Avatar of Kinjaav
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 265 (0.13 / day)
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    1. Kinjaav 6 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current i’m pretty much just a casual these days but i can’t believe how dead free is lately. might post something there soon to see if anyone else is bored during the rona lol
4 yrs ago
two years ago i made a really good historical rp, bu tit was on my old acc and i’d feel awkward reviving it now
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5 yrs ago
hey guys i’m not hallucinating anymore how cool is that
5 yrs ago
my mini roses are officially dead, can i get an F in the chat
5 yrs ago
ask me about my plants
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legal name: weenie dumpsterboy

if any of you were on the warriorcats forums as kids please hmu, we're brothers in arms.
i prefer to RP casual but if you write more than a screenful at a time i probably can't keep up with you.
i work monday tuesday wednesday and saturday, play DnD on fridays and sometimes i'm just not around. if i’m afk for several days, i’m probably just working or depressed and you can always reach me by dm. i’ll pretty reliably check the site every night even if i don’t post anything.
usually i spend all day intrusively telling people about my plants. anyway please ask me about my plants i want to tell you about my plants

Most Recent Posts

@Eviledd1984 Sorry the second part of my reply is pretty lacking. I can add more if you’d like, I just wanted to get something up before I went to work.

When they’d met in Finland, Evren could read German and Latin but he wasn’t sure Aava had ever known how to read at all; when they met, Finnish was only a spoken language, any writing of the time was in Swedish. Even so he was confident that he could teach Aava to read. She had a supernatural knack for speech and language, how much of a leap could sounding out syllables be?
He took the book Aava had chosen; it was a black and red book with an impression of a child reaching up to the branches of a tree. Evren had read it some thirty years ago at Lucifer’s suggestion when they reunited in Redhaven, along with a number of other classics that were to help catch him up with American society. He had liked it very much, though a few of the more subtle points went over his head, so now was a good time for a reread with a friend. ”To Kill a Mockingbird.” he read the title to her. ”(I think you’ll like this, I learned a lot reading it.)”
Evren returned the novel to Aava and wandered over to Duckie. He noticed the book he’d picked up and discarded, and retrieved it from the shelf. He knew his friend had been a comedian many decades ago, but he wasn’t wholly sure what that meant. ”Something from your time, James? Did you write this?” He flipped briefly through it before taking notice of what Duckie’s attention had turned to. He scanned the nearby shelves with books of various mythologies and saw a slim paperback book tucked in between two collections of Norse epics. Evren laughed lightly when he saw it. ”Aha, that’s what I mean! Nœkken.”

“Because I don’t take orders from anyone.” Beck retorted, intending to be scathing but coming off a bit juvenile. “The cops don’t tell me what to do; in fact, they follow me because I’m the best at what I do.” She felt her phone buzz but didn’t answer the text.
@KiwiTime I completely understand!
Writing a reply now. I have a sinus headache and a long workday ahead of me, so I’ll try to get it finished soon. I was SO much sicker yesterday, I kept reading your replies like... what am books, can’t do it, nah lmao.

“Oh! Ha! James, that’s very funny!” Evren stopped to laugh at what Duckie called them. “Calling us kids. The nerve!”
So the trip wandered to the bookstore, getting a lot of weird glances and looks along the way. Redhaven was a small town, so many passersby were at least a little bit familiar with Duckie, but it was certainly quite confronting to meet a skeleton on your way to work. Aava attracted a fair many stares as well, green hair trailing on the sidewalk and still a bit damp from the cup of water, but next to a literal ghoul she wasn’t so startling. A lot of pedestrians crossed the street to avoid passing the three undead, and cars slowed to a near halt so drivers could gawk at them. Evren seemed a bit uncomfortable at the attention but did his best to ignore it.
They entered the bookstore through a quite residential-looking aluminum screen door, which Evren cordially held open for his friends. Inside it was historic and dim, with built in shelves of dark wood along the walls, stuffed with books old and new. A trilling chime sounded as they entered, getting the attention of a young woman at a counter a few meters away. She looked up at them and immediately looked away, seeming a little scared as she returned to her book.
”(Would you like a book, Aava?)” Evren asked. He wasn’t sure what Aava had been doing for four hundred years, or even precisely where she’d been, but it was a safe assumption that she’d kept away from society. ”(Nearly all I do now is read. I could teach you, or just read something to you.)”
Beck crossed her arms and turned away from Hayato, casually leaning against a nearby streetlight. ”I don’t know who you work for, old man. I just heard the news this morning on my radio.” she said, pushing a twist of hair behind her ear. ”All I know is that hunting vampires is my game, and I’m wondering why you’re playing.”
@Eviledd1984 literally just realized Hayato is 56... somehow I misread that as 16 like a month ago and only just realized my mistake lmao. My bad 😅

Beck kept some distance from Hayato; he didn’t seem to know what he was looking for. She decided to take a risk, and leaned against the opposite side of the streetlight and sent a quick text to Vanessa. there’s a werewolf stalking your street, dude. look out front if u can.
“You’re out early.” Beck noted aloud to get the Yakuza’s attention after putting her phone away. “Heard on the radio about your friend; I still don’t like you, but I know you’re not a liar now. Why stick around Redhaven?”

I was thinking maybe Anastasia and Savannah could meet the trio in town?

"Of course you can come along, James." Evren replied politely. He took Aava's hand and gently lead his friends down the next street over. This was another cobblestone road with like sidewalks, and a few cars parked at meters. The historic red-brick buildings had lost some of their sheen in the decades and centuries since their construction, but still had a sturdiness that lent some aura of strength to those who came and went from the businesses. Small ethnic groceries and cafes dotted the way, along with a book store, an electronics repair shop, and a used clothing resale. Down the road was a nice looking apartment building and a park.
Evren gave Aava's hand a light squeeze to get her attention. "(Remember, we are not hunting. The mortals outnumber us, we must be careful.)" He paused a moment, "(Are you alright?)"
need anything? i'm nearby
Beck pursed her lips; that sounded a little creepy. But maybe she was overthinking it.
at the gas station. going back to boston for a few days, this town bites lol
Flawless recovery. She tossed her phone onto the passengers seat and drove out of the gas station parking lot and down the road. She had a few things to get from the grocery store on the next block. She stopped at a stop sign next to the bar where she'd last seen Vanessa, and taking a lazy glance out her window, she was more than surprised to see Hayato disappear into the building beside it. What the hell was he up to? She backed up to parallel park and took her phone again as she got out of the car, cautiously trailing the werewolf.
Lucian peered out of his window. He'd only just finished cleaning up the mess Evren and Aava had left in his apartment. The conspicuous trail of dirt and water that lead down his fir escape didn't make for a very easy conversation with the policemen who came to pick up the body. He'd been about half honest; some vampires came to him looking for help, but left in a hurry before he could ask what was the matter, and he'd never seen the body but had heard some shouting just after he must have died. He lived above a bar, of course he didn't think anything of a little yelling match.
Two murders last night, a werewolf and a Holy Guard. Stay out of trouble, they like to frame whelps for this kind of thing. he sent a text to Savannah, a new blood he knew in town. Whelps, new bloods, it was all the same; they could be meddlesome, especially famous ones. Besides meddlesome they made very good scapegoats when an Orlok was too slick to be caught.

Evren shook himself out of his stunned silence to hear Aava and Duckie talking over each other. ”(No, Hannelore is a friend. A good friend.)” he said softly as he tried extract himself from Aava’s grip. He did his best to unpack what Duckie was saying, but being hundreds of years old made him a little deaf to good-natured humor even in the best of times. ”A näkki is kind of like a siren, and we had a run in with a wolf this morning. But everything is fine now, and I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
Evren finished his statement a bit curtly; he was a bad liar. With a cooling sigh he gave each of them a small but tired smile. ”I had a few things to get in town. Would you join us, James?” he asked with what cheer he could summon. ”(Want to go to town?)”

Beck found herself on the other side of town after clearing her mind with some aimless driving. She pulled into a gas station and navigated to the diesel pumped. Even with a hybrid, joyriding was a bad habit.
She spaced out a bit as she topped off the tank, taking in her surroundings and finding herself just down from the road from where she left Vanessa. Probably not a bad idea to send a text; she had her number, it was only the polite thing to do.
Hope you’re healing up nicely.
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