Avatar of Kingfisher


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7 yrs ago
Happy 10th Anniversary, RolePlayer Guild! Its been one hell of a ride (Definitely didn't misspell that as "help" the first time, and have to re-post it)
7 yrs ago
Thank the lord for the Roleplay Guild. Otherwise I might actually have to pay attention in lectures
7 yrs ago
"Remember the times you could have pressed quit - but you hit continue" Hope everyone's having an alright day. If not, I hope things pick up for you
8 yrs ago
You shot Church, you team killing fucktard!
8 yrs ago
My sister saw me watching the Co-Optional Podcast and thought I was skyping my friends. How ridiculous! I don't have friends.


The Dyslexia is strong with this one.

Most Recent Posts

Uni permitting, I'm gonna try and get a post up this afternoon/tonight, My Dudes

Aaaaaaaaaand up!

Tanto tempo fa
Un uccello fatale di nome
Incrociò in volo la freccia di un
Lungo le coste di lava
Per anni, pensando di essere

Lothaire Loynoia sat comfortably in his chair within the Ahmanson theatre, surrounded by a sea of well-dressed richings and socialites -whilst he himself wore a dark hand-tailored tux, and bow tie-. Up on the stage, beneath a swelling of bright stage lights, a lone female performer sung vigorously for the audience; her shapely figure hugged by a snug black dress.

Scappò dalla freccia
Chromaggia, chromaggia
Perché non affronti il pericolo?
La freccia era legata all'ala
E lei volava per liberarsene.

Although his posture was strong and firm, Lothaire allowed himself to relax as the music washed over him; reveling in the silky twinge of the harpsichord, and the rhythmical bellowing of the opera singer.

Tirando la freccia
Altri son ferriti per mia colpa
Mia colpa
Giú! verso la bocca del diavolo
La sua freccia, i miei occhi.

As the final performance of the evening reached its euphonious conclusion, the audience replied with a warm and hearty round of applause, before a steady stream of the crowd slowly started to file out of the concert hall; making their way into the lobby.

Stalwart pillars of light cream stone stood in the entrance hall, surrounded by walls of crisp white, but Lothaire was more interested in sampling whatever wines were on offer than admiring the architecture, so he politely glided his way through the crowd, until he reached the bar.

Once he’d acquired himself a glass of red, Lothaire cooly made his way into the shadows, when a familiar voice summoned his attention.

“Doctor Cervantes!”

His ears pricking up at the use of one of his many aliases, Lothaire turned to see a woman and a man, both smartly dressed, slipping out of the throng of audience members to approach him. The man was fairly unremarkable in Lothaire’s eyes, but the long golden hair of the female figure elicited a slight flutter from the vampire, as it flowed like tresses of honey down her slight shoulders.

“Miss Rousseau,” Lothaire greeted the woman with a calm smile as she walked over to him, sipping ever-so-gently at his glass of wine “it is always a pleasure to chance upon your presence.”

“Elijah,” the woman said, turning to her male companion “this is Doctor Cervantes; one of the artists featured in my last exhibition.”

The two men exchanged a firm handshake; Elijah’s own skin being a fair deal rougher than Lothaire’s.

“That was quite the splendid collection of work,” Elijah chirped excitedly “which painting was yours, Doctor?”

“The Arc-Traitor, frozen at the heart of treachery,” Lothaire explained “I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed the exhibition, Elijah.”

“Ah, that fucking creepy one,” Elijah said with a laugh, prompting a soft chuckle from the others “it certainly stuck in my head.”

Lothaire gave a sharp smirk.

“That emperor, who sways the realm of sorrow, at mid breast from the ice stood forth; upon his head three faces, as six eyes wept tears of bloody foam.” He recited, swirling his wine in one hand.

“The Doctor always did have something of a morbid fascination with hell, Elijah.” Rachelle Rousseau teased, shooting Lothaire a playful grin.

“Not morbid so much as it is...merry.” Lothaire reasoned, taking another sip from his wine.

“Right, well, I’m off for a smoke, but I’ll leave you two to your...merry fascinations. Nice to meet you, Doctor Cervantes.” Elijah slipped away with a slight bow of his head, vanishing into the crowd.

“You’ve become such a cliché of yourself, Lothaire,” Rachelle laughed, “Oh-so-dark-and-sulky.”

“I pride myself on my passions,” Lothaire countered “a man should enjoy his vices.”

“As should a monster.”

“You call me a monster, but are we not all cursed to walk until Gehenna? To spread like a plague across this earth?”

“Perhaps,” Rachelle said, with a slight air of sourness “I suppose we’ll see, in the nights to come.”

“Indeed we shall, Toreador. Indeed we shall.”

Uni permitting, I'm gonna try and get a post up this afternoon/tonight, My Dudes
<Snipped quote by Kingfisher>

No worries, @Ruby has the power to make it disappear....

*mysterious music plays*

has science gone too far?
10 points to me for putting my character sheet in the wrong tab.

Sorry about that, friends


Lothaire Loyonia


Actual 67. Appears late 20’s/Early 30’s.






8th Generation


Lothaire is a calm, composed individual, who rarely raises his voice, and carries himself with an air of cool sophistication. Whilst he is no stranger to violence, Lothaire does not engage in needless sadism, and outwardly appears to be a reasonably cordial individual, with the exception of extremely tense situations.

The vampire’s gracious demeanor hides a merciless and calculating killer, who will stop and nothing to further his understand of forbidden occult secrets. In a manner more typical of a Tzimisce than most Baali, Lothaire prides himself on his eloquence, and takes great personal offence at displays of impoliteness.

Lothaire views both Kindred and Kine as his own personal playthings, and enjoys studying the intricacies of their respective societies. The vampire delights in his own analysis of the world around him, and is fascinated by that which brings both pleasure and pain to those who cross his path.


Lothaire was born in the tiny village of Yerimiheh, in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. A small and impoverished community, the people of Yerimiheh lived in an underdeveloped and ill-supplied village, rampant with poverty.

Lothaire himself lived a childhood that was fairly unremarkable for a young man hailing from Yerimiheh, struggling with famine and illiteracy.

When Lothaire reached young adulthood, a man calling himself “Zavala” came to Yerimiheh, who styled himself as a prophet of the Aztec gods; bringing with him a cohort of zealous followers. Zavala had little trouble swaying the natives of Yerimiheh into joining his dark cult, and those who refused him soon found themselves sacrificed in the gruesome rituals that Zavala and his followers performed in the caves outside of Yerimiheh.

Zavala’s cult quickly assumed full control of Yerimiheh, and began using the townspeople as lab rats in their dark experiments. When Lothaire’s little sister was whisked away in the night to be used in one such experiment, the young man brazenly confronted Zavala in a display of defiance that had otherwise gone unseen.

Zavala found Lothaire’s rebellion amusing, and had his followers drag the young man into the caves outside of Yerimiheh, to take part in what he described as a “very special ritual”. Lothaire was brought before a pit of rotting corpses, including that of his sister, before Zavala revealed his true monstrous nature to his hapless prey, and drained him of all but the faintest speck of life. Lothaire was then cast into the pit, near death, and buried beneath a mound of necrotic flesh.

Believing these to be his final moments, Lothaire used the last of his strength to rummage through the pit of corpses in search of his sisters, but when he happened upon the young girl’s body, Lothaire felt something dark and primal calling to him from within her. Clawing through the remains of his sister, Lothaire drank the portion of Zavala’s vampiric blood that the dark one had hidden inside her, and found himself reborn as a member of clan Baali.

Zavala greeted Lothaire with open arms, taking him under his wing as his newest childe, and spent the next few decades teaching him the ways of the occult, as well as affording him the education that he had missed during his childhood.

Lothaire fed off of Zavala’s knowledge, but never forgave him for what he had done to Yerimiheh. Although the vampire became increasingly inhuman as the years went by, he secretly vowed revenge against his sire, and Zavala was far too arrogant to suspect him. Once he was certain that he was starting to surpass Zavala's own dark knowledge, Lothaire trapped his sire, and his followers, in the caves outside of Yerimiheh; lighting a fire which was spread to consume them, and the rest of the village.

After that fateful night, Lothaire began traveling the world in search of greater knowledge of the occult; expanding his understanding of hellish magics, and furthering his own dark plans.

<Snipped quote by Kingfisher>

Too late, go away.



Rubby bby y u do this 2 me :'(

Nice work depicting the Baali, @Kingfisher!

I could see him posing as a Tremere to blend in...

Thank you, My friend!

I was indeed planning something along those lines
Hope I'm not too late to the party!

Here is my application.

Very much interested.
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