the jobs they lost into apartments they will never be able to afford before they die of easily preventable diseases. Stop gentrifying the western side of the town, it's fine as it is and we don't want your bullshit McMansions there. BTW, stop building condos in places that don't need to be condos.

Why the hell did you bulldoze the trailer part to build a walmart? We never even got the fucking walmart. It's been over a decade and you shits have built one building there and it's a pizza hut plus some unused space. If you're going to forcibly evict hundreds of people at least let us buy some guns to kill ourselves with after you ruined our town. The only good thing I have to say is that the new pizza hut has better service than the pizza hut UNDER A MINUTE DOWN THE FUCKING ROAD. And that one has a way better atmosphere. It has dark wooden walls and a Galaga cabinet. What does the new one have? Beige walls and those fucking orangeish lamps that people pretend are fancy but aren't. Besides, you stopped delivering out here when I was like five.

But at least we aren't fucking Cary. Fuck Cary. People don't like Chapel Hill, but Cary is the fucking worst. I don't think I've ever met someone from Cary that was actually from Cary, North Carolina, or the Southeast in general. And everyone is part of a fucking upper-middle class family with zero issues with a McMansions, white picket fence, and a fucking golden retriever. I like dogs, I volunteer at the animal shelter, and I'm secretly happy that we never get any golden retrievers dropped off because I immediately associate them with sitcom ideal families.

And they have a fucking functional internet connection too, those little bourgie shits.
In My Sad Life 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
+1 Shal

Did we accidentally make microbial Asari, by the way?
<Snipped quote by Keyguyperson>

There is no Kek'd @Keyguyperson, there are only the Tirjux, the Shal, the Kek'd, and the Vrozz.

I don't get it.
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