Avatar of Keyguyperson


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current So, as an American, what do I do when I need to choose between illegal immigration to Canada and dying in a civil war?
3 yrs ago
Woo! Got the prick!
6 yrs ago
When you try to write an essay on climate change but it just degrades into angry rambling halfway through.
6 yrs ago
Conquer it, conquer the bread.
6 yrs ago
Up until today I've never had any trouble with my EUIV Japan games. Today I got stomped five times in a row before even uniting the country.


I'm a weeaboo communist. Are you surprised?

EDIT: You probably are now, but I'm not going to tell you why you wouldn't have been like two years ago. You get to agonize over that yourself.

Most Recent Posts

I've got a couple dogs. Both rescue mutts, one's recognizable as mainly Beagle while the other looks like a small mini wolf with whiskers and huge ears. I've had him forever, he's gone deaf but besides that he's still growing strong. He's a grumpy old man. The part-Beagle is a neurotic little ball of fur who loves snuggles. I love them.
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Operation Ten-Go, but in space and it works this time.
>he's an dwarf man instead of an elf man

Those ears, come on dammit
Mahz pls add a femdom tag
Shit. I've had a bit of a time. Now that NaNoWriMo, the three back to back major projects, and my week of depression are done I can actually get back to this. I'll try to get a post done after I finish my research essay.

@Keyguyperson, The Worker Co-Operatives in Subic Bay are ready to betray the Philippines to Japan if you want, but notify me first if you're going to use them for courtesy's sake?

I ain't had the time to read the IC since my disappearance yet, but assuming you haven't already done something with them then yeah sure you can be the one to do it.
On romance arcs, my characters seem to want one. I'm trying really hard not to give it to them, but I'm starting to think killing one and making their whole relationship ambiguous is probably the best way to fix things.
I realized that the more years I participate in NaNoWriMo the lazier I get.

This is too real. I outright skipped a day from laziness this time. The regret is real.

Over 22,500!

Tomorrow, it'll probably be time to actually start a fight scene.

It took me forty pages to actually get to a point where something happens. And I'm still not satisfied with the imagery.
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