Avatar of Kimageddon


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
Current I should be writing... Or working on a commission...
3 yrs ago
*headbutts desk*
6 yrs ago
Back after a long hiatus
6 yrs ago
I need more inspiration
1 like
6 yrs ago
Been a while...


Artist, Author, Creator, Nerd, Marshmallow.

I've been writing for many many years and tend to prefer fantasy, SciFi or supernatural themes. I mostly write female ocs though I can double up with characters. I love involved arcs, plots and detailed emotional growth in my stories.

I have multiple characters and I create more all the time.

Most Recent Posts

Sure thing! Please do!
Absolutely. Please send me a PM :)
Brilliant! Please send me a PM so we can discuss!!
Still looking
That sounds fun! PM me with more!
Still open for ideas
I quite like that idea! (Sorry for the delay, I didn't get the notification for the reply!)

I am happy to think something up if you would like to PM me?
Writing Prompts and ideas:

G'Day my friends!

My name is Miss Kima, thank you for your time. I will do my best to make this quick!

I like various themes including:


Fandoms: (I prefer to play OCs but I can double as a canon character)
Skyrim (Dark Brotherhood is my favourite, BONUS if you wanna play Cicero)
Star Wars (I have a Nightsister OC for this one BONUS if you would play Maul)
LOTR/The Hobbit

I write at least two paragraphs and expect the same. I like to play a female but I can play a second character. I do tend to have 18+ themes in my stories and am open to most concepts occasionally even based on adult themes.

I am willing to play almost any scenario, so if you have something in mind, please ask. Some scenario ideas I have thought of are in the post below.

I am willing to write in DM's though I prefer discord/Gdocs (seeing as I don't get notifications for this site for some reason!)

Some story prompts below!
Looking again
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