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ooh I see, well that does explain a few more things, and why my last idea wasn't working out at all. alright well Glad we are getting this all hammered out now before the rp starts. so for the character pictures, do you want us to stick to photo's or drawings work too?

actually never mind that, I'm done arguing over that point. I'll just play a female from birth character. and we can move on.
I never said it was against their will, I was trying to say it was something they where very much okay with and even had some reason to want to be on the other side even. just didn't want it badly enough to make it a priority over the other things. and when it happened the are surprised but not upset as it was on their list of things they wanted.

I'm not trying to stomp on anyone toes, or even try to keep in that aspect to my character, just explain where my mind was. I'll respect that you guys have different options on this so I'm going to drop it, and not bring that up again.

my character was born female and remains that way. I'll go with that as your right none of us need/want the drama and this has turned into way more drama then I wanted. So lets just forget I even brought up the idea of me playing a trans char and I won't bring it up again. Sorry for causing a mess.
okay, I can see that this is also not being taken the way I intended either and last thing I want to do is make people uncomfortable.
I suppose this does highlight how everyone's journey is different, as I wasn't just making this up wholesale. but putting in personal experiences and having the char be where I'm at pre change and then get to explore vicariously what it might be like if I had the means to do such a transformation, as it's one I think I would take if I had the option. I guess I would fit more on that gender fluid side of things as there are certainly times I would love to have the option and there are times it's not such a big deal to me. and just never had to think about it to much until now.

anyways, as I said the last thing I want to do is make people uncomfortable as this is supposed to be fun, so if it's going to cause problems we can just say my char has always been female.
I understand about wanting to avoid transphobia, and really I wouldn't be going in that direction either that was not my idea at all.

it certainly did react to an inner desire to be one. I did want it to be a surprise to both of them a pleasant one but a surprise none the less. like that one ticket you bought just so happened to have the winning numbers. a big surprise but a good one.

so he may of given it some thought but maybe was to discouraged to think to much on it and hasn't really said much about it to his friend.
so can still that that wtf moment, but also be like ooh I just got a free upgrade. I think he's also going to have some culture shock moments both good and bad. though again he's still going to consider the change a good thing over all.

does that make sense?
<Snipped quote by CaptainManbeard>

Can I be the geomancer instead of you(if you and ktramos are okay with that, I mean)? The idea sounds more interesting than what I had anyway.

I'm fine with that long as I get a buddy to play with.

I did have two other ideas I thought might also stir the pot a little more, but can be left out if need be.

what if the geomancer and the artifacer knew each other before this all went down? could be another reason they where so quick to start working together. while they haven't worked on anything like this before, it would make more sense that they are the first person she asks.

And What if my character started out as a guy, but somehow when the powers where granted it transformed them into a girl? I think it would give some extra fun problems for them to work though
I like it sounds like fun, and I like that she'd have someone to more directly share in the inventions that way. She does have the ability to do it all herself if needed, but they do get along well and she's more then happy to let him do the heavy lifting if he wants. so they do end up working together a ton.
hello, well I'm interested. though I haven't seen any of those showws
still Anime works for me, and we can have magic in it if you want.

one idea that might be fun, we are a kitsune family, but some calamity happened when my char was quite young that caused my family to have to scatter. I got separated and was put under a powerful disguise spell. i was taken in and raised by another family never knowing about my true form as I was to young to remember it. fast forward to present day, the danger that caused the family to split is over, but the fate of a bunch of family members where never found out. but while I'm in school (either hs or college) I run into someone from my original family, while they don't recognize me right away, they do sense a familiar magic on me, and notice the amulet I'm wearing with the family crest and this does get them interested when I talk about what little I know about it, they revel theirs which gets my attention, we find out about the spell on me and get it dissolved leaving me quite different, and with a fair amount of adjusting to do.

also if you don't want to be family, you could instead be a close friend. and instead of finding my lost family right away (if ever), we have some unexpected encounter that finally breaks disguise spell. which also leads in to me needing help to adjust to new situation.

or I got other ideas if you don't like that one.
both of those sound great. hey the ability to decipher those special books, is how she gets the ability to build the machines, they give her the plans and blueprints on how to build and connect the pieces,and she gets the inspiration on what to build from her fantasy novels. I think she's also able to power the pieces while she's in them or holding them, so the ones she's using directly don't need fuel. but she can still build a fuel system if the gadget needs to function remotely.
well first thought is maybe more like steampunk style gadgets that are powered by her magic.
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